The BioWare Bazaar thread of get tokens, win auctions, get stuff

Same here. I'll be lucky to even win a sticker. I have no idea how they are getting that many tokens besides the unmentionable or being extremely popular.

- 5950 for free (questionnaire, registering game, character, etc.)
- 500 for twitter contest (lets say you win one)
- 500 for 50 clicks a day

Then to get 23k at this point, you have to basically get around 3.6k clicks a day on your link to acquire 23k.... excluding the additional 50 clicks a day for 500. Unless if I'm doing my math wrong which could be possible :whistle2:#.
*sigh* I've been clicking on every link in the list and the new ones as they're posted every day. If a third of the people on the list were actually clicking all the others everyone would be getting at least 500 referral tokens a day. I know I'm not, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Either way, at this point it seems like most people will just have to bid their maximum amount on every item and hope nobody's interested enough to call their all-in.
[quote name='mokonamoo']Same here. I'll be lucky to even win a sticker. I have no idea how they are getting that many tokens besides the unmentionable or being extremely popular.

- 5950 for free (questionnaire, registering game, character, etc.)
- 500 for twitter contest (lets say you win one)
- 500 for 50 clicks a day

Then to get 23k at this point, you have to basically get around 3.6k clicks a day on your link to acquire 23k.... excluding the additional 50 clicks a day for 500. Unless if I'm doing my math wrong which could be possible :whistle2:#.[/QUOTE]

For the most part your math is correct.

For instance:

Even if they had won every single challenge once (IMPOSSIBLE), they would have to get over 1500 clicks after the initial 50 per day for them to get to the 23k total.

I don't think it will be all that hard to weed these people out really.
[quote name='Filbert']*sigh* I've been clicking on every link in the list and the new ones as they're posted every day. If a third of the people on the list were actually clicking all the others everyone would be getting at least 500 referral tokens a day. I know I'm not, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Either way, at this point it seems like most people will just have to bid their maximum amount on every item and hope nobody's interested enough to call their all-in.[/QUOTE]

We're not really sure how it will work yet, but I am hoping that it will be more like a raffle than eBay style. like, you enter "x" number of tickets for something that you want, if you win great, but you don't get the tickets back regardless.

The reason I think that is really the way to go is that it will eliminate all of those people who are going to be using a bunch of tickets to win a PC from the contest and actually give other people the chance to win things.

I wasn't sitting on many points until yesterday, because like Filbert, the links below the first 50 or 60 on the list don't seem to get opened as much, or people just aren't clicking. Yesterday was my highest click number in a day, and I had 23 clicks - 2 of those being from me.

Once my challenge points are added, I will be at 7900, but I feel like winning those is the saving grace that got me back to the middle of the field point-wise...

It's crazy how important those referral link clicks end up being.
[quote name='reininop']Was at 8600 'official' points. sigh[/QUOTE]Was?

Clicked on everyone this morning at home and from work.
Currently at 7640, 1190 of that are unique referrals.
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[quote name='microcuts777']We're not really sure how it will work yet, but I am hoping that it will be more like a raffle than eBay style. like, you enter "x" number of tickets for something that you want, if you win great, but you don't get the tickets back regardless.

The reason I think that is really the way to go is that it will eliminate all of those people who are going to be using a bunch of tickets to win a PC from the contest and actually give other people the chance to win things.[/QUOTE]
The rules specifically state that it's going to be like eBay, where you bid up to X amount, if you win, you spend those tokens. If you lose the auction, you lose nothing. However, they are putting a limit onto things, in that you can only win 2 auctions.
Currently at 7600, but I'm still waiting for my 500 from challenge #10. How long does it usually take for the challenges to credit? I'm started to get worried that I did something wrong when sending my information.
I just did my clicks for today, hope everyone else is doing the same.

[quote name='Unknown50862']Currently at 7600, but I'm still waiting for my 500 from challenge #10. How long does it usually take for the challenges to credit? I'm started to get worried that I did something wrong when sending my information.[/QUOTE]

It depends on when you emailed them, if you emailed them after hours they do it the next day. But generally I found it took only a few hours to credit if I emailed them within "business hours".
I haven't missed a day yet.

As a side note: I wonder when they'll allow people to start spending their points.
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[quote name='RAY16']I haven't missed a day yet.

As a side note: I wonder when they'll allow people to start spending their points.[/QUOTE]

9AM PST on April 6th
29 clicks is a nice amount, but that just makes me think about the ton of people on the list not clicking each day.

Today was a slower day for me, but I was able to get a fair amount. Hopefully I'll have at least a few more before the day is up.
Been a lot slower for me today as well. With how many links there are, the 50 unique clicks should be easy, especially with the Firefox addon.

fuck the freeloaders who post their link up and don't click any in return.
All I want is enough to ensure I can get at least one game. People always talk about Mass Effect and Dragon Age and I'd really like to see what all the ruckus is about, but at the moment my budget is tight like a drum so a contest like this seems like my best option.
The rules say that the auctions start 9am pacific time on the 6th and the promotion ends 4pm pacific time on the 10th. I don't know if you can still accumulate referral points during that time, but I suspect you can.
We don't have just a lack of interest problem, but also a waning interest problem. Mayhaps we should do a recount of people that are currently still interested in doing this?
[quote name='Salamando3000']We don't have just a lack of interest problem, but also a waning interest problem. Mayhaps we should do a recount of people that are currently still interested in doing this?[/QUOTE]

That's a good idea. Filter out those that stopped caring, or aren't clicking. We've still got days to go before the auction. I realize I'm just a new scrub here, but it seems we should be getting a lot more clicks... especially considering how easy it is to do so with that add-on. Maybe repost the URLs?

Just in case, here's mine (This is a repost, if we aren't making a new list, then don't worry about adding it to the old one. I don't want to waste anyone's time with a duplicate)

The new thread isn't a bad idea, but it's likely you will end up with the same type situation as this, only with the same people already participating here being the only ones participating there. It would cut down on freeloaders getting clicks, but it is unlikely to get us anymore.
^^^ but that's the point, not giving the non-participants clicks. The only thing with a new thread is that it becomes a duplicate, so one would likely be deleted. Oh, also, this is a weekend where people will be with family or at church, so many people who ARE actually clicking might miss out because they are out for the weekend...
as much as I don't think that some should be reaping the benefits without giving anything in return, I just don't think the forum needs an additional thread for the purpose of this promotion. SPAM is one thing, but double SPAM just doesn't seem right.
As said, my interest has already waned. I actually had a fairly solid total compared to most people, but I went to the tokens thread on their forums and broke down when 30+ people had thousands more than I did using some trick. After no condemnation from Bioware, I tried it for 20 hours and then the ban hammer hit. I'm just clicking on everyone else's links now so at least someone here has a chance.
I think something needs to be done so that the ones that should get theirs clicked are getting them clicked. This is a bad weekend to start a new thread like others have said. If you could keep earning points after the auctions starts I would say maybe do that but it would take a lot of work from the OP. I would say the people that didn't start posting till this was started should not even be able to have a link up to be clicked. I know I saw one or 2 at least that didn't have an account till march. I'm not sure if they started one because of this thread or not though. To bad we don't have a way to tell who is clicking on the links. If we could I would just say delete the links from the ones that are not clicking them. I will admit that my once at night and once in the morning has not happend the past few days. It usually is twice in the morning to make up for not doing it the night before. However everyone is still getting my clicks.

Anyway I know we have more then 140 names on that list and in the past 3 or 4 days from when I started this I have only 1400 points. Hell I'm sure some of them are from me clicking everyday.
In the past few days I've gotten a total of 600 points from this thread. It's not as high as it should be but at least it's more than 0. :)

All clicked for today.
bread's done