Terminator Salvation: Blu-Ray/DVD Out NOW! Directors Cut


55 (98%)

Set in post-apocalyptic 2018, John Connor is the man fated to lead the human resistance against Skynet and its army of Terminators. But the future Connor was raised to believe in is altered in part by the appearance of Marcus Wright, a stranger whose last memory is of being on death row. Connor must decide whether Marcus has been sent from the future, or rescued from the past. As Skynet prepares its final onslaught, Connor and Marcus both embark on an odyssey that takes them into the heart of Skynet’s operations, where they uncover the terrible secret behind the possible annihilation of mankind. Written by Warner Bros. Pictures







Official Trailer 4/ 4 Minute Clip:


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Ohh and if this in any way gives you the Dark Night feeling, remember that Jonathan Nolan also wrote this movie and did screenplay
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[quote name='Megalith']Uh, no he didn't.

Is that Michael Ironside?[/quote]

Uhh yes he did, look here: [SIZE=-1]Jonathan Nolan[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Screenplay (yahoo movies), he isnt credited on some website though[/SIZE]
Christopher Nolan had nothing to do with this movie. It was Jonathan Nolan. So only one of the Nolan brothers worked on this movie.

EDIT: Well this is bullshit. I just watched the 4th trailer and never knew he told Marcus his father was Kyle. John never told anyone who his father was. Well he might have Uncle Bob but I'm not sure. If Marcus' programming was able to send that to Skynet it could look up who Kyle Reese is and have him killed. That way if skynet was to fail trying to kill sarah then maybe it would not fail at killing kyle. Also that is wrong about them loseing the war if the t-800s are built. They were built in the war that was trying to be prevented and the resistance still won. We know that because when Kyle came back he had said that. As much as I want to see this thing I keep thinking it is going to shit all over the first two movies. Chances are I'm just going to call this one Salvation and forget the fact that it has to do with Terminator like I have done with Rise of the Machines.

EDIT2: I'm also thinking Marcus is from the future sent back by John. Maybe close to the end of the war. The first model of the machines to look like they were human were the 800 and Marcus is more advacned then they are or atleast seems that way from the previews. So it seems odd for him to be a 700 unless it does not go in order when they number them.

EDIT3: Ok this is the last edit and now I'm going to have to force myself to see this movie because
HOW THE fuck IS KYLE REESE NUMBER ONE ON SKYNETS GOD DAMN LIST!!!! On second thought John seems to be nothing to the resistance in this movie. So how is he number 2 on the list. John only gets on Skynets raidar once he becomes leader of the resistance and their is no point for Kyle to ever be on the fucking list. Kyle is nothing to Skynet. He would be number one if Skynet knew how important he is but Skynet knows nothing about that.
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I would like to think that the scene where John talks to Marcus face-to-face is a ploy, in that Marcus will be replaced with the CG Arnold T-800.
[quote name='blueweltall']I'm not watching anymore trailers. Trailers also ruin the movie for me.[/quote]

Same here, i need to back off of them until the movie comes out...
Well they have yet (that I know of) said Arnold's CG head is even in the movie. It was talked about but nothing official. Both McG and Arnold have said things along the line of you will have to see the movie to find out. I'm going to say that if Arnold's CG head is in this then it is at the end or after the credits and will be showing off Skynet puting the skin on the t-800.
[quote name='sendme']Well they have yet (that I know of) said Arnold's CG head is even in the movie. It was talked about but nothing official. Both McG and Arnold have said things along the line of you will have to see the movie to find out. I'm going to say that if Arnold's CG head is in this then it is at the end or after the credits and will be showing off Skynet puting the skin on the t-800.[/quote]

It been already done and Arnold watched the part and even was impressed how it looked. There taking his face from T1 and putting it on Roland Kickinger (i think thats his name) and the cameo most likely will be at the end of the movie...
[quote name='DaChicagoBear1']It been already done and Arnold watched the part and even was impressed how it looked. There taking his face from T1 and putting it on Roland Kickinger (i think thats his name) and the cameo most likely will be at the end of the movie...[/QUOTE]

Didn't know they already said it was done. Like I said last I knew they were just saying watch and see and that they were thinking of it. Also I remember reading that they were going to try it and see how well it looked. From the way I read it was if it looked like crap they were going to forget about doing it but if it looked good they were going to do it. This was all around the time people started posting pictuers of Arnold on the set. We might even see him as a member of the resistance. If I remember right the human look of the t 800 is based off of a resistance member that the captured. However I think that was said in one of the comics or books.

EDIT: Where are the clips coming from, other then Youtub? Well I guess I should be asking who is posting them or how are they geting them and why is WB leting them stay up. Hell if any more get posted by the 21st all or most of the movie will have been posted on Youtub.

Also one more thing that is bullshit in this movie is they are out during the day. Kyle said they hide during the day and come out at night to fight. Why are we seeing most or all of the fighting done during the day.

One last thing is what does John say in the "Who are you" clip before he says "I'm John Connnor".

EDIT: Damnit I know the plot alread and everything about Marcus well all that I think I need to know.
I'm willing to bet that John Connor sent Marcus back from the future to help him rescue Kyle. Marcus moves and acts to much like a human than all other Turminators. All forms of the 800, the t-1000 and the tx all had some movement that you could tell they were the machine. Marcus moves to much like a human. So the guy playing the part doesn't know what he is doing or Marcus is far more advanced then one would think for a 700. That is if he is the 700 like everyone thinks he is.
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I would think they would get him in the studio to do some scans of his face to do it or use his face from T2 if they were to take it from a past movie. I read on terminatorfiles.com where I read most of the stuff terminator related that the picture of sarah connor was taken from T2's film. Also it is going to be the one from the movies and not the one that looked like crap from the tv show. I'm also wondering how they are going to do this with Linda Hamlton doing a voice over for Salvation when her character is dead.
did you see some of the other clips that are about a minute or so long? I'm going to have to force myselft to watch this movie now. I'm sure if I get it on BD and I might just to add to the collection I will not keep it near the Terminator and T2 dvds.
[quote name='dinovelvet']How the hell can anyone say the movie looks good after watching something like this? Why is there a "cute" kid sidekick in it?[/quote]

He plays Kyle Reese and just b/c he might look cute to you:applause: doesnt mean he will act like it, Kyle reese is a BADA$$ and you wouldnt know that unless you have watched the first movie...
That is not the kid dinovelvet is talking about. thier were 3 in that clip; JC Kyle Reese and some kid. Also I don't think they are making Kyle out to be some bad ass in this movie. He is not a resistance fighter in Salvation. I find that odd because in The Terminator and T2 he was a resistance fighter and it seemed like he was always a resistance fighter.
[quote name='dinovelvet']How the hell can anyone say the movie looks good after watching something like this? Why is there a "cute" kid sidekick in it?[/QUOTE]

Maybe they must found him and were trying to get him out or something. Kind of hard to know without having seen the movie.

I'm so very excited to this this. No theaters near me are doing a midnight showing though :cry:
^ Thats what it is, he is someone that is found and he wants to keep him safe.
Ohh and i have a friend that watched it (screening) in CALI and said it was awesome, way better than T3 (no surprise) and lives up to its hype.
[quote name='sendme']That is not the kid dinovelvet is talking about. thier were 3 in that clip; JC Kyle Reese and some kid. Also I don't think they are making Kyle out to be some bad ass in this movie. He is not a resistance fighter in Salvation. I find that odd because in The Terminator and T2 he was a resistance fighter and it seemed like he was always a resistance fighter.[/quote]

But for a teenager, he has alot of balls for firing at a terminator that just owned Christian Bale (aka BATMAN!!! :) JK)
[quote name='hcamacho']First Batman, now Terminator....is there a trend here?Is Christian Bale the franchise savior....?[/quote]

The Terminator franchise really wasnt ruined like how Batman was, T3 was just something fans didnt really want to see b/c it went through the whole "One terminator wants to kill you, the other wants to save you" idea and people also thought it would be the last Terminator movie but now that T4 is coming, T3 isnt that bad
No people hate T3 because the jackassses that wrote and directed are dumb and shit all over the movie. The guy that directed it said he was a fan but did not do it any sort of justice. I will admit that at times it seemed like it could have been a good movie but at other times just felt to cartoonish. I also think people didn't like the fact that he killed off Sarah Connor even though I think before Kyle comes into play in the future she has to have been killed.

The Terminator franchise is not dead and the only one to ever be the "savior" of it would be James Cameron.

As for Kyle maybe this is showing how he becomes a resistance fighter. However if I remember correctly he tells Sarah that him and John are in and out of Skynet work camps together. I would think that with growing up during the war he would have been fighting and a part of the resistance from the day he could fire a gun. Also why the fuck are they fighting during the day. Even Kyle said in Terminator that they layed low during the day and fought at night. I still can't get over this aspect and don't know if I can. Why the fuck cant Cameron actually go back and work on this.
T3 basically got fucked up after everyone got greedy after the success of T2.

I thought that Cameron was ready and willing to go forth with a real T3, but politics got in the way. This was shortly after T2 though, and he probably couldn't care less about the franchise now, as it's fucked (I don't care what he tells the press about T3 and Salvation, you know he thinks it's fucked beyond repair).
I try and think of it that J-Day never happend and the alt ending is what really happend. However Cameron has said that he didn't like that ending and that is why it is the alt ending. I had read at one point Cameron was working on a script for T3 around 93-95 or so. However as we can all tell that changed. If I remember correctly it had some to do with geting a divorce from Linda Hamlton. I had also read somthing else as to why he would not do a T3 but don't remember why. Linda said she would do T3 also because of that but now I have read that she told them to fuck off after reading the script. Once she saw she was to die not even half way through T3 and it was from BS she said no. Come to think of it I want to say they were going to kill Sarah off by cancer even with Linda Hamlton in the movie. She told MTV that is why she would not do T3 a few months back when asked about her voice over in Salvation. It was on Terminatorfiles.com.

Also if you watch T2 with the commentary from Cameron and some other guy that worked on it they did it around the time Rise of the Machines was being filmed and Arnold was talking to Cameron atleast once a week. Cameron and this other guy were making fun of Rise of the Machins a few times. So I know he thought Rise of the Machines was shit and McG has never said Cameron liked Salvation. Cameron did see some early video of it but all that I have read was that Cameron didn't shit all over it. So from that I can only get that he didn't tell McG that he fucked the franchise up. So I'm going to guess that this is better then Rise of the Machines but not any close to T2 or Terminator.



Still pisses me off that places are thinking this was at one point an ending. If it was and does end up as an alt ending on the DVD or it ends up being true or even hinted at in the finle cut, I'm going to WB and requesting my money back. Then I'm going to tell them they are fucking killing this franchise and that they should fire everyone that is working on it, no longer print Rise of the Machines on DVD/BD and the same with Salvation. T:TSCC is better then Rise of the Machines and atleast the writers on it are trying to make it seem like it is an alt story line. Then they just need to start over. MGM needs to make a new Terminator with Cameron directing and only change the dates in the script. Then Lionsgate needs to do another T2 with Cameron and again change the script with new dates and then WB can do 3-6 with Cameron writing and directing them. Or hell WB and buy Terminator and T2 from MGM and Lionsgate however I don't see Lionsgate selling T2 and then WB can work on them with Cameron.
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[quote name='DaChicagoBear1']He plays Kyle Reese and just b/c he might look cute to you:applause: doesnt mean he will act like it, Kyle reese is a BADA$$ and you wouldnt know that unless you have watched the first movie...[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know who Kyle Reese is. And uh, Michael Biehn is WAY cuter than this Yelchin kid, who looks nothing remotely like him.

[quote name='sendme']That is not the kid dinovelvet is talking about. thier were 3 in that clip; JC Kyle Reese and some kid.[/QUOTE]

Yes that's who I meant. Yep folks, welcome to McG's badass PG13 Terminator movie, where we get a cute mute black kid who can sense danger! And he's in the whole film btw, read all about it here (spoilers within) :


Pathetic. In The Terminator, we had "fuck you, asshole", Ahnuld ramming his fist straight through a punk's abdomen and lifting him off the ground, then slaughtering 30 cops in a police precinct. McG gives us a cute kid, politically correct Female Empowerment messages, Matrix/Transformers wannabe action, and a PG-13 family friendly rating (Actually I don't blame McG for the rating, as this was probably demanded by the studio from the beginning.) Though McG is an ass for going to fan conventions and saying it was "hard action", and lying about getting James Cameron's blessing.
Well I keep reading worse and worse about this film and I'm going to have to try hard and harder to force myself to see it. Like you I can't blame McG for the pg-13 rating as it was the studio that was pushing for it so they can market crap to kids. That was the issue they had with it being R was the fact it would be harder to market toys to kids. I remember having toys from T2 as a kid and it being R. So what is different now. As for the politically correct BS, Matrix/Transformers action BS and all the other crap in the movie that is BS I think that is more of the writers than the director. So all that falls on Nolan and the only one that people are bitching about is McG. Like you said McG is still an ass for leting fans think it might have a chance at being R knowing it was PG-13 from the get go. Also I do some what remember him saying that Cameron gave him his blessing but I do remember him saying Cameron didn't shit all over it and to him that was his blessing. So if Cameron not shiting all over your take on his story is a blessing then you are fucking dumb. I could understand if Cameron liked it and said he did. I would then go into the theater wanting to like it and saying to my self "if it is good enough for Cameron it is good enough for me" however James has never came out and said he liked it.
I hope by that you have only seen Rise of the Machines. Your trying to say that Salvation looks better then T2 or even Terminator? Also I have to find it as it was not on terminatorfiles.com but McG said in an interview with scifiwire.com that only thing that was cut to make it pg-13 was some guy getting stabbed with a screwdriver and I think the ending they were going for that I posted in a link above. Also he decided to gut out a scene where moon bloodgood was naked because it took away the seriousness of the movie. I will try to find the articles and post them later.
Well seeing how we don't have an official thread and this comes out soon might as well make this it.

Terminator helmer McG clarifies his relationship with James Cameron

"He never gave me his blessing. He said, 'I reserve the right to like or not like your movie like any movie fan.' I said, 'I reserve the right to like or not like Avatar like any movie fan.' And we sort of giggled, and away we went.

Is it just me or in that quote is McG coming off as an ass to the guy how not only knows he is going to fuck his franchise up but also is why he is getting paid. If it was not for Cameron McG would not be working on Salvation because the Terminator franchise would not be here. All I have to say to that is way to piss off the guy who made the series.

How Terminator's Christian Bale helped beef up John Connor's role

From what I got from that article is that once Bale got on they rewrote it and added more Connor just so he was not outstaged. However if they were going to make it more around Marcus that is bullshit because thies movies were focused around the Connors.

McG talks Terminator Salvation's ratings, deleted scenes, boobs and rants

The more I read the more I wan't to hate this movie. All this came from scifiwire.com
As a huge fan of T1 and T2 I am really looking forward to this movie. I have a feeling i'm going to be really disappointed though. So as a fan I have expectation of how it should be, and i know my expectations are likely not going to be reality.

After reading the above link (not the major spoilers) I can now say for sure that It won't meet my expectations, so I guess it is time to lower them.
[quote name='steveinneed']As a huge fan of T1 and T2 I am really looking forward to this movie. I have a feeling i'm going to be really disappointed though. So as a fan I have expectation of how it should be, and i know my expectations are likely not going to be reality.

After reading the above link (not the major spoilers) I can now say for sure that It won't meet my expectations, so I guess it is time to lower them.[/QUOTE]

Same boat as you. I don't even count Rise of the Machines as a Terminator movie.

[quote name='JolietJake']He himself obviously wasn't shooting for PG-13, otherwise he never would have shot a topless scene.[/QUOTE]

I think he was doing what he said he was doing and just shooting to make the movie and was not going for PG-13 or R and that is why he shot the topless scene and the screwdriver scene. However I can see cutting the topless scene if it had no point other then to see if he could get bloodgood topless. I think that once he found out what little would need cut for it to be PG-13 he cut it with out even giving it a second thought. Hell I would to because thats just one more age group you can get into the movie. I really don't blame him for all of that. What I blame him for is all this time he would not say it was PG-13 and acted like he didn't know or that it still had not been rated. If it was me I would have said WB wanted it to be PG-13 and that I told them I was going to make the movie and not even try for the rating. Then once it was filmed and I found out all I had to do was cut one scene that chances are is nothing big enough to keep in it I would have cut it. So I would have done the same as McG however when asked I would have said it is PG-13 and that only one scene had to be cut to drop it from R to PG-13. The scene was nothing big and was only a guy getting stabbed with a screwdriver. I would have been upfront about it from day one and not fed all this BS about we will see. He knew then what is was rated and thats what pisses me off.

Hell it seems like some movies that are coming out now are PG-13 that when Terminator and T2 came out would have been R. So I'm wondering if Terminator and T2 would have been R or PG-13 by todays standerds.
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Thats why the PG-13 thing doesn't bother me that much. The fact that he tried to hide it is what pisses me off. I think if T2 was to come out today it would get a PG-13 rating and if it did get a R rating then not much would need cut or changed to drop it to PG-13. I think they are slowly leting more get by when it comes the ratings and would rather them get rid of the scenes that don't make since or don't really work to well and if they get a PG-13 rating then ok if not oh well. I don't like when they cut the stuff just to get the rating. If that makes any since at all.

I'm starting to even wonder if Marcus is even a T-700 now. The T-800s were more advanced then the 700s and you could tell in how they moved that it was to stiff. At least the way Arnold and Glau played them they did. Marcus moves to human like and I'm starting to think he might have been sent by JC from the future of the war and is a T-900. However the ending that was leaked kills this idea and I really hope that is just some BS McG put out there to mess with people.
Saw this on G4 and my jaw dropped and now that it is on sideshow I really want this damn thing.


Only two things stopping me from getting it is the lack of the room to put it and the money. On the G4 special they had the person from Legacy Effects aka Stan Winston Studios and that thing looks really nice. It has motion detection or sound detection and will move its head, eyes light up red and I think it has sound also. I'm not sure what the bust has.
All of the people talking about how "if T2 was released now it would be PG-13" are forgetting one very important thing, there is no way that they could say fuck that many times in a PG-13 movie.
[quote name='Disneyboy']All of the people talking about how "if T2 was released now it would be PG-13" are forgetting one very important thing, there is no way that they could say fuck that many times in a PG-13 movie.[/QUOTE]

And even if you get past that, there's still a lot of brutality that would need to be trimmed - Sarah clubbing the orderly in the face, the T-1000 stabbing John's stepfather, stabbing the lookalike guard in the eye, and twisting the blade when he sticks it in Sarah, the random guy getting shot multiple times by the T-1000 when he's trying to hit Ahnuld, all this stuff would need to be trimmed. Its way beyond the 'hard" PG13s of today like Casino Royale (which had to have two fight scenes edited down)

Not to even mention the overall tone of the film, which would qualify as that questionable thing they call "adult themes" such as the Terminator being OK with kneecapping/crippling random cops, and the film playing it for laughs. No studio in the politically correct era of 2009 would put that into a summer blockbuster.
bread's done