The CAG Rap by StealthySeal


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
This rap was made by CAG StealthySeal
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Text below from StealthySeal's original post

inspired by a suggestion made on this thread i made up a little CAG rap off the top of my head. hope you like it, it's for you cheapy... oh yeah if you want to use it for anything i dont care... just give me credit. but it's not that good anyway, oh well here it is:
CAG is the place to be
With all this stuff they should charge a fee
I’m not sure just how Cheapy did it
It’s an amazing site if you have a minute
I find my games at the lowest cost
Without this site, I would be lost
It’s crazy how much money I save
Now I can play all the games I crave
With all the new games and new software
I can find a low price without a care
And even if I don’t want to play a game
There’s other things that aren’t lame
Check out this thread man it’s a kick
We call it the off topic about off topics
With the friendly advice from another cheap-o
You could probably find a discount at the home depot
Whatever you need at a real low price
Check out CAG and you won’t think twice


and just so you know... im gonna make another one some time that will take me longer than 5 minutes lol"
Well I listened to it....umm at least you had the balls to do it thats gotta count for something right?!


I am currently using this as the album cover to Cheap Ass Gamer: The Album in iTunes. We need more CAG music to accompany CAG Rap and Take A Lick of Megaman.
asll this work... the reason? a banky avatar... if i dont get one now how will i ever lol?

do u think i deserve one after publicly humiliating myself?
i was expecting crap after what everyone else put, but honestly it wasn't that bad, i've heard worse shit on mtv
[quote name='StealthySeal']asll this work... the reason? a banky avatar... if i dont get one now how will i ever lol?

do u think i deserve one after publicly humiliating myself?[/quote]

I still don't have one, and look at some of my pics and videos.

Not that I even want one. Bea-tux Kiddo pwns.
w00t, another song for Cheap Ass Gamer: The Album. When I get enough, I'll burn a CD and send it to Cheapy. I still have your address Cheapy! MUAAHAAHAAHAAA!
I think its pretty funny.
I enjoy scratching over it...its a good time.

For some reason, I especially like this line:
"With the friendly advice from another cheap-o
You could probably find a discount at the home depot"
Haha, I actually kinda liked it. At least you stayed with the beat. Not bad at all, I wanna hear some more.

BTW, I really liked the beat.
my god.... I actually like rap/R&B....this would normally make me sick, but since its for fun, I can understand....
Heh heh, yeah definitely funny. I liked it too, nice beat. Took me this long to hear it. I'm glad it was bumped lol. Good job. Now where is the CAG Rap the Remix with Jay-Z? You know he's lurking somewhere to be on yet another song.
wha? you guys are nuts.. That rap was the worst sounding thing in the world.. I can crap out a tune with better lyrics than that garbage.. Dont encourage him.. he's already lame enough
Did someone kick you in the balls before doing this lol JK. You need more bass behind your voice. Other then that it was O.K.
[quote name='OkeSmokey21']wha? you guys are nuts.. That rap was the worst sounding thing in the world.. I can crap out a tune with better lyrics than that garbage.. Dont encourage him.. he's already lame enough[/quote]

Well it....right now....come have the balls? You make a rap and post it on this message board.

bread's done