The 2013 iconic summer Pepsi/mountain dew thread

Sadly I never got the DNA monster headphones because (more than likely) some people took more than 1 of that prize. I have complained to Pepsi about this and the fact that they should have only allowed 1 of each prize in the top three tiers/vaults per e-mail/physical mailing address.

It took me well over 200 codes to get that coveted beach ball icon to get a chance at the headphones. Sadly, by the time I got the beach ball, the headphones were GONE!

I highly doubt that they will restock the headphones on/by Aug. 11th. 2013 because that is when everything goes to the second chance drawings and ALL icons earned (at that point) will only be valid for a 2nd. chance drawing.

Honestly, I do not have any faith in PepsiCo. After all, they are a big corporation and I am just a piss-ant human to them.
I got more than one pair by luck, I don't see anything wrong with that, I spend money all year around on Pepsi products so I feel if I'm lucky enough to get 2 pair than there is nothing wrong with that.
i got 2 digital cameras... woulda loved to have gotten 2 dna headphones but by the time i got the icons they was sold out, ohh well, maybe next contest i'll get some top prizes! i can't wait for the mountain dew and dorittos to start.

PXP just added some actually awesome prizes just now.

A giant Pepsi can cooler for 7,500 PXP
A massive metal cooler Pepsi chest for 15,000 PXP
A karaoke set for your apple products or Mac for 10,000 PXP

Get them while there hot.
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PXP just added some actually awesome prizes just now.

A giant Pepsi can cooler for 7,500 PXP
A massive metal cooler Pepsi chest for 15,000 PXP
A karaoke set for your apple products or Mac for 10,000 PXP

Get them while there hot.
thanks for the heads up. got the metal ice cooler :) . hopefully its not a rly small POS like im expecting.

Just claimed that 15k metal cooler too - since it holds 60 cans then it will surely hold a 24 pack of glass beer bottles.

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I'm not getting any of the new rewards because I'm already getting a cooler from iconic summer and I don't have enough points fora GURTAR so yeah.
I'm saving my points once they bring in other rewards.
Enjoy everyone.
Wow. I've missed a few things to say the least while I was physically down and bedridden with my arthritis. Eh. That's life. That's how it goes for me. They certainly do not call me "Lucky" Lyla. In fact. I have been called "Loser" Lyla because despite my efforts I NEVER have won (in the last 30 yrs. of entering contests nor will I ever win) the top prize from anyone or anything. Quite a losing track record there.

Anyway, I wish that I had been able to get in on some codes. Unfortunately, my back nor my finances would permit. Again, I say, oh well... that's just my life.

I would really like to know what it's like to have this so-called new technology. I have no idea of what it's like to have an iPod, iPhone, iPad, an E-reader, high speed internet, or a digital camera (I'm still using the $5 cams from Walgreen's) and WTF is an MP3 player?

How much would it cost me to have someone literally shoot me and put me out of my MF misery?

Sincerely LOSER LYLA!

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it won't let me get the cooler.. it says I need to unlock an achievment... and the task is to "update my mailing address" and I already had it filled out,

emailing support :(

hope they have one left in stock for me.

So any one willing to trade their extra dna's for those who have claimed more then one or whoever for that matter pm please
Not sure which is funnier, the people whining, or the people selling codes you could easily get from pongr.

Anyways, that karaoke machine looked neat, didn't look at the site until last night though. Probably would never use it heh. Almost at Icon status now on PXP, so it's just down to how many totebags and beach towels I've won and where to donate them to.

Got the cooler and today I got the camp fire icon. I will wait until they restock and then get an ipod touch!

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it won't let me get the cooler.. it says I need to unlock an achievment... and the task is to "update my mailing address" and I already had it filled out,

emailing support :(

hope they have one left in stock for me.

by the time customer service fixed my account so i could order them, they were sold out... lame!

Won a Level 5 prize so I choose the grey pepsi shirt. Also redeemed 7500 points for the Pepsi Can Cooler. That makes a total of 5 prizes I've gotten for this promo (3 rare icons and 2 Pepsi Point rewards)

so has anyone noticed that they changed some of the images of the prizes I noticed but I also noticed that they didn't restock any prizes either

I hope they do soon!!!

Got a Skateboard Icon tonight so i hope they restock the DNA headphones soon! I will be looking good if they restock, I have DNa head phones and an ipod touch waiting!

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Anyone with Nos, Kelloggs, Slurpee or Kelloggs Monster U codes I will trade pepsi codes for them. Send a PM.

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Had a question I was hoping someone could answer about the Pepsi XP rewards program.  I just found out about the Pepsi XP rewards program.  If I sign up enter an iconic code on that account, will I be able to sync my iconic summer account?  I've entered over 100 codes and have only unlocked a couple things so I was hoping I could get a bunch of points on the Pepsi XP site.

By the way, if anyone wants to trade Pepsi codes for Coke codes straight up, send a message.  I got seven of the 20-pk codes worth 18 points each on MCR.  I would trade each of those codes for 6 of the Pepsi codes or also trade cap for cap.

(Sighing painfully) I just got home from the hospital. Apparently there is nothing that I won't do to scavenge codes from trash bins.
Ugh. It hurts to type.
The last two days certainly have not improved my life... at all!!!
After my last post a part of my computer died. I had to borrow $20 to fix it. I don't know how I'm going to be able to pay it back. I only have $60 (of the $100 that I won from Marlboro and that's ear-marked for an outfit for me for my daughter's wedding from Goodwill. Right now all I have concerning clothes is sweat pants, 1 pair of jeans and t-shirts.
And then something really bad happened to me 6 hours ago. I had no luck in finding any codes from two local convenient stores. So, I went on my merry way and headed home.
I was 2 houses away from home on my mountain bike, it was dark, I hit something and I went DOWN! Yep, a serious accident had happened upon me. :(
I felt myself hit the pavement REAL hard. I landed in the bike lane. I couldn't breathe for 30-60 seconds (at least). I was gasping for air while practically screaming. A male neighbor came over. He asked if I needed an ambulance. I slowly shook my head "No" as I know that I can not afford an ambulance ride. So, as best as I could I muttered 5 words "house, corner, get landlord please". It literally took me 2 minutes just to say 5 words. That's how bad the wind was knocked out of me. While he got the landlord his wife helped me up and picked up my bike.
I was really shaky. It felt like my legs were nothing more than rubber bands. I leaned on the bike and gimpily helped her. The landlord then took over for her and I said "Thank you" to her as she walked back to her house.
The landlord and I made it to the front steps of the house. I sat down to gather more of my wits while he took the bike and parked it in the garage.
With the bike now put away the landlord came back to me. By now I am more able to think a little more clearly but I am still shaky. As we are discussing a plan of attack to get me to the emergency room one of his cats (who has never been outside) escapes the house.
The landlord spends ten minutes looking for him. I didn't mind at all as I wanted more time to clear my head and assess my bodily damages. He comes back without the cat and tells that he needs a few minutes so he can get what he needs to drive me to the hospital.
As he's getting himself together I make my way through the house (grabbing a flashlight) and into the backyard. I look for the cat. I can't find him. I go to the front of the house and again I can't find him. I put the flashlight away and head to the garage.
I open the human door to the garage, turn on the light and then open the garage's car door. I turn around to see if the landlord has left the house and what do my eyes see? The cat! He's skulking his way across the yard as he's scared shitless. Apparently the big bad noisy electronic door scared him. So, I scruffed him with my good hand/arm and took him to the backdoor of the house and waited for the landlord so the landlord could put him in the house.
With the cat now in the house we start our way to the hospital. And yes, damn skippy, I would have waited for the cat to return home. Why, because he is a living creature that could have easily been killed by a car. I wasn't immediately dying.
We drive the 1 mile to the hospital. I am taken into a back room where my vitals are taken and questions are asked and answered and I am given a 600 mg. of Ibuprofen. I then go to the waiting room. Then it was off to x-ray where many pictures were taken of my lovely bones. I was relegated once again to the waiting room.
My name is called and I am finally put in a room. I am told the names of the dr., the nurse and the technician. My wait begins.
About 45 minutes later the Dr. comes in and states that the shoulder and back look fine in the x-rays. He inspects the bruises, scrapes and lumps then orders an x-ray for the right arm as there is a visible lump with scrapes as well as there is limited movement in the wrist. So, did the x-rays... not broken.
Here is the list of what he found.
#1) 5 bloody scraped up knuckles on right hand, skin hanging
#2) Scraped, bruised and bumped right forearm
#3) Right wrist pain
#4) Right thigh pain
#5) Right rib cage pain
#6) Right back pain (kidney seriously jostled possibly bruised)
#7) Right shoulder pain (very limited movement/rotation)
#8) Right sore neck pain (limited movement)
#9) Right breast bruise 4x3 inches (VERY dark colors in bruise, huge lump)
#10) Right bicep pain
#11) Right knee scraped and bruised
#12) Sore right cheekbone
#13) Skin missing and bloody divot in left palm

His diagnosis:
Bruised ribs, jostled kidney, SERIOUS road rash, muscle strain, burst blood vessels and skeletal strain.
Treatment plan:
600 mg. of Vicodin, in a sling for 3-4 days, given an rx. for 5/500 vics, call regular Dr. to schedule a check up appt.
Immediate problem for me on this whole thing is I KNOW that I AM going to be one hurting person when I wake up!
The silver lining?
My glasses didn't break, there are no broken bones or chipped teeth, I got two new bracelets and I got VICS! rofl :)
For being a near 50 year old disabled woman on welfare that was out scavenging for Pepsi Icon Codes from garbage cans... I must be one tough broad.
I’m debating whether to post (on another website) the picture of the nasty bruise on my breast and yep… I plan on treating my good neighbors to a nice dinner because of their help.
Please don't post personal stuff like that. I really don't see the point and there is no need for it. You seem to just want attention.
Think what you want. I think that it's somewhat comical (the fact of what one person "might", "has done" or "is willing to do" to get codes). lol

If I really wanted attention I would have asked someone to video the injuries, put them on youtube and then post links EVERYWHERE! lol

I will trade pepsi iconic summer codes for Kelloggs, Kelloggs monster U, Nos, Slurpee or MCR Coke Zero codes. (Any Black MCR cap will work, trading 1:2 on MCR black caps and 3:1 on any others)

Send a PM. Will trade multiple codes per monster U code.

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I won a tshirt and a beach towel right off the bat when the promotion first started, but nothing since then. I'm gonna finish with a couple hundred codes probably by the time this is all over

I also have MCR codes if anyone is interested in giving me their pepsi codes for MCR codes

So PXP just added back the tablet cozy on the reward list. Limit two per person. But I finally ordered one because I needed something for my iPad.

Still have about 9,000 PXP still for another reward in the future. So I'm happy.
So PXP just added back the tablet cozy on the reward list. Limit two per person. But I finally ordered one because I needed something for my iPad.Still have about 9,000 PXP still for another reward in the future. So I'm happy.
If they broght that back im waiting for some dnas *fingers crossed*
Disregard my previous posts about trading Pepsi codes for MCR codes.  First, I just find out that when you synchronize your PXP account with your iconicsummer account, you do not get any credit for codes entered before you joined PXP (which in my case was 98).  Secondly, I have entered 70 codes on the Pepsi side and have yet to unlock a single prize.  Are you kidding me?  And I used to think that the McDonalds Monopoly game was the biggest rip-off promo.  Maybe at the end of this sweepstakes, I can trade in my 200 cap codes for a sweepstakes for a chance to win a paper triangle football game.  That would be almost as sweet as the paper footballs I used to make in 2nd grade.  Maybe they will re-stock some of their prizes with a straw that shoots spit-wads incredible distances or maybe some laminated instructions on how to give a nuclear wedgie to an unsuspecting nerd.  They should at least add a bunch of high-powered Dyson vacuums with vortex technology because this whole thing sucks with unmatched velocity.

Disregard my previous posts about trading Pepsi codes for MCR codes. First, I just find out that when you synchronize your PXP account with your iconicsummer account, you do not get any credit for codes entered before you joined PXP (which in my case was 98). Secondly, I have entered 70 codes on the Pepsi side and have yet to unlock a single prize. Are you kidding me? And I used to think that the McDonalds Monopoly game was the biggest rip-off promo. Maybe at the end of this sweepstakes, I can trade in my 200 cap codes for a sweepstakes for a chance to win a paper triangle football game. That would be almost as sweet as the paper footballs I used to make in 2nd grade. Maybe they will re-stock some of their prizes with a straw that shoots spit-wads incredible distances or maybe some laminated instructions on how to give a nuclear wedgie to an unsuspecting nerd. They should at least add a bunch of high-powered Dyson vacuums with vortex technology because this whole thing sucks with unmatched velocity.
Had to laugh at this one... final line is a good one.

I've had amazing luck with this promotion,I got a shirt,a cooler,ANND a metal can to drink my dew put of,plus I've done some awesome trades that has gotten me hundreds of codes and tons of PXP.

Granted yes I had not got any of the real fancy prizes like the iPod touch or GameStop prize pack but eh,I can't complain,I'm having fun with this promotion. And I have scored prizes. So I'm happy c:
i have enterd 45 codes and have won the survival bracelt, dew cooler tha looks like fishing bober, monstar dna dew head phones,pepsi towl, pepsi tumbler. i got the bracelet in today. i dont know if they are shipping all stuff or just the cheap crap but i got the survival bracelt today. from youn america promotions. had no idea what it was till i opend it lol.

^^ has pepsi started shipping prizes already, did you get an email notification when they shipped it or they did the prize just show up at your house? I got the bracelet too and some other prizes and I still haven't received anything yet.

I know a guy who has already gotten his tier 2 prize so I guess they have all shipped, I have 25 things coming and hAvent received anything yet .
If I'm lucky my headphones will arrive on or before Tuesday so I have some nice ones for my trip on Wednesday, I'd prefer these over cheap earbuds for flying to California.

bread's done