The Darkness - Gen Discussion & Info


53 (100%)

:applause: Starbreeze Studios.

These guys bring nothing but pure quality to the table and I can not wait to play this game.

On the eve of his 21st birthday, fearless mafia hitman Jackie Estacado is suddenly possessed by the terrifying and spectacular powers of The Darkness. Though his supernatural entity lets him wreak terrible havoc on his enemies, the Darkness also has a strong will of its own and now Jackie must learn how to control it. Gameplay features include a seamless and unique blend of modern crime drama and supernatural horror with both first and third person non-linear progression, ad well as highly destructible environments that enable players to stalk the gritty New York slums, harbors, subway tunnels and rooftops, then defeat the terrifying creatures of The Otherworld-a parallel reality where the Darkness dwells.
I like the sound of it and the images are pretty impressive. I never played Riddick but I've heard enough people go on and on about it to expect great things from these guys.
I read the Darkness comics when they first came out and I've been looking forward to this game. I hope it lives up to its potential.
This is indeed going to rule all hell. Starbreeze did some dope work on Riddick and Enclave and from what I've seen thus far Darkness is going to be their best work yet.

I hope they plug the comics alot, like offer the temptation for sex and when you go for you it lose all your darkness powers and die instantly- hilarity.
New interview is up.

Pre-E3 2006: Seeing in The Darkness
IGN speaks with the Chronicles of Riddick design team about its evil new FPS. New information, screens, and artwork.

May 2, 2006 - Last year Majesco signed several excellent movie licenses, nearly all of which have been cancelled or shifted to other publishers. Remember Demonik? Cancelled. Jaws? Still coming to a current generation system near you (maybe this spring). Taxi Driver? Cancelled. Ghost Rider? Gobbled by 2K Games. One of the biggest draws, however, was the Top Cow-based comic The Darkness, which thankfully was not killed in the chaos. The Darkness, a third-person shooter based on the popular Top Cow comic book, is in the works with the talented developer Starbreeze AB and publisher 2K Games. Working with VU Games in 2004, the Swedish team seemingly came out of nowhere to produce a startlingly dark, moody, and high-quality Xbox first-party shooter, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Riddick, besides mixing good first-person shooting, hand-to-hand combat, and stealth, and using a movies' license intelligently and productively, was the first game to successfully introduce the technical effect normal mapping.

The story behind The Darkness is not only dark, it's murky, gritty, and evil. Based on the best-selling Top Cow comic book by Marc Silvestri, Garth Ennis, and David Wohl, this Xbox 360 and PS3 FPS also will be a major motion picture by Dimension Films. The game puts players in the shoes of Jackie Estacado, an intrepid Mafia hitman who works for the Franchetti crime family. The story tells how Estacado is suddenly possessed by the horrifying and stunning powers of The Darkness, with which he grapples throughout the narrative. Over the course of the game, players learn to control and manipulate the Darkness powers to confront the vicious mob boss and serve another, stranger power.

We recently spoke with Starbreeze's design team about the game's direction, the technical differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, and how the designers are implementing their skills learned from the atmospheric Chronicles of Riddick into The Darkness. In this interview we spoke with Jens Andersson, lead designer, Enclave, Riddick, Mikael Säker, story and game designer, Riddick, Magnus Högdahl, technical director, Enclave, Riddick, and Gustaf Grefberg, sound designer and composer, Enclave, Riddick to get a keener sense of the game's development, its sound design, and the online components, among other things.

IGN: Will you give us a little primer on the concept behind the Darkness? While some of our readers are very comic book savvy, some don't even know who Spider-Man is.

Jens Andersson: The Darkness is about Jackie Estacado, a mafia hitman. On his 21st birthday, Jackie gets possessed by the Darkness. This ancient and evil entity goes from father to son and gives Jackie spectacular powers whenever he is in the dark. In the game we've chosen to retell the story of the original comics about the day when Jackie receives the Darkness powers as well as the story about Jackie's only real family; the mafia.

IGN: In what way are you working with Top Cow? Are they purely consultants? Or is there more?

Jens Andersson: Top Cow has been really awesome to work with. They've allowed us to retell the original story and make the changes necessary to make it into a great video-game. Of course, having a guy like Paul Jenkins with us makes it much easier. Paul has written many Darkness comics and that really helps in staying true to the comic.

IGN: The Darkness is a pretty evil little comic book series, but it might be tough to translate that feeling to the videogame screen. Starbreeze was really good about creating an oppressive mood and a feeling of dread and darkness with The Chronicles of Riddick. So, what techniques will you use to capture the mood of The Darkness comic book?

Jens Andersson: The Darkness comic is dark, gritty and evil; basically all the things we love at Starbreeze. Also, the engine we've been developing since way back emphasizes light and shadows and that comes really handy both from an atmosphere and game-play aspect. This in combination with an in-depth story about the main characters creates the special mood we're after.

IGN: What kinds of elements translate well from comic books to the videogame screen?

Mikael Säker: The most obvious elements are the Darkness Powers that have been efficiently translated into gameplay. The "Resurrection" story that the game is based upon has some really strong dramatic moments that we have kept and tried to deliver as efficiently as possible. There are also a number of fun characters and villains in the comic which all come beautifully to life in the game. We have a really strong lineup of actors and they have all done marvelous performances. And then, of course, we have the Darklings... So players can look forward to meeting Jenny, Butcher, Sarah and other characters from the comic. They can expect Darklings running around under their command, raising hell, and they can surely expect being able to do really spectacular stuff with Jackie's Darkness powers.

IGN: What will the music be like? Can you rip your own music? Also, how will you use Dolby 5.1 to your advantage?

Gustaf Grefberg: The music is very dynamic. The main focus is on a cinematic soundtrack, influenced with choirs and rock in certain places. The score changes depending on what happens, and when the Darkness powers emerge. There will also be music playing from boomboxes throughout the game, as part of the urban setting. The entire sound engine is adapted to 5.1 sound. Every sound is mixed and positioned in a full surround environment, and any additional static sounds are mixed with a proper 5.1 speaker placement. We have no plans to support import of custom music in the game due to the complexity of the soundtrack that follows the mood of the game.

IGN: What kind of first-person shooter is this? Slow-paced? Fast and frenetic? Stealthy? There are vast possibilities with this character and his serpent-like appendages. Will the game in any way resemble Chronicles of Riddick with its mixture of stealth, fighting, and first-person shooting?

Jens Andersson: The variety of ways to play the game that you saw in Riddick are exactly what we are looking for, but in The Darkness things are a bit different. You are a professional hit-man so guns will be plentiful, whereas in Riddick we devised ways to control the player's access to weapons. This leads us in other directions regarding what the player would expect to do in a specific situation. This is where the Darkness powers come in and they are really what will make a difference in terms of actual gameplay. The powers will grow during the game and constantly give the player new ways to play the game. We've also taken the adventure aspects further, since this gives great tools to mix up the pacing and to have a chance to tell a story that will make people involved in the game and gives the player a greater sense of freedom.

IGN: What is it like to program and design the game for Xbox 360 versus the PlayStation 3? We're not looking to start a blood war here. We're more interested in what it's like to program for each, and what each one's strengths and weaknesses seem to be? Also, how do you foresee the two versions differing in the final product visually, gameplay-wise, sound wise?

Magnus Högdahl: The PS3 will have a content size advantage with blu-ray and a CPU advantage for titles that are able to utilize a lot of the SPUs. The Xbox360 has a slight GPU advantage and its general purpose triple-core CPU is relatively easy to utilize compared to SPUs. I expect that it will be near impossible to tell Xbox360 and PS3 screenshots apart.

IGN: Does the game follow any particular story path? In other words, how does the game relate to the movie? And how does it glean story bits from the comics? How does it fit into the universe of the Darkness?

Mikael Säker: The game tells a self-contained story which is based on the "Resurrection" comics written by Paul Jenkins. It is a separate and unique storyline that takes the player through some of the defining moments in Jackie's life. There have been some changes in the adaption process, but we have worked closely with Paul and made sure that the story of the game captures the core spirit of the comic. When it comes to the movie, we cannot really say what that will be about. You will have to wait for news about that.

IGN: Does the game reveal anything new or different about Jackie Estacado, the lead character's history or unveil any new kinds of powers or moves? Or was anything slightly re-interpreted for the game?

Mikael Säker: Yes, with our interpretation and adaption of the comic you will see some new exciting stuff. Jackie's supernatural powers have been carefully defined and made into consistent gameplay. How Darklings come into the world by Jackie's command is one of those things, but there are others. The relation between The Darkness entity and Jackie is also something we have dug into, and the same goes for the story of Jenny and Jackie.

IGN: We know you want to talk about the online portion of the game, but apparently you have to wait til later. What can you tell us about the online portion of the game? What kinds of achievements or unlockables are you thinking of including? And if you really have to be lean here, then please just answer this: What little gem can you leave behind fans of Riddick and long-time Darkness aficionados?

Mikael Säker: The game will of course feature on-line material. There's the multiplayer component, which is really exciting, and there will be loads of collectibles and achievements, pre-production stuff and also a few surprises. We also have TV-sets with movies in-game and those are absolutely awesome.

IGN: How do the Darklings work into the game? Are they simply optional? Or will you need them to complete missions?

Jens Andersson: These small, mischievous creatures will accompany Jackie. The player can find them in the bodies of really evil people and they are scattered throughout the game for the player to find. Once found, each specific darkling can be summoned from patches of dark, and they will help Jackie with the means of their disposal, be it a golf-club, hammer or an industrial jackhammer. The game won't force the player to use them, but they will be extremely effective in certain situations. And they are extremely funny to watch!

IGN: What kinds of weapons will be available in the game? What kinds of powers will be used?

Jens Andersson: Even if The Darkness is to its core a first person shooter, Darkness powers are key. But rather than tone down the shooter elements, we've spent a lot of effort designing darkness powers that will complement the gunplay rather than replace it. The Darkness powers in combat are therefore more used to cause havoc to your surroundings, and destroy the cover of your enemies, than to directly kill them.

IGN: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter created a seamless experience and in doing so delivered a real new feel for a console game of that type. Given your drive to be a top-flight technology developer, in what ways will The Darkness create a next gen feel, look or gameplay experiences?

Jens Andersson: We have always had a lot of focus on believability in our games. The world should look real and the characters should feel real. There are a lot of examples where we've tried to take this to the next level with rendering, sound, animation and lighting. For example, one thing that worked really well in our previous game Riddick was that each character had a unique model and voice which directly gave them a sense of personality. To take this further in Darkness we're doing something we call VoCap, where we simultaneously record both voice as well as full facial and body motion capture for every line in the game. This gives a tremendous improvement of the believability of the characters in the game.

I can't wait.
I started a topic about this a couple of months ago, but not too many people posted. :nottalking: ;)

Anyway, in the recent issue of OXM, there's some killer screenshots... it looks fucking amazing. A top five anticipated title, for me.
I have never played Riddick for Xbox, but I am really interested in this game. I was hoping for maybe a 3rd person-type game for this title, but a 1st person might work. Also the more Angelus warriors the better in this game.

Marc Silvestri and Garth Ennis should get the final seal of approval on this one :)
Demo possibly next month:

A bulletin recently posted by the official MySpace page of the upcoming 2K title, The Darkness, has clarified several details about the new release. The juiciest of these tidbits is the revelation that a demo is slated to be released before the game hits store shelves. The bulletin notes that the demo won’t be finished in time to make any magazine covers, so it will download only. Currently, the demo is scheduled to arrive approximately 3 weeks before the title debuts on June 25th, so it should be on Marketplace in the first week of June or so.
[quote name='Sporadic']:applause: Starbreeze Studios.

These guys bring nothing but pure quality to the table[/QUOTE]
I love how a studio can put out three mediocre games, then drop one suprise critical hit and all of the sudden people who have probably only played one of their games are parading about the internets saying "these guys bring nothing but pure quality to the table". :lol: :roll:

You've played one fucking game by them, big fucking woop.

But yeah, back on topic: this game does look great.
[quote name='PyroGamer']I love how a studio can put out three mediocre games, then drop one suprise critical hit and all of the sudden people who have probably only played one of their games are parading about the internets saying "these guys bring nothing but pure quality to the table". :lol: :roll:

You've played one fucking game by them, big fucking woop.[/QUOTE]

Die in a fire, you fucking troll.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Die in a fire, you fucking troll.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for completely ignoring my perfectly valid point, and spamming out this insulting horse-shit.... wait... there's a name for that... oh yeah: TROLLING.

How depressingly ironic.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Thanks for completely ignoring my perfectly valid point, and spamming out this horse-shit.

How depressingly ironic.[/QUOTE]

Perfectly valid point? All you do is bitch, moan, and make snide little comments in every fucking thread you step foot in. I'm tired of it, and while you may think I'm spamming out "horse-shit," I'm just vocalizing how sick I am of your crap. You used to be a decent poster. What the fuck happened?
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Perfectly valid point? All you do is bitch, moan, and make snide little comments in every fucking thread you step foot in.[/QUOTE]
I'm looking through my post history here... yeah, and I fail to see this trend you speak of.

However, as the only response I recall seeing from you is one asking me to "die in a fire", I wouldn't expect you to even read my posts.

It certainly would be nice for you if people could just make de-facto statements summing up the collective whole of a person's posts, but unfortunately in the civilized world (yes, even the internet, my profuse profanities and all, still grasps onto some semblance of civility), with this little invention called "logic", and "reason", you're actually expected to respond intelligently to the posts themselves -- unless, of course, you're a troll.
[quote name='PyroGamer']I love how a studio can put out three mediocre games, then drop one suprise critical hit and all of the sudden people who have probably only played one of their games are parading about the internets saying "these guys bring nothing but pure quality to the table". :lol: :roll:

You've played one fucking game by them, big fucking woop.[/QUOTE]


Foot meet mouth

- edit [quote name='PyroGamer']I'm looking through my post history here... yeah, and I fail to see this trend you speak of.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you should listen to the mods who have told you in public to chill out or get out instead of looking at your glorious post history.
[quote name='Sporadic']

Foot meet mouth[/QUOTE]
1. Ah, it's one of the "mediocre games" I mentioned.

2. I never said you didn't play Enclave, go back and read my post. I was commenting on how EVERYONE is all crazy about Starbreeze, calling them an amazing studio, and one of the top studios, and raving about the quality of their "games". If you want me to switch my comment to "you've played two fucking games by them, big fucking woop", fine, no prob. The point still stands: Starbreeze have released one good (albeit VERY good) game, and a bunch of mediocre ones. Mentioning Enclave only reinforces that point.

3. Why are you flipping off Enclave? Sure it was mediocre, but it didn't suck THAT badly.
[quote name='PyroGamer']I'm looking through my post history here... yeah, and I fail to see this trend you speak of.[/QUOTE]

You're not looking hard enough, dick.
[quote name='Sporadic']Maybe you should listen to the mods who have told you in public to chill out or get out instead of looking at your glorious post history.[/QUOTE]
If I want to find out what my posts say, I'll look at my fucking posts, not OTHER people's posts. I guess the whole concept of making any sort of logical sense is too radically reasonable for you.
[quote name='PyroGamer']If I want to find out what my posts say, I'll look at my fucking posts, not OTHER people's posts. I guess that might be a little too radically reasonable for you.[/QUOTE]

Why don't you slip in "fuck" a few more times, eh? It makes you sound badass and important. It helps detract from the image of the constant stream of bullshit that you spew.

Or, ya know, "cunt" is pretty extreme too.
[quote name='PyroGamer']1. Ah, it's one of the "mediocre games" I mentioned.[/QUOTE]

Enclave is good besides the lack of save points.

[quote name='PyroGamer']2. I never said you didn't play Enclave, go back and read my post. I was commenting on how EVERYONE is all crazy about Starbreeze, calling them an amazing studio, and one of the top studios, and raving about the quality of their "games". If you want me to switch my comment to "you've played two fucking games by them, big fucking woop", fine, no prob. The point still stands: Starbreeze have released one good (albeit VERY good) game, and a bunch of mediocre ones. Mentioning Enclave only reinforces that point.[/QUOTE]

Ok, so you are flipping out on me and wrecking another thread by being a gigantic asshole because of what other people say in other places?

Starbreeze only has 4 games out currently. One was released when they weren't even Starbreeze (O3 Games) and the other one was only released in Europe.

So if "you've played two fucking games by them, big fucking woop", congrats you just played every Starbreeze game.
[quote name='Greetard']Why don't you slip in "fuck" a few more times, eh? It makes you sound badass and important.[/quote] So far the only person who's even fucking attempted at discussing the points I make in my fucking posts (or even staying on topic) is Sporadic, who didn't take very long at all to respond to.

Now someone's critiquing my uses of the word "fuck". It seems everything has been tried besides responding to my ACTUAL fuckING POINTS.

Words, you see, at least in the English language, work together to form sentences, and those sentences work to convey ideas. So unfortunately isolating one single word when replying to a post is not only fucking annoying, but it's also useless and stupid.

If you don't want to see the (censored) word "fuck", then don't go on the fucking internet, or at least stick to boards that don't allow users to use the word "fuck". This board, as far as I know, doesn't censor any words at all, excluding the word "fuck", the censoring of which I am convinced is done purely for the humorous side of seeing the "Shaq-Fu" logo everywhere.
[quote name='Sporadic']Enclave is good besides the lack of save points.[/QUOTE]I disagree. And so do most of the proffesional critics. I would call it "mediocre", not "good".

[quote name='Sporadic']Ok, so you are flipping out on me and wrecking another thread by being a gigantic asshole because of what other people say in other places?[/quote] I'm not "flipping out" on you, I'm offering a fucking reasonable counter-post to your post. I'm attempting to engage you in a reasonable discussion. I come on videogame forums to discuss videogames... is that so odd?

And I'm not "wrecking your thread", I come in here and post a reasonable reply with a point, and Mr. Anderson comes in and starts trolling, derailing the thread with an uncalled for insult, asking me to "die in a fire".

Then Greetard continues to keep the thread offtopic by insulting me again.

Greetard and Mr. Anderson haven't mentioned VIDEOGAMES even ONCE in this thread, and yet I'm being accused of "wrecking" it.

This whole time I've been trying to keep the discussion on The Darkness and Starbreeze, and yet I'm being bombarded with insults and hate spam.

Starbreeze only has 4 games out currently. One was released when they weren't even Starbreeze (O3 Games) and the other one was only released in Europe.

So if "you've played two fucking games by them, big fucking woop", congrats you just played every Starbreeze game.
Just because a game was released only in Europe doesn't mean it's not a Starbreeze game. You can't single out only the good games and say "these guys bring nothing but pure quality to the table".

Even if Starbreeze only released Riddick, saying "these guys bring nothing but pure quality to the table" is misleading. It would be better to say "these guy's last game was a good start". Saying they "bring nothing but quality" is the kind of statement that you'd need something to back up with, unfortunately one single good game, or even one single good game and another mediocre one, is not enough to back up such praise.

They're definitely not the tried-and-true quality-studio that I'm complaining people make them out to be.

Thanks for the serious reply, Sporadic, why is it that I can't get more of this, rather than this "die in a fire" trolling bullshit that is becoming all too common?
You want a serious response, dick? Here's one:

I looked through your posts for the past three days, since you were having trouble with it yourself and all (which you shouldn't have-- seeing as how you're a walkin', talkin' encyclopedia and an expert of logistics).

[quote name='PyroGamer']If this is anywhere near the truth why in the fuck did they release a fucking Elite at a price-hike?

MS could easily win this whole thing with a price-drop right now. If they don't cut the price SIGNIFICANTLY in conjunction with Halo 3 or Holiday '07, they are fucking insane.

Welcome to the wide wide world of Chinese worker exploitation. Communist state my fucking ass.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='PyroGamer']FORCED?????? WHAT THE fuckING HELL??? Nobody is fucking forcing you to go on the internet.

You are perfectly free to take your computer and burry it out in your back yard if you want. Because it's NOT possible. By using programs, people agree to be subject to any sexual advances or rude vulgarity that other users may visit upon them.

WELL TOO fuckING BAD. Boo fucking hoo. Oh poor you! Guess what? WHO GIVES A fuck? Get a fucking life, dumbass.
Excuse me? Did someone fucking hack your computer? Bolt you to your seat? NO. Rip the chord out of the wall, hit the "off" switch, or fucking CTRL-ALT-DEL your program.

Problem fucking solved. And there's you in complete control.

If you put all of your soul and life and time into positioning a speck of dust, and then someone walked by and blew your speck of dust out of place, good luck convincing someone to give a shit, much less charge the other person with even criminal negligence.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='PyroGamer']No. I did not enjoy the original artwork. I fucking hated it. However, it's awfulness pales in comparison to the utter horse shit that is X360 Platinum Hits.

Why can't they just print the "Platinum Hits" junk all over the outside of the plastic-wrap???[/QUOTE]

[quote name='PyroGamer']And on the "this is why EBgamestop fucking sucks elephant diarhea" side, I've been occasionaly told I can't use the edge card with B2G1 free.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='PyroGamer']QFTMFT[/QUOTE]

And my personal favorite (pertaining to the original argument):

[quote name='PyroGamer']As Wombat would say: what's with Ubisoft and killing mexicans?

And like I say to every thread announcing a game: YAY! Never nay. Why the hell would I be dissapointed to hear another videogame is coming out? Why the hell wouldn't I want another videogame to come out?

I'd rather have a mediocre product than no product at all.

I've always wanted to play as a preacher executing god's justice with a quick-draw. Though I must say whenever a FPS is announced I have to ask "WHY!!!!" like we don't have enough of this shit already.

I am seriously getting sick of videogaming entirely what with all these fucking FPSes.[/QUOTE]

Well, dick, I guess you ain't so angelic afterall....uh..."fucker."
^^ I'm so confused....^^

Anyways, this game looks awesome... definately has been on my radar but the recent videos posted on IGN pushed it up (at least in my book) to AAA potential.
[quote name='captmurphy']^^ I'm so confused....^^

Anyways, this game looks awesome... definately has been on my radar but the recent videos posted on IGN pushed it up (at least in my book) to AAA potential.[/QUOTE]

A mod came through and cleaned out the thread.

Pyro threw it off topic by attacking me and then attacking everybody who called him out.
Uh, before you go villifying him and thinking you're all angels, you fed the fire as well, so don't go thinking you're all blameless.

Enough conversation about this, people.
[quote name='shrike4242']Uh, before you go villifying him and thinking you're all angels, you fed the fire as well, so don't go thinking you're all blameless.

Enough conversation about this, people.[/QUOTE]

Good idea. Sorry about starting this whole thing. I probably should have thought things through a little better before posting what I did. :whistle2:#
Mike Patton is also voicing The Darkness, which is the most awesome thing ever. Not the main character, but all of his minions and whatnot.

The lead singer of Faith No More, for those who dont know.
[quote name='red flare graf']Mike Patton is also voicing The Darkness, which is the most awesome thing ever. Not the main character, but all of his minions and whatnot.

The lead singer of Faith No More, for those who dont know.[/QUOTE]

I had no idea! That's fucking awesome. :lol:
I really liked Riddick and trust Starbreeze to create a great experience. What's funny is even though I think that, the thing that seals the deal for me is Mike Patton voice acting in the game. I am obviously Mike Patton's bitch.
This will be my next purchase for 360. I've been following it for quite a while. I played Riddick for about 7 hours the day I got it, till my eyes hurt so bad I had to stop. One of the absolute best campaigns in an FPS (if you can really call it that) that I've ever played. If they follow suit, The Darkness will be anything but just an FPS. The gameplay in Riddick never got monotonous or predictable. I will definitely be playing this in June.
[quote name='Mirow']I really liked Riddick and trust Starbreeze to create a great experience. What's funny is even though I think that, the thing that seals the deal for me is Mike Patton voice acting in the game. I am obviously Mike Patton's bitch.[/QUOTE]

I'm the exact same way.. I wouldn't buy it at launch if it weren't for him.
I have wanted a game based off this since I first ready the comic years ago. Now if I can just get a game based off the world of Preacher .. or even Hitman.
It's hard to believe that Starbreeze went from developing that godawful Enclave game to Riddick and this. This is a day 1 purchase for me... the only question is whether I should get the 360 or PS3 version... which I obviously won't know till the reviews are in or a demo comes out for both.
[quote name='Chacrana']It's hard to believe that Starbreeze went from developing that godawful Enclave game to Riddick and this. This is a day 1 purchase for me... the only question is whether I should get the 360 or PS3 version... which I obviously won't know till the reviews are in or a demo comes out for both.[/QUOTE]

Wow, Starbreeze developed Enclave? I was under the impression that Riddick was their first game. You learn something new every day...
Yeah, Enclave was the first game they did as far as I know. I remember I got the PC version of that game for $3 and I felt like I got ripped off because it was so... ghetto. That was back when I was a CAG and bought shit because it was cheap... thankfully, I got out of that stage.

Riddick was the first game for Tigon studios though, which is Vin Diesel's company. I'm still fucking shocked... I expected Riddick to be the biggest piece of shit ever solely because of Vin Diesel's involvement in the development but noooo.

Point is, Starbreeze started out horribly, but now they're developing one of my most anticipated games.
Yeah I have to agree, I was a fan of both Enclave and then Riddick even moreso. From all of what I've seen of The Darkness, the evolution continues.
I guess msft had several community events recently and the darkness was the hit of each of the events...Heard it on gamertagradio, uncle gamer, and achievement junkie podcasts
I was going to get Earth Defense Force this month until I saw the release date for this. Yeah now I am getting this instead of Earth Defence Force because this looks awesome and EDF will hit CAG price soon enough. Just hope the singleplayer is lengthy enough.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I was going to get Earth Defense Force this month until I saw the release date for this. Yeah now I am getting this instead of Earth Defence Force because this looks awesome and EDF will hit CAG price soon enough. Just hope the singleplayer is lengthy enough.[/QUOTE]

I do not support this.

EDF is digital crack, grab it for 30 and it will hold you over until The Darkness comes out.
bread's done