The Andrew "Test" Martin Memorial Thread

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Dedicated to the memory of Andrew "Test" Martin (1975-2009). Former WWF Intercontinental, Hardcore, European, and Tag Team Champion as well as former purse carrier of Kelly Kelly and Stacy Keibler.


Mr. Fuji sends his condolences.​
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[quote name='bornrunnin31']So Test isn't good enough for a memorial thread? Afterall, he's the one who launched HHH to the next level![/quote]

I agree 100 percent. Test should get a memorial thread.
[quote name='Scorch']This may be the first thread topic dedicated to a manager.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure Bobby Heenan got his own thread.
So I edited the topic into a Test Memorial Thread, but Internet Explorer decided that I should be logged off and lost everything. I hate to be a dick, and yes, Test contributed quite a bit to wrestling as far as championships (held every WWF championship except for the Heavyweight), but it came down to this:

When searching for quality Test wrestling moments (both on YouTube and in my head), I came up with a bunch of shitty tribute videos and the Shane/Test streetfight.

I like the guy and all, and it's a damn shame that he's gone so young, but I'm afraid I can't sit through a 1000 post Test topic any more than I can sit through a 5 minute Test match.
[quote name='neocisco']Bloody hell, if Test can have his own topic the next one might as well be for Conquistador #2.[/quote]

Didn't Edge already have a thread? ;)
So just put his picture in the main post, put 1975-2009, and RIP.

He was entertaining at a few points in his career. Granted, I would put him on the same shelf with the Armstrong brothers in their WCW days, but he still deserves at least that much.
so wtf did test die of anyway or is it still under investigation? and did i read right and they said he was 33? i was think he was in is 40s if anything. he wasnt the most talented guy in the ring but i liked him well enough. damn shame another one dies so young.
[quote name='lilboo']Yeah, I thought woohoo died! :cry:
And wait, what happened to Testicles?!?!?! How did he die!?[/quote]

Nobody knows for sure. An autopsy is being performed, so we should hear in a couple weeks.
Well my comment about it was sort of in jest because although he died young - he's still just Test. But, if you'd rather go with this thread instead of the original it's your call.
Yeah, I thought the lack of a Memorial screen was a bit odd. Unless they're holding it for ECW, since that's the last show he was on.

Still, odd.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']Not even a quick "In Memory of Andrew "Test" Martin" picture to open Raw.


Wow, really? I was expecting it, but fumbled with the remote only to see what happened last week with Cena and Vickie.
Maybe they'll have a video package later in the show or something? They've never done it before, but Anything Can Happen In The World Wrestling.. err.. Entertainment!
I don't want to sound cold, but that picture not showing his nipples is the best thing ever. His pointed down nipples always freaked me out.
WM:25 Jericho vs. ????
Stone Cold Steve Austin
I called it.

That would be awesome, even if it's just a stunner followed by beer drinking.
Why honor a guy who most likely caused his own death through drug use? Yawn.

JJSP, do the Fuji thread next. I was looking forward to watching those videos. At least Fuji was entertaining.

[quote name='CaseyRyback']I don't want to sound cold, but that picture not showing his nipples is the best thing ever. His pointed down nipples always freaked me out.[/quote]

:lol: I should have known this would bring you back. Your disdain for Test's nipples is well known.
[quote name='neocisco']Why honor a guy who most likely caused his own death through drug use? Yawn.[/quote]

Why indeed? Hell, Benoit got 3 hours and I'm of a mind that WWE knew before showtime, or at least had a deep suspicion, that he had done the killings.
Who bled all over the floor where DiBiase just fell? I just turned on Raw.

This HHH/Orton buildup misses the point, and I hate to echo a lot of the smart mark bitching, but here comes some anti-HHH stuff.

I don't know if WWE have fooled themselves into thinking Triple H is "not a babyface," so babyface rules don't apply to him, but they do. The fundamental problem with this feud, and like every one of his major feuds, is that he shows no fear, no weakness, no nothing. He provides no hint whatsoever that he might potentially lose. There's nothing in the program that suggests Orton has a chance in hell of winning the belt from Triple H; just Triple H spending week in, week out getting the best of Orton.

I think that's a major part of why I've always disliked Triple H. I can't remember, for a moment, where his character presentation on TV has him showing any doubt, any weakness, any hesitation. There are only a few wrestlers who, I feel, were able to convey that. Only Andre comes to mind. But, for someone who idolizes Flair, and for someone who wants to sculpt a fake fighting program to give him a "record" number of title wins such that he surpasses Flair (I'll suck a thousand dicks if that never happens in Triple H's career), he sure the fuck doesn't know how to emulate Flair's style.

Flair made a career out of pissing off crowds and stymieing people into wondering how he managed to eek out yet another win and title retention. Triple H just squashes every motherfucker who gets in the way.

I still think the epitome of his arrogance was when he and Scott Steiner had a second title match in 200whateveryearthatwas (since WWE blends together so much anymore I can't fuckin' tell 'em apart) after they collectively shit the bed in their Royal Rumble title match. Fans couldn't get enough of that'un.
I think someone spilled a generic arena equivalent Slurpee on that side of the ring Myke. It was great that both Orton and Dibiase landed directly in it.
Test, I really had no problem with as a peformer, he was a decent, if unspectacular midcarder. Although he did fall into the trap of the generic big man move list (the Pumphandle Slam, god how I hate that move, and later the big boot as a finisher)

I think being the straight guy in the eventual HHH/Steph marriage ended up hurting him, since he really had nowhere to go but down after being forced into the spotlight for a good year or so.
wtf!!!!! test??????? omg!!!!

man i really havent been paying attention.. i cant believe it

jesus wtf is wrong with everyone here.. no one really cares this guy just died..

i actually liked him and was hopin he'd be pushed when in ecw and tna... im shocked
The whole Vickie love storyline would be a lot more believable if she was hot, had some big tits, or something. How all these men are swooning over her is beyond me. Now Show is in love with her too? Even if it's just a ploy, it's just not believable.
I thought Test was pretty good when he was carrying the "ECW" strap.
So, Bourne vs. Swagger at Wrestlemania I guess? If the belt is going to be defended at all, that seems like the only matchup available now.
[quote name='Brak']I thought Test was pretty good when he was carrying the "ECW" strap.[/QUOTE]
That kinda sorta never happened.
[quote name='diddy310']It works fairly well with Edge's character I think. He'd do disgusting, horrible things for title shots[/quote]

That guy was tapping Lita. Even for Edge's character Vickie is a big downgrade.
I'm not going to pretend I give a shit about Test. Never did, even for a moment. Dude's a paint-by-numbers big man; nothing new, nothing worth paying attention to.

His death is sad, but I'm not going to pretend like I give a fuck about him all of a sudden.
[quote name='Blackout']That guy was tapping Lita. Even for Edge's character Vickie is a big downgrade.[/QUOTE]
I thought he had the belt when he was suspended.

Oh, well. I though he was alright as the main heel.
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