The Gamestop Thread

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Current Trade in Promos:

How many copies of a game can I trade in?
​You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.
What do I need to trade in an older console?
The console, power cable, av cable, and controller. Sometimes they don't care about USB charge cable but ymmv. 3DS XL trade would be console, charger, and stylus. Some have reported being charged a refurb fee for missing the stylus, but again ymmv (answer stolen from anarchyburger)
FAQ will be entered when those questions get asked frequently.
Does the Pro Membership B2G1 coupon apply to only games, or accessories as well?
The coupon applies to both games and accessories, per the wording on the coupon.
I have a $XX.xx pre-owned reward certificate, and I want to use it on a B2G1 transaction. Should I?
It depends. If the three games are equal value, do not use your certificate. The value of the certificate would be applied to the free game, which would not benefit you. If one game is more expensive, you can use the certificate to make it the same value as the other two games ($5 reward certificate applied to transaction with two $10 games and one $15 game would make all three games $10).
ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free. Typically refers to the coupon you receive when becoming Pro.
GCU/BB: Gamer’s Club Unlocked, Best Buy
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.

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They make you feel like a criminal...walking in to get stopped by security, have them put a useless sticker on your item, them radio in that you have games...upon getting to the customer service desk the employee has no clue on how to do a trade...after 15 mins of fumbling around you finally get the trade but first you have to sign like 4 pages of paper work detailing the trade
None of that should make you feel like a criminal.

So historically speaking anyone know if there's chance for another round of b2g1 before Xmas? Gotta grab a few top tier switch games but I was too worried about debt last time. Now I'm a bit more comfortable with the amount I owe to ruin my life further.
As Cobra said, historically there is not.

It is not impossible, however, especially if they decide that they need to bolster their sales numbers after allegedly weak Black Weekend numbers. They've been beefing their inventory with the +5 trade-in bump too.

Time will tell. If not, (historically-speaking, again) there should be one immediately after Christmas.

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You both have issues. Maybe learn how to adult?
Get security checked before entering the store, get stickers on all your games. Wait in line, to sign 4 pages to authenticate the sale.

This is learn to adult.


[sorry Aircobra .. but really?]

People always told me they felt like a criminal when I had to get a game out of a locked glass case at my retail job.

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I also love how everyone there has a different trade policy. Like me being told that they will only take 3 games at a time in total (rather than 3 copies, which is what they were confusing it with) or that they can't take a game that says "no for resale" even though they take games without the case anyways.
I think the employee just wants the person to give they do trades but they don’t really wanna do them

Best Buy will “police” your trade more than a junior detective will.
So you do care!!
It's hard not care, while I'm posting a comment about it.

Says they don't care. Doesn't want to hear people complain. Then proceeds to complain about other people.
Could have worded it better, but don't care what methods you use to make money off of gamestop. To be more specific.

I just don't want people complaining here when it gets harder to cheat the system or accounts get banned. I'm sure some will come here all dumbfounded and saying they'll never shop at gamestop again when they're caught/banned.

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People always told me they felt like a criminal when I had to get a game out of a locked glass case at my retail job.
People steal the games. Before(8 years?) games/flash drives/etc.. used to be out in the open in paper packaging.

I've seen people easily rip open packages using something sharp, grab the stuff and nobody notices.

When I was a kid, I could go to gamestop look behind the glass and ask for a gba game. They would let me try the game and then we gave it back. Not sure now people could be trusted or not worth the potential headache.

It looks like my experience is somewhat of an anomaly. The SL at the mall store told me that GameStop paid the entire mall to stay open on Thanksgiving. They were the only store that was open in the mall and they made a ton of money. Both of the other stores that I visited were incredibly busy as well. However, there are only three stores in our entire district, which leads me to believe that GameStop wants to take this approach for their other districts as well.

It looks like my experience is somewhat of an anomaly. The SL at the mall store told me that GameStop paid the entire mall to stay open on Thanksgiving. They were the only store that was open in the mall and they made a ton of money. Both of the other stores that I visited were incredibly busy as well. However, there are only three stores in our entire district, which leads me to believe that GameStop wants to take this approach for their other districts as well.
3 stores open per district, at once is ideal, I agree.

Other districts should listen, DL's need a pay cut, as a result, since they are rather worthless.

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As Cobra said, historically there is not.

It is not impossible, however, especially if they decide that they need to bolster their sales numbers after allegedly weak Black Weekend numbers. They've been beefing their inventory with the +5 trade-in bump too.

Time will tell. If not, (historically-speaking, again) there should be one immediately after Christmas.
Ah man, thanks. Problem is I need them as gifts. I guess there's no harm in waiting til last minute to see but the peace of mind I get from being done shopping will really leave a nagging spot haha.
3 stores open per district, at once is ideal, I agree.

Other districts should listen, DL's need a pay cut, as a result, since they are rather worthless.
Now that I think about it, I've never been pressured to get a GPG and I've never had an employee discuss tech trades with me either. The stores are profitable enough that none of the employees seem worried about their numbers at all. The SL even bent over backwards for me during Black Friday and matched the CAG16 discount in an in-store purchase. I feel like I get far better customer service when the employees don't have to worry about corporate breathing down their necks.

Corporate is still as incompetent as ever, though. There is never enough stock during AAA launches to accommodate everyone, so the stores lose a lot of business even though they get plenty of foot traffic. The Switch section was almost entirely gone after Black Friday. They were even out of stock on PSN and Amazon gift cards when I went there to redeem my points. It's almost like the company is trying to go out of business.

Thinking back a couple decades ago, whenever I'd go to a GameStop I'd always have to wait in line to do whatever I was there for. Nowadays, we're lucky if we're not the ONLY customers in there.

As much as I love physical games, I'm slowly finding less and less reasons to own a collection as the generations stack up and games just sit. I no longer have time to revisit games with the backlog so large and now it's to the point that it's dating back two generations. With GaaS making headway in the form of Game Pass, I think eventually I'd just stop buying games altogether and just rely on subs. At this point, it just makes more sense if I'm not going to actually own my games anyway.

Thinking back a couple decades ago, whenever I'd go to a GameStop I'd always have to wait in line to do whatever I was there for. Nowadays, we're lucky if we're not the ONLY customers in there.

As much as I love physical games, I'm slowly finding less and less reasons to own a collection as the generations stack up and games just sit. I no longer have time to revisit games with the backlog so large and now it's to the point that it's dating back two generations. With GaaS making headway in the form of Game Pass, I think eventually I'd just stop buying games altogether and just rely on subs. At this point, it just makes more sense if I'm not going to actually own my games anyway.
I hear ya. I think I got enough backlog to last me into at least the 9th/next generation of video game consoles. I think I'm good, if digital media becomes the main option in gaming.

I honestly don't want Gamestop to go. The toxicity is everywhere in my experience with brick and mortar stores. Shopping online seems to be my set course.

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Any Phoenix area CAGs know of any store closures? I've only heard of 2 in Tucson, and it's not exactly a conversation topic I'd want to bring up, since I hear idiots ask "WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS" all the time.
Any Phoenix area CAGs know of any store closures? I've only heard of 2 in Tucson, and it's not exactly a conversation topic I'd want to bring up, since I hear idiots ask "WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS" all the time.
I have not heard anything and was curious myself
my shopping is driven by time, money, and convenience. i have built a warchest of credit at gamestop with hopes to fund ps5/xb2.

i haven’t had to spend real money on games in quite some time after the intial investment so Gamestop is my default shopping destination as of now.

With that said, if GS kills my elite pro, trade in deals, etc then it will become just like Best Buy post GCU once the credit runs out...dead to me.

Gamestop, like Best Buy, cannot compete with Walmart/Target on price, convenience, store hours, online shopping, and return policy so if all else is equal why shop loyalty...pfft
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Ah man, thanks. Problem is I need them as gifts. I guess there's no harm in waiting til last minute to see but the peace of mind I get from being done shopping will really leave a nagging spot haha.
Maybe it will work out and there will be some good deals in this next sale and you'll think, "Whew, this is much better than the B2G1!"

...unlikely, but possible :)

The SL at my main store informed me yesterday that all the Elite Pro subs will be converted to the new membership in January with no compensation of any sort for your membership. I would be skeptical but he's been digging for awhile for info on how it would effect people with lots of time left on their Elite Pro and was just told this. So I'm actually taking it seriously. Just a heads up.
The SL at my main store informed me yesterday that all the Elite Pro subs will be converted to the new membership in January with no compensation of any sort for your membership. I would be skeptical but he's been digging for awhile for info on how it would effect people with lots of time left on their Elite Pro and was just told this. So I'm actually taking it seriously. Just a heads up.
so the class action lawsuit will be the death dagger...

Anyone ordered an overpriced MSI monitor from GS to consume some credit?

Anyone else also have issues checking out in the app? I keep getting “token” errors and end up needing to use a browser to checkout....
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I don't think the closures will be as widespread as Camelot claims, but with all the other shit hitting the fan I say it's time to loot this corpse while it's still fresh.
With Redbox stopping game sales and rentals, and if GS actually closed, it would be really dark days for retail games. Half the market still needs physical games, and sadly their two major options (Wal Mart and Amazon) have abhorrent business practices that do far more damage to society than GS’s shitty practices (not to diminish how shitty they are)

I think it will go down like Rental stores, where they disappeared and people were like “oh yeah I don’t need them I’ve got cheap streaming” but then 5-10 years later you have so many streaming services that you’re paying almost as much as cable packages in the late 2000s/early 2010s.

Password sharing, yeah helps but my point is the market will find a way to fuck you over and we may find ourselves longing for the days where GS screwed us on trade values and opened new games vs whatever gives Walmart/Amazon execs a hard on tomorrow
With Redbox stopping game sales and rentals, and if GS actually closed, it would be really dark days for retail games. Half the market still needs physical games, and sadly their two major options (Wal Mart and Amazon) have abhorrent business practices that do far more damage to society than GS’s shitty practices (not to diminish how shitty they are)

I think it will go down like Rental stores, where they disappeared and people were like “oh yeah I don’t need them I’ve got cheap streaming” but then 5-10 years later you have so many streaming services that you’re paying almost as much as cable packages in the late 2000s/early 2010s.

Password sharing, yeah helps but my point is the market will find a way to fuck you over and we may find ourselves longing for the days where GS screwed us on trade values and opened new games vs whatever gives Walmart/Amazon execs a hard on tomorrow
i know this isnt what you are concentrating on, but man, all these streaming services forgot the point was to save money over cable. basic subscriptions are pushing $50 and $60, absolutely ridiculous. now we need to cut the fiber optic cable

Anyone ordered an overpriced MSI monitor from GS to consume some credit?

Anyone else also have issues checking out in the app? I keep getting “token” errors and end up needing to use a browser to checkout....
I thought about getting a monitor with my creds but they're all so bad... lol - the 32in is only 1920x1080...

Did my last round of trades. I am pretty sure I am trade banned. Values held thankfully. I hope you all went hogwild waiting for the associates to grab your 20-50 games was a pain though. Wish PlayStation did not have as many expiring codes would of been nice to get a free copy of Dishonored and stick of truth. Hope you all did well on your trades January will really make or break us. New Years usually has a B2G1 and I am sure the bonus will appear again. Plus there is always a chance of another promotion to use.
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I did an online order. Picked it up a few days ago. Got an email this morning saying it was canceled. Odd
Did you use credit? If so, what that likely means is that you'll get that returned on a physical gift card shipped to you.

I've had that happen now twice with orders I've placed for pick up. I think they must not close the order out of the system in time before it automatically triggers the cancellation after the 7-day hold period. I can't say it wasn't nice to buy 3 switch games, pick them up, and then get my credit back :D

I thought about getting a monitor with my creds but they're all so bad... lol - the 32in is only 1920x1080...
Hate to say it but I’m getting so old I may start preferring the large screen low res like this. Currently running 2560 gsync but some white foggy lines are starting to appear :whistle2:(

Unfortunately seems like most of the monitors are OOS at GS and not much variety to pick from compared to Newegg or whatnot
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Bonesawisready nailed it. Going to be a lot harder collecting games without GameStop.
Ayup; for new releases, gamestop (and even physical) is no huge loss - but this'll absolutely devastate the patient/frugal gamer type.

Without even really meaning to, I've basically skipped this gen, hoping to buy back into ps5 backwards compatibility - but I'm not holding out hope that that'll still be an option for much longer. I was really hoping, going into this gen, that we'd start to see integrated storefronts what give you access to full backlogs of games from prior gens - a la steam and pc upgrade cycles - but without any visible action to that effect over the last few years I just don't see myself jumping into gaming buys near as much as I used to. Wii u's wii mode came close, but didn't last; Xbox's moves are nice, too, but the continued inclusion of digital media drives don't really seem like a solid long-term bet, either.

Just got the last of my black friday picks in (2-day shipping took three weeks, and I still haven't heard back from support over the ticket I put in at the 1 week mark, lol); ended up with

- Etrian Odyssey Untold 1, CiB

--Etrian Odyssey Untold 2, CiB

- Etrian Odyssey 5

- 7th Dragon III

- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 RB

- Psychedelia of the black butterfly, CiB

- Tales of Hearts R, CiB

- Odin Sphere (Vita)

- The Awakened Fate Ultimatum

- And paid just about $8.50 a pop for the privilege. Had cases for everything else but EO5 already in-hand, too - all also from gamestop - because of how easy and open ended trades and returns make creating a stockpile.

Kicker is - I have a hacked 3ds. I have a hacked vita. I just like owning plastic. I grew up watching that silver pokerchip box of gameboy cartridges slowly fill; I spent hours shuffling through it on weekends, happily organizing and rediscovering things I'd forgotten about by virtue of having that physical thing to hold and remind me of it.

And, because of that, I buy. And, as long as there's cheap plastic around, I'll also pick up new games from time to time. The mere existence of that affordable option, through gamestop, keeps me in their ecosystem. If that affordable option is out, though? So am I. Just can't stomach blowing that big a chunk out of my pay anymore. Not without some promise of permanence or consumer protection on the digital storefronts.

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Did you use credit? If so, what that likely means is that you'll get that returned on a physical gift card shipped to you.

I've had that happen now twice with orders I've placed for pick up. I think they must not close the order out of the system in time before it automatically triggers the cancellation after the 7-day hold period. I can't say it wasn't nice to buy 3 switch games, pick them up, and then get my credit back :D
Nah credit card. No charge for it either. Free copy of MK11 I guess lol
Ayup; for new releases, gamestop (and even physical) is no huge loss - but this'll absolutely devastate the patient/frugal gamer type.
Without even really meaning to, I've basically skipped this gen, hoping to buy back into ps5 backwards compatibility - but I'm not holding out hope that that'll still be an option for much longer. I was really hoping, going into this gen, that we'd start to see integrated storefronts what give you access to full backlogs of games from prior gens - a la steam and pc upgrade cycles - but without any visible action to that effect over the last few years I just don't see myself jumping into gaming buys near as much as I used to. Wii u's wii mode came close, but didn't last; Xbox's moves are nice, too, but the continued inclusion of digital media drives don't really seem like a solid long-term bet, either.

Just got the last of my black friday picks in (2-day shipping took three weeks, and I still haven't heard back from support over the ticket I put in at the 1 week mark, lol); ended up with

- Etrian Odyssey Untold 1, CiB
--Etrian Odyssey Untold 2, CiB
- Etrian Odyssey 5
- 7th Dragon III
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 RB
- Psychedelia of the black butterfly, CiB
- Tales of Hearts R, CiB
- Odin Sphere (Vita)
- The Awakened Fate Ultimatum

- And paid just about $8.50 a pop for the privilege. Had cases for everything but EO5 around, too - also from gamestop - because of how easy and open ended trades and returns make creating a stockpile.

Kicker is - I have a hacked 3ds. I have a hacked vita. I just like owning plastic. I grew up watching that silver pokerchip box of gameboy cartridges slowly fill; I spent hours shuffling through it on weekends, happily organizing and rediscovering things I'd forgotten about by virtue of having that physical thing to hold and remind me of it.

But, thing is: as long as there's cheap plastic around, I'll also pick up new games from time to time. The mere existence of that affordable option, through gamestop, keeps me in their ecosystem. If that affordable option is out, though? So am I. Just can't stomach blowing that big a chunk out of my pay anymore. Not without some promise of permanence or consumer protection on the digital storefronts.
Wow do they do a pretty good job of sending CIB stuff now if you order online or did you just get lucky?
One of the stores in the "Tampa area" is going to be closing as well.  Its one where there are 3 other locations within 5 miles of it and I guess it was the least well performing.  Kinda strange as we have 3 different malls with 2 gamestops within a mile of eachother, but I guess those stores all do well enough to keep around.  

Wow do they do a pretty good job of sending CIB stuff now if you order online or did you just get lucky?
Yeah, just got lucky; was really surprised, too. Vita games are around 40% case'd in my experience, with worse numbers for better/rarer games - but I didn't expect EOU1 or 2 at all. The latter of them was so pristine I almost thought I'd find a seal on it.

EO4 was also in the order but got returned 'cause it did not have a case; either way, though, they were mostly meant as fillers to get B1G1 above free shipping mark, with intent to return the lot if they were (likely) a bust. Not at all the usual case in my experience, but not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

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RE3 standard edition :ps4: and :xb1: available for pre-order in-store, but collectors edition is not.
The GS store in Phillipsburg, NJ is also closing. I was told they are only accepting cash, debit, or credit for payment; not trade credit- which really sucks.

Update: Just pre-ordered RE3 collector’s edition in store. Was able to pay with trade credit on a separate purchase made in a store that is closing in January.
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I remember riding the Wii NTDOY wave a bit too long, but now they’re up to 52 highs on China sales!

GME... I would avoid speculating at all.
All this news about GameStop closing makes me nervous to trade in my extra PS4 to stack the credit for PS5. 

Amazon should buy them.

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