The '2008 is my year to lose weight!' thread

I've been losing weight for several years very slowly. Three years ago I used to be 245 lbs. Right now I'm 175. After I had my daughter in July 2007 I was 215 lbs. I'm aiming for 145 lbs.
I had something happen to me yesterday that had never happened to me before... During the big 10k race here in Mobile... mainly due to poor strategy and intense heat and humidity... I didnt finish my race... in fact, I made it to the 6 mile mark of a 6.2 mile race... I was so out of it, I thought I had finished and was seeing things... pretty scary stuff

Blame poor pacing for the mishap... what is sad was if I had actually finished, I would have set a personal record... I was so out of it though... I went out too quickly, so quick that the first half of the race which I ran in 20 mins flat, was the third fastest 5k time I had ever ran... and I still had 3.1 miles left to do... it all became a little blurry after 5 miles... I was so set on beating my best time I nearly passed out... always next time...

Took today off... will take a light run tomorrow in training for an 8k in a couple weeks (slightly under 5 miles)... will not be so careless next time
So, I was around 190 for months. I wanted to burn some midsection fat, but otherwise, I wanted to get bigger.

I only went to the gym 4 times in 4 weeks (as opposed to my usual 20) due to missing one week from sickness, 1 when my Marine friend was here on leave, and going 2 days each of the other 2 weeks.

On top of that, I have been eating less due to Adderall suppressing my appetite.

Somehow, I lost EIGHTEEN POUNDS. I'm at 172 now. I am slightly weaker, but my strength is mostly intact- I'm lifting 5-10 pounds less, per exercise, on average- and I look just as musuclar. Apparently I lost only fat and water weight.
[quote name='Matt Young']Somehow, I lost EIGHTEEN POUNDS. I'm at 172 now. I am slightly weaker, but my strength is mostly intact- I'm lifting 5-10 pounds less, per exercise, on average- and I look just as musuclar. Apparently I lost only fat and water weight.[/QUOTE]

If you are lifting 5-10 lbs less, you obviously lost a little more then fat and water weight. But, losing weight while maintaining all your muscle is actually pretty damn hard, so I guess you didn't do too bad.
[quote name='Matt Young']So, I was around 190 for months. I wanted to burn some midsection fat, but otherwise, I wanted to get bigger.

I only went to the gym 4 times in 4 weeks (as opposed to my usual 20) due to missing one week from sickness, 1 when my Marine friend was here on leave, and going 2 days each of the other 2 weeks.

On top of that, I have been eating less due to Adderall suppressing my appetite.

Somehow, I lost EIGHTEEN POUNDS. I'm at 172 now. I am slightly weaker, but my strength is mostly intact- I'm lifting 5-10 pounds less, per exercise, on average- and I look just as musuclar. Apparently I lost only fat and water weight.[/quote]

I am so jealous. I've been hovering around 195-200 for the better part of a year (down from my high of 230+). I can't seem to stop eating but I'm exercising 5 days a week for about 2 hours each day (1 hour of lifting and 1 hour of cardio). I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get down to 180-185 but I have no idea how to go about this and make it stick - I could starve myself for a month or two but we all know that would come back eventually...
What kind of food are you eating?

After I broke the 200 range I had a hard time getting in the 180's (I'm stuck between 183-185).
[quote name='javeryh']I am so jealous. I've been hovering around 195-200 for the better part of a year (down from my high of 230+). I can't seem to stop eating but I'm exercising 5 days a week for about 2 hours each day (1 hour of lifting and 1 hour of cardio). I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to get down to 180-185 but I have no idea how to go about this and make it stick - I could starve myself for a month or two but we all know that would come back eventually...[/QUOTE]

Obviously, don't do the supermodel diet and stop eating. Last summer I went from 230 to 185 while eating 2700 to 3200 calories a day. Just make sure you are keeping on your workout schedule (1 hour of cardio and 1 hour of lifting seems plenty good) but more importantly, watch what you eat . If you really want to lose those 10 lbs, you could lose a steady 1.5 to 2 lbs a week if you just make a super lean diet and stick with it every day. No cheating!

Check out this diet also, will give you some pointers on what to do.
[quote name='Matt Young']So, I was around 190 for months. I wanted to burn some midsection fat, but otherwise, I wanted to get bigger.

I only went to the gym 4 times in 4 weeks (as opposed to my usual 20) due to missing one week from sickness, 1 when my Marine friend was here on leave, and going 2 days each of the other 2 weeks.

On top of that, I have been eating less due to Adderall suppressing my appetite.

Somehow, I lost EIGHTEEN POUNDS. I'm at 172 now. I am slightly weaker, but my strength is mostly intact- I'm lifting 5-10 pounds less, per exercise, on average- and I look just as musuclar. Apparently I lost only fat and water weight.[/quote]
That sounds a lot like your body began protein sparing. Basically since you're body can't utilize food for energy, it just burnt the fat instead. The body is good enough to keep your muscle system intact during this process. People say you can hit the protein sparing stage after 2 days of water fasting as well.
[quote name='afedock']Obviously, don't do the supermodel diet and stop eating. Last summer I went from 230 to 185 while eating 2700 to 3200 calories a day. Just make sure you are keeping on your workout schedule (1 hour of cardio and 1 hour of lifting seems plenty good) but more importantly, watch what you eat . If you really want to lose those 10 lbs, you could lose a steady 1.5 to 2 lbs a week if you just make a super lean diet and stick with it every day. No cheating!

Check out this diet also, will give you some pointers on what to do.[/quote]

Thanks a lot for the link. The problem is not sticking to the gym schedule (it's the best part of my day other than seeing my kids and the only time I truly have to myself - I actually like getting up at 5:30 to go work out) but the fact that I have a stationary desk job. I try not to snack on things other than fruit and granola bars (and I drink a lot of water) but my lunches and dinners are kind of whatever is there. I really need someone to plan out my meals - if I had that I think I could stick to it.
[quote name='javeryh']Thanks a lot for the link. The problem is not sticking to the gym schedule (it's the best part of my day other than seeing my kids and the only time I truly have to myself - I actually like getting up at 5:30 to go work out) but the fact that I have a stationary desk job. I try not to snack on things other than fruit and granola bars (and I drink a lot of water) but my lunches and dinners are kind of whatever is there. I really need someone to plan out my meals - if I had that I think I could stick to it.[/QUOTE]

I get out my laptop and send you one of my diets I have used, maybe it will help you a little. Do you eat anything before you to go to the gym? Ill try and edit the diet I used so it pertains to you more.
[quote name='afedock']I get out my laptop and send you one of my diets I have used, maybe it will help you a little. Do you eat anything before you to go to the gym? Ill try and edit the diet I used so it pertains to you more.[/quote]

Cool thanks!

I do not eat anything before the gym. I have a hard time working out with a full belly... I get up, drink a glass of water and go to the gym...
Something in your stomach could give you a good boost at the gym. Maybe a bit of oatmeal and a banana. Or some yogurt. Getting some sugar (from fruit) in your system helps me feel less drained and hungry after a workout.
One of my old diets

GLV = Green Leafy Vegetables
EFA = Essential Fatty Acids (omega 3, 5's)
PWO = Post Workout Shake
Hb = lean Hamburger meat

Everything I say on there I mean just that. If i say Hb, I mean the leanest Hb you can buy with just some herbs or like mustard mixed in, no bread or cheese or anything...just meat on a plate. Same goes for everything else, just lean foods.
I'm going to Universal Studios in July, hooray! Now time to get serious again.

I'm actually gonna join my fitness center downstairs next weekend (as this is a very very dirt poor week for me, lol).

I have asthma, so it IS hard for me to work out hard..and long. So all of you sexy ass people and their workouts (BTW, I am very sad that you guys aren't posting any pics :lol:) should give me some advice on what to do :(

What I want: Drop some fat (that I know how to do, i've lost 15 already), and just GENERALLY tone up. What would I have to do, to see SOME results by mid july? Keep in mind again.. I can't be on a treadmill for like an hour+ :(

I don't mind lifting, so please.. details ^_^
This looks to be my year too. I am a 22 year old college senior. On November 27th, 2007, the day that I finally started my weight loss plan, I weighed 353 lbs and am 5'7. So far I have cut out all calorie laden sodas and only drink diet now. I also go to the gym 6 times a week for 60-90 minutes at a time. Now I am down to 318 as of a few days ago and am feeling pretty damn good. Even though I still have a long way to go, I can now go up the stairs to my classes without getting winded so yay.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any particular advice on anything I could do extra to help the weight loss. I am not aiming to lose too fast, I want to make sure this stays off even if it means taking an extra year or two.
[quote name='afedock']One of my old diets

GLV = Green Leafy Vegetables
EFA = Essential Fatty Acids (omega 3, 5's)
PWO = Post Workout Shake
Hb = lean Hamburger meat

Everything I say on there I mean just that. If i say Hb, I mean the leanest Hb you can buy with just some herbs or like mustard mixed in, no bread or cheese or anything...just meat on a plate. Same goes for everything else, just lean foods.[/QUOTE]

I'm gonna be a pain in the ass, sorry. I'm reading your chart and I have a few questions.

I see that every day is the beginning.. so what's "Oats" and 2 scoops protein. Clearly this isn't together. What protein did you use..and what exactly do you mean by oats..Oatmeal?

By Cardio, I understand..workout I assume you mean lifting (strength training, am I right?) and then of course abs. Why did you do Abs once a week? Also, what exactly did you do? (for the abs that once a week).

Sadly with my work schedule, I probably won't be able to take enough breaks to eat several meals :( And I see that you exercised twice a day for 2 different days. I'd like to do that..but it would be before & after work. Grr. That does sound like a good idea though ^_^

I have no idea what a good post work out shake would be. Help? :)
As for green leafy vegetables the only thing I know is spinach and romain (?) lettuce..what else would be a good choice?

Tuna is the only EFA that I am aware of. What else?
Last, I don't normally eat ground beef..I actually buy ground turkey and ground chicken..(depending whats on sale, LOL) as they are both normally lean. So THIS is fine, am I right?

sorry to be a pain in the ass ^_^
[quote name='lilboo']
I see that every day is the beginning.. so what's "Oats" and 2 scoops protein. Clearly this isn't together. What protein did you use..and what exactly do you mean by oats..Oatmeal?

I buy uncooked "old fashioned" oats. I think oatmeal is the same thing, just not in those little packets. Anyways, Every morning I eat this, but I don't cook the oats with water and microwave like most people. I just put it into a cup, put my protein in a different cup, put the raw oats in my mouth, put protein in my mouth, chew and swallow. I found if I cook the oatmeal it becomes hard for me to eat a good amount of it before I get sick of it. I use whatever whey protein I have, usually optimum nutrition or the shitty vitamin shoppe brand bodytech, which I can get for less online.

[quote name='lilboo']
By Cardio, I understand..workout I assume you mean lifting (strength training, am I right?) and then of course abs. Why did you do Abs once a week? Also, what exactly did you do? (for the abs that once a week).

Ya, workout is my lifting. I'll post the workout split I used also so you can see how I broke down the week. Looking at the split, you can see I did abs more then once a week. I was doing a special abs program at that time and where I said abs on the diet, that was like my special abs only day where I concentrated only on abs. I also do 100 push ups, 50 pull ups, and an 8 minute abs like routine every night, so my abs were getting worked every day alittle bit.

My old workout split

Ab routine

[quote name='lilboo']
I have no idea what a good post work out shake would be. Help? :)
As for green leafy vegetables the only thing I know is spinach and romain (?) lettuce..what else would be a good choice?

Best PWO there is

Calculator for ingrediants

[quote name='lilboo']
Tuna is the only EFA that I am aware of. What else?
Last, I don't normally eat ground beef..I actually buy ground turkey and ground chicken..(depending whats on sale, LOL) as they are both normally lean. So THIS is fine, am I right?
Ya man, turkey is probably better anyways. For the EFA's, You can buy supplement pills, like fish oils, for omega 3's. For omega 6's, I would take a TBSP shot of pure safflower oil
[quote name='lilboo']
sorry to be a pain in the ass ^_^[/QUOTE]

No problem as long as I'm not wasting my time.

Here is a "bodybuilders grocery list" , credit goes to for compiling it.

Bodybuilder's Grocery List

Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast
Tuna (water packed)
Fish (salmon, seabass, halibut)
Extra Lean Ground Beef or Ground Round (92-96%)
Protein Powder
Egg Whites or Eggs
Ribeye Steaks or Roast
Top Round Steaks or Roast (aka Stew Meat, London Broil, Stir Fry)
Top Sirloin (aka Sirloin Top Butt)
Beef Tenderloin (aka Filet, Filet Mignon)
Top Loin (NY Strip Steak)
Flank Steak (Sir Fry, Fajita)
Eye of Round (Cube Meat, Stew Meat, Bottom Round , 96% Lean Ground Round)
Ground turkey, Turkey Breast Slices or cutlets (fresh meat, not deli cuts), ground chicken


Oatmeal (Old Fashioned or Quick Oats)
Sweet Potatoes
Beans (pinto, black, kidney)
Oat Bran Cereal
Rye Cereal
Brown Rice
Farina (Cream of Wheat)
Multigrain Hot Cereal
Whole wheat or Spinach Pasta
Rice (white, jasmine, basmati, Arborio, wild)
Potatoes (red, baking, new)


Green Leafy Lettuce (Green Leaf, Red, Leaf, Romaine)
String Beans
Bell Peppers
Brussels Sprouts
Green or Red Pepper


(if acceptable on diet): bananas, apples, grapefruit, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, lemons or limes


Natural Style Peanut Butter
Olive Oil or Safflower Oil
Nuts (peanuts, almonds
Flaxseed Oil


Low-fat cottage cheese
Low or Non-Fat Milk
Bottled Water


Diet Soda
Crystal Light
Fat Free Mayonnaise
Reduced Sodium Soy Sauce
Reduced Sodium Teriyaki Sauce
Balsamic Vinegar
Hot Peppers and Hot Sauce
Chili powder
Mrs. Dash
Steak Sauce
Sugar Free Maple Syrup
Chili Paste
Extracts (vanilla, almond, etc )
Low Sodium beef or chicken broth
Plain or reduced sodium tomatoes sauce, puree, paste)
I'll try to help answer some of these :)

[quote name='lilboo']I'm gonna be a pain in the ass, sorry. I'm reading your chart and I have a few questions.

I see that every day is the beginning.. so what's "Oats" and 2 scoops protein. Clearly this isn't together. What protein did you use..and what exactly do you mean by oats..Oatmeal?[/Quote]

I'm guessing he used whey protein isolate, not sure what he uses but thats what I use. Right now I'm using the Six Star Chocolate brand found at Wal Mart, $16 for 2 pounds. If you need to know about whey protein more just ask, one of us will answer. Before the Six Star stuff I used Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Strawberry Whey. I just switched because it was cheaper and I needed it without waiting for shippings so I bought Six Star at Wal Mart.

Oats, quite simply means oats. lol. Oatmeal is fine as long as you get a good kind and not one with all the flavors built in. Look for the ingredients to only include rolled oats.

By Cardio, I understand..workout I assume you mean lifting (strength training, am I right?) and then of course abs. Why did you do Abs once a week? Also, what exactly did you do? (for the abs that once a week). [/Quotes]

Abs once (or twice) a week is all anybody should do. They are a muscle group and need time to recover just like any other. Doing 100+ situp/crunches a day won't do you any good. Many other fundamental excercises work your core like deadlifts, squats, and pull ups so theres no need to do abs a lot many like most people will believe.

I'll let him answer the part of what he does, if he sees this.

Sadly with my work schedule, I probably won't be able to take enough breaks to eat several meals :( And I see that you exercised twice a day for 2 different days. I'd like to do that..but it would be before & after work. Grr. That does sound like a good idea though ^_^

Where do you work, if you don't mind me asking? Is there no possible way to prepare something the day before and bring it in?

I have no idea what a good post work out shake would be. Help? :)
As for green leafy vegetables the only thing I know is spinach and romain (?) lettuce..what else would be a good choice?

I'll let him answer those since you're looking at his schedule (I haven't looked at it yet, will when I finish this post.)

Tuna is the only EFA that I am aware of. What else?
Last, I don't normally eat ground beef..I actually buy ground turkey and ground chicken..(depending whats on sale, LOL) as they are both normally lean. So THIS is fine, am I right?

sorry to be a pain in the ass ^_^

Here's a bunch of EFA answers.

What are essential fatty acids?

Essential fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that the human body needs for metabolic functioning but cannot produce, and therefore has to be acquired from food.

What are omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega-3 fatty acids are a class of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids with the double bond in the third carbon position from the methyl terminal (hence the use of "3" in their description). Foods high in omega-3-fatty acids include salmon, halibut, sardines, albacore, trout, herring, walnut, flaxseed oil, and canola oil. Other foods that contain omega-3-fatty acids include shrimp, clams, light chunk tuna, catfish, cod, and spinach.

What are omega-6 fatty acids?

Omega-6 fatty acids are a class of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids with the initial double bond in the sixth carbon position from the methyl group (hence the "6"). Examples of foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids include corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, and cottonseed oil.

Found that from here:
Thanks for that, that was pretty helpful.

I'm not sure how intense I would get about it. I don't have any dreams or desires for a bodybuilder type body.. I'm just lookin to tone up a bit. Nothing dramatic, really.

The grocery list was really helpful :) The PWO is really the only thing that confuses me for the most part. Isn't there just something I could easily whip together (buy) and just chug that after a workout? When you gotta figure out all these numbers, it's really unappealing to me :( I understand what it's for, but I rather just get some kind of all ready made shit and have that after a workout.. LOL

I'm thinking, (basing on my schedule) that I could do this: I could try to hit 5 meals a day. I'd aim for 6, but I'm being realistic about when I could eat..etc. I could hit the fitness center (that's whats downstairs) every morning (as in 7 days, but I would aim for AT LEAST 5 days) for 30-45 mins cardio. Then after work, I would aim for 4-5x a week of some kind of workout.

So with that said--what kind of results could I have within the next 2 months?

EDIT: I think what all of this means is that I'm just looking for the simplest kind of routine that would give me results. Some people have a passion for so much. When it gets too hard or TOO annoying I easily give I just wanna be realistic and what just take an easy route, of course I still want results. I don't mind buying supplements..but I do to an extent. I wouldn't mind buying those fish oil pills and then taking a tbsp of sunflower oil. I just don't wanna have to buy a bunch of supplements. By bunch I mean I don't want like 4 pills, and 3 different mixes and other stuff. Simplest as possible :)
Hey guys, coming from a person who was pretty big, I can tell you all the diets and systems of losing weight can seem overwhelming.

The charts and links provided above are great reference tools. I'll give you a quick and easy rundown of things to go by.

Firstly, diets don't work........changing your lifestyle does. Diets are supposed to be temporary. Change your lifestyle, the "diet" will come naturally.

Secondly, force yourself to eat new foods (better foods). You may not like them at first, but experiment. I HATED oatmeal, now I am addicted to it.

Thirdly, when it comes to exercise, stick to the basics at first. You'll never lose weight by doing only curls. Get in your squats, deadlifts, chest presses, ab workouts. AND DO YOUR CARDIO. Serious cardio guys. None of this easy elliptical machines etc... go for an honest half hour run.

I used to come home from school and throw back half a bag of chips and a coke. Now, I'm a marathon runner and olympic style power lifter who is in some seriously good shape.

As I said, this is only an outline. PM me with any in-depth questions. I'm about getting in shape, getting fit and getting strength, from that comes a good figure and everything else.

Good books to check out - ABsolution by: Shawn Phillips
- The Workout by: Gunnar Peterson
- The Abs Diet
- LL Cool J's Platinum Workout (no joke, he has some good workouts!)
- Strength Training Anatomy by: Frederic Delavier (amazing book)
- Beginners Running Handbook by: Ian Macneill (excellent training program)
[quote name='specialk']afedock,
I may have missed you saying, but what kind of results did you see with that diet/workout plan?[/QUOTE]

This was me during spring break, so mid March, at around 225lbs. I got to about 230 before school was over in the beginning of May.

This picture was taken on August 1st, so 3 months later. I think I was about 180lbs in that picture.
so you like/use 8 minute abs?
I had considered something quick like this just to hit at night after the gym and before i went to bed.

btw, impressive results.
I def want to get a good couple Ab workout DVDs. I'd like to know if 8 minute abs = good?
Also, any other good DVDs?
I like the 8 minute abs myself... although I havent done it in a while its a pretty funny video (I have a dvd with all the 8 minute workouts on it, the 8 minute stretch is good too. Been running more than anything lately so my legs are much more defined now than a year ago

afedock... you are supposed to look like the second picture DURING spring break... jk.... pretty impressive results from where you were and in only 3 months. Luckily Ive never had to lose that much weight... if any really. Might go back to trying to gain weight over the summer when racing is rare. But for now I am really enjoying the long easy 10 mile runs I take at the beginning of the week... by the end of the week I take a tempo "dress rehearsal" type of run... generally much shorter, but much harder... mixing in speed work and light weightlifting (focus on reps not weight)...
I pretty much do the 8 min abs routine with some of my own exercises mixed in. I just do 30 reps of each exercise instead of watching that stupid guy every night.
afedock, I was looking at your workout split, and wondering what what you did for each set. Like what exercises did you do for biceps, traps, etc.

And for your EFAs, what did you typically use?
I've been doing tons of squats the last couple months and I think my ass is getting rounder. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

I'll throw out the suggestion of catching a tan once in awhile to everyone in this thread. It makes you look healthier and accents your new muscles nicely. Don't go overboard on it though. I tan pretty easily so I go like once a month and it keeps my islander ass brown. :D
[quote name='CouRageouS']I've been doing tons of squats the last couple months and I think my ass is getting rounder. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

I'll throw out the suggestion of catching a tan once in awhile to everyone in this thread. It makes you look healthier and accents your new muscles nicely. Don't go overboard on it though. I tan pretty easily so I go like once a month and it keeps my islander ass brown. :D[/QUOTE]


Anyway, :lol:, I was checking out On Demand and was looking some of the FREE workout programs they have. A lot of them are cheesy white women just moving their arms around. but they actually have some Tae Bo (with Billy himself). Tae Bo is EVIL. That shit HURTS :(

But they ALSO have 2 of the 3 workouts from Jillian Michaels. It's called 30 Day Shred. They have the beginner and the intermediate up. I was watching that (How fat of me to sit on a couch and WATCH people work out?) and it actually looks pretty good. She's not fact, she's kinda of dyke'ish and she kinda scares me :(..but it's a 20 minute workout and you end up doing cardio, strength and abs. I might have to go get a set of dumb bells (is it one word?) because that's what she was using. I'm guessing 5lbs would be best.

And for the record, you can find this in the MEN'S FITNESS section in On this really isn't some happy white woman work out :)
On demand has some cool stuff on there. I'd much rather use that as a form of class than in a class filled with old women and creepy dudes. Theres some cute chicks at my gym but the one time I went to check out a class it was probably the most horrible time.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I'll throw out the suggestion of catching a tan once in awhile to everyone in this thread. It makes you look healthier and accents your new muscles nicely. Don't go overboard on it though. I tan pretty easily so I go like once a month and it keeps my islander ass brown.[/quote]

You have to be careful about tanning, obviously...but also be judicious in your use of those tan-in-a-can products or you could end up looking like

[quote name='lilboo']But they ALSO have 2 of the 3 workouts from Jillian Michaels. It's called 30 Day Shred. They have the beginner and the intermediate up. I was watching that (How fat of me to sit on a couch and WATCH people work out?) and it actually looks pretty good. She's not fact, she's kinda of dyke'ish and she kinda scares me :([/quote]

Jillian's one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser, which I like to watch while on the elliptical at the gym as some bizarre form of motivation. She's pretty frightening, but she whoops those people into shape. She spends a lot of time focusing on proper nutrition as well as the psychology of weight-loss, too. She has a couple of books and DVDs that I've seen around, if you're interested.
[quote name='bmachine']You have to be careful about tanning, obviously...but also be judicious in your use of those tan-in-a-can products or you could end up looking like

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I HATE those guys. They are EVERYWHERE.

Jillian's one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser, which I like to watch while on the elliptical at the gym as some bizarre form of motivation. She's pretty frightening, but she whoops those people into shape. She spends a lot of time focusing on proper nutrition as well as the psychology of weight-loss, too. She has a couple of books and DVDs that I've seen around, if you're interested.

Yeah she's pretty fuckin evil! :lol: But I'd rather watch her (and even workout with) then some asshole working out in a living room setting where there seems to be more focus on the damn furniture then the workout :bomb:

I was thinking last night how EASY it is to 'lose weight'. Think about it. Regardless of whatever you do you need to move more & eat better.
I think I'm going to start my own program and sell it and make TRILLIONS.

I'm gonna call it Seizurecise. All it will be is a 25 min DVD of me jumpin around and waving my arms and legs and layin on the floor going into a a convulsion.

You know what? If you ate well AND did that you would lose weight because that seizure burned a lot of calories!! I say this in a joking manner, but the truth is.. it' could actually work :lol:

Now, the hard part is to make "Seizurecising" look appealing.. :whistle2:k
[quote name='bmachine']You have to be careful about tanning, obviously...but also be judicious in your use of those tan-in-a-can products or you could end up looking like
:rofl: I don't use fake tan stuff. I'm naturally on the brown side and brown plus orange equals muppet colors. I only go to maintain my existing tan and keep that porn star glow.
afedock, I was looking at your workout split, and wondering what what you did for each set. Like what exercises did you do for biceps, traps, etc.

And for your EFAs, what did you typically use?
I've been doing tons of squats the last couple months and I think my ass is getting rounder. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

I'll throw out the suggestion of catching a tan once in awhile to everyone in this thread. It makes you look healthier and accents your new muscles nicely. Don't go overboard on it though. I tan pretty easily so I go like once a month and it keeps my islander ass brown. :D
[quote name='CouRageouS']I've been doing tons of squats the last couple months and I think my ass is getting rounder. I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing.

I'll throw out the suggestion of catching a tan once in awhile to everyone in this thread. It makes you look healthier and accents your new muscles nicely. Don't go overboard on it though. I tan pretty easily so I go like once a month and it keeps my islander ass brown. :D[/QUOTE]


Anyway, :lol:, I was checking out On Demand and was looking some of the FREE workout programs they have. A lot of them are cheesy white women just moving their arms around. but they actually have some Tae Bo (with Billy himself). Tae Bo is EVIL. That shit HURTS :(

But they ALSO have 2 of the 3 workouts from Jillian Michaels. It's called 30 Day Shred. They have the beginner and the intermediate up. I was watching that (How fat of me to sit on a couch and WATCH people work out?) and it actually looks pretty good. She's not fact, she's kinda of dyke'ish and she kinda scares me :(..but it's a 20 minute workout and you end up doing cardio, strength and abs. I might have to go get a set of dumb bells (is it one word?) because that's what she was using. I'm guessing 5lbs would be best.

And for the record, you can find this in the MEN'S FITNESS section in On this really isn't some happy white woman work out :)
On demand has some cool stuff on there. I'd much rather use that as a form of class than in a class filled with old women and creepy dudes. Theres some cute chicks at my gym but the one time I went to check out a class it was probably the most horrible time.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I'll throw out the suggestion of catching a tan once in awhile to everyone in this thread. It makes you look healthier and accents your new muscles nicely. Don't go overboard on it though. I tan pretty easily so I go like once a month and it keeps my islander ass brown.[/quote]

You have to be careful about tanning, obviously...but also be judicious in your use of those tan-in-a-can products or you could end up looking like

[quote name='lilboo']But they ALSO have 2 of the 3 workouts from Jillian Michaels. It's called 30 Day Shred. They have the beginner and the intermediate up. I was watching that (How fat of me to sit on a couch and WATCH people work out?) and it actually looks pretty good. She's not fact, she's kinda of dyke'ish and she kinda scares me :([/quote]

Jillian's one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser, which I like to watch while on the elliptical at the gym as some bizarre form of motivation. She's pretty frightening, but she whoops those people into shape. She spends a lot of time focusing on proper nutrition as well as the psychology of weight-loss, too. She has a couple of books and DVDs that I've seen around, if you're interested.
[quote name='bmachine']You have to be careful about tanning, obviously...but also be judicious in your use of those tan-in-a-can products or you could end up looking like

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I HATE those guys. They are EVERYWHERE.

Jillian's one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser, which I like to watch while on the elliptical at the gym as some bizarre form of motivation. She's pretty frightening, but she whoops those people into shape. She spends a lot of time focusing on proper nutrition as well as the psychology of weight-loss, too. She has a couple of books and DVDs that I've seen around, if you're interested.

Yeah she's pretty fuckin evil! :lol: But I'd rather watch her (and even workout with) then some asshole working out in a living room setting where there seems to be more focus on the damn furniture then the workout :bomb:

I was thinking last night how EASY it is to 'lose weight'. Think about it. Regardless of whatever you do you need to move more & eat better.
I think I'm going to start my own program and sell it and make TRILLIONS.

I'm gonna call it Seizurecise. All it will be is a 25 min DVD of me jumpin around and waving my arms and legs and layin on the floor going into a a convulsion.

You know what? If you ate well AND did that you would lose weight because that seizure burned a lot of calories!! I say this in a joking manner, but the truth is.. it' could actually work :lol:

Now, the hard part is to make "Seizurecising" look appealing.. :whistle2:k
[quote name='bmachine']You have to be careful about tanning, obviously...but also be judicious in your use of those tan-in-a-can products or you could end up looking like
:rofl: I don't use fake tan stuff. I'm naturally on the brown side and brown plus orange equals muppet colors. I only go to maintain my existing tan and keep that porn star glow.
anybody taking any kind of Omega 3 fish oil? I hear its some good stuff to take, wondering if anybody else is using it.
[quote name='Cracka']anybody taking any kind of Omega 3 fish oil? I hear its some good stuff to take, wondering if anybody else is using it.[/QUOTE]

yes...I take fish oils every morning and post workout.
Ack! I haven't had a chance to read all this stuff but I want to implement it within the next 2 weeks (been getting killed at work).
bread's done