The BioWare Bazaar thread of get tokens, win auctions, get stuff

Did my morning clicks for everyone. I hope the CAG community wins lots of goodies! This is after all
of of the best community's on the internets.
I've clicky clicked for the day. I'm at home with the kids today, so I can only do it once for the day. But I will try and check back later tonight for additions.

I'm not seeing my clicks move practically at all though :(
Ugh, they didn't update Twitter again! Here's the challenge question:

Current Challenge:

Challenge #12 - What was your most memorable experience playing a BioWare game? Include #BioWare in your response. (111m21s Remaining)
Has anyone actually won a Twitter contest yet? I've entered a lot of them but still haven't won, checking to see if any CAG's are winning.

Also, how's everyone's total (just to see if i have a shot at getting a prize or not)?

Mine's at 7300 right now.
[quote name='the_punisher']Has anyone actually won a Twitter contest yet? I've entered a lot of them but still haven't won, checking to see if any CAG's are winning.

Also, how's everyone's total (just to see if i have a shot at getting a prize or not)?

Mine's at 7300 right now.[/QUOTE]
I've won one. I pretty sure at least one other CAG did as well.
Currently at 7390.
Several things:

-I've won one of the Twitter challenges. I have no idea how the selection process works, but I finally won on the 8th try.
-I knew there would be an issue with getting everyone's clicks. I'm in the top 60 links of the list, but I have yet to get more than 40 clicks on any given day.
-I suggested earlier on that there be a more thorough explanation, of the list and Firefox add-on, in the OP and can only make the same suggestion again.

I believe the link limit in the add-on is an issue for some (default is 60), but that's definitely not the case for everyone in the top 60. If we can clarify the process in the OP, I'm confident we can get everyone 50 clicks a day.
[quote name='ZangetsuZero']Several things:

-I've won one of the Twitter challenges. I have no idea how the selection process works, but I finally won on the 8th try.
-I knew there would be an issue with getting everyone's clicks. I'm in the top 60 links of the list, but I have yet to get more than 40 clicks on any given day.
-I suggested earlier on that there be a more thorough explanation, of the list and Firefox add-on, in the OP and can only make the same suggestion again.

I believe the link limit in the add-on is an issue for some (default is 60), but that's definitely not the case for everyone in the top 60. If we can clarify the process in the OP, I'm confident we can get everyone 50 clicks a day.[/QUOTE]

Hrm not sure I think it allowed me to select everyone with the addon for firefox perhaps I am wrong, maybe by breaking each group into 60 would be more effective?
Yay! I won Challenge #10 yesterday. For the others that one, we are suppose to email our details, correct? Stupid question I know, but I'm a little paranoid.

Also clicked everyone's links.
It lets you highlight all the links, but the add-on has an invisible cap. Some people say it's 60; however, my cap was originally set at 40.

You can change the cap by right clicking the add-on icon and opening the options menu. Change the value in next to "Maximum number of links" to something larger. Or, you can just open up the links in several batches.

The main problem is that people believe they're opening the entire list in one go. This isn't the actual case.
[quote name='Unknown50862']Yay! I won Challenge #10 yesterday. For the others that one, we are suppose to email our details, correct? Stupid question I know, but I'm a little paranoid.

Also clicked everyone's links.[/QUOTE]
I won challenge #11 and emailed them my Social e-mail, twitter name and the challenge I won but still haven't received the points. See if I have them tomorrow.
Just went through all the links again. C'mon people get t' clicking! :bouncy:

And make sure your add-on is properly adjusted. ;)

[quote name='the_punisher']Has anyone actually won a Twitter contest yet? I've entered a lot of them but still haven't won, checking to see if any CAG's are winning.

Also, how's everyone's total (just to see if i have a shot at getting a prize or not)?

Mine's at 7300 right now.[/QUOTE]

I won challenge #10 yesterday, and I got my 500 points. Sitting at 7660 right now...
[quote name='microcuts777']Yay! Won #12![/QUOTE]

I won #12 as well . How are we suppose to claim the prize, I 'm not an avid user of twitter.
Just won my first challenge :D

This will just help me keep up though. I don't have a PC compatible with the Dragon Age character creator. I bought that game on 360. Daily click check in!
[quote name='Lawyers Guns N Money']Click, people!

With the number of links on that list, we should all be getting at least 500 points everyday...[/QUOTE]

I know, seriously...
All links clicked for today. I'll check back for new ones later.

Total Tokens: 5750.

Get clicking guys! lol.

Thanks for the info on the invisible cap, I didn't know about that. Mine was set to only 40! Thankfully, I've only been clicking in groups of 25, so no problems there.
[quote name='FroBoy']All links clicked for today. I'll check back for new ones later.

Total Tokens: 5750.

Get clicking guys! lol.


I think you can get more than that just from doing the freebee stuff on there. Have you did the character creator and all the quizes?
[quote name='microcuts777']Yay! I won #14 too!!! Great day today[/QUOTE]

I lost them all today again. Twitter feed says they are done till Monday!!
Auctions start on Tuesday so not a whole lot of points left from these.
I don't know what you have to do to win those contests, but I have not won a single one. Does anyone know if it is the first 100 to respond or are they all picked randomly? I have left both short answers and long answers and made sure to include the specified tags. Oh well... I am very excited for the auctions to begin. Let's just hope that the BioWare servers don't explode when it does.
Both times that I won, I entered within 1 minute of the contest starting. That said, I was only 5 mins behind #13 start, and I don't think that went up on Twitter til late. Also, I gave "real" answers for all 3 contests today...ones that pertained to the questions being asked. My answer for "What you would like to see in the store" was 'the models that Shepard collects throughtout ME2.' I don't know if any of that makes a difference, but the section on the tokens page definitely DOESNT say it's the first 100 that win. Maybe it's the first 100 they "like"???
[quote name='Swift900']I don't know what you have to do to win those contests, but I have not won a single one. Does anyone know if it is the first 100 to respond or are they all picked randomly? I have left both short answers and long answers and made sure to include the specified tags. Oh well... I am very excited for the auctions to begin. Let's just hope that the BioWare servers don't explode when it does.[/QUOTE]

This thread on the official boards has some posts by a BioWare rep which explains the process.
I won challenge 9 yesterday and challenge 15 today. My number 9 winner was a more humorous answer regarding what Shepard eats for breakfast, and my challenge 15 winner was just me saying why I love the Widow rifle so much. I get my answers in at random times, so I'm not so sure that the first answers are always the winners. I'm guessing it's mostly random, with maybe a few good ones that Priestly likes chosen as winners.

Also, if you post your link and don't click any others, you can choke on a bag of dicks and rot in hell. :cool:
I tested out a theory for a day on here. Testing the method those people were using to get 16K plus points. And I can verify that it does indeed work. I received 2500 extra points in 21 hours.

After allowing it from Day 1 though, Bioware has declared it retroactive cheating, so I am glad I never posted the method here as I assumed this may happen. Continue clicking the links people as you have less to fear from the really high point totals now. There's a good chance if you all actually click them, you may be able to win some prizes.
And here are the official rules' explanation regarding the challenge submissions:

Challenge Submission Judging. At or about 3 hours after the Challenge has ended, Sponsor or its designee, the Challenge Judges, whose decisions are final and binding on all matters relating to the Challenges, will independently evaluate and judge all eligible Submissions received on a per-Challenge basis and select in its sole and absolute discretion up to 100 Submissions that shall win the prize of 500 tokens. The Challenge Submission Judging shall be based upon the following criteria in the Judges' sole and absolute discretion: 60% creativity, 20% appropriateness to topic, 20% skill and quality of the submission (i.e. grammar and writing skills). The Judges' decisions for any particular Challenge are final and binding. PLEASE NOTE THAT, WHILE YOU MAY SUBMIT MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS NO MORE THAN ONE OF YOUR SUBMISSIONS WILL BE SELECTED AS A WINNER IN ANY CHALLENGE.
[quote name='reininop']I tested out a theory for a day on here. Testing the method those people were using to get 16K plus points. And I can verify that it does indeed work. I received 2500 extra points in 21 hours.

After allowing it from Day 1 though, Bioware has declared it retroactive cheating, so I am glad I never posted the method here as I assumed this may happen. Continue clicking the links people as you have less to fear from the really high point totals now. There's a good chance if you all actually click them, you may be able to win some prizes.[/QUOTE]

Interesting exploit. Not the one I was thinking of though. Will be interesting what the token totals end up looking like when they process everything on Tuesday before the auction, as they plan on doing. Also curious how the hell they'll be tracking it.
@OnyxPrimal The inflatable sword is pretty awesome :).

Clicked all for today :). How many people actually have 15k+ tokens here? It seems like almost everyone on the Bioware forums have like roughly around 15-25k+ tokens already. :drool:
Seriously, Crixt, who reportedly has the most known tokens on Bioware's forums at 23k, said that he knows of people with over double his amount. I'm only sitting at mid 7k, so I'll be lucky if I get to win anything at all.
[quote name='cali4nic8r']Seriously, Crixt, who reportedly has the most known tokens on Bioware's forums at 23k, said that he knows of people with over double his amount. I'm only sitting at mid 7k, so I'll be lucky if I get to win anything at all.[/QUOTE]

That guy had 6 different links imbedded in his image tags when I checked it. I didn't bother with using it for the first few days because it seemed wrong. As bioware allowed discussions of it in their forums, I assumed they were just not going to do anything about it.

When I saw everyone else doing it with no consequence, assuring themselves the bulk of the prizes I was working honestly for (at least semi-honest, this whole link exchange is kind of random too), the temptation was too great. It seemed they were unofficially sanctioning the method.

I'm not mad they swung the ban hammer. I just wish they would have did it earlier and made it clear they weren't supporting this.

As a side note: Even though this "exploit" has been deemed illegal now, I still don't think it should be discussed in any detail.
bread's done