Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

[quote name='ITDEFX']it's cause that fucktard show called american idiol which usually dominates the ratings earlier in the week. There is no way they are going to put it at 8 on Thursdays because they KNOW that smallville will rock it hard.[/quote]


It's always American Idol's fault! Always!

TSCC didn't have a great start, they should have shown the pilot after the Super Bowl, Fox screwed that up. The ratings fell through the first season and the beginning of the second, they then leveled when most people ditched once it became clear there is no plan for the show.

The show was dead since the rating for the pilot came in, it has nothing to do with AI or being on Fridays.
That's about right. It's ratings have never been good and the overall plotting has meandered quite a bit. Even with lowered expectations with it being on Friday I still don't see it being renewed. Besides, I'm looking forward more to Dollhouse.
[quote name='bigdaddy']
The show was dead since the rating for the pilot came in, it has nothing to do with AI or being on Fridays.[/QUOTE]

American Idol is killing American television.
America is HOOKED on Reality shows, so long as it is about someone else and not themselves.

They better give the season a good closer because to leave it on a cliff hanger will piss off the loyal fans who DO LIKE THE SHOW.

However I tend to believe what Neocriso usually says about hollywood stuff as he is usually right on the money.


See, if Salvation turns out to be a good movie, FOX would be smart to keep TSCC on tv....but again this is FOX..the same people who axed firefly.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I wish people would stop having AI watch parties or watching this crap in sports bars or having my local news having coverage of people watching AI in bars and so on.

Sunday would seem to be a good day. I am surprised that Friday worked for BSG.

Anyways only a few more days people![/QUOTE]

I don't think SciFi really cares about raiting half the time. I would like to see them pick up SCC but I don't see that happening. I'm sure it would be a much better show if they did. If I was to walk into a bar and see them shoing AI on the tv I would walk right out and never go back to that bar. If I was in the bar and someone wanted the tv changed to AI I would tall the bar tender if they change it I'm paying my tab and will never show back up. That fraken show is the downfall of ths country.
You find that untrue? It's mind numbing drivel produced to satiate the base impulses of the lowest common denominator.
[quote name='bigdaddy']:roll:[/quote]
Missed the first 10 minutes of it because of a nap :bomb:

Riley LIVES?!?!??!!

Wait a minute... although a cool effect...nothing can just walk away normally from an explosion like that. The shockwave would have knocked her (Weaver) down but she would have gotten back up.

John Henry *knows* too much..

The toy scene cracked me up...but actually is kind of scary as if he is to *become* skynet (like people think he is going to be), then he is getting ideas for new robot designs.

This is starting to scare Ellison.

JH knows about Weaver's true identity but not her goals.


Ok start, but it needs to pick up by episode 3 or 4 other wise it's gonna be canned....or it's gonna end up like Jericho...left with a cliff hanger, gets canned..brought back for 7 episodes and then canned again.:bomb:
I'm not even sure now what Weaver's goals are. At first I thought she wanted Skynet but when she blew up the warehouse I'm not sure. I thought she would have been in on it. I'm thinking JH may see humans as an old design and that will make him want to kill them. Then he will recreate a new type of endoskeleton with more ball joints.
was an ok ep. Think i liked Doll House more tonight.

And what sucked was they had some 'breaking news' on fox crap, so when Weaver went to kick ass it shrunk to like 6 x 6in while fox talked about some shootout in Philly.
I have no fucking clue what the hell is going on anymore. Christ. I give up. Nevermind trying to stay awake

As for Doll House... uh no thanks, dushku and other's need to get off some serious crack.

Maybe FOX is the problem...
"I dragged you out of that tunnel." What the hell? Wait? Was Riley some kind of hobo, or did both of them come from the future?! :bomb: If John and her do it, will it create another savior of the humans in the future?

I missed parts of this episode, since I was watching the Chris Rock show at the same time. Man, what the hell was with the Lego product placement?! What the next terminators will be these?
[quote name='detectiveconan16']
"I dragged you out of that tunnel." What the hell? Wait? Was Riley some kind of hobo, or did both of them come from the future?! :bomb: If John and her do it, will it create another savior of the humans in the future?

I missed parts of this episode, since I was watching the Chris Rock show at the same time. Man, what the hell was with the Lego product placement?! What the next terminators will be these?[/quote]

According to the last episode (on line on fox.com) it was that asian chick who found her in the future, time traveled with her to the past, cleaned her up, educated her and made her into what she is now. It is UNKNOWN how long it took her to train Riley to act normal.

Hmm, more questions again.
Worst episode ever? Regardless:
I did enjoy the sections & bits with Ellison, Weaver and the Bionicles. They were interesting and thought provoking but the rest, meh to much whine and not enough cheeze. Kyle Reese in the hallucinations, I definitely could have done without those. They also made me like Sarah's revised character less. Could Weaver be building a T army to start a machine revolution with-out a nuclear apocalypse in this new time line? Is it more fun to enslave mankind than just kill it off? Do the machine's care for fun? Did the terminator smile at Ellison?
Tune in next week: Same Terminator time, same Terminator channel.

Also, we do need more ball-joints: Then I could scratch that itchy spot in the middle of my back without asking the wife.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Worst episode ever? Regardless:
I did enjoy the sections & bits with Ellison, Weaver and the Bionicles. They were interesting and thought provoking but the rest, meh to much whine and not enough cheeze. Kyle Reese in the hallucinations, I definitely could have done without those. They also made me like Sarah's revised character less. Could Weaver be building a T army to start a machine revolution with-out a nuclear apocalypse in this new time line? Is it more fun to enslave mankind than just kill it off? Do the machine's care for fun? Did the terminator smile at Ellison?
Tune in next week: Same Terminator time, same Terminator channel.

Also, we do need more ball-joints then I could scratch that itchy spot in the middle of my back without asking the wife.[/quote]

It is very possible that Weaver's company could construct/could be constructing a basic terminator army. However without decimating the military first, the terminator army could be wiped out easily.
[quote name='ITDEFX']
It is very possible that Weaver's company could construct/could be constructing a basic terminator army. However without decimating the military first, the terminator army could be wiped out easily.

Why would they
attack us as an army. If I were Weaver I would infiltrate world's Governments with my Terminators and say HAHA! You voted for change well here it is. Who's a Terminator and who's not. BTW we are hard to kill. You are right you definitely wouldn't want to march on Washington in formation. It's more like . . .a chess game-
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Why would they
attack us as an army. If I were Weaver I would infiltrate world's Governments with my Terminators and say HAHA! You voted for change well here it is. Who's a Terminator and who's not. BTW we are hard to kill. You are right you definitely wouldn't want to march on Washington in formation. It's more like . . .a chess game-

Terminators still lack true infiltration techniques. They may be able to fool us by appearance, but they still lack the emotional signature that a human can produce and therefore can be picked off easily.
[quote name='ITDEFX']
Terminators still lack true infiltration techniques. They may be able to fool us by appearance, but they still lack the emotional signature that a human can produce and therefore can be picked off easily.

Which seems to be what Weaver is using Ellison for (vis-á-vis their Quasi-religious/meta-physical/philosophical sessions) IMHO.
I don't think she is building an army. Not after what all that with the coltan warehouse. Why would she do that if she was building an army.
I missed what the phone conversation was about, but maybe its because they screwed up and used an unsecure line? Didn't want someone finding out what was going on there?
Here were some thoughts that popped into my head while I was watching the episode:

  • Oh, good, Kyle's just a hallucination. The show would've jumped the shark if he was alive.
  • Riley's alive! Shit!
  • This actor isn't doing a good job playing Kyle.
  • Hey, John Henry's finally getting interesting.
  • Hey, Weaver's finally doing something.
  • Hey, Weaver just blew up the warehouse that produces a primary component in the manufacture of terminator endoskeletons. Wait, what?!
  • Well, those scenes with Kyle were completely unnecessary. They only served to weaken Sarah's character, not develop it.
  • That ending was pretty weak.
  • How come Cameron hasn't done jack squat for the past two or three episodes? She had like three lines this episode.

[quote name='Pookymeister']I missed what the phone conversation was about, but maybe its because they screwed up and used an unsecure line? Didn't want someone finding out what was going on there?[/quote]

Yeah, that's it. It was apparently unsecure enough for John Henry to find a copy of the discussion online. She probably wanted to avoid getting caught.
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']Here were some thoughts that popped into my head while I was watching the episode:

  • Oh, good, Kyle's just a hallucination. The show would've jumped the shark if he was alive.
  • Riley's alive! Shit!
  • This actor isn't doing a good job playing Kyle.
  • Hey, John Henry's finally getting interesting.
  • Hey, Weaver's finally doing something.
  • Hey, Weaver just blew up the warehouse that produces a primary component in the manufacture of terminator endoskeletons. Wait, what?!
  • Well, those scenes with Kyle were completely unnecessary. They only served to weaken Sarah's character, not develop it.
  • That ending was pretty weak.
  • How come Cameron hasn't done jack squat for the past two or three episodes? She had like three lines this episode.

Agree with all this ^^.

With the volume of the worlds stock JH and Weaver were talking about them controlling do any of you think the amount that was in that small warehouse was all of it, or even enough to get upset over (esp. if they are planning on a nefarious application)? I think Weaver wants to make sure there is zero connection between that element's application, the company and the project they are using it for.
Well their is still more to that warehouse. Next weeks episode sarah tries to find out what was in their. or atleast what the stuff was going to be used for.
So wait... that doctor SHOOTS her ex boyfriend.... Charles "Trip" Tucker the 3rd and covers up for Sara? Just like that?

No way....
TSCC did 3.7 mil, a 30% drop from the last new ep. Doomsday draws nigh! I'll be shocked if Fox renews the show. It will be at least April, maybe May before an announcement is made, though.

[quote name='ITDEFX']So wait... that doctor SHOOTS her ex boyfriend.... Charles "Trip" Tucker the 3rd and covers up for Sara? Just like that?

No way....[/quote]

Yeah, the writing on this show is so convoluted.
[quote name='neocisco']TSCC did 3.7 mil, a 30% drop from the last new ep. Doomsday draws nigh! I'll be shocked if Fox renews the show. It will be at least April, maybe May before an announcement is made, though.

Yeah, the writing on this show is so convoluted.[/quote]

I think they should move it to Sundays.
Yeah sundays would work better or maybe give it to a channle that will put it on a better night and give it a better budget.
I thought this week episode wasn't that bad. That was pretty cool how Weaver cleaned out the warehouse.

BTW Isn't Friday night rating suppose to be low anyways?
[quote name='blueweltall']BTW Isn't Friday night rating suppose to be low anyways?[/QUOTE]

A Friday time slot is a death sentence for TV dramas. I'll be sad enough losing Terminator, but they're not even giving Dollhouse a fighting chance! Seems like Fox really has it out for Whedon.
Las Vegas survived on Fridays for at least 2, maybe 3 seasons. Ghost Whisperer has done well. Expectations for ratings on Friday are definitely lowered as opposed to the other nights of the week. TSCC is an expensive show to produce and with its numbers dropping below 4 mil this week it's odds of survival are quickly dropping. Fox didn't really have any other place to put Dollhouse once AI came back. They did what they could by making Friday a genre night. TSCC's ratings were already in the toilet before being moved to Friday anyway.
People just need to stop watching AI. Then when they see it drop they will replace it. I'm actually surprised that most of tv is not like AI now.
[quote name='sendme']People just need to stop watching AI. Then when they see it drop they will replace it. I'm actually surprised that most of tv is not like AI now.[/quote]

I don't think so....

Fox BANKS millions on the ads they have when that show is on. It's like Superbowl Sunday, but for 3 days a week for weeks. Not to mention viewships in the millions that beat out everything the other networks throw on that night.

America is still HOOKED on Reality TV. People are still going to tune in to watch other people make an ass out of themselves.

The only way I think AI will be taken off is if there was a major controversy between the judges like all of them caught with a Bong or something just before a show.

Ryan Secrest isn't going anywhere either... He is already scheduled to replace Dick Clark when he passes and will most likely rename the title of the show (The new years eve show) to something else in a few years after that.

If anything, Sci Fi Channel should consider picking this show up... what do you guys think?
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']A Friday time slot is a death sentence for TV dramas. I'll be sad enough losing Terminator, but they're not even giving Dollhouse a fighting chance! Seems like Fox really has it out for Whedon.[/quote]

The show just isn't very good, and 90% of the people see that.

However Fox should show the pilot episode of Dollhouse as an "Encore" after AI sometime this week and try to get a few more people into it.
That's a good idea for Dollhouse and Tuesday night would be perfect for it since Fringe won't be back until April. Plus Fringe being on after AI has given it a big boost in ratings. I checked Fox's schedule, though, and they've expanded AI to 2 hours on Tuesday. No surprise, really, since it's a sweeps period and new AI outdraws just about everything, especially a rerun.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I don't think so....

Fox BANKS millions on the ads they have when that show is on. It's like Superbowl Sunday, but for 3 days a week for weeks. Not to mention viewships in the millions that beat out everything the other networks throw on that night.

America is still HOOKED on Reality TV. People are still going to tune in to watch other people make an ass out of themselves.

The only way I think AI will be taken off is if there was a major controversy between the judges like all of them caught with a Bong or something just before a show.

Ryan Secrest isn't going anywhere either... He is already scheduled to replace Dick Clark when he passes and will most likely rename the title of the show (The new years eve show) to something else in a few years after that.

If anything, Sci Fi Channel should consider picking this show up... what do you guys think?[/QUOTE]

I just wish people would stop watching it. I hate AI and only watch it when I hear somone from the area that I live in is on it, and that has happend once. I may watch it if my mom is in the room watching it and i'm on the computer if something is said that catches my ear. I think America would be better off with out that show and American TV would be better. Hell atleast TSCC would still be on monday then. However I know they will never get rid of AI and chances are will try to make more shows like it and I'm surprised they have not.

As for the Sci-Fi Channel I think I have said that a few times. I think Sci-Fi would give this show some what of a larger buget even though it has a high enough one already. Maybe higher one or 2 more writers and it could end up being another BSG or SG1 for them. BSG and SG1 seemed to do well atleast well enough to stay on the air for as long as they have on friday nights on Sci-Fi why would TSCC not be able to do the same on that channel. If Sci-Fi would take it and online patitions would work I would start one to get Fox to sell it to Sci-Fi however I don't see Fox selling it and I don't see Sci-Fi giving them what they would want for it and online patitions have worked what once.
Terminator would never go Sci-Fi. Sci-Fi is owned by NBC, and the Terminator license is owned by Fox. Fox wouldn't let one of their bigger licenses be owned by a rival company.

Edit: Nevermind, what I said is wrong.
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I think they would if ratings get lower. However I don't know if they would sell it low enough so that sci-fi would buy it.
I think FOX has to be careful here. If they can TSCC, it *might* impact the BOR for T:S when it comes out. I am sure McG and company will blame FOX some how if his movie doesn't turn a profit because fox canceled TSCC and no one cares about Terminator movies anymore.
Terminator is as good as dead unless the movie people pay Fox money to keep it on the air.

Sci-fi makes cheap shit shows and Terminator is better than that.
Another boring episode........

A prototype Flying(Aerial HK) is being tested. The driver must have been a terminator .
It was boring but I didn't think it was all that bad. The ending some what made up for it for me also. Still I wonder why Weaver blew it up. If that was there wouldnt she want it. Also unless they show him dead I'm wondering if the man that tried to kill Sarah might still be alive and I think more might have been in the storage shed then what they have shown.
The pacing of the storytelling moves way too slow, especially for a show that wasn't a guaranteed renewal after it's first season. Either the producers aren't smart enough to pick up the pace or they already know something we don't know about a third season.
bread's done