The Falcons Are In The Wild - But Rarer Than A Mewtwo! Gotta' Catch Them All!

[quote name='zewone']Elites are for suckers.[/QUOTE]

I only paid about $40 more for the color black and 100gb of space that I'll never use (thanks to a cheap used 360 w/ bb warranty on ebay)...which only makes me a semi-sucker.
How can you tell what lot number a 360 is from?

I got a new one today (exchange) with an HDMI port (born on 7-3-07) with a Hitachi drive. I'm still wondering on those 65nm chips, and where the number is though.
[quote name='Apossum']I only paid about $40 more for the color black and 100gb of space that I'll never use (thanks to a cheap used 360 w/ bb warranty on ebay)...which only makes me a semi-sucker.[/QUOTE]
I didn't mean you, the way you did it was okay, no extra moneyz out the pocket.
[quote name='KingBroly']That still doesn't explain why it has a Hitachi drive.[/QUOTE]
Why wouldn't it have a Hitachi drive?
[quote name='KingBroly']I thought it'd have the Ben Q drive. What's the quietest disc drive supposed to be?[/QUOTE]
The Ben Q is supposed to be the quietest. Doesn't mean they won't use other companies drives to keep production up to speed.
Just got my HDMI from amazon and it has the BenQ in it. Although I have to bash Amazon for the cheap box they put it in, luckily it came unharmed.
[quote name='zewone']Elites are for suckers.[/QUOTE]

Hey, now! For only $80 (at the time - the $100 difference now may make it less worthwhile) I got HDMI, an HDMI cable, the extra 100GB of space, and the chance that the system was at least a bit more reliable and/or quieter (jury still out on those aspects with respect to the launch Elite's).

Considering that I paid for the whole thing with flipped Gamecrazy credit, it only cost me about $200 in real money to buy the Elite at the $480 price point.

The HD alone has been well worth it as I only have about 55GB free as of now. Sure, I *could* delete some demos and videos, but, you know what, I don't *have* to :lol:.

Scrubsy - the question is, is that BenQ really any (or much) quieter? I've heard conflicting reports on that.
I can't really make any comparisons, I never looked to see what my old drive was or ever really listened to it. As far as I am concerned it is semi quiet.
[quote name='Scrubsy']I can't really make any comparisons, I never looked to see what my old drive was or ever really listened to it. As far as I am concerned it is semi quiet.[/QUOTE]

Then I'm going to assume there isn't much difference (ie, your new one must be as noisy as the older style ones). Look at it this way - when playing an original Xbox game I don't hear the drive at all. When it spins up to full speed for a 360 game, though, it sounds like a jet engine. If it DIDN'T sound like a jet engine I would think it was much quieter ;). And if I got a new system that didn't do that it would be the first thing I noticed.
[quote name='io']Then I'm going to assume there isn't much difference (ie, your new one must be as noisy as the older style ones). Look at it this way - when playing an original Xbox game I don't hear the drive at all. When it spins up to full speed for a 360 game, though, it sounds like a jet engine. If it DIDN'T sound like a jet engine I would think it was much quieter ;). And if I got a new system that didn't do that it would be the first thing I noticed.[/quote]Granted I do have my air running and lots of other background noise, but I popped in a game and it sounds quiet to me.
I am so glad that I purchased a product replacement plan at BB when I got a 360 back in February.

I was able to go in today and trade it instantly for a newer box born on 7/13/07.

I'll try to remember to check out the drive to let you guys know which one I got.
[quote name='chernggoh']I am so glad that I purchased a product replacement plan at BB when I got a 360 back in February.

I was able to go in today and trade it instantly for a newer box born on 7/13/07.

I'll try to remember to check out the drive to let you guys know which one I got.[/QUOTE]
Just wondering why you traded it in so soon? Didn't you have a year and a half left?
I just got mine from amazon today.
I got the HDMI. I guess I have the new heatsink (I don't have a camera to check it with). But most importantly the DVD Drive........

*****Opens Disc Drive********Notices the Drive********Double Checks by putting in Madden 08******Disc Drive makes VRROOMVRROOM VRRROOOOOMM noise*****I cry in a dark corner


I'm trying to find consistent, reliable info on the new HDMI Premiums. I can't seem to find a detailed post anywhere with a summary of lot number, build date, DVD drive, etc. The other HDMI Premium post is filled with a lot of nonsense and speculation and I'd like to have a thread that deals with the facts. Even though Falcon isn't out yet I'd still like to figure out if we can nail down which batches/retailers have the quieter DVD drives/systems

So if you have a HDMI Premium, if you could be so kind as to PM me or post here with the following info:

Date purchased:
Build Date:
What version is listed on the box? (Zephyr/Falcon/Nothing):
Does it have the second heatsink?:
DVD Drive:

Here is an easy way to determine what DVD drive you have:

I will keep track of what everyone has in this post. I'll update it daily after I figure out a clean way to present it, I promise. :bouncy:

Please keep discussion out of the thread if possible to maintain a clean format.
Date purchased: 8/16/07
Retailer: Target
Build Date: 7/5/07
Lot: #0726
What version is listed on the box? (Zephyr/Falcon/Nothing): Zephyr
Does it have the second heatsink?: Yes
DVD Drive: Hitachi
This is what I've gathered so far, please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm going to buy a premium 360 and I think I should be looking for HDMI on the box and lot 0727(for BenQ, this is the best drive, right?). HDMI also means it has the new heatsink. Would this be the best premium I could buy at the moment?

Also, where on the box does it say the lot #?
The lot number is on the sticker UPC on the side of the box

just wanted to to clear that up since the question has been asked a lo...many times.

I'm exchanging my lot 0725 elite. shit froze while playing Uno. does it get any more sorry than that? :lol:
[quote name='rickonker']Just wondering why you traded it in so soon? Didn't you have a year and a half left?[/quote]

I was actually going to return it sooner. The one I had was scratching up my games (only one or two for some reason) pretty badly. It was already my second 360 in less than a year so I decided to wait it out.
[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']Boo.
90nm is one of the only reasons i've been holding out.[/QUOTE]

Same here, both for the fact that it will run cooler and hopes that it will coincide with another price drop since the 65nm are cheaper to make.

$350 is still too damn much for a game machine for me, even $300 is pushing it for me with as little time and interest I've had in playing games lately.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Same here, both for the fact that it will run cooler and hopes that it will coincide with another price drop since the 65nm are cheaper to make.

$350 is still too damn much for a game machine for me, even $300 is pushing it for me with as little time and interest I've had in playing games lately.[/quote]
I highly doubt there would be any price drops again, but that would be nice.
Even though i'm a CAG, system price is a so so for me. The cheaper the better, but I wouldnt mind going SLIGHTLY high for a system.

The games are another story. They will always drop fast. The problem THIS generation is stability though. I've already gone through 2 Wii's due to bad luck, and all I hear about 360's is how they melt to goo. When you pay 300+ for a system it should at least be stable enough not to set on fire.

When the 65nm hit i'll be all over that. But for now no way.
Plus i'm going to keep it casual to only the Wii and 360 games I know i'll love. PS2 i'll still be buying the old games i've missed.
There was a rumor CheapyD posted a while back that when the falcons come out we'll see another drop to $199.99/core, $299.99 Premium and $399.99/elite.

But it was just a rumor he grabbed from another board, though it is worth noting that the post he grabbed was the first place I saw that had the current drop values exactly right.

Time will tell. I've pretty much decided not to even think of buying one until early 2008. Busy as hell with work and grad school, so I'll be lucky to even have time to play Metriod, Mario and Smash Bros on the Wii, much less to get in any 360 games.
is the hdmi worth the hype? I just got my replacement console and am contemplating getting the hdmi in the near future IF it makes a real difference.

My overall feeling with the hdmi on the 360 is it does make parts slightly more precise and clear, but at the same time looks hardly noticeable at times due to using a small medium(dvd9), this is where I worry about the 360, for the short term 3-5 years its a good console for the price. I feel that they will need to somehow integrate a hd-dvd drive to play games, which should be a free repair that they should do instead of releasing another system, which is what it feels like will happen sadly.
The HDMI connection won't make that much difference, but the main draw for many is you know you are getting the extra heat sink, so hopefully it will be less likely to fail.
[quote name='dmaul1114']There was a rumor CheapyD posted a while back that when the falcons come out we'll see another drop to $199.99/core, $299.99 Premium and $399.99/elite.[/quote]

That would be so nice if it actually happened.

If they wanted to do a move like that it would be wise to release Falcon 360's around the October - November area for the holiday seasons and whatnot. Although i'm not about to go out the day after Thanksgiving and wrestle someone for one.
[quote name='CosmosTheMouse']
Although i'm not about to go out the day after Thanksgiving and wrestle someone for one.[/QUOTE]

Me either, but like I said, I'm pretty well set on waiting until Feb/March 2008 and then deciding if I really need one (i.e. am I gaming more then than now).
[quote name='dmaul1114']Me either, but like I said, I'm pretty well set on waiting until Feb/March 2008 and then deciding if I really need one (i.e. am I gaming more then than now).[/quote]

Sounds about right.

I was all sort of hyped thinking they would release the newer chips along side of GTA, but with no new GTA out anytime soon i'm not as motivated. I still might get one before 2007 ends though. Dunno though.
Date purchased: 8/11/07
Build Date: 7/10/07
Lot: 0727
What version is listed on the box? (Zephyr/Falcon/Nothing): Zephyr
Does it have the second heatsink?: Yes
DVD Drive: Ben-Q

Also, am I missing something, or can you not hook up digital audio w/hdmi?
[quote name='Maynard']

you can thank me later :p[/QUOTE]

Dont Do IT !!!
[quote name='Trakan']Date purchased: 8/11/07
Build Date: 7/10/07
Lot: 0727
What version is listed on the box? (Zephyr/Falcon/Nothing): Zephyr
Does it have the second heatsink?: Yes
DVD Drive: Ben-Q

Also, am I missing something, or can you not hook up digital audio w/hdmi?[/quote]

ah so did you sell your previous 360 or something?
[quote name='Trakan']Date purchased: 8/11/07
Build Date: 7/10/07
Lot: 0727
What version is listed on the box? (Zephyr/Falcon/Nothing): Zephyr
Does it have the second heatsink?: Yes
DVD Drive: Ben-Q

Also, am I missing something, or can you not hook up digital audio w/hdmi?[/QUOTE]
Hook up an optical cable to the VGA or component cable?
[quote name='omgu8myrice']ah so did you sell your previous 360 or something?[/quote]

Yes. I got fucked over the first day of Gears, and I'm not letting it happen again with Halo.

[quote name='KaneRobot']Hook up an optical cable to the VGA or component cable?[/quote]

Tried that, not only does it not really fit, but it doesn't work. I know there is a seperate cable that comes with the elite, but I'm not seeing it here.
[quote name='seen']is the hdmi worth the hype? I just got my replacement console and am contemplating getting the hdmi in the near future IF it makes a real difference.

My overall feeling with the hdmi on the 360 is it does make parts slightly more precise and clear, but at the same time looks hardly noticeable at times due to using a small medium(dvd9), this is where I worry about the 360, for the short term 3-5 years its a good console for the price. I feel that they will need to somehow integrate a hd-dvd drive to play games, which should be a free repair that they should do instead of releasing another system, which is what it feels like will happen sadly.[/QUOTE]

I noticed the colors looking a little better, but overall, I just like it because it's easy to manage (just the one plug.) I bring my system all over the place, so it's nice to not have to screw with component cables each time.
Date purchased:8/18/07
Build Date 07/05/07
What version is listed on the box? (Zephyr/Falcon/Nothing):Zephyr
Does it have the second heatsink?:Don't Know
DVD Drive:Hitachi

2nd Poster seems to have the same as me.......maybe it means something.....too early to know
[quote name='ranmasama']Date purchased:6/18/07
Build Date 07/05/07
What version is listed on the box? (Zephyr/Falcon/Nothing):Zephyr
Does it have the second heatsink?:Don't Know
DVD Drive:Hitachi

2nd Poster seems to have the same as me.......maybe it means something.....too early to know[/QUOTE]

Build Date after purchase date?
bread's done