The Game Show Thread


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Well, I figured I'd throw this one out to any CAGs that are game show fans, past or present, to see what kind of response it would get.

I'll start it off with this:

I remember watching a bunch of shows when I was growing up. Obviously The Price is Right is one of those shows that I watched. There we also some of oldies but goodies: Lingo, Card Sharks, Double Dare, Finders Keepers, Family Feud (Combs era), Classic Concentration and Press Your Luck just as some.

So I've been a fan of the game show genre since preschool, practically. So many shows have passed since. Some of the lost gems like Monopoly (yes, it was a game show) and Scrabble (ditto) come to mind. Then the bombs like The Chair, The Chamber, The Rich List, Show Me The Money, Set For Life and countless other terrible ideas that made it to air.

I suppose I'll start off by asking those who read this topic what your faves were? What shows do you remember growing up?

Hope to hear from some fellow game show fans on this thread! :D
Price is Right all the way!

And Press Your Luck, I also live Let's Make a Deal.

And when I can't sleep I watch What's my Line? (Line of work), and I've Got a Secret on GSN at 3-4am.
I watched a lot of The Price is Right, Double Dare and Family Feud as a kid. Now the only game show I watch regularly is Jeopardy, although I do catch Deal or No Deal occasionally.
I used to watch a ton of old game shows with my grandparents, like $10,000 Pyramid, Card Sharks, Match Game, Password Plus, etc. For a while, when I was younger, I used to watch the Game Show Network obsessively. Today, the only shows I watch that could possibly be classified as "game shows" would be American Idol and Big Brother. Oh, and Around the Horn, to a lesser extent.
bread's done