The BioWare Bazaar thread of get tokens, win auctions, get stuff

[quote name='James1221']

im definitly not going for the big prizes. gonna aim low with some of the lithographs. wish you all luck when the bidding starts.[/QUOTE]

Yea, the big prizes are likely beyond reach for the mere mortal. My highest ambition was a new video card, but even that seems very, very unlikely. I'll take a t-shirt, a lithograph of the Citadel I missed would be awesome. We'll see.
[quote name='Buttpoop']
Please click my link =/

I'm not sure I can click on a link from someone named buttpoop.
Just wondering the number of points some have. I only have 6660. Also yeah a lot of people are not clicking anything. Since yesterday I have only had 71 people click mine when that list is well over that amount.
[quote name='sendme']Just wondering the number of points some have. I only have 6660. Also yeah a lot of people are not clicking anything. Since yesterday I have only had 71 people click mine when that list is well over that amount.[/QUOTE]

That's an assload more clicks than most of us have gotten.
I also notice not a lot of clicks. I am personally clicking 5-10 times per day through the list with the multi-click. I wonder if there's a server side problem with so many simultaneous requests, or if they are somehow tracking the IP. If I click on my own link over and over the count does not go up.
Damn I didn't think it was. I have 710 points for it so I thought others would have that same amount or more. People need to start clicking. I do it once in the morning and once at night. I am starting to wonder about puting the people in the list that have joind this month. If they have posts that they have posted before this thread started ok thats fine but if they only started posting after this thread it makes me wonder if they are only posting their link and that is all.
[quote name='hellmutt']I also notice not a lot of clicks. I am personally clicking 5-10 times per day through the list with the multi-click. I wonder if there's a server side problem with so many simultaneous requests, or if they are somehow tracking the IP. If I click on my own link over and over the count does not go up.[/QUOTE]

They are IP tracked. They have to be from unique IP's.
[quote name='sendme']Damn I didn't think it was. I have 710 points for it so I thought others would have that same amount or more. People need to start clicking. I do it once in the morning and once at night. I am starting to wonder about puting the people in the list that have joind this month. If they have posts that they have posted before this thread started ok thats fine but if they only started posting after this thread it makes me wonder if they are only posting their link and that is all.[/QUOTE]

Well, 71 clicks total across multiple days isn't very good, I thought you meant today alone. I just got to 50 about an hour ago.

BTW, I've been reading on the official forums and some people have over 16,000 pts.
[quote name='reininop']Well, 71 clicks total across multiple days isn't very good, I thought you meant today alone. I just got to 50 about an hour ago.

BTW, I've been reading on the official forums and some people have over 16,000 pts.[/QUOTE]

16,000? Damn. And I was feeling kinda decent about my 7500. Either means they got a good 9000 more referrals than I did, they won a lot of twitter challenges, or they're lying. If true though, my new ambition is some filler item posted at 4AM in the morning.
It's certainly not impossible, but I would doubt they were doing it legitly. Talking spam, hidden links to trick people into clicking on them, and quite possibly writing the proper program to run up their numbers. I can only hope though that Bioware does a lot of checking on who their winners are of the big items.
[quote name='Koopler']With all of these people at 16k, I'll be lucky if I even win a t-shirt

They should have capped it at 500 ref tokens a day[/QUOTE]

It's not a ton, I probably only saw about 20+ people or so saying they had over 9000 and only about 5 or 6 saying they were above 10-11K.

Most have mid 7K as most of us do.
Capping it wouldn't make sense for BioWare. With no caps, people are encouraged to get that link out everywhere, which results in a lot of extra traffic to Bioware products.

Rather, what I would prefer them to do is turn it from an auction to a raffle...same rules in essence, only for any auction they pick a random token, and the winner is the person who put that token in. People lose any tokens they enter, even if they lose the raffle. Puts the luck component in the contest itself, rather than in Twitter, and guarantees that spammers aren't guaranteed the big items.

Not gonna let me post as a link, would like to reqquest if its possible to add to the master post.

doubt i'll get anything epic, but hey its all fun amirite? i'm only at 6.1k myself :/
[quote name='reininop']Yea, the big prizes are likely beyond reach for the mere mortal. My highest ambition was a new video card, but even that seems very, very unlikely. I'll take a t-shirt, a lithograph of the Citadel I missed would be awesome. We'll see.[/QUOTE]

The only litho I wanted as well :whistle2:|

It looked great and didn't scream GAME POSTER as completely as most other merch.
[quote name='Mindlog']The only litho I wanted as well :whistle2:|

It looked great and didn't scream GAME POSTER as completely as most other merch.[/QUOTE]

I still ordered the Arch Demon for a friend and the Illusive Man for myself. Somehow the Collectors litho ended up in my order too but I don't ever remember actually selecting that. Hopefully it won't be as bad when I see it larger.
List is updated.

[quote name='reininop']Can someone explain to me how they have 412 prizes but 2189 items? Is a lot of this getting bundled?[/QUOTE]
412 unique items, but some have multiples.
Most assuredly. You can even guess some of the bundles right now. There's 41 copies of each Mass Effect 2 poster, so that may be a bundle. 11 Copies of each ME2 litho. 12x of each T-Shirt.
[quote name='YodaEXE']List is updated.

412 unique items, but some have multiples.[/QUOTE]

It just didn't look like 412 unique items to me, I didn't feel like counting that list though.
Has anyone received more than 50 clicks? I haven't noticed my tokens from referrals change in increments other than 10 but we have over 150 links listed.
[quote name='blackvolk']Has anyone received more than 50 clicks? I haven't noticed my tokens from referrals change in increments other than 10 but we have over 150 links listed.[/QUOTE]

On any given day, if I receive more than 50 clicks, it's by just barely. We definitely have a case here of there being more people posting links for people to click than we have people actually clicking links.
I'm at 30 clicks in 2 days, I've clicked through the first 100 links 3 times each, after those 2 times each for everyone else (sorry, you were just late). Yes, from different IP's. Getting ready to do another round right now tho.
[quote name='microcuts777']I'm at 30 clicks in 2 days, I've clicked through the first 100 links 3 times each, after those 2 times each for everyone else (sorry, you were just late). Yes, from different IP's. Getting ready to do another round right now tho.[/QUOTE]

I assume this is happening to a lot of people because no one took my advice when I said you have to change the Multi-Links default page opens to a much higher value than the default. If people are leaving it at 60, then a lot of people below that are missing out.
[quote name='reininop']I assume this is happening to a lot of people because no one took my advice when I said you have to change the Multi-Links default page opens to a much higher value than the default. If people are leaving it at 60, then a lot of people below that are missing out.[/QUOTE]

In my case, I can't open more than 40-50 links at once since it will probably lead to my browser crashing. So I have to do it in batches. But I may be more cynical than you because I think there's just a lot of people not clicking. Doesn't help when you visit the official boards and people there talk about signing up on other boards to get their link out.
[quote name='blackvolk']In my case, I can't open more than 40-50 links at once since it will probably lead to my browser crashing. So I have to do it in batches. But I may be more cynical than you because I think there's just a lot of people not clicking. Doesn't help when you visit the official boards and people there talk about signing up on other boards to get their link out.[/QUOTE]

I am finishing up a test right now, but they aren't getting their link out the way they say they are, at least not the ones with 16K points.
I just want to say thanks to Yoda and all the users here that have been going through the links everyday, I got a lot more clicks than I expected! Kinda bummed that some people have over 10k already since I was hoping to get something nice, but looks like that ain't gonna happen lol.

Out of curiosity, has anyone won the twitter challenges more than once? Just wondering if BioWare favors those that haven't won yet as opposed to those that got their 500 already.
Hell all I want is DA:O on the PC or ME on the PC. If I don't get one of them then a ME hat would be nice as the litho that I would want I didn't see listed. With my luck I would bid on one of the PCs the last day just for the hell of it because I won nothing that I really wanted and end up winning it.
[quote name='reininop']I assume this is happening to a lot of people because no one took my advice when I said you have to change the Multi-Links default page opens to a much higher value than the default. If people are leaving it at 60, then a lot of people below that are missing out.[/QUOTE]

Ah, good point. Also, now that the list is divided up by groups of 50, maybe it will help. People will be able to batch open 50 at a time...
[quote name='cali4nic8r']Out of curiosity, has anyone won the twitter challenges more than once? Just wondering if BioWare favors those that haven't won yet as opposed to those that got their 500 already.[/QUOTE]

From what I gathered on the official boards, they take all the tweets for the contest period, remove duplicates, then take a random sample of tweets for judging. Not sure how big of a sample they take, maybe 100 since they state there can be up to 100 winners for each challenge?

It doesn't seem like your entry has to be super creative, someone said he/she won the "Enchantment?" challenge by saying "Enchantment!". So I think the biggest factor is to remember to submit an entry for each challenge.
[quote name='blackvolk']From what I gathered on the official boards, they take all the tweets for the contest period, remove duplicates, then take a random sample of tweets for judging. Not sure how big of a sample they take, maybe 100 since they state there can be up to 100 winners for each challenge?

It doesn't seem like your entry has to be super creative, someone said he/she won the "Enchantment?" challenge by saying "Enchantment!". So I think the biggest factor is to remember to submit an entry for each challenge.[/QUOTE]

I would agree, I saw someone one the breakfast challenge by submitting "Green eggs and Ham" Not exactly the most creative thing I've ever read.
bread's done