The Fall 2010 Television Thread

Eastbound & Down was epic this season. Such a great show with so many fantastic lines:

"Yeah, I’m sure they got sluts in Tampa. But I didn’t go there, wet puss. I went to Mexico on an epic, spiritual quest that ended in failure."

"Stay in school, fight the power and don’t do drugs. Unless of course you’re doing ’em with me. Never turn down free drugs."

"Down there I fought and fucked my way to becoming the greatest gringo that country has ever seen."

"The road has been paved with dickheads, backstabbers, and pains in the fuckin’ ass... but memories were made, allies were had, pole-smokers were toppled, and the truth was discovered."
"The Good Guys" is the only new show that I've been following. I've also kept up with a few of the CBS Sit-coms that have been on for a few years ("Two and a Half Men", "How I Met Your Mother", and "Big Bang Theory"). I'm just not that into TV anymore.
I'm two weeks behind on Dexter and honestly, I don't care. The show is so bogged down with idiotic sub-plots and horrible side-characters it's barely worth wading through them to get to the good parts, and now even those are ruined by Julia Stiles, one of the worst popular actresses I can think of, playing a horrible character.
[quote name='javeryh']Eastbound & Down was epic this season. Such a great show with so many fantastic lines:

"Yeah, I’m sure they got sluts in Tampa. But I didn’t go there, wet puss. I went to Mexico on an epic, spiritual quest that ended in failure."

"Stay in school, fight the power and don’t do drugs. Unless of course you’re doing ’em with me. Never turn down free drugs."

"Down there I fought and fucked my way to becoming the greatest gringo that country has ever seen."

"The road has been paved with dickheads, backstabbers, and pains in the fuckin’ ass... but memories were made, allies were had, pole-smokers were toppled, and the truth was discovered."[/QUOTE]

I will second everything here. I didn't think it was possible, but the ending of the season finale gave me chills, and it was one of the best season endings I've seen in quite some time.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I'm two weeks behind on Dexter and honestly, I don't care. The show is so bogged down with idiotic sub-plots and horrible side-characters it's barely worth wading through them to get to the good parts, and now even those are ruined by Julia Stiles, one of the worst popular actresses I can think of, playing a horrible character.[/QUOTE]

But now Crash Override is on the show, so it's all good.
I was just not a fan of Glee this week. The show has sorta slipped since that first season and lately I've been reconsidering whether I should just drop it.

i was rewatching the "Modern Warfare" episode of Community and it just reaffirms it's status as the greatest episode the show has. I'm just wondering if you guys think that episode works for someone who hasn't been watching the series. Would it be a good first episode or does it only work when you have some sort of understanding of the character dynamics.
[quote name='Wolfkin']I was just not a fan of Glee this week. The show has sorta slipped since that first season and lately I've been reconsidering whether I should just drop it.

i was rewatching the "Modern Warfare" episode of Community and it just reaffirms it's status as the greatest episode the show has. I'm just wondering if you guys think that episode works for someone who hasn't been watching the series. Would it be a good first episode or does it only work when you have some sort of understanding of the character dynamics.[/QUOTE]

I think that the "Epidemiology" episode was slightly better than the Modern Warfare episode by a hair.
[quote name='Wolfkin']I was just not a fan of Glee this week. The show has sorta slipped since that first season and lately I've been reconsidering whether I should just drop it.[/QUOTE]Slipped in what way?
[quote name='shrike4242']Slipped in what way?[/QUOTE]

I don't watch Glee (I've never seen it nor do I have even the slightest interest) but the 3 friends I know who have been watching it say that this season is horrible compared to what they thought was an outstanding first season.

On a side-note, has anyone here watched The Spectacular Spider-Man? It's on Netflix instant and it is seriously great so far (I'm only 3 episodes in).
[quote name='javeryh']I don't watch Glee (I've never seen it nor do I have even the slightest interest) but the 3 friends I know who have been watching it say that this season is horrible compared to what they thought was an outstanding first season.

On a side-note, has anyone here watched The Spectacular Spider-Man? It's on Netflix instant and it is seriously great so far (I'm only 3 episodes in).[/QUOTE]I thought the first season was outstanding and this season has been as good, if not better. It's not the same as the first season, though I've been liking the changes they've been going with.
Hmmm... I usually like high-school related shows but I don't like musicals (or current music) so I just passed on it. 90210 and Gossip Girl have been great though! :D
[quote name='shrike4242']I thought the first season was outstanding and this season has been as good, if not better. It's not the same as the first season, though I've been liking the changes they've been going with.[/QUOTE]

I am in the same boat. I don't feel it has lost its step at all. Been really happy with this season.
[quote name='javeryh']Eastbound & Down was epic this season. Such a great show with so many fantastic lines:

"Yeah, I’m sure they got sluts in Tampa. But I didn’t go there, wet puss. I went to Mexico on an epic, spiritual quest that ended in failure."

"Stay in school, fight the power and don’t do drugs. Unless of course you’re doing ’em with me. Never turn down free drugs."

"Down there I fought and fucked my way to becoming the greatest gringo that country has ever seen."

"The road has been paved with dickheads, backstabbers, and pains in the fuckin’ ass... but memories were made, allies were had, pole-smokers were toppled, and the truth was discovered."[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. This show is just so fucking awesome that it is mind blowing. Just watched the last two episodes and couldn't stop laughing.
[quote name='shrike4242']Slipped in what way?[/QUOTE]it's hard to say without rewatching it again but I felt like it's a whole new team of writers writing for some of the characters. People are doing things that just seem not like who they are. There's a ton of minor annoyances I can live with but it's the major sweeping logic leaps that tend to get me lately.

Sucks about Undercovers because that last episode in spite of repeating the whole "what you want to talk about our past?" gag from last episode actually managed for the first time to intrigue me.

and yes I'm officially on that "this whole keep Erin and Andy apart thing is really annoying" bandwagon.

Misfits, my surprise acquisition of the night, was fantastic. I'm so happy it's back.
[quote name='chimpster1313']With the exception of "Modern Warfare", I believe that last night's Community was my favorite episode to date.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen last night's episode yet, but I watched the mean girls episode yesterday. It was hilarious. Between that one and the Halloween episode, I feel like Community is back after what I felt like was somewhat of a slow start to the season.

When Abed busted out the "triple bitches" line, I lost it.
out of curiosity did anyone else get "Lost" in that episode from last week? I watched lost all of it and I'm still not sure how my sister got it and I didn't.
[quote name='Amblix']What a shitty pilot season.[/QUOTE]

I agree. The new shows I'm watching are pretty horrible (Hawaii 5-0, No Ordinary Family, The Event, etc.). The only one that doesn't just seem like filler so far is the Walking Dead.
[quote name='javeryh']I agree. The new shows I'm watching are pretty horrible (Hawaii 5-0, No Ordinary Family, The Event, etc.). The only one that doesn't just seem like filler so far is the Walking Dead.[/QUOTE]

I was talking to my wife about this the other day. This season is really weak. The last two years have had some really great shows, but this year, The Walking Dead is the only thing I'm interested in.
[quote name='Amblix']What a shitty pilot season.[/QUOTE]

In a way, it's kind of a relief for me. There so many shows I want to catch up on I don't mind that the Walking Dead is the only new one I'm into.
[quote name='lordopus99']I really think Raising Hope is the big standout new show to me. I love it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I'm glad to see FOX finally has some faith in a show I like.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']FOX is moving Fringe to Fridays when American Idol starts in January. I'd say it's a safe bet it won't be back next season.[/QUOTE]X-Files survived in that timeslot for quite a few seasons, without DVRs.

I think they'll be watching the numbers like crazy to see how well they do, though I think what might keep them alive would be the other show on Friday.

The reason they're moving Fringe to Fridays is that The Good Guys will be done with by then, since they did half of a season over the summer and the rest of Season One started in the fall. Not sure what will go into Fringe's timeslot with Bones.
[quote name='shrike4242']X-Files survived in that timeslot for quite a few seasons, without DVRs.

I think they'll be watching the numbers like crazy to see how well they do, though I think what might keep them alive would be the other show on Friday.

The reason they're moving Fringe to Fridays is that The Good Guys will be done with by then, since they did half of a season over the summer and the rest of Season One started in the fall. Not sure what will go into Fringe's timeslot with Bones.[/QUOTE]

They're moving Idol to Wed/Thur this season. Idol will be on at 8, and Bones moves to 9.

The lead-in for Fringe on Fridays will be Kitchen Nightmares.
[quote name='shrike4242']X-Files survived in that time slot for quite a few seasons, without DVRs.[/QUOTE]

Compared to how many shows before and since that failed in that time slot? Millennium is excluded since it did last three seasons but realistically should of ended after season two since the third season was an absolute abortion.

Between the complete burial of the virus outbreak spreading around the world that ended season 2, Emma Hollis in general, Peter Watts being turned into the show's Cigarette Smoking Man without the cigarettes, a number of contradictions and suddenly rewrites of already established mythos in the storyline and overall character development, etc etc etc.... oh did I forget the stupid Halloween episode with fucking KISS guest starting in it?

And don't even get me going on that X-Files crossover episode which finally turned the entire series into a fucking laugh stock that in essence the damn group was hiding a weak ass zombie apocalypse. Yeesh.
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[quote name='lordopus99']I really think Raising Hope is the big standout new show to me. I love it.[/QUOTE]

+1. I think I love this so much because from the trailers before the show started, I wasn't even giving this a chance, and since it surprised me so much, now it's one of my favorite comedies.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']They're moving Idol to Wed/Thur this season. Idol will be on at 8, and Bones moves to 9.

The lead-in for Fringe on Fridays will be Kitchen Nightmares.[/QUOTE]Yes, it's dead.

Wouldn't surprise me if Bones didn't have much more left in it either, with the moves that Fox is making to support American Idol.

What's going to take the AI spots in the schedule once Hell's Kitchen is done for this season?
so this week's "The Good Guys" was all about highlighting the nerdy CSI chick. and that kinda sucks only because the first time I saw her this episode I was thinking she's actually got a rather competitive body. Then the episode turned out to be about her attractiveness and now i can't say so without anyone thinking the only reason I'm thinking it was because that was the plot of the episode.
what with this last episode?

ok I'll give you overall this last episode was probably in the lower third rankingwise. but you have 19 other solid episodes to look back on with fondness. I'm willing to give them a pass on one bad episode even if it was the season finale. Besides Angela Sarafyan looking oddly attractive is almost able to distract me from the badness.
[quote name='Lyricsborn']Terriers. Personally the best show of 2010. Hopefully it gets picked up.[/QUOTE]

From what I have read, Terriers is canceled. It's a shame too. The show had potential.

About one more year until the U.S. gets X Factor (September 2011). I've watched the series since its start, and greatly prefer it to American Idol. I think by Season 2, American Idol will drop heavily in ratings. After all, X Factor replaced Pop Idol in the U.K. X Factor is the proper evolution of the talent show genre. They just milked the older formula in the U.S.

For 2011, I look forward to the FX Original "Lights Out." I watched Sly Stallone's reality TV series, the Contender, because of the dramatic aspects of boxing. I'm certain I'll love what FX creates.

Supernatural has become my all-time favorite TV series. I would have preferred the series to have ended last season, Season 5, like how Kripke wanted it to, but Season 6 has been pretty good thus far.
Supernatural has done the impossible and has had one of it's best seasons post apocalypse.

Lots of shows have natural stopping points and when they over stay it gets lame. Buffy should have ended when Buffy died. I think Charmed should have ended when they killed the root of all evil. I hear moonlighting sucked after the lead couple got together.

Supernatural however had an apocalypse and while logically there shouldn't be any stories to tell has had some of it's best episodes. Weekend At Bobby's is in my top 10 list of all time. They've managed to create a rift between the brothers that's actually kinda real and with consequences. I was almost hoping they would do like when Angel killed a main character by replacing her with a demon and have Sam never get his soul back.
[quote name='Wolfkin']Supernatural has done the impossible and has had one of it's best seasons post apocalypse.

Lots of shows have natural stopping points and when they over stay it gets lame. Buffy should have ended when Buffy died. I think Charmed should have ended when they killed the root of all evil. I hear moonlighting sucked after the lead couple got together.

Supernatural however had an apocalypse and while logically there shouldn't be any stories to tell has had some of it's best episodes. Weekend At Bobby's is in my top 10 list of all time. They've managed to create a rift between the brothers that's actually kinda real and with consequences. I was almost hoping they would do like when Angel killed a main character by replacing her with a demon and have Sam never get his soul back.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, I mean at this rate if they have another season I'm all for it, depending how this one ends.
Soulless Sam has been a hoot (that's right, I said "hoot") and a nice change of pace from mopey/emo Sam. I almost wish he wouldn't get his soul back.

[quote name='Wolfkin']Supernatural has done the impossible and has had one of it's best seasons post apocalypse.

Lots of shows have natural stopping points and when they over stay it gets lame. Buffy should have ended when Buffy died. I think Charmed should have ended when they killed the root of all evil. I hear moonlighting sucked after the lead couple got together.

Supernatural however had an apocalypse and while logically there shouldn't be any stories to tell has had some of it's best episodes. Weekend At Bobby's is in my top 10 list of all time. They've managed to create a rift between the brothers that's actually kinda real and with consequences. I was almost hoping they would do like when Angel killed a main character by replacing her with a demon and have Sam never get his soul back.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Wolfkin']what with this last episode?

ok I'll give you overall this last episode was probably in the lower third rankingwise. but you have 19 other solid episodes to look back on with fondness. I'm willing to give them a pass on one bad episode even if it was the season finale. Besides Angela Sarafyan looking oddly attractive is almost able to distract me from the badness.[/QUOTE]

Not just with this last episode. The last 5 or 6 haven't been that great, but the rest were really good.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']Not just with this last episode. The last 5 or 6 haven't been that great, but the rest were really good.[/QUOTE]ehh. going over the list I guess I can see where everyone wouldn't like it

108 6-04 3X6055 15/Oct/10 Weekend at Bobby's [Recap] [Trailer]
109 6-05 3X6056 22/Oct/10 Live Free or Twihard [Recap] [Trailer]
110 6-06 3X6057 29/Oct/10 You Can't Handle the Truth [Recap] [Trailer]
111 6-07 3X6058 05/Nov/10 Family Matters [Recap] [Trailer]
112 6-08 3X6059 12/Nov/10 All Dogs Go to Heaven [Recap] [Trailer]
113 6-09 3X6059 19/Nov/10 Clap Your Hands If You Believe... [Recap] [Trailer]
114 6-10 3X6060 03/Dec/10 Caged Heat [Recap] [Trailer]
[quote name='javeryh']I have one more episode to go in Season 3 of Sons of Anarchy. It is so awesome.[/QUOTE]

Finished it last night. Holy shit. This is the best show on TV and maybe one of my favorite shows ever. WAY better than the Sopranos. I wish it was on HBO and got some more attention. Everyone should be watching it.
Next season is going to be WIDE OPEN for me TV-wise. I'm going to finally start watching some season sets of shows I missed.

V - gone
No Ordinary Family - gone
The Event - gone
Big Love - ending
Gossip Girl - we finally stopped watching (this season has been a disaster)
Hawaii 5-0 - we stopped watching
FRINGE - possibly gone but I hope not

I think I need to start a Spring 2011 thread - I couldn't find one...
bread's done