The Dark Knight: Heath Ledger to Play The Joker?!


3 (100%)

They scooped everyone on the casting of Brandon Routh in Superman Returns, and now Latino Review says The Joker has been cast in the Batman Begins sequel:

We were first to tell the world that Brandon Routh was going to be the new Superman. Now here we are at it again as we just got word from A VERY TRUSTED SOURCE that the offer last night was officially made to Heath Ledger to star as The Joker in the Batman Begins Sequel!

Stay tuned for a possible official announcement.
Wouldn't Mark Hamill be the logical choice? He voices the Joker in nearly all of the Batman animated series, and he's nearly insane anyway.
I didn't think Heath Ledger had any emotions. How is he going to portray a crazy Joker? I can't picture him doing anything goofy.
I can't see Heath Ledger being Joker. But then again, I couldn't see Christian Bale as Batman either, so I guess it's up in the air then.
Well, his performance in Brokeback was good. Not exactly Joker territory but it shows some promise. I trust in Christopher Nolan no matter who is cast.
[quote name='PawnTakesKing']Wouldn't Mark Hamill be the logical choice? He voices the Joker in nearly all of the Batman animated series, and he's nearly insane anyway.[/quote]

He should get a shot. If not, then it needs to be an unknown.
You can't have Mark Hamill playing the Joker; he can't be twice as old as Bruce Wayne.
And if anyone responds with Jack Nicholson/Michael Keaton, Mark Hamill is no Jack Nicholson.
Heath Ledger? Why not....Maybe there will be a side of him we never seen before.

I am not opposed to giving decent actors some diverse roles as long as they can pull it off.

Yeah, guys, I just don't see it.
[quote name='Over easy']I can't see Heath Ledger being Joker. But then again, I couldn't see Christian Bale as Batman either, so I guess it's up in the air then.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, but you know how the internet is... criticize everything to death and not give anything a chance. Personally, after how well they did the first movie I'm more than willing to give them a chance on whatever seemingly odd casting they may do. Almost all casting (in super hero movies especially) sounds weird before you see someone in the character and costume.

There's a few reasons why they would never consider Mark Hamill. He's too old, he can't act (that's why Star Wars was just about it for his career aside from voice acting), and only us geeks know (or care) that he played the Joker in all the animated Batman stuff.
I didn't really see the issue with Bale as Batman... I loved him in Equilibrium, saw it as a pretty good fit, just need to see him with the mask to be sure.

Joker on the other hand... that's all personality. Of which I've seen none in Ledger, outside of a little bit in 10 Things I Hate About You... and if he can triple the energy output from that movie and add some zaniness, then I guess it's possible. He's just kind of a stiff in what I've seen him, so he'll have to convince me that was just the role and not him.
Ugh, so is Batman Begins going to take the turn to the "fantasy"? I kinda liked the realisticness of the first one.

Hopefully Joker will just be a psycho who likes to wear makeup, rather than a guy who fell in acid and somehow survived...
I would have liked Johnny Depp as well, but he would have stolen the show. One reason Begins worked so well was because the focus was on Batman, not the villians. I would be interested to see Nolan's interpretation of the Joker.
Johnny Depp would definitely be a good choice. Ledger, to me, hasn't showed enough range to play such a manic character. Brokeback was more about the content of the story rather than the actors themselves. It was an easy sell so I don't think it really showed Ledger's capabilities (if he has any beyond 'wooden').
I thought Adrian Brody would have been an excellent choice. I want Joker to be psychotic! Not someone playing evil, but someone who is beyond evil. Someone who can make you afraid.
[quote name='Dante Devil']I'm pretty impressed. He could be an awesome Joker, but the accent has to go.[/quote]

As I said, if it's only by appearances... but I agree the accent needs to go.
Didn't I hear the name Crispin Glover as a possible Joker? He's really sticklike and hella creepy....and not exactly mainstream...but those charlie's angels movies...ewww...
Elton John for the Joker.. well.. he's colorful enough.

Mark Hamill does deserve a shot at it. I can't imagine the Joker's laughter being pulled off by anyone else.
I think my choices for joker would be like this:

1) Vince Cassel
2) Crispin Glover
3) Mark Hamill
10000) Heath Ledger
[quote name='jaykrue']I think my choices for joker would be like this:

1) Vince Cassel
2) Crispin Glover
3) Mark Hamill
10000) Heath Ledger[/QUOTE]

how does John Travolta rank?
[quote name='SMMM']how does John Travolta rank?[/quote]

1288) John Travolta (using Face-Off personality)

5398) John Travolta
[quote name='gregthomas77']What about Guy Pearce? He is a great actor, looks kinda creepy, and has worked well with Nolan before.[/quote]

Guy Pearce looks too pretty to me. He doesn't have the 'character' actor look.
[quote name='Dante Devil']Aren't Guy Pearce and Christopher Nolan good friends since they did the movie Momento together?[/QUOTE]

I believe so.
I swore I had heard somewhere that Alexis Denisof was in the running for the Joker in the sequel back when they were rapping Batman Begins. I thought he might have been able to pull it off..

I wonder if Christopher Nolan will go with Alan Moore's origin of the Joker.

Here is Moore's take on Joker's origin in the story The Killing Joke:

The Joker was an unnamed engineer who quit his job at a chemical company to become a stand-up comedian, only to fail miserably. Desperate to support his pregnant wife, he agreed to guide two criminals into the plant for a robbery. During the planning, the police came and informed him that his wife had just died in a household accident. Grief-stricken, the engineer tried to withdraw from the plan, but the criminals strong-armed him into keeping his commitment to them. At the plant, the criminals made him don a special mask to become the infamous Red Hood. It gave his vision a red tint which caused his view of the plant to look like what is suggested to be hell; magnifying the impact of what occurs later. Unknown to the engineer, this was simply a way to implicate any accomplice as the mastermind of a crime to divert attention from themselves. Once inside, they almost immediately blundered into security personnel and a violent shootout and chase ensued. The criminals were gunned down and the engineer found himself confronted by Batman, who was investigating the disturbance. In panicked desperation, the engineer fell into a toxic waste vat and was swept through a pipe leading to the outside. Outside, he discovered, to his horror, that the chemicals permanently stained his skin chalk white, his lips ruby red and his hair bright green. This turn of events, compounded by the man's misfortunes on that one day, drove him completely insane and resulted in the birth of the Joker.
bread's done