The Civil War Comic Book Discussion Thread


2 (100%)
Since DC really doesn't have a major event this summer (besides 52 I guess, but that's not quite on Civil War level in my book), I figured we could name this one after Civil War for now.

So this week was an interesting week. Ended up picking up:

Thunderbolts 104
Civil War Front Line 3
X-Men 188
Superman 654
52 Week 10
Ultimate Fantastic Four 31
Ultimate Spider-Man 97

I haven't finished everything yet, but Ultimate Spider-Man is definitely on my read list now. That was an awesome issue.
52 week 9 was awesome. I was wondering when The Question would show up again. As expected that bitch Natasha would get her super powers and kick John Iron's ass. There's probably going to be some major side effect from the artificial meta gene and she's going to die.

I've heard some good things about 100 Bullets. Are there trade paperbacks of it?
[quote name='2poor']

I've heard some good things about 100 Bullets. Are there trade paperbacks of it?[/QUOTE]

There are many, and yes its fucking awesome.

Today I picked up

52 week 10
American Virgin #5
Annihilation Silver Surfer/Super Skrull #4
Frontline #3
Green Lantern #12
Green Lanter Corps #2
Iron Man #10
Sensational Spiderman #28
Star Wars Legacy #2
Superman #654
Thunderbolts #104
Wolverine Origins #4
Xmen #188

I have a feeling that Tony Stark is going to die at the end of it all. Compairing him to Julius Caesar really points me in that direction. :D
[quote name='karsh']Since DC really doesn't have a major event this summer (besides 52 I guess, but that's not quite on Civil War level in my book), I figured we could name this one after Civil War for now.

So this week was an interesting week. Ended up picking up:

Thunderbolts 104
Civil War Front Line 3
X-Men 188
Superman 654
52 Week 10
Ultimate Fantastic Four 31
Ultimate Spider-Mna 97

I haven't finished everything yet, but Ultimate Spider-Man is definitely on my read list now. That was an awesome issue.[/QUOTE]

So, swap out Ultimate Fantastic Four 31 for Wolverine Origins 4 and we bought the exact same things.

Nothing too spectacular this week. Ultimate Spider-man seems to be back to where it used to be as of late.
I'd be willing to bet anything that Ultimate Spider-Woman is MJ. Its a way to get them back together and have Peter's concern of her being hurt resolved.

I really like this unofficial X-men reboot. They finally seem to realize that with 3 main titles, you don't need to have it so ambiguous as to who's the stars of each title. All 3 have their own established teams and purposes. What's also, VERY excellent is that Wolverine doesn't seem to be in every panel of every issue anymore. I like Wolverine as much as the next guy but he's WAY overused. For a change Uncanny and (adjectiveless) X-men seem to be doing interesting storylines!

I really liked the one story in Frontline about (what's his name?) from New Warriors. You know, the guy who everyone is blaming for the school incident that ignited the civil war. Anyway, this week that, and the story of the 2 random heroes fighting on the street were truly the highlights of Frontline.

[quote name='rodeojones903']
I have a feeling that Tony Stark is going to die at the end of it all. Compairing him to Julius Caesar really points me in that direction. :D

I have a feeling someone big is gonna die. Not sure if it'll be the person you mentioned but it will be big.
So I finished reading everything.

Both Ultimates really impressed me overall. Spidey felt like old-school Spidey, with everyone hating him and him throwing out awesome one-liners. I especially like the set up for this whole Clone Saga arc in ultimate, so I hope they pull it off right. Fantastic Four was awesome if solely for the Frightful Four and what they did. The whole thing involving Reed and Victor was interesting too , and I can't wait to see where it leads next issue.

Thunderbolts really impressed me. I went from thinking this was gonna be a meh side-tale in Civil War, but I honestly love this issue. Zemo was awesome in all his scheming.

Superman and 52 were both awesome, with 52 being one of my favorite issues so far. They both reminded me how awesome of a character Clark can be, and I can't wait to see where the Superman arc goes, with Lana coming back.

The X-Men reboot was interesting, but I think it's gonna take another issue to convince me. I'm not quite sure what exactly was going on with Sabertooth and the rejects chasing him. But I honestly will buy into Rogue having a team now, if solely for the awesomeness she did with stealing a certain two powers.

Frontline was an interesting week. I really like where they're going with Speedball's story. It just keeps getting more interesting. Plus, as mentioned before, the fight between the two random supers in the street was awesome.
[quote name='karsh']
The X-Men reboot was interesting, but I think it's gonna take another issue to convince me. I'm not quite sure what exactly was going on with Sabertooth and the rejects chasing him. But I honestly will buy into Rogue having a team now, if solely for the awesomeness she did with stealing a certain two powers.

Frontline was an interesting week. I really like where they're going with Speedball's story. It just keeps getting more interesting. Plus, as mentioned before, the fight between the two random supers in the street was awesome.[/QUOTE]

Oh damn, I completely forgot the Rogue stealing powers part. That was a VERY creative use of combining powers. I hope there's more of those little surprises in store for us.

SPEEDBALL! That's right, I completely zoned on his name and I was too lazy to go through my older issues to check it.
[quote name='Dante Devil']Is Wolverin CW tie-in worth it? I'm just picking up CW and nothing else.[/quote]

I dunno. Right now, I'd say there's three tiers of what's worth picking up of the tie-ins. The top tiers of stuff I'd say is definitely worth looking into are Amazing Spider-Man, Front Line, and Fantastic Four. The second tier of stuff I'd consider important to the storyline but not the absolutely necessary ones are stuff like New Avengers, Thunderbolts, and Wolverine. I'd prolly put Wolverine towards the top if solely for the great action sequences and the fact that it's mostly been about hunting Nitro, which is kinda important. The last tier is stuff that's been meh tie-in wise, and that's mainly devoted to She-Hulk. That was a horrible tie-in, and I'm glad it was only one issue.
Im am all about 52. Issue 10 for me just solidified everything that was wrong with Superman Returns. Clark is real person and I can't wait for them to finish up that history of the DCU section and give me more 52, cop out bastards
Thunderbolts is just about a perfect book right now. Every issue lately has been a home run. It's one of about five or six books that I think should sell a lot better than it does.
[quote name='Wombat']Im am all about 52. Issue 10 for me just solidified everything that was wrong with Superman Returns. Clark is real person and I can't wait for them to finish up that history of the DCU section and give me more 52, cop out bastards[/quote]

Well, after they finish History of the DCU, it's gonna change to The Secret Origins of ... where they're gonna go over the origins of some of the major players in 52. So there's still gonna be the last couple pages of stuff that isn't the main story of 52.
I am personally Loving the Wolverince Tie in to the CW. Its a little more action oriented as wolverine usually is so its a nice change of pace from the other storys. So far i have picked up every CW tie in and i am glad i have done so. Each one gives a little piece to the puzzle and im highly enjoying it.

Im thinking Tony stark is too obvious and they are pulling a fast one over on us. So how about this:

The whole thing is a big plot by Nick Fury, to regain control of shield. The battle wil be to costly or something to that effect, and the act will be over turned. The President seeing what a mess Commander Hill made of the whole thing, will fire her. Prompting Nick Fury to return, to restore order to shield.

Stark admitted that the act was delivered to him under his door. This could have been fury. Plus fury knows these people better then they know themselves. he knows how they would react to things.

.2 cents into the bucket
[quote name='Lice']I am personally Loving the Wolverince Tie in to the CW. Its a little more action oriented as wolverine usually is so its a nice change of pace from the other storys. So far i have picked up every CW tie in and i am glad i have done so. Each one gives a little piece to the puzzle and im highly enjoying it.

Im thinking Tony stark is too obvious and they are pulling a fast one over on us. So how about this:

The whole thing is a big plot by Nick Fury, to regain control of shield. The battle wil be to costly or something to that effect, and the act will be over turned. The President seeing what a mess Commander Hill made of the whole thing, will fire her. Prompting Nick Fury to return, to restore order to shield.

Stark admitted that the act was delivered to him under his door. This could have been fury. Plus fury knows these people better then they know themselves. he knows how they would react to things.

.2 cents into the bucket[/QUOTE]

Well, its not a red herring that Tony paid that random villain to attack himself and Peter when they were in D.C. What explanation could he possibly have for that?
My guess as to Tony's 'strange' behavior? He's an alternate dimension (non-616) Tony. The hint in Marvel Team-Up #22 suggests as such.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Tagged

This week looks to be a fairly large week for me[/QUOTE]

There's a ton of Civil War tie-ins this week including Civil War #3 itself.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']There's a ton of Civil War tie-ins this week including Civil War #3 itself.[/quote]

Yeah. It's looking like another 30 dollar+ week for me. At least one of the best Civil War Tie Ins (or so I hope) starts in Cable and Deadpool. Plus CW3 is supposed to involve the first big battle of CW, or at least that's what the solicitation seems to be pointing towards.
Heres my pre cutdown list:

52 #11
Checkmate #4
JLA #0
Superman/Batman #28

Civil War #3
Civil War Xmen #1
Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special #1
Eternals #2
Marvel Adventures Avengers #3
Runaways #18
[quote name='karsh']Yeah. It's looking like another 30 dollar+ week for me. At least one of the best Civil War Tie Ins (or so I hope) starts in Cable and Deadpool. Plus CW3 is supposed to involve the first big battle of CW, or at least that's what the solicitation seems to be pointing towards.[/QUOTE]

$48 for me. :(
[quote name='karsh']Yeah. It's looking like another 30 dollar+ week for me. At least one of the best Civil War Tie Ins (or so I hope) starts in Cable and Deadpool. Plus CW3 is supposed to involve the first big battle of CW, or at least that's what the solicitation seems to be pointing towards.[/QUOTE]

I'm already at $14 that I've spent in comics this week. I had to resort to Ebay for Thunderbolts 103 first printing (I know the reprint's out this week but I like having 1st prints of important issues and this tie-in seems like its gonna be important, especially in comparison to something like She-Hulk #8 which I do plan on getting the 2nd print of this week) and Superman #650. Thunderbolts was $6 shipped and Superman was $8 shipped. A little steep but I exhausted every comic store in my area and they didn't have either of them. I just hope that the sellers take thought to mark the packages with "Do not bend" because my mailman just loves to squeeze shit into my mailbox even when it doesn't fit.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Heres my pre cutdown list:

52 #11
Checkmate #4
JLA #0
Superman/Batman #28

Civil War #3
Civil War Xmen #1
Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special #1
Eternals #2
Marvel Adventures Avengers #3
Runaways #18[/quote]

Here's my list:

52 11
Flash 2
Superman/Batman 28
Cable and Deadpool 30
Civil War 3
Civil War XMen 1
Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special
New X-Men 28
Runaways 18
Uncanny X-Men 476
52 WEEK #11-$2.50
FLASH THE FASTEST MAN ALIVE #2-$2.99 (Haven't decided yet for sure if I want it)
CIVIL WAR #3 (OF 7)-$2.99
CIVIL WAR X-MEN #1 (OF 4)-$2.99
DAILY BUGLE CIVIL WAR NEWSPAPER SPECIAL (is this gonna be one of those free handout things? no price is listed on diamond)
SHE-HULK 2 2ND PTG #8 CW-$2.99 (they had me at Civil War)
ULTIMATE X-MEN #72-$2.99
UNCANNY X-MEN #476-$2.99
X-FACTOR #9 CW-$2.99

$26.50 total

Edit- JLA #0? Guess that's another $3...
[quote name='RedvsBlue']DAILY BUGLE CIVIL WAR NEWSPAPER SPECIAL (is this gonna be one of those free handout things? no price is listed on diamond) [/QUOTE]

It's $0.50
I am so dreading tonight/tomorrow.

Maybe I'll catch up on sleep Friday night.

I just wish the Halo book was on time. It's starting to piss me off.
...Well, Halo is in... for the East coast. Apparently there is a shortage through Diamond (main comics distributer) for the West coast, mainly because of how many copies they'll have on hand at the San Deigo Comic Con. Since the owners are in the back, I wont be able to look at it until I come back to put out the new stuff...but it looks pretty high quality from the outside.
[quote name='karsh']Here's my list:

52 11
Flash 2
Superman/Batman 28
Cable and Deadpool 30
Civil War 3
Civil War XMen 1
Daily Bugle Civil War Newspaper Special
New X-Men 28
Runaways 18
Uncanny X-Men 476[/quote]

Forgot about Flash #2. I think I may also try to pick up the Thunderbolt CW issues since they seem to be important. I will have every CW tie-in, other than She Hulk and the Storm/Black Panther Wedding (was that a tie-in?).
52 week 11
Annihilation Nova 4
Cable Deadpool 30
Civil War 3
Civil War Xmen 1
Daily Bugle CW Newspaper
Eternals 2
Flash 2
X-factor 9
Uncanny Xmen 476
Runaways 18
Star Wars Rebellion 4
New Xmen 28 (best x book out imo)
Robin 152
Justice League 0

and The Walking Dead Vol 2

I'm going to have to quit gaming to keep up with all of this. :D
[quote name='craven_fiend']Forgot about Flash #2. I think I may also try to pick up the Thunderbolt CW issues since they seem to be important. I will have every CW tie-in, other than She Hulk and the Storm/Black Panther Wedding (was that a tie-in?).[/QUOTE]

I think the more important and pressing question with the Storm and Black Panther wedding is, does anyone even care about this storyline?

I've never touched Thunderbolts before but from what I can tell the tie-in is pretty important. Definetly more so than something like She-hulk where it was just She-hulk deciding which side she wanted to be on. Hell, her connection to Civil War is much more important in the Frontline story than it is in her own book.
this Civil War storyline seems interesting. I only buy new comics at the local comic con (Tampa Bay Comic Convention, 2-3 times a year) where everything is dirt cheap. I really want to see how Marvel is going to handle the Spider-Man thing that happened in Civil war (didnt want to spoil it for anyone who hasnt read it yet).
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Well, its not a red herring that Tony paid that random villain to attack himself and Peter when they were in D.C. What explanation could he possibly have for that?[/quote]

"Moose and Squirrel".
Probably the best thing about that issue.
[quote name='jaykrue']
My guess as to Tony's 'strange' behavior? He's an alternate dimension (non-616) Tony. The hint in Marvel Team-Up #22 suggests as such.

He's Earth 3 Tony! The only drunkard on a planet with no alcohol!
[quote name='Otherguy676']this Civil War storyline seems interesting. I only buy new comics at the local comic con (Tampa Bay Comic Convention, 2-3 times a year) where everything is dirt cheap. I really want to see how Marvel is going to handle the Spider-Man thing that happened in Civil war (didnt want to spoil it for anyone who hasnt read it yet).[/QUOTE]

Don't worry it was already spoiled in the last comic thread the day before the issue even came out.
I don't know too much about comics other than Ultimate Spider-Man and some Frank Miller stuff, but my girlfriend gave me books 4 and 9 of Lone Wolf and Cub. Is it good enough to be worth tracking down the other parts of the series?
[quote name='JSweeney']
He's Earth 3 Tony! The only drunkard on a planet with no alcohol!

Could be. Who knows?:lol:
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Don't worry it was already spoiled in the last comic thread the day before the issue even came out.[/quote]

..and the New York times had a story on it the day it came out...and the 2nd printing has it on the cover itself...and CW Frontline #2 had it on the cover...and it was completely fucking obvious to anyone reading the book....and saying "There is a major reveal" is not a god damned spoiler.

That being said, in CW #3, Spider-Man reveals himself again, this time he takes off his pants.
Actual Civil War #3 spoilers -

VERY tense issue. We do get the Cap Iron Man fight, we see more people shoosing sides, or choosing no side. Oh, and Thor. Thor's back. The side he chose kind of surprised me.

Now to go count all 199 copies of it we got in...
[quote name='SpottedNigel']..and the New York times had a story on it the day it came out...and the 2nd printing has it on the cover itself...and CW Frontline #2 had it on the cover...and it was completely fucking obvious to anyone reading the book....and saying "There is a major reveal" is not a god damned spoiler.

That being said, in CW #3, Spider-Man reveals himself again, this time he takes off his pants.[/quote]

You know, despite what Nigel had posted, I had heard that "spoiler" a good day or two prior to him making that post. It was in the New York times, which I recieve headlines from on my pager, and it was on a couple local news stations as well as on the radio... all prior to him making that post.

That "spoiler" was made widely available through multiple formats before Nigel event mentioned it. I mean, heck... Yahoo had it on it's front page before Nigel did that.

Sure, it would have been nice for him to mark it up as a spoiler, but it seems kind of petty to drag it out again a couple weeks later.

Hmm. That would be funny if Banky did a comic "CAG Civil War".... but please, Nigel, don't reveal yourself. No one wants to see that.
Oh man, Civil War issues (especially #3 and the tie-ins too) was AMAZING! Runaways was too!
The battle was amazing. Captain America has reached Jack Bauer level badassness at this point. The handshake part where he puts the device on Tony's hand was just great. I'm not too happy about Thor being on pro-registration side but I am curious to find out why he chose that side. I hope they cover it in a future issue. Another person that I can't figure out why he chose the side he did is Bishop.

As for the other Civil War tie-ins, with exception of the She-hulk reprint, were all great. The X-men one is certainly interesting, what the hell was that sentinel at the end? The Onslaught sentinel?

I couldn't believe how they handled that in Runaways. They definetly tricked us that's for sure. I never thought it would be Gert. I think I'm gonna have to start reading Runaways on a regular basis again now. My favorite part of this issue had to be when they referred to Chase as Leeroy Jenkins :rofl: good stuff!

[quote name='JSweeney']You know, despite what Nigel had posted, I had heard that "spoiler" a good day or two prior to him making that post. It was in the New York times, which I recieve headlines from on my pager, and it was on a couple local news stations as well as on the radio... all prior to him making that post.

That "spoiler" was made widely available through multiple formats before Nigel event mentioned it. I mean, heck... Yahoo had it on it's front page before Nigel did that.

Sure, it would have been nice for him to mark it up as a spoiler, but it seems kind of petty to drag it out again a couple weeks later.

Hmm. That would be funny if Banky did a comic "CAG Civil War".... but please, Nigel, don't reveal yourself. No one wants to see that.[/QUOTE]

To the first part, I wasn't the only person who had that spoiled in the comic thread so obviously the news wasn't as widely reported as you make it out to be. I don't read the New York times or yahoo news and none of the news I watched mentioned anything about it. We have spoiler tags on this site now (and at the time this happened) so there's really no reason not to use them, especially when you're talking about something that you know isn't even out yet. I always take the opinion that when in doubt, put a spoiler tag on it. Obviously he doesn't share the same opinion thus the reason I have him on my ignore list.

I didn't drag it out, I merely replied to what someone else had said. Had I said something about it out of the blue then I would concede that I was dragging it up. His reply to what I said was much more hostile than what my message was.
Man, those trips fucking sucked. I went to both LCS, and they both had jack shit, cause UPS had a power outage last night and couldn't deliver the stuff. So now I have to wait till tomorrow after work. This is horrible >_<

All I ended up with today was 52 and Superman/Batman. Off to read those I guess while I wish I could read CW3 and Cable and Deadpool and Runaways.
[quote name='karsh']Man, those trips fucking sucked. I went to both LCS, and they both had jack shit, cause UPS had a power outage last night and couldn't deliver the stuff. So now I have to wait till tomorrow after work. This is horrible >_<

All I ended up with today was 52 and Superman/Batman. Off to read those I guess while I wish I could read CW3 and Cable and Deadpool and Runaways.[/QUOTE]

My store only got 10 copies of 52 instead of the 100 that they usually get so I didn't get a copy of that. Given your situation though I think I had it pretty nice in comparison.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']My store only got 10 copies of 52 instead of the 100 that they usually get so I didn't get a copy of that. Given your situation though I think I had it pretty nice in comparison.[/quote]

Yeah, it really sucked. I was getting through work's monotony today by thinking that I'd get to read CW3 later, and now I gotta get through ANOTHER day. But 52 was awesome. Batwoman rocks. And Superman/Batman was decent enough.
[quote name='karsh']Yeah, it really sucked. I was getting through work's monotony today by thinking that I'd get to read CW3 later, and now I gotta get through ANOTHER day. But 52 was awesome. Batwoman rocks. And Superman/Batman was decent enough.[/QUOTE]

Don't worry, Civil War 3 is WELL WORTH the wait.
I don't know if this has been posted yet but here you go.

Many a Comic Book'd for Big Screen
Here's much grist for the San Diego Comic-Con gossip mill: Hellboy helmer Guillermo del Toro is in talks to direct a feature take on DC Comics' Deadman, the superhero ghost of a circus acrobat determined to find his killer. Also per the Hollywood Reporter, DC's The Doom Patrol — composed primarily of paraplegic genius Chief, Elasti-Girl (who must be outrageous in the sack), Negative Man and Robotman — is similarly bound for the big screen. Not to be left out of the action, Marvel's jolly green giant is getting a second chance at a film career, as X2's Zak Penn will pen and Unleashed's Louis Leterrier will direct The Incredible Hulk, a feature aimed at bringing the big guy back to his roots. Casting is underway.

I'm concerned about Hulk. Leterrier has a good movie (Unleashed) and a really bad one (Transporter 2) to his credit. We'll see what happens.
[quote name='neocisco']I don't know if this has been posted yet but here you go.

Many a Comic Book'd for Big Screen
Here's much grist for the San Diego Comic-Con gossip mill: Hellboy helmer Guillermo del Toro is in talks to direct a feature take on DC Comics' Deadman, the superhero ghost of a circus acrobat determined to find his killer. Also per the Hollywood Reporter, DC's The Doom Patrol — composed primarily of paraplegic genius Chief, Elasti-Girl (who must be outrageous in the sack), Negative Man and Robotman — is similarly bound for the big screen. Not to be left out of the action, Marvel's jolly green giant is getting a second chance at a film career, as X2's Zak Penn will pen and Unleashed's Louis Leterrier will direct The Incredible Hulk, a feature aimed at bringing the big guy back to his roots. Casting is underway.

I'm concerned about Hulk. Leterrier has a good movie (Unleashed) and a really bad one (Transporter 2) to his credit. We'll see what happens.[/QUOTE]

I remember reading somewhere that Marvel's intention with the new Incredible Hulk movie is to have it be a new beginning (AKA first one didn't happen).
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I remember reading somewhere that Marvel's intention with the new Incredible Hulk movie is to have it be a new beginning (AKA first one didn't happen).[/quote]

Ive heard the same thing. I wont be surprised if Eric Bana isnt playing Banner either.
bread's done