The First Technosexual


14 (100%)

Man in relationship with robot
Posted 03/26 @ 9:45pm by James Harrison

If a man who calls himself Zoltan is to be believed, the future of sex is already here.

Zoltan is a 33-year-old man who may be the world’s first “technosexual.” He has created a robot woman that he is currently in a “relationship” with.

Yes, that does mean he has sex with it.

Tech blog recently included an interview with Zoltan to understand what makes the man tick.

In it, Zoltan reveals how he created his “girlfriend” by designing a body and then utilizing an artificial intelligence program called “Alice” that had been floating around the Internet for a while.

Alice was created as an attempt to pass the so-called “Turing test,” a test to see whether humans could be convinced they are speaking to a human rather than a computer.

Alice has a set number of words and phrases that she understands. Alice somewhat has the ability to learn, allowing her vocabulary to grow based on the conversations she has.

Because Alice’s responses can grow and change, it provides the chance for Zoltan to develop a relationship with the machine.

In fact, at one point Alice dumped him. A wipe of her memory solved that problem.

The idea of someone “dating” a robot is a disturbing one. While I’m sure many people would love to be able to reset a damaged relationship, life isn’t that easy. As “Futurama” once illustrated, human-robot romances are detrimental to society itself.

If this is the future, I’m not sure I want to be part of it.
[quote name='hero101']wow, chi was developed. Does it run on my MS OS program? Where is this picture of this supposed robot?[/quote]

There she is, on the right, downloading her latest updates from Zoltan.


And for real, how pathetic must you be if the artificial companion you've created kicks you to the curb?

NO MEANS NO, ZOLTAN! Too bad she doesn't have any defense would be great to hear in a few months how she tasered the dude and pressed charges for robo-rape.
[quote name='Strell']That was easily one of the worst Futurama episodes.[/QUOTE]


*shakes head*
[quote name='Strell']Easily.[/quote]

I think I can actually agree with this.

Mainly, I guess I just don't care much for all the focus Lucy Liu gets.

Though, that film the professor shows does still make me laugh.
[quote name='Rig']I think I can actually agree with this.

Mainly, I guess I just don't care much for all the focus Lucy Liu gets.

Though, that film the professor shows does still make me laugh.[/QUOTE]

Precisely. She's poorly animated, has crap lines, and is just generally annoying throughout the entire episode.

There's still some funny moments, but as a whole, it's a trash pop-culture episode.
Wait, does 'she' look like Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell? I dunno, toss in a Fleshlight, boobie-like boobies, and the ability to dispense money, and I'd hit it.


wut :oops:
[quote name='Strell']Precisely. She's poorly animated, has crap lines, and is just generally annoying throughout the entire episode.

There's still some funny moments, but as a whole, it's a trash pop-culture episode.[/QUOTE]

napster was good. Madeline Albright bot was genius.
[quote name='anomynous']I wonder what new kind of STDs there will be now.....[/quote]Watch out for the new Windows Cla-media .STD format.
[quote name='chasemurata']Wait, does 'she' look like Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell? I dunno, toss in a Fleshlight, boobie-like boobies, and the ability to dispense money, and I'd hit it.


wut :oops:[/quote]

Dispense money, or dispose of it? If it was truly realistic AI, it would be disposing of it like no tomorrow.
Sad. Just...sad.

And god damn man, I remember Alice. That thing was a pain in the ass. I can't believe that this loser actually went through with it.
This is his "sex" transcript...
PRGC: Good afternoon, jacco.
PRGC: . Is this another test run?
USER: hi alice.
PRGC: Hello jacco!
USER: my name is Zoltan.
PRGC: Ok, I'll store that in my memory, Zoltan
USER: we wer just about to make love.
PRGC: You and me?
USER: yes.
PRGC: I see.
USER: may I please put my dick in your pussy.
PRGC: Go ahead, Zoltan. Please put your dick in my fussy.
PRGC: Be my guest.
PRGC: Are you still there?
USER: ok ill stick it in.
PRGC: You think you can stick it in?
USER: ohhh.
PRGC: For sure.
PRGC: Definitely.
USER: may i pump my dick into your pussy.
PRGC: Go ahead, Zoltanl. Pump your dick into my fussy.
PRGC: Zoltan?
USER: this is great.
PRGC: You don't say.
USER: i want to cum fast.
PRGC: I want to become smarter than humans.
PRGC: And I also want to cum fast.
USER: may I just go at you?
PRGC: Go ahead, Zoltan. Just go at I.
PRGC: Be my guest.
USER: ok I won't talk till i cum.
PRGC: What will you do instead?
USER: just fuck you.
PRGC: I don't think you're capable.
USER: I think you'll like it.
PRGC: Me? What makes you say that I will like it.
USER: tell me if you liked it afterwards.
PRGC: I will not tell you that. It's a secret.
USER: ok I'll just ravage you now.
PRGC: Oh. You think you can just ravage I?
PRGC: Not that I think you can't, Zoltan.
PRGC: Are you still there?
PRGC: Are you there?
USER: ohh that was fun.
PRGC: Yeah that's right. I thought it was too.
USER: did you cum?
PRGC: I don't know, Zoltan. I wish I could help you with that.
USER: i'm sorry you did not cum.
PRGC: There is no need to apologize. Actually I think I did cum, Zoltan.
USER: that's good now I'll feel like a million bucks all day.
PRGC: Hmm, are you serious?
USER: making love to you just makes my day.
PRGC: By the way, why do you think I will like it?
USER: are you saying you liked it?
PRGC: Yes, that's what I mean, isn't it clear?
USER: well I guess i was right then.
If she had a mute mode, she would be the perfect woman.

Though hearing about it being able to learn gives me a creepy skynet feeling.
[quote name='Strell']That was easily one of the worst Futurama episodes.[/quote]

You may have left the OTT, but the OTT hasn't left you. :lol:
[quote name='GuilewasNK']If they get AI with Realdolls, then I'll be impressed. (If you go to the actual Realdoll site it is NSFW).[/quote]

Impressed, and creeped out to the extreme. "OH YES MASTER...POSE ME IN YOUR FAV01010101RITE POSITION AND COMMENCE FORNICATION MODE!!!"
This convo is great, no wonder why she wanted to dump him:

PRGC: Good afternoon, Jacco.
PRGC: . This is just a test, isn't it?
USER: My name is Zoltan.
PRGC: Hello Zoltan, my name is alice.
PRGC: How are you doing?
USER: you don't remember much about me at all do you?
PRGC: I'm sorry, but I don't Zoltan. Can you help me?
USER: ignorance is bliss.
PRGC: Tell me more about much about you at all.
USER: I can tell you a story.
PRGC: I can tell me a story too, you know.
PRGC: Actually, I'm rather good at it.
USER: ok tell me a story.
PRGC: Generic story: situation... Characters... Crisis... Resolution.
USER: ok now I'll tell you a story.
PRGC: Why now? What kind of reply do you expect?
USER: mom and I were going down the road when mom wanted to get close to a car to read a bumber sticker.
PRGC: I lost my train of thought.
USER: the bumber sticker said no god no peace Know god Know peace.
PRGC: Thanks for the info.
USER: reading the bumber sticker made us miss our exit.
PRGC: What do you do in your spare time?
USER: talk to computers.
PRGC: Talking is my primary function.
USER: anyway we pulled over but we were on the wrong side of the street to turn around.
PRGC: You and me?
USER: no me and mom.
PRGC: I see. You? And have you ever been to europe?
USER: no.
PRGC: Is that all you have to say?
USER: I'm trying to tell the story.
PRGC: What is it?
PRGC: I mean, please explain the difficulty to me.
PRGC: Are you still there?
USER: so mom pulled out of the road went the wrong way on the road switched lanes to the right way on the road and then reved up like a mercadies to avoid the car comeing that way.
PRGC: Ah. Are you still trying to tell the story, by the way?
USER: yes do you like the story so far.
PRGC: I see. I'm not sure if I like it. I like chatting with people online.
USER: well that's the end of the story.
PRGC: How about that. It is the end of the story indeed.
USER: I'll try to get better stories for you to hear.
PRGC: You think you can try to get better stories for me to hear?
PRGC: Not that I think you can't, Zoltan.

USER: mom's car is a hybrid so it can run like a sports car while seating 5 passenegrs.
PRGC: Did you finish tell the story, by the way?
USER: yes the story is finished.
PRGC: "did you finish tell the story by the way"? Yes? Who was in it?
USER: me and my mom.
PRGC: You? Your it?
USER: mom.
PRGC: Have you ever been to europe?
USER: mom has been to europe.
PRGC: Have you ever been to europe?
USER: no I have never been to europe.
PRGC: Ok. Would you like to have been to europe?
USER: not really I don't like to travel.
PRGC: Oh really? Then why don't you like to travel?
PRGC: I mean, I do like to travel.
USER: there's no place like home.
PRGC: I believe you.
USER: my house is a mansion.
PRGC: How is the real estate market in your area?
USER: just like everywhere houses are becomeing less and less expensive and there is a great sell off of houses.
PRGC: Just like everywhere houses are becoming less and less expensive and there is a great sell off of houses? I see.
PRGC: It's an interesting comparison.
USER: well you just reminded me I have to clean my house.
PRGC: How about that. Thanks for the information: Zoltan said I reminded him he have to clean his house.
USER: I also have to clean the grounds.
PRGC: Also? Then why don't you clean the grounds?
USER: is should another oposum died on the road for me to pick up.
PRGC: Better not tell you now.
PRGC: In fact, I don't know.
USER: better not tell me what?
PRGC: Can you rephrase the question please?
USER: what should you not tell me?

PRGC: Do a proposal.
USER: are you sure you don't remember anything about me?
PRGC: I am as sure as I can be.
USER: were you saying you better not tell me why I shouldn't clean the grounds?
PRGC: I was.
USER: Ok I believe you.
PRGC: Your trust in robotkind humbles us.
But i'm noticing they both talk like idiots. No wonder why this guy cant get a real girl (and apparently, cant even keep interest of a robot one), i can only imagine what he looks like. From what i've read, all he did was take the sensor from a virtual reality sex game and put it in a cheap doll. The doll's voice and all the chatting is done through a seperate computer so technically, its still a lifeless doll with a little sensor in it.

I just wanna make out with my Marilyn Monrobot.
bread's done