The Andrew "Test" Martin Memorial Thread

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[quote name='Survivor Charlie']This is the story as I heard it...

Vince McMahon seems to feel that when someone wrestles for him, he instantly owns every aspect of their character regardless of whether the wrestler created it long before they worked for McMahon or not.


That reminds me of the Dudley Boyz situation. That was just plain wrong of Vince.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']That reminds me of the Dudley Boyz situation. That was just plain wrong of Vince.[/QUOTE]

Perfect analogy.

[quote name='Survivor Charlie']This is the story as I heard it...

Vince McMahon seems to feel that when someone wrestles for him, he instantly owns every aspect of their character regardless of whether the wrestler created it long before they worked for McMahon or not.

When Savage gave notice he was going to WCW, Vince McMahon pulled the “I own the name Macho Man and the term Macho Madness” card. Which of course is bullshit. Instead of negotiating with him, Savage told Eric Bischoff, who immediately got WCW’s lawyers on him. McMahon backed down with putting up a fight.

There’s a lot of things Vince McMahon will put up with, even being beaten in court (see Mero, Rena). What he will not put up with is being told that he doesn’t own the rights to someone’s likeness by divine right of the king. I defend the WWE a lot, but McMahon is an egomaniac to the degree that they have to stop meetings in their track if he so much as sneezes because he throws a temper tantrum on himself. Being told he doesn’t OWN YOU FOR ETERNITY? Wow, that’s cause for being blacklisted.

Hell, the WWE brought back Sable. They’re apparently bringing back Wendi Rechter. But anyone who claims the WWE doesn’t own their name? fuck THEM, BLACKLISTED!

The Ultimate Warrior sued the WWE when they said it was not his character. And I know guys who swallow WWE bullshit won’t like to hear it, but the Warrior was 100% in the right. He could legitimately claim the character of the Ultimate Warrior was his. He called himself the Dingo Warrior before coming to the WWE. He used the same face paint, tassles, etc. Just because the WWE changed his name doesn’t mean they own the rights to the entire persona. It doesn’t work that way.

So in my opinion Randy Savage is blacklisted because Vince McMahon asserted he should own the name Macho Man, was pointed out what a dumbass he was by Turner’s lawyers, and is pouting over it.[/QUOTE]

Where this doesn't hold water is that in the case of both Warrior, he's in the game. If it was due to losing litigation, Warrior would never have an action figure or appear in the game. Now, I understand that Warrior's contract is not with WWE, but Jakks (and THQ by virtue of association over the game content). Just like Bruno Sammartino. Both are seemingly able to have their memories reproduced in action figures and games, and simultaneously "stay true" to their ideals of never working with WWE again.

Though perhaps it explains a small portion of Christian's poor view in McMahon's eyes - he stayed largely the same, characterwise, in TNA. But he dropped his addictive lil TNA hand gesture and references to the "Christian Coalition" (a term I loved to see abused in pro wrestling, mind) in his WWE tenure.

Short version of the story: if it really was over copyright/ownership of the character, I'm absolutely *stunned* that THQ/Jakks didn't go the Warrior/Sammartino contract route with him. It's not like Macho Man has scruples to hold onto in terms of avoiding money: he put out a fucking rap album, for god's sake!
Take this with a pound of salt until Meltzer or Sherdog or a reasonably reliable source mentions it. This was posted on DVDVR:

March 17, 2009
DETROIT, MI - Former UFC Heavyweight Champion, Tim Sylvia was involved in a fight at a bar in downtown Detroit Michigan with 7 foot, 320 pound WWE Superstar, Glen 'Kane' Jacobs.

No details are currently being released on how the fight started. A witness says the two were arguing and Tim Sylvia instigated the fight. Jacobs quickly took Sylvia to the ground and repeatedly punched him in the face. The bartender along with a bystander helped pull Jacobs off Sylvia. Sylvia was said to have suffered a broken nose and a black eye.

The police were notified but since the fight was not prolonged and neither men wanted to press any charges, no arrests were made. Sylvia was driven by a friend who was with him to the hospital to treat the broken nose. Glen Jacobs left the scene with his wife shortly after.

More details to be released as they come in.

I thought nothing could top Styles knocking JBL for a loop, but if it's true we have a new #1.

It's already made it onto Kane's wikipedia page:


March 2009- Kane faced off against Tim Sylvia in one of the biggest MMA fights of the year; "Beer Brawl 1". Kane emerged victorious after taking Sylvia to the ground immediately and delivering an array of fists to the face. Kane looks to take on Brock Lesnar next for the UFC Heavyweight belt.
[quote name='mykevermin']Short version of the story: if it really was over copyright/ownership of the character, I'm absolutely *stunned* that THQ/Jakks didn't go the Warrior/Sammartino contract route with him. It's not like Macho Man has scruples to hold onto in terms of avoiding money: he put out a fucking rap album, for god's sake![/QUOTE]

They tried and Vince vetoed it.

It either goes deeper than anybody will ever know or it really is the fact Vince was hurt that Macho left with little notice after Vince "did so much for him". Not many guys get to be an announcer over a wrestler.


The upcoming DVD is up for preorder on Amazon

WWE: Macho Madness - The Randy Savage Ultimate Collection

$23.99 - June 6
Count me amongst the crowd that would not have expected Kane to punk out Tim Sylvia. Granted, Kane's certainly not the smallest guy in the world and ranks among the probable legit tough guys, but Tim Sylvia's certainly no slouch and I'd expect him to at least put up a fight.

An awesome story nonetheless. Haku would be proud.
Kane was trained in part by Dean Malenko, who was trained by Boris Malenko and Lou Thesz. It's fairly safe to assume anyone trained by guys with those credentials is a shooter.

And of course, a bar fight doesn't have rules and can be as dirty as it wants to be.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I thought nothing could top Styles knocking JBL for a loop, but if it's true we have a new #1.[/QUOTE]
*stares at your username*

No. That doesn't top Styles knocking JBL silly.
Haha. A real fighter got the shit beat out of him by somebody who fake fights.
[quote name='Scorch']Has anyone seen or heard of an actor named Trevor Moore? He's in the new movie "Miss March" (which, even though it was critically panned, was freakin' hilarious).. he looks, sounds and even his mannerisms are exactly like Edge. It's kinda crazy.[/QUOTE]haha dude when I saw the trailer on TV the first thing I thought was "that guy looks like Edge." So I definitely agree with you there.

The other night I watched "Get Smart" through Netflix, without realizing that Khali and The Rock were in it. I marked out... it was funny watching their
double turn
Apparently Tomko was released from WWE.

Here's a summary from about the new Superstars show:
WWE is coming to WGN America
The biggest Superstars from Raw, SmackDown and ECW debut on “WWE Superstars” – a one-hour exclusive weekly television show – featuring original matches between any WWE Superstar from any brand, at any time. “WWE Superstars,” the only place to see it all! Expect everything. WWE Superstars premieres Thursday, April 16.
Such potential, I bet it doesn't turn out well.

I'm reminded of the launch of MTV2 many moons ago. For the first few months (weeks?) things were great, I could turn it on and lo and behold, music videos would play. Granted, most of the stuff wasn't for me but at least it was music on television. Now MTV2 is exactly the same as regular MTV, a showcase for spoiled children who need to be shunned and/or beaten.
[quote name='Halo05']Such potential, I bet it doesn't turn out well.[/QUOTE]

I'm expecting the "Charlie Haas versus Ricky Ortiz hour."

Maybe it could be super cool, and we'll see dudes before Raw/ECW/Smackdown get them?

Did Tomko even make it on TV this go around? So in the last year or so they've signed and quickly released D-Lo, Cabana, Tomko...anybody else? You'd think someone would be smart enough to come up with story ideas for people they're interested in signing before actually signing them and wasting the time and money.
Just got floor seats for a Smackdown/ECW taping on May 5th in Pittsburgh.

The Main Event is a 6 man tag: Cena, HHH, and Jeff Hardy vs. Edge, Orton, and Matt Hardy
In case you guys haven't seen it, I uploaded a bunch of custom themes for Legends of Wrestlemania.. check out the LoWM thread in the XBox 360 forum
Nope Tomko hasn't appeared on TV at all. Closest thing I recall is someone posting a youtube video of a dark match he had. Apparently he's been nursing a pec injury.
TNA can easily reinsert Tomko into pretty much any storyline they want to and not have to mention he was in the WWE while he was gone.... oh wait, this is TNA who pushes the WWE more than their own talent a good deal of the time. Nevermind.
Then he buried Kozlov.

So that's what? Three matches in a row that Kozlov has lost cleanly? He and Umaga could exchange notes about how to be suddenly and violently depushed.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Jesus Christ, HHH just assraped the corpse of kayfabe.[/QUOTE]

Meaning what (for those of us who don't watch SD)?
[quote name='mykevermin']Meaning what (for those of us who don't watch SD)?[/quote]

See for yourself (hopefully youtube doesn't take it down):

That worked for me better than a tv time killing storyline about them getting back together would. He knocked out in 1 minute what 6 years ago would've been about 3 hours of promos.

On Kozlov - he just got a clean pin over the Undertaker 2 weeks ago and he's been in several world title matches. I don't get why him losing is all of a sudden a horrible thing. Not too many people get the kind of push he's gotten, he almost entirely skipped the midcard, jumping from jobber squashing basically to the main event. And how is working with Taker, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels on a weekly not considered being pushed? It's not like he's getting Kenny Dykstra level squashings, he's shown as being competetive with them (which is basically the whole point of his character, finding competition).

Now i'm not saying they won't depush him ever, it seems to be more likely now that they had to cut 5 minutes out of his rematch with Taker. But look at the matches he's had in his short time in the spotlight, it's not quite a Brock Lesnar or even Bobby Lashley speed of push, but its pretty close.
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[quote name='BoSoxFan900']Did anyone watch ROH's debut show on HDNet? I forgot all about it and watched basketball instead. If so, how was it?[/quote]

Yeah did anyone catch this? I don't have HDNet but I know the company does replays.
[quote name='rickshankshaw']Yeah did anyone catch this? I don't have HDNet but I know the company does replays.[/QUOTE]

I saw it, it's pretty weird to see RoH with production value, double (maybe triple) the lighting and in HD. Not a bad first show, before matches they would have a quick stat card with some pointers and finishers for the wrestlers. The show had four matches and not a whole lot of promos. The only promos were Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs before the main event.
[quote name='Sporadic']Yes, please.

Somebody post a link to a torrent of this in HD.

- edit Not in HD but it's a start :([/QUOTE]

01. Wow. I can't believe ROH has finally made it to TV. I remember watching back in 2005 and being amazed that TNA made it to television before ROH when the fanbase was that much more hardcore for this indy wunderkid.

02. Wow. The production values are actually good! It's surprising to see this after bitching about the lack of production values to company management for nearly two years. The sound needs a little improvement but apart from that it's a wonderful alternative to the WWE.

03. Wow. The use of introductory promos was extremely well executed. They laid down who the guys were and actually set up the nuances of each guy.

04. Delirious/ Jerry Lynn started off the show. Lynn was knocked out for a brief spell which was kind of strange. I actually liked how brisk the match felt. Usually ROH matches can feel like an eternity.

05. Delirious needs to be able to run a couple of comedy matches on the TV show. I think it would be a great way to make him into a reason for people to tune in.

06. Sami Callihan / Kenny King was next and was my match of the show. Kenny King is awesomely awesome. He's like Shelton Benjamin with a personality. Sami Callihan seemed a bit iffy but he did a damn fine job as an enhancement talent.

07. Brent Albright / Rhett Titus was my least favorite match of the night. The only reason Titus has a job is because of his gimmick. He is a piss poor wrestler who reminds me terribly of Billy Gunn. He has one move - the dropkick.

08. The commentary was was above average but not great. A new drinking has been invented for whenever Hog reminds us that a wrestler “IS HURT”. It actually got to be exponentially hilarious as the show went on.

09. The main event was all right. It was pretty much an average Monday Night RAW match with cooler spots. Black/Jacobs didn’t go all out because the company still wants you to buy DVDs but it was still pretty okay for a TV match.

10. ROH TV is already the 2nd best pure wrestling show on television behind ECW which is saying alot. The look of the show is close to TNA without all the bells and whistles but at least I don’t feel like ripping my hair out over nonsensical booking. ROH got off on the right step. Lets see where it goes now.
In terms of formatting, the ROH show has some interesting and unique production ideas. I like that they used on-screen graphics to introduce the wrestlers, and gave them 10-20 seconds to talk prior to a match. It's quite refreshing.

Dave Prazak was usual in his announcer role, though he did pick up for the other guy's perpetual "what a move!" style. I like the sound and style of the HD Net guy; he comes off as someone who respects, and doesn't resent, what they're doing. He's not a personality, he's selling the match. But I also think that he, unfortunately, doesn't know much about wrestling. He could be good in time, as he has the brains/approach, but he just doesn't know very much about wrestling.

The matches were decent as well. It's a good start to a show, I feel. Vastly better than TNA, who is the one company I would like to think is capable of improving. WWE we all know won't modify their awful paint-by-numbers production/presentation/format anytime soon, so it's not like there's any hope there.
I saw the ROH show, it was okay. Maybe I'm really just not into wrestling anymore. I do like the small ring they use instead of the WWE size one. I still watch wrestling here and there, but I do like to read your guys' comment more instead of watching the actual show, that's much more entertaining.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Posts are vanishing. :whee:[/QUOTE]

Oh god, torrent talk (especially if it's about The Pirate Bay, don't go to The Pirate Bay if you are looking for RoH) is not allowed :whee:


..... is this a suggested hint from TNA.......... or just a coincidence?
[quote name='Demolition Man']Hmmm....


..... is this a suggested hint from TNA.......... or just a coincidence?[/quote]
Hopefully it's a suggested hint. Bringing Daniels back as The Fallen Angel would be awesome.

Also, Steven Doll (Well Dunn) passed away. Apparently he had been on life support since 2007 and his family unhooked him yesterday.
That's not really a hint, as it's as subtle as a brick to the skull.

Sad to hear about Doll; not that I liked Well Dunn, but a family having to deal with the gravity of their voice in whether to keep him alive or not is always heavy and tragic. There's no decision on earth more difficult to make, and I hope that they feel they made the best choice for Doll.
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