The CAG Backlog Support Group.

I recently finished all the dlc for the witcher 3. Feels good to check something off the list for once. That being said I did buy 12 games from GameStop thanks to the B2G1 and GameStop's generous handing out of free money. So... 1 step forward, 12 steps back. God I'm bad at this.
Call me crazy, but I just can't get into the Witcher. I've started and stopped so many times.

Went way back and gave Resistance 3 a shot. This game actually holds up super well. Feels like Insomniac at their best. Great weapon variety and the shooting is just plain fun. I really didn't care for 1 & 2 so I never bothered with this until this week. Really sad I missed out on this originally. I talked a lot about how create this is for my YouTube channel. Think I'm going to spend some time going through my summer backlog on their.

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Witcher 3 combat is a bit rigid and stiff, you just gotta treat it like Dark Souls or something and just keep rolling and slashing. The world, story, and characters more than make up for it though, especially Gwent.

Finished the 1st arc of Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist. Played a bit of Hitman. And started on Gravity Rush Remastered. 

Ever since I finished Persona 5 it seems I've been cruising through games so much faster.

I've been slacking. Returned "thief" and haven't gotten back to it to finish the game. I saw naughty bear and thought I would try it out. I played the tutorial and the 1st level and decided I didn't like it. I don't like hectic games and the camera isn't great either.

I don't know what to play next. Maybe a FPS is the way to go. I believe I have a resistance dual pack that I never played, but I opened to redeem the DLC years ago. I guess that would be a good place to start.

Just started The Last Guardian put it 3 or 4 hours. I'm very curious to see how this goes. Game has a ton of heart and I love Trico, but wow are the mechanics tough. 

Done with Kirby my god getting Platinum is difficult. I kill all the enemies the right way but I can't get the speed bonus sometimes or I do and get hit and have to restart. I am sticking with my all Gold or Plat record and will be moving onto Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 soon.

Beaten 28
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy PS4 Overwatch PC
Future Purchases Hey! Pikmin 3DS Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 

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Just played through the titanfall 2 campaign. I found it very enjoyable like many other people. I also played through the system rift dlc for deus ex mankind divided and got the dlc trophies for never killing anyone and making it through a specific portion undetected.

Edit: Also just played through the second "a criminal past" dlc and got all the trophies on that one. Part of me wants to go back and plat the main game, but the rest of the back log beckons.
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Seems like everyone is killing their backlogs! 

I just started up Dragon Quest Heroes II. There are some slight mechanic changes from the first one that I am still getting used to, but it's pretty much the same. Graphically, it seems to be a pretty big improvement and that's always nice. 

Finally finished the main campaign of Dark Souls 2 SotFS. My mini review:

As some of you already know I have played Demon's Souls and Dark Souls so coming into this, I expected some of the same with enough difference to set itself a part, something new and fresh to the series but genius and unique. With that being said, I think From Soft played it safe with this one, leaning noticeably towards the mainstream - making this approachable and accessible to most yet keeping the Souls shade present.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Drangleic with all of it's challenges and I'm tempted to do a new play through but I'm saving my desired play throughs for when my back log is no longer the monster it is. Besides, I still have to play the 3 dlcs.

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Beat Episode 1 Minecraft Season 2. Some graphical errors and running away from the Golem aka the admin has some glitches. It was interesting and took me 2-3 hours but I ate dinner during it. Another warning about Mighty Gunvolt Burst it has some lag issues during the ladder and drill areas.

Two things I noticed they have strange names for some towns folk. Like Stampy Cat and I think Olivia's voice actor changed.

Beaten 28
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Overwatch PC

Future Purchases Hey! Pikmin 3DS

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Finished The Last Guardian. I love Trico, he may be the best NPC companion I've ever seen. He is perfectly set up to mimic a dog. He listens to you kinda and almost does what you want. It gets frustrating at times but I don't think I've ever talked to a character like I did to Trico. The game has some great set pieces and has the emotional ending you know is coming. But even with that you can still get surprised by the way a lot of things are handled during the last hour or so. The game is so imperfect that it is great. 

Moved on to Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. About 7 hours in I have to say I love the combat and general game design. The combat specifically is a really cool and fun take on traditional FF/turn based combat. Although I will say at 7 hours I have no clue what is going on other than there is a war and the bad guys are the bad guys. 

Moved on to Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. About 7 hours in I have to say I love the combat and general game design. The combat specifically is a really cool and fun take on traditional FF/turn based combat. Although I will say at 7 hours I have no clue what is going on other than there is a war and the bad guys are the bad guys.
Haha, that's all I can remember from my ~5 hours of FF Type-0 play; war and bad guys. Whenever I get back around to it, I'll have to restart, but personally, I thought the opening cinematic and the story set-up was extremely similar to Final Fantasy XV.

Haha, that's all I can remember from my ~5 hours of FF Type-0 play; war and bad guys. Whenever I get back around to it, I'll have to restart, but personally, I thought the opening cinematic and the story set-up was extremely similar to Final Fantasy XV.
For sure the opening and entire set up feels very similar. Had me really excited. Went real dark with the opening to which I liked

So, I picked up FF12 last night. 

FF12 is my favorite FF. Although, 15 comes close. This will be my third run at this game. I started a file a few years ago (forums were still active!) with the mindset that I would destroy it and get the ultra rare Danjuro dagger. 

First impressions: Wow, visuals are awesome. New jobs system will also keep things fresh for someone like me. Also: There is an even MORE rare weapon. Some bow that is invisible and in an invisible chest. Has a 1 / 10,000 chance of appearing. 

Now I have to get that. Also, seems like there is an "upgraded" Danjuro dagger. Have to get that too. Very happy with this purchase so far. 

So, I picked up FF12 last night.

FF12 is my favorite FF. Although, 15 comes close. This will be my third run at this game. I started a file a few years ago (forums were still active!) with the mindset that I would destroy it and get the ultra rare Danjuro dagger.

First impressions: Wow, visuals are awesome. New jobs system will also keep things fresh for someone like me. Also: There is an even MORE rare weapon. Some bow that is invisible and in an invisible chest. Has a 1 / 10,000 chance of appearing.

Now I have to get that. Also, seems like there is an "upgraded" Danjuro dagger. Have to get that too. Very happy with this purchase so far.
I picked it up too! This will be the first time ever playing it so I'm pretty excited. Glad to hear some early praises from a fan.

I remember putting in about 100-hours into FFXII. Although it isn't one of my favorites, I did really enjoy it more than I thought I would going into it. At first, I didn't think I'd like FFXII, but it really grows on you after awhile.

The new visuals look really good. Can't wait to play around with the new job system.

I remember putting in about 100-hours into FFXII. Although it isn't one of my favorites, I did really enjoy it more than I thought I would going into it. At first, I didn't think I'd like FFXII, but it really grows on you after awhile.

The new visuals look really good. Can't wait to play around with the new job system.
My favorite was doing the monster hunts. I also just LOVE that you can have whatever active team you want at any given time, that you didn't have to always have the hero in the party.

There's so much in that game. It is crazy deep. And like I said, when I started playing it again maybe 3 years ago, the forums on Gamefaqs were still very active. A lot of people made classes and rules based on what skills you could or couldn't use.

Anyway. I think this will be the game I play for a while now.

My favorite was doing the monster hunts. I also just LOVE that you can have whatever active team you want at any given time, that you didn't have to always have the hero in the party.

There's so much in that game. It is crazy deep. And like I said, when I started playing it again maybe 3 years ago, the forums on Gamefaqs were still very active. A lot of people made classes and rules based on what skills you could or couldn't use.

Anyway. I think this will be the game I play for a while now.
I'm curious to know how you feel about all the changes once you get into it.

Finished the Yugioh GX campaign of Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist. Wow the story and writing was sooooooo terrible. How did this even air on T.V.? It's like a 3rd grader wrote it.

Half way through the Yugioh 5Ds campaign now, and its way better.

Also finished getting mastery level 20 for Hitman Episode Marrakesh. Now onto Hitman Episode Bangkok. This map is pretty cool, and I've gotten the 1st 2 kills, and to level 4 mastery.

Honestly, Hitman is possibly GOTY, at least the complete edition. The gameplay, graphics, replay-ability are all great. Shame that Square Enix closed down the studio or something.

Finished The Last Guardian.
Wow, that was fast! I remember you said you started it only a few days ago. How many hours did it take? I might pick that as my next game.

FF12 is my favorite FF. Although, 15 comes close.
Hmm, you said it will be your 3rd run through, but does that mean you never finished it the 1st 2 times you've played it? And it was still your favorite? Or is it so good that you've beaten it twice and still want to play it again. I might pick it up if it's the latter.

Also, I've spoke about my negative impressions of 15 before, even though it's not a bad game. But if 15 is 2nd, what other FF games have you played? I mean I've only played 13 and Crisis Core and I would put 15 behind even those.

Wow, that was fast! I remember you said you started it only a few days ago. How many hours did it take? I might pick that as my next game.
Haha had some time off so able to get through some games quick. I'd say it took me probably 10 or 11 hours. Did use a walkthrough for a few parts I got stuck on though, so maybe add a bit if your not willing to do that.

Hmm, you said it will be your 3rd run through, but does that mean you never finished it the 1st 2 times you've played it? And it was still your favorite? Or is it so good that you've beaten it twice and still want to play it again. I might pick it up if it's the latter.

Also, I've spoke about my negative impressions of 15 before, even though it's not a bad game. But if 15 is 2nd, what other FF games have you played? I mean I've only played 13 and Crisis Core and I would put 15 behind even those.
Ha. Good catch. To clarify ...

The first run was when it first came out and I had to share the game with my roommates ... put in maybe like 30 hours, didn't think much of it.

Years later, I learned about the Danjuro and how rare it is. And then I learned about a lot of other things the game has to offer. I played it basically to the point where I could have beaten it whenever I wanted to, but instead I was searching for rare loot or trying to beat rare optional bosses. I never got some of the other things I was searching for ... Ended up getting married, buying a place, moving, etc and never revisited the game again.

(EDIT): You have to understand, this game is nuts when it comes to drop rates. And sometimes, certain enemies have low APPEARANCE rates + rare items with low DROP RATES. It's the worst game for someone like me lol

I'm going to try and do that and then some with this game. And I must say, the new features, graphics, are going to go a long way. Right now, I feel like this is the best game ever.

As an aside & regarding game play .......

So far, I really like the new twist with the jobs. A LOT. I think it is so cool to be able to customize your party members to have certain, specific roles. There are more spells/skills versus previous version. Like, I'm making Vaan a Samurai but also a Knight, because Samurais attack wicked fast with their weapons and pull off combos, but lack STR -- something Knight class offers. Knight also offers healing capabilities. It's this sort of customization that is a lot of fun for me.

I also plan on having an ultimate healer + supporter (White Mage + Time Mage) and a deathly offensive mage (Red Mage + Black Mage) as well as a specific class that can deal massive dark damage ...


FF games that I have played (all US versions)

FF 2

FF 3

FF 7 (incredible game, maybe this is second. But I currently have it ranked third)

FF 8

FF 9 (such an underrated game ... tried to get Save The Queen sword ... failed)

FF 10

FF 12

FF 13 (yuck, didn't stick around long here)

FF 15 (Again, really amazing game, but chapter 15 really messed things up)

If you look at my trade list, you'll see I own nearly every FF and various FF spin offs like tactics for the GBA, for example

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Haha had some time off so able to get through some games quick. I'd say it took me probably 10 or 11 hours. Did use a walkthrough for a few parts I got stuck on though, so maybe add a bit if your not willing to do that.
Hmmm, I'm debating if I want to play this before I play SotC. Did you ever play Shadow of the Colossus before playing The Last Guardian? I feel like if I play TLG before SotC, it might ruin the experience for me, especially with the remake coming out soon. If I go into SotC, especially the remake version never having played a game like that before, I might be a bit more amazed. But I guess I could say the same for TLG, its just which game I play 1st and will likely like more. But I do already have TLG bought, while I don't even know the release date for SotC remake...

Ha. Good catch. To clarify ...

The first run was when it first came out and I had to share the game with my roommates ... put in maybe like 30 hours, didn't think much of it.

Years later, I learned about the Danjuro and how rare it is. And then I learned about a lot of other things the game has to offer. I played it basically to the point where I could have beaten it whenever I wanted to, but instead I was searching for rare loot or trying to beat rare optional bosses. I never got some of the other things I was searching for ... Ended up getting married, buying a place, moving, etc and never revisited the game again.
Well said! Maybe I was a bit harsh on FF15, I guess my expectations were too high. I've also never played FF7 or FF6, which I hear get the most praises. And my 1st FF is actually Crisis Core, but for the main series, it was FF13, which is notorious for a terrible rep. But for some reason FF13 is my favorite one, well out of the 3 I've played... So I guess people who like FF13 or FF15 are just in entirely different camps.

Hmmm, I'm debating if I want to play this before I play SotC. Did you ever play Shadow of the Colossus before playing The Last Guardian? I feel like if I play TLG before SotC, it might ruin the experience for me, especially with the remake coming out soon. If I go into SotC, especially the remake version never having played a game like that before, I might be a bit more amazed. But I guess I could say the same for TLG, its just which game I play 1st and will likely like more. But I do already have TLG bought, while I don't even know the release date for SotC remake...
So I finished Ico and played maybe 3 hours of SotC. I honestly really hated SotC. I loved the idea and it's amazing and epic in every sense. But I got so frustrated with the controls. Based on that I would say they are probably different enough that it shouldn't matter. There are for sure similarities, but I honestly see more Ico in it thatn SotC. They all do stand apart though. Almost like Final Fantasy. All part of the same series but all unique enough on their own.

Been playing a lot of Marvel Heroes on Xbox and I think it's given me the motivation to go back and play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 now. The remastered one that was sold with MUA1 that is. I played the first one and beat it again but after failing to get Silver Surfer AGAIN legitimately it soured me and I never moved on replaying 2 to beat it and get its achievements. So that's on the to-play next list. Also, I'm playing as Punisher in Heroes and seeing how he plays really makes me wish THQ didn't hold the game rights to him back in the day that prevented him from appearing in the MUA games.

Well said! Maybe I was a bit harsh on FF15, I guess my expectations were too high. I've also never played FF7 or FF6, which I hear get the most praises. And my 1st FF is actually Crisis Core, but for the main series, it was FF13, which is notorious for a terrible rep. But for some reason FF13 is my favorite one, well out of the 3 I've played... So I guess people who like FF13 or FF15 are just in entirely different camps.
For a retro game, FF3 is still incredible, but some things might come off as dated for a newcomer (vs someone playing for nostalgia)

Based on what you've shared ...

For some reason, I'm willing to bet that you'd really like Final Fantasy 9. The characters aren't the best, but man, great game and totally underrated. It was the last one to come out for the PS1. I'd also recommend picking up the remaster of Final Fantasy X, or FF 10, if you're looking for something to play on modern systems.

For me, ranked it goes like this:

  • FF12
  • FF 15
  • FF 7
  • FF 3
  • FF 9
  • FF 10
  • FF 2
  • FF 8
  • FF 13
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Ha. Good catch. To clarify ...

The first run was when it first came out and I had to share the game with my roommates ... put in maybe like 30 hours, didn't think much of it.

Years later, I learned about the Danjuro and how rare it is. And then I learned about a lot of other things the game has to offer. I played it basically to the point where I could have beaten it whenever I wanted to, but instead I was searching for rare loot or trying to beat rare optional bosses. I never got some of the other things I was searching for ... Ended up getting married, buying a place, moving, etc and never revisited the game again.

(EDIT): You have to understand, this game is nuts when it comes to drop rates. And sometimes, certain enemies have low APPEARANCE rates + rare items with low DROP RATES. It's the worst game for someone like me lol

I'm going to try and do that and then some with this game. And I must say, the new features, graphics, are going to go a long way. Right now, I feel like this is the best game ever.

As an aside & regarding game play .......

So far, I really like the new twist with the jobs. A LOT. I think it is so cool to be able to customize your party members to have certain, specific roles. There are more spells/skills versus previous version. Like, I'm making Vaan a Samurai but also a Knight, because Samurais attack wicked fast with their weapons and pull off combos, but lack STR -- something Knight class offers. Knight also offers healing capabilities. It's this sort of customization that is a lot of fun for me.

I also plan on having an ultimate healer + supporter (White Mage + Time Mage) and a deathly offensive mage (Red Mage + Black Mage) as well as a specific class that can deal massive dark damage ...


FF games that I have played (all US versions)

FF 2

FF 3

FF 7 (incredible game, maybe this is second. But I currently have it ranked third)

FF 8

FF 9 (such an underrated game ... tried to get Save The Queen sword ... failed)

FF 10

FF 12

FF 13 (yuck, didn't stick around long here)

FF 15 (Again, really amazing game, but chapter 15 really messed things up)

If you look at my trade list, you'll see I own nearly every FF and various FF spin offs like tactics for the GBA, for example
<3 FFIX. I agree with you that it is an underrated game. I recently replayed it for the first time since the early 2000s on my Vita, and I was surprised by how vibrant and crisp the world still was. FFIX is my favorite in the series in that it is a love letter to any FF fan who ever played the NES and SNES Final Fantasies. I'd like to the pick the XII remaster and XV when they get to like $20.

I haven't played any of them in years despite owning them from PSN sales. I remember grinding like hell for Zidane's Ultima Weapon if I'm remembering right. I also remember training on top of this mountain where you'd fight the green dragons. Out of VII-IX I think their chocobo mini-game was the funnest. VII breeding and racing at times made you want to tear your hair out and I don't remember VIII's much apart from the forests but I don't think it was hard.

I am officially Souls'ed out. I can't bring myself to finish the DLC for SotFS ESPECIALLY after having beaten the main campaign. There is so much loot that would have aided me within the main campaign and playing it now seems unnecessary.

Next up on my RPG list is Dragon Age Origins but I would like to play something short, fast paced, action packed and fun so I may play Battlefield Hardline, God of War Ascension, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, or Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition.

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Started playing FF XII. Don't know how long I will last because Splatoon 2 comes out on Friday and been really waiting for that game.

Right now I am just waiting for Mario and Rabbids because that is my next I must play it game. Splatoon 2 is up there but that's a game I can play for like an hour here or there.

After watching the KH3 trailer I have added to my next year backlog all the KH games and Red Dead Redemption. Never played any KH or Red Dead games and well got to play them before the sequels come out. I say next year because already have this year filled up games wise, lol.

I played through the Doom remake on ps4. Can't really say I enjoyed it. Just felt like shooting things for the sake of shooting things and the ending was pretty predictable and lame. Moving on to Gravity Rush 2 now. A light hearted change of pace will be nice.
I am officially Souls'ed out. I can't bring myself to finish the DLC for SotFS ESPECIALLY after having beaten the main campaign. There is so much loot that would have aided me within the main campaign and playing it now seems unnecessary.

Next up on my RPG list is Dragon Age Origins but I would like to play something short, fast paced, action packed and fun so I may play Battlefield Hardline, God of War Ascension, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, or Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition.

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Hardline was better than I expected.

I've been picking up a lot of games lately because of Amazon's price glitch and Half Price Books 30%, 40%, 50% off coupons.

Here's what I've picked up recently:
Ride 2
Crash Bandicoot Trilogy
Victor Vran Overkill Edition
World of Final Fantasy
Digimon World: Next Order

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Haven't posted in awhile here because I haven't made much progress since Zelda BOTW has taken all my time (but it has been worth it).

Hopefully after I finish Zelda I'll play the Halo Master Chief Collection (SP campaigns).
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Finished Dragon Quest Heroes 2 and I'm pretty disappointed. They improved a few things, but also changed some things that didn't need to be changed.

I started up Torment: Tides of Numenera and I loved the first hour. Originally I had thought that it was a isometric Diablo style game, but it's actually a hardcore RPG where dialogue options matter. Also, the combat is turn based and it has this unique system where you can use different abilities to increase your chances of hitting. So far it's one of those games that after you start playing you can't stop thinking about. 

Been a long time since I've posted . I've gone around to selling a lot of games I just see myself coming back to or starting. Currently splitting my time between my copy of yakuza 0 and horizons my friends lent me

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Been a long time since I've posted . I've gone around to selling a lot of games I just see myself coming back to or starting. Currently splitting my time between my copy of yakuza 0 and horizons my friends lent me

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I really want to get Yakuza 0. I'm hoping around BF I can get a copy for $24.99.

I just got my silver portrait in Overwatch. This game is one of the reasons I have a big backlog. Last gen it was Street Fighter IV. I used to force myself to only play other games by temporarily deleting Street Fighter IV from my hard drive. That's not something I want to do with Overwatch. Street Fighter IV was a 6 GB install from a disc. Overwatch is I think a 19 GB digital download after patches.

But now I really need to take a break from Overwatch. I don't want to get burned out on it one week into the next event. I'm guessing in August the Summer games will return.

So in addition to playing through some games for the niche thread, I also recently started resident evil 7. I tried to play it in vr after not having used my headset in a few months, but I was sick in under 10 minutes before anything even really happened. Im about 3 hours in, playing without the headset now and am liking the game so far.
I just got my silver portrait in Overwatch. This game is one of the reasons I have a big backlog. Last gen it was Street Fighter IV. I used to force myself to only play other games by temporarily deleting Street Fighter IV from my hard drive. That's not something I want to do with Overwatch. Street Fighter IV was a 6 GB install from a disc. Overwatch is I think a 19 GB digital download after patches.

But now I really need to take a break from Overwatch. I don't want to get burned out on it one week into the next event. I'm guessing in August the Summer games will return.
Yeah, I love Overwatch but I got really bored of it once the events started coming out. There's pretty much no reason for me to play anymore unless there's an event. If I play anymore just to farm regular loot boxes, I just tire myself out even more, and I'll grow in level so I'll get matched up with stronger players even faster.

At this point, I actually want the events to be spaced out even further, just so when I do go back into it, it feels more fresh and there's more new content.

They really need another progression system, where the more you play, the more gameplay enhancements you gain or something. Or each character has their own level up system, and you unlock things that you can't get from loot boxes that way. Just something other than playing to get random cosmetic items.

And there needs to be more new content, they could even delay it and release things once every 3 months, but they have to give us a giant batch each time they reveal something. I know it's free, but compared to other games, and even their own, like WoW that gets entire expansions every year, or HotS with a ton of new characters and maps regularly, the tiny bit of maps, or the one occasional new character just isn't enough of a change.

Well, I just beat Hitman, well at least the story. Just got to get to level 20 in the Hokkaido stage and I'll be good. 

A really fantastic game, the graphics are good, the gameplay is very refined, and there is a ton of content and replayability of doing missions over and over again with different loadouts, and learning/unlocking new things each time.

I'm also really sad that Square Enix dissolved the Hitman studio. Not to spoil the ending, but it leaves a huge room for a sequel, and the story is definitely not over, if anything it just began. A season 2 would've been amazing, the story just got good towards the end, and the maps for each of the chapters they released keeps getting better and the better, with Japan being one of the best. Sapienza was my favorite though. 

Hitman is a pretty underrated, or at least not a very popular game. I think it has potential to be GOTY for 2017, or is the 2016 GOTY if you count the season pass back then. I really hope they make a sequel, for locations I'm thinking: London, Moscow, Hong Kong, Rio De Janeiro, Seoul, and Beijing. 

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Finished FF Type-0. This is one of those really good games with a ton of flaws. The combat made me keep going in the end, to the point where I platinumed it. It's a cool middle ground of the classic FF ideas and an action game like Bayonetta. Seems like they had the same idea with FFXV to make the combat more action oriented and it works really really well.

Story was rough though. Game goes to completely weird and unnecessary places for the last chapter or so, to the point were I don't even think I could explain why. The basics aren't bad just a weird direction to go in.  And a plus for me the game is short for an FF game. I was right around 18 hours to finish the story with a few side quests done and another maybe 3 or 4 hours to platinum. 

After doing a couple long games decided to go for something short and played through Adr1ft. Amazing concept, gameplay, and environment that just lasts way to long. In the end, it just feels boring as there isn't a ton of variety. But the initial hour of exploring the destroyed space ship is amazing. Did a review for my youtube channel if your really interested. 

Finished Dragon Quest Heroes 2 and I'm pretty disappointed. They improved a few things, but also changed some things that didn't need to be changed.

I started up Torment: Tides of Numenera and I loved the first hour. Originally I had thought that it was a isometric Diablo style game, but it's actually a hardcore RPG where dialogue options matter. Also, the combat is turn based and it has this unique system where you can use different abilities to increase your chances of hitting. So far it's one of those games that after you start playing you can't stop thinking about.
Torment: ToN was on my radar because I really liked Divinity Original Sin A LOT. However, from what I heard ToN has a lot more text versus combat, which is cool, but not my cup of tea.

From your early impressions, is that what ToN is like? More text, less combat?

Also, about 30 hours into FF12. Still loving it. Snagged latest Hitman for PS4 after BB sale for $20. Have yet to play it ... Also got Mario Maker and the 2D Mario for 3DS after BB sale for $35 total. The backlog grows ...

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I made a list this weekend of games that I own but that I want to go back to. Many of them I never finished, and I'm at the point where I think I won't buy new games until I make headway on this list. Thought I'd share!
* Chrono Trigger (1995, 2008)
* Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (2011)
* New Super Mario Bros. (2006) 
* Bravely Second: End Layer (2016)
* Fire Emblem Fates (2015)
* The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998, 2011)
* Luigi's Manion: Dark Moon (2013)
* New Super Mario Bros. 2 (2012)
* Pushmo (2011)
* Shovel Knight (2014)
* Super Mario 3D Land (2011)
* Child of Light (2014)
* Dishonored 2 (2016)
* Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD (2001, 2003; 2015)
* Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014) 
* Uncharted 2 & 3 (2009, 2011; 2015)
* Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (2008)
* Jeanne d'Arc (2007)
* Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (2010)
* Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (2010)
* Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together (1995, 2011)
* Day of the Tentacle (1993, 2016)
* Muramasa: The Demon Blade (2009, 2013)
* Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (2013)
* Sound Shapes (2012) 
* The Unfinished Swan (2014) 
* Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (2012)
I made a list this weekend of games that I own but that I want to go back to. Many of them I never finished, and I'm at the point where I think I won't buy new games until I make headway on this list. Thought I'd share!


* Chrono Trigger (1995, 2008)
* Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (2011)
* New Super Mario Bros. (2006)


* Bravely Second: End Layer (2016)
* Fire Emblem Fates (2015)
* The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998, 2011)
* Luigi's Manion: Dark Moon (2013)
* New Super Mario Bros. 2 (2012)
* Pushmo (2011)
* Shovel Knight (2014)
* Super Mario 3D Land (2011)


* Child of Light (2014)
* Dishonored 2 (2016)
* Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD (2001, 2003; 2015)
* Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (2014)
* Uncharted 2 & 3 (2009, 2011; 2015)


* Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (2008)
* Jeanne d'Arc (2007)
* Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (2010)
* Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (2010)
* Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together (1995, 2011)


* Day of the Tentacle (1993, 2016)
* Muramasa: The Demon Blade (2009, 2013)
* Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (2013)
* Sound Shapes (2012)
* The Unfinished Swan (2014)
* Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (2012)
Some excellent games on that list.

Dishonored 2, Tactics Ogre would be at top of list. Jeanne D'Arc is perhaps the biggest sleeper SRPG ever made.

Some excellent games on that list.

Dishonored 2, Tactics Ogre would be at top of list. Jeanne D'Arc is perhaps the biggest sleeper SRPG ever made.
Thanks man! I agree Jeanne D'Arc is criminally not well known. It's like a pre-French revolution take on Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre.

Finished FF Type-0. This is one of those really good games with a ton of flaws. The combat made me keep going in the end, to the point where I platinumed it. It's a cool middle ground of the classic FF ideas and an action game like Bayonetta. Seems like they had the same idea with FFXV to make the combat more action oriented and it works really really well.

Story was rough though. Game goes to completely weird and unnecessary places for the last chapter or so, to the point were I don't even think I could explain why. The basics aren't bad just a weird direction to go in. And a plus for me the game is short for an FF game. I was right around 18 hours to finish the story with a few side quests done and another maybe 3 or 4 hours to platinum.

Actually, I've played through all my new releases lately and have been looking for a game in my backlog to play, and was eyeing FF Type-0. If it's only 18 hours to beat, and about 22 or so to plat, it seems like the perfect length for me.

A couple of questions though before I get into it.

How are the graphics? I know it was originally a PSP game, so I can't imagine it looking too good. Just want to know if it's bearable though for me to even play it.

Are the other trophies to get the platinum close or far away from beating the main story. Like are those side quests on the way to beating the story, and a few clean up trophies is all you need, or are the other trophies completely detached from the main story and require a ton of grinding afterwards?

For the 18 hours, did you rush through the game, or was it a steady pace? I usually take longer than others to beat games, but if you gotten through this one super quick, it might end up taking me like 40 hours if I take my time.


bread's done