The "Dem Boys" Briscoe Brothers Wrestling Thread

I spent some time catching up on the WWE Docs on Netflix, specifically the AWA, WCCW, and Road Warrior ones. I was surprised at how even handed they were with the AWA and WCCW ones when compared to the WCW one I saw a while back. Definately worth a watch if you haven't seen them yet. I am kind of curious how HHH got to be some sort of de facto wrestling historian though.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']I spent some time catching up on the WWE Docs on Netflix, specifically the AWA, WCCW, and Road Warrior ones. I was surprised at how even handed they were with the AWA and WCCW ones when compared to the WCW one I saw a while back. Definately worth a watch if you haven't seen them yet. I am kind of curious how HHH got to be some sort of de facto wrestling historian though.[/QUOTE]

The same way he cemented his long-term position with the company.


Or some variation thereof.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']I spent some time catching up on the WWE Docs on Netflix, specifically the AWA, WCCW, and Road Warrior ones. I was surprised at how even handed they were with the AWA and WCCW ones when compared to the WCW one I saw a while back. Definately worth a watch if you haven't seen them yet. I am kind of curious how HHH got to be some sort of de facto wrestling historian though.[/QUOTE]

the rowdy roddy piper one is amazing. the ricky the dragon steamboat one was really gay in the beginning. i also enjoyed the road warriors one.
[quote name='KaneRobot']1/2/12 has likely been discovered due to an airport sighting/photo. Lordsofpain has it, among other sites.[/QUOTE]

I'm trying my damnedest not to read anything about it, as its times like this where I can actually try to let WWE surprise me with something... Usually doesn't work, but I give them the chance, at least.
[quote name='KaneRobot']1/2/12 has likely been discovered due to an airport sighting/photo. Lordsofpain has it, among other sites.[/QUOTE]

Brilliant! First Raw I'll be watching for quite a few weeks.
[quote name='nasum']that's really a surprise? I don't even watch anymore and figured that part out.[/QUOTE]

Well I didn't make a comment since people flip out about spoilers, so much for that. I do give them credit for having the person show up at an airport that isn't right by the arena, but in this age it's pretty hard to keep something quiet no matter what they do.
[quote name='Purple Flames']This is one of those times where I really hate the internet.[/QUOTE]
Personally I like the internet. It allows me to see which former stars are still in this biz and/or retired without having to watch this convoluted male soap opera every Monday. Vince hasn't seen one dime of my money in almost 10 years now and that's not gonna change anytime soon.

I already skimmed through a fully detailed rundown of what happens tonight, so I now have no need to even flip over to USA tonight to watch for a second.:razz: As for the big events of the night, all I can say is .
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Personally I like the internet. It allows me to see which former stars are still in this biz and/or retired without having to watch this convoluted male soap opera every Monday. Vince hasn't seen one dime of my money in almost 10 years now and that's not gonna change anytime soon.

I already skimmed through a fully detailed rundown of what happens tonight, so I now have no need to even flip over to USA tonight to watch for a second.:razz: As for the big events of the night, all I can say is .[/QUOTE]

RAW is live. How did you manage to find a detailed rundown of what's going to happen?
betting on it being jericho tonight. however I could also see lesnar comming back to feud with undertaker and set up for wrestlemania. I would prefer it to be lesnar
Wish I can attach a picture. Got a floor seat. Sitting right across the WWE logo at the entrance. You guys might see me on TV. I'll post a pic of where I'm sitting after the show.
"Were you expecting this Cole?" "No not at all!!" ::crowd shots of multiple Y2J signs immediately follow::

He is so going to rip on this crowd after that entrance.

EDIT - Ok that was even better than insulting them. fucking hilarious.

EDIT 2 - Kimbo's lookin' like a jacked Kamala in that Scorpion King ad they keep showing.
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They booed him at the end of that. Cue super smug heel Jericho telling everyone that he won't be their puppet or something like that.
Ok Cena's definitely turning soon. Justin Roberts didn't say JEEEEEEYYYOOON CEEEEEENAAAAAAA.

[quote name='Demolition Man']What the fuck was that?[/QUOTE]

It's called being a heel.
How does Gomer Swagger still have a job? For a guy his size, he's got legs like Shane Helms and looks about 14 in the face.
Not gonna lie. I haven't watched Raw regularly in a good while. I flipped on a 9:05 and watched until now. I enjoyed this show very much.
[quote name='@ICP']WWE Monday Night Raw truly fuckin sucked tonight. You had to be a stupid little kid to enjoy that bullshit. Terrible writing. HORRIBLE SHIT[/quote]



How many more times are we going to be told that Brodus Clay is going to premier, yet there is no sign of him? WTF mang. Also, Yay Jericho is back. Booooo for 15 minutes of overly gratuitous crowd cheers.
[quote name='Spyder187']Also, Yay Jericho is back. Booooo for 15 minutes of overly gratuitous crowd cheers.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Person next to me and I was like WTF, speak already!
Show-opening video with Cena and Kane went on too long, but did include a shot of Cena's wacky selling of pyro and looking all sad, so it was at least funny. Cena interrupted the Raw theme, so YAY CENA. Cole said he got a mixed reaction, but it was impossible to tell because HIS THEME MUSIC WAS TOO LOUD and Cole wouldn't shut up. Then he got booed. Tremendous. Cena spent eons just rambling about being ALL ABOUT HUSTLE LOYALTY AND RESPECT, which means...something I guess and how the fans can do what they want (as long as it doesn't involve bringing a sign that WWE doesn't like), and mentioned the Christmas Creature. Sadly, Kane didn't come out after that point, but waited until the ten minute mark to do so. Thankfully, Kane ended this with threatening words and pyro. GO KANE!

For some reason, "the end begins tonight" aired here and not on the day of the Network's launch. Raw's first match saw SD's two singles champs have a match against each other for...some reason. So the world champ is now an opening-match guy on Raw. Great. Cole buried Danielson at every turn - well, he did compliment an elbow smash he did. That's it. And he brought up Danielson's losing streak before getting the case AND winning the title. King said that Dusty wouldn't approve of how Cody is acting, but I doubt he'd mind since he helped him turn on Rey at one point. Danielson won via small package, which ruled. Miz met backstage with Ace while making sure his nails looked good. What a badass. TREMENDOUS exchange with Miz saying he's a sitting duck and Ace saying it's better than being a lame duck, followed by a shot of Truth flapping his arms and going QUACK QUACK QUACK! It put this feud at about Santino-level, but was amusing. Barrett came out and they played a video of Orton from SD, and Cole said that Orton suffered a herniated disc and he'll be out some sort of amount of time. Barrett came out and said he didn't wish anyone a happy new year, and didn't care about their old year either - loved this. Then Santino came out to have a match with Barrett after cutting an amusing, goofy promo on him. The Winds of Change Bossman slam has been upgraded from major move to finisher - I'm fine with that. The Bellas bitched, miz was annoying, Then Truth went shush - I guess he's hunting whitey.

Miz-Sheamus started with Miz beating Sheamus in the ropes, and I'm amazed the match didn't end via DQ there, but Sheamus got to whoop his ass with the rope forewarms before scurrying and having a promo cut on him by Truth in the crowd. Now Little Jimmy and Get Got are face sayings, he got Brogue kicked outside...and the match just ended. No decision was rendered. And then Miz got Eviowned again. So yeah, this "Miz is a badass" stuff is made of fail. Dolph cut an awesome promo about how great he is, how he backs it up and now everyone should save their ticket stubs because they'll want to note where they were when he won the title. This ruled. Then Swagger and Ryder had a goofy skit that kinda killed the momentum of things - I was hoping they'd just go back to Punk for a reaction and then spend the last few minutes on ads. Nope, they had to make a random tag match with Kane's return. It's an hour into the show and maybe two minutes total have been good and/or amusing.

Loved Dolph getting the big match intro. Match started off with a surprisingly high amount of mat wrestling. Punk took a nasty Stun Gun with his face eating the rope and then landed on his neck on the apron. Tough night for him physically. I'm astonished he didn't wind up landing right on his head during the reverse powerslam. Ace cost Punk the win again, this time with a turnbuckle cover bit and Punk had the win with an awesome throw into the Vise, but Ace got knocked down and left afterwards. And then the match ended via countout. Well, that finish kinda sucked, but did prevent Dolph from having to job and at least furthered the Punk-Ace deal. I'm amazed they're actually trying to protect Dolph here. I guess this will lead to either a rematch next week or at the Rumble with some sort of stip. HE IS HERE!

Bellas came out to have a shitty match BUT look hot in skin-tight gear. This is worlds better than them arguing back and forth. Kelly and Eve had matching orange gear to match their skin tones. Bellas gear was shockingly low in the back, which I'm fine with. Match ended after one Bella did the shittiest cradle ever to win. Austin's to Owen after the tombstone looked better. Every part of the finish but the cradle was shown - I LOLed. Ace made Punk-Dolph III for the Rumble with himself as the ref. If Ace screws him out of the title, he'll beat him like a bitch. Nice, intense promo from Punk here. THE END OF THE WORLD IS NOW! Video ruled, then they did some stupid camera shaky shit and a massive Y2J chant erupted. Jericho returned with a new Double J-ish lit jacket and got a huge pop as classic Y2J and did the old YEAH BABY, C'MON BABY stuff he knocked during his last heel run. Jericho drew out the response in a Hogan-esque way. It was so long that they had time to do a #1 trend graphic for him - so he's now as big a deal as Alicia Fox during a random divas match. He went so over the top goofy here with the hand-slapping and stuff that I was convinced he's turning heel during the night, if not during this show. Then things got to the point where the whole crowd booed and he just left looking crazed. This was just tremendous because you could see where things were going in a good way. After basically trolling twitter, he trolled the live crowd. Awesome. His promo next week THANKING YOU, THE WWE UNIVERSE FOR MAKING ME, CHRIS JERICHO, TREND #1 ON TWITTER! is going to be something else. Oh, and the random six-man tag had to follow that.

Kane didn't come out for the six-man tag, so Otunga sauntered on down with coffee in tow to explain what happened to the ref. Kane didn't wanna participate, and for some reason, Brodus Clay couldn't be used here. It was 2 on 3 advantage good guys, and one of the heels is injured. So yeah, this aspect of things was TNA-riffic. Ad of a chick vomiting either due to booze or dubstep aired. OUTSTANDING Jackson-Hewitt ad with "This is How We Do It" playing aired that makes tax-time seem enjoyable. Henry took a bump off the Pounce and appeared to be in agony. Good move having him work on a torn groin - did wonders for Alberto. Henry and Show got counted out, leaving it 2 on 1 on Swagger. Ryder lasted about as long as HBK did in the ankle lock at WM 21, but finally made the tag to Cena. Cena hit the FU and won! CENA OVERCAME THE ODDS...that were stacked in his team's favor. Kane came out from under the ring and did something to Ryder and then did the smothering deal to him again. The red lighting over everything he does ala '97 rules. He came back in to attack Ryder more, but Ryder couldn't escape because of his injured ankle, so he almost got dragged to hell before being saved by Cena. Pyro and ballyoo went off in the hole and Cena and Ryder had an OMG BRO look on their faces. This was absolutely ri-goddamn-diculous. Show was largely bad, but saved by Jericho's deal, which was either really awesome or dragged on forever depending on your viewpoint.

Screens -

This scored a pinfall -

Quotes -
Cena - It is a new day and a new day - LET ME WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR! The new year is typically a time for celebration and resolution - John Cena’s gonna make some changes to himself in 2012. I’m gonna start wearing less underwear - and when I wear some, it’ll be unusual. For some who saw the this is your life segment, my Dad is banned from WWE TV - THAT WAS WORSE THAN THE CHRISTMAS CREATURE’S DEBUT! I will beat DWAYNE and prove that I’ve lost my lady parts. One thing will not change about me, and that hasn’t changed in the 10 years I’ve been in WWE - I WILL BE WHO I AM AND MY CONVICTION WILL REMAIN TRUE! HUSTLE, LOYALTY, AND RESPECT DON’T FALL TO PIECES BECAUSE FIRE IS THROWN IN HIS FACE! Last week, I was emotional, but it wasn’t towards any one of you, and even those in disbelief, you’ve all paid your hard-earned money and I’m in no position to judge you - you’ve earned the right to do what you want to do. My issue was with Kane, who couldn’t settle things the way we do it WWE - WE COME IN THE RING AND THEY RING THE BELL!
Kane - Cena, Cena, you can try to hold off the inevitable all you want, but you will embrace the hate and witness the true power of hate tonight! HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!
(as Danielson comes out)Cole - WHO IS THIS GUY!?
King - He’s only the world champion on SD.
Cole - The most nondescrpt world champ of all-time!
Miz - I’m a sitting duck out there.
Ace - Better than a lame duck.
Barrett - I don’t wanna wish anyone a happy new year - I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR NEW YEAR, OR YOUR OLD YEAR! I, however, have had a GREAT 2012! It’s devoid of Randy Orton - I never planned to throw Orton down a flight of stairs, but it was either him or me, and now he’s another victim of the Barrett Barrage. HE IS IN MY PAST AND I’M LOOKING TO THE FUTURE AND WINNING THE ROYAL RUMBLE AND MAIN EVENTING WM! After what I did to Orton, there isn’t a person on the planet who can…(Santino comes out)
Josh - Will you be able to defeat Punk tonight?
Dolph - Last week, I pinned the WWE Champion as simply as I did that headstand. If you’ve got it, flaunt it - AND I’VE GOT IT! OUR KIDS ARE BROUGHT DOWN BY STATES LIKE TENNESSEE! I’M A WALKING SURPRIS - OF TALENT, CHARISMA - EVERYTHING I WANT, I HAVE, EXCEPT FOR ONE THING - THE WWE CHAMPIONSHIP! So make sure you hang onto your ticket stubs - you’ll want to note the time and place where Dolph Ziggler became WWE Champion. Later.
King - That’s the good rump bump.
Cole - Do you think Eve’s an expert at the Rubik’s cube?
Punk - If you screw me out of the title, I’ll be in jail for animal cruelty - BEATING YOU LIKE A BITCH!
Crowd - Y2J! Y2J! Y2J!
Jericho - C’MON YAY!
Jericho - OH YEAH!
bread's done