The General 360 Owners/Buyers FAQ Thread (Updated 1/15/10)

EoJ still gets $31.

I traded it in, lady said "Where do you get all of these games, you trade them in every month" which made me nervous, but I kept my cool and made up some pretty good story on the spot, but she didn't seem to care, just kinda ignored me and told me it was $31, and if that was OK.
i just flipped 2x of each ps3-sega superstars tennis and wii-luxor at bbv for $80.00. paid $36 for all 4 at gamestop w/edge and 20% coupon. comes to 9.06 for each game.
Damn it felt good to flip again. I just got back from the final run of my short lived flipping "career" and can confirm Fear Files, Spyro, Timeshift and Nights held. The most mellow location had a gold mine of flippables so I decided to save gas and get it over with though I left behind a ridiculous amount of Timeshift. Made a minor $15 in profit after it was all said and done. I'm content just knowing I finally have this entire experience behind me until I decide to start up again... probably summer of next year when the flags on my account disappear Houdini style.

I took advantage of the 20% GS coupon went ahead and bought Dead Rising, Call of Duty 4 and Force Unleashed for $15 out of pocket plus $5 for a Fallout pre order at my favorite Gamestop. I've started building up a great rapport with the store manager there and all we usually do is piss off the customers talking about games, haha. Good times.

The most hilarious highlight of the day was when a BBV store manager suggested I sell the extra copies of FF and TS on Ebay if my "friends" didn't want them. He then encouraged me to trade as much as I wanted at his store but ONLY if I wasn't 'flipping' to which I played dumb while he explained to me the "ins and outs" of the entire process.

Oh man. If only he knew... >_> After all I found out about the flags in HIS store AND he insisted on pulling up my account despite having made sure I left the card in the car. Either my account was cleared there a while ago or the guy just wasn't paying attention. :D
Im done flipping today, I manage to accumlate $310 in GS credit, just with starting $70 GS credit and $40 cash today, their still alot of flips via GS and BBV but im exhausted for today, tommorow I will resume....but here is what I did with my $310 in GS credit

FallOut 3 (LE) 360 ::pAID::
Dead Space 360 ::pAID::
FarCry 2 360 ::pAID::
Dragon Quest IV DS ($11 after Coupon & trade)

and I still have $100 left in GS credit, that I will use tommorow to pick up more flips :)
Yeah, Boom Blox dropped to $15. Pisses me off, because I called yesterday and they said $25. Since when does GS drop its prices on Fridays? Whatever, some you win, some you lose.

The guy at GS who took my trades, who is himself a flipper, was going on about how Gamestop is starting to flag traders and ban them. He also told me that they can retroactively close trade accounts and take away your credit, which I'm pretty sure is illegal, so eh. If anyone knows anything about it, though, it might be a good thing to watch out for.

Now for TIVs:

BBV > GS (base before bonus and Edge)
Spyro (Wii): $9.99 > $5
Timeshift (360): $9.99 > $5
Super Swing Golf (Wii): $9.99 > $5
Sonic Riders (Wii): $14.99 > $8
Boom Blox (Wii): $29.99 (new) > $15 (bah)

I'm actually running out of BBV credit (not that I had so much to begin with). $20 left of BBV credit and $120 of GS credit, which I can't spend because I've resolved to save it for a PSP.
[quote name='tianxia']Yeah, Boom Blox dropped to $15. Pisses me off, because I called yesterday and they said $25. Since when does GS drop its prices on Fridays? Whatever, some you win, some you lose.

The guy at GS who took my trades, who is himself a flipper, was going on about how Gamestop is starting to flag traders and ban them. He also told me that they can retroactively close trade accounts and take away your credit, which I'm pretty sure is illegal, so eh. If anyone knows anything about it, though, it might be a good thing to watch out for.

Now for TIVs:

BBV > GS (base before bonus and Edge)
Spyro (Wii): $9.99 > $5
Timeshift (360): $9.99 > $5
Super Swing Golf (Wii): $9.99 > $5
Sonic Riders (Wii): $14.99 > $8
Boom Blox (Wii): $29.99 (new) > $15 (bah)

I'm actually running out of BBV credit (not that I had so much to begin with). $20 left of BBV credit and $120 of GS credit, which I can't spend because I've resolved to save it for a PSP.[/QUOTE]

If anyone has an extra Boom Blox, I'll pay $30 for it. Can't find it at any of the BBVs near me.
Need advice!!!!
Big problem regarding EoJ trade in at BBV.

Traded in EoJ earlier at BBV. The manager just called me, and said he needs the cards, mat, stand, and camera, b/c resale value is based on those. He wanted either those or for me to give him my CC info so he can give me the game back and take away the credit.

I told him it's not my fault that it was accepted, so I know I'm going to get banned from there. I told him I know some people who've traded it in at other BBVs and GS and they accepted the game only. He said well they shouldn't have. I just lied and said I'd come in tomorrow, but he said he won't be in till Monday, so I just said OK. (I'm not going in, I'll be back at my college anyhow, but just said alright)

Also he said he has to call back another person who traded in game only -- which was me again :D;

So, what do I do? They accepted the game, it's not my fault, and they can't just charge me back, can they? They can't take away my credit (since I paid with gift card) since I'd have to pick up the game first legally.

So what do I do? Just say too bad, get banned from them (which I'm sure will happen either way)?? So will I be banned at just that BBV or all?
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[quote name='Quintox']Big problem regarding EoJ trade in at BBV.

Traded in EoJ earlier at BBV. The manager just called me, and said he needs the cards, mat, stand, and camera, b/c resale value is based on those. He wanted either those or for me to give him my CC info so he can give me the game back and take away the credit.

I told him it's not my fault that it was accepted, so I know I'm going to get banned from there. I told him I know some people who've traded it in at other BBVs and GS and they accepted the game only. He said well they shouldn't have. I just lied and said I'd come in tomorrow, but he said he won't be in till Monday, so I just said OK even though I won't be here (college).

Also he said he has to call back another person who traded in game only -- which was me again :D;

So, what do I do? They accepted the game, it's not my fault, and they can't just charge me back, can they? They can't take away my credit (since I paid with gift card) since I'd have to pick up the game first legally.

So what do I do? Just say too bad, get banned from them (which I'm sure will happen either way)?? So will I be banned at just that BBV or all?[/quote]
Don't they make you sign something that says the trade is final? They always make it clear that I'm signing it because it means that I can't come back and say I didn't trade the game and that they have to give it back (I can't imagine anyone doing that) but if you signed something it means that it's final. (I think) Anyways found two copies of rock revolution or whatever it's called and a copy of escape from bug island. Almost bought the blu ray for iron man but I figured I can just rent it.
[quote name='tianxia']
The guy at GS who took my trades, who is himself a flipper, was going on about how Gamestop is starting to flag traders and ban them. He also told me that they can retroactively close trade accounts and take away your credit, which I'm pretty sure is illegal, so eh. If anyone knows anything about it, though, it might be a good thing to watch out for.

Save your BBV receipts and if they ban you, show them said receipts. I have 2 Ziplock bags filled with receipts from BBV/GS.
Yeah, they make you sign something after you trade in.

I think when he calls back I'm just going to say sorry, not my fault, I know you're going to ban me and that's fine. If he threatens to take the $$ away from my giftcard, I'll tell him I don't think he can do that, since I signed the paper after I traded it in. Plus, he can't take the $$ away before I pick up the game, that's illegal.
Right now the best thing you can do is expect the worst and react accordingly. You aren't in the wrong here. Just like with the $15 trade in coupon I had mentioned it is the responsibility of the staff to reinforce the rules. Once you trade in a game you've legally signed all rights over to them. Whatever happens after that is not your problem. You have no obligation whatsoever to accept the game or a refund back and although they'll threaten they can't touch your credit even if they wanted to since it isn't on your account.

Even if you do end up banned I'm sure it's nothing a civil discussion with the DM can't fix so don't worry about him. For now just wait it out. It's the only choice you've got at the moment.
And isn't it easy making a new account at Gamestop? Do they even ask to see your driver's license or anything?

I remember buying an EDGE card from them and them asking me my name/address/phone number. Why can't I just lie to them about my first name and then give them my home phone number if they ban me? ;)

Edit - Maybe I should refresh before posting my stupid comments. I was referring to the GS post on the last page.
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as the other poster said.....they have you sign a recite at the end of the trade, which legally binds you and agreeing to the trade (ALL trades FINAL), so bro you are in the clear, this happen to me before on a different game, the manager sided with me and actually rewarded me for the hardship that the associate have bestowed upon me (extra $10 credit, and 2 rentals Free)...
Unfortunately he's dealing with BBV and not GS.

If BBV were anywhere near as lax as GS we'd all have a field day. >_>

Either way I would just humor the manager and apologize for what happened, but politely remind him that as a customer I shouldn't have to pay for the ignorance of others. The game was legally purchased and legally traded so what's the problem? No one informed you of this rule when you traded it in so why are you being penalized? It's out of your hands and a terrible business practice to threaten you after making a legal transaction. If he doesn't like it then I'd take the ban and discuss it with the DM the next day.

But yeah, I'd be damned if he'd get his hands on my credit card or ever see one red cent of my credit. Harass your employees and leave me the hell alone. It's not your fault they refuse to do their jobs.
Thanks for the support so far -- when he calls back (lol as soon as he hung up, I can just imagine what went through his mind when he saw that I was the 'other' person who traded in EoJ 3 weeks ago) I'll be polite and say sorry. I'm thinking of explaining where I got the game from, stating that I bought the pack just for the cameras because I needed one for my Ps3 and one for my computer or something. Then, since this particular BBV is right down the road from Walmart, I just say I stopped by to get whatever I could for the game, and 'much to my surprise it was a decent amount' so I decided to do it again today so I could get the camera for my laptop to talk with my family while I'm at school or some BS like that.

Any other 'story' suggestions? Should I try and bribe him with a promised pre-order? :D
[quote name='edavis0780']Can anyone explain to me why the copy of Ninja Gaiden 2 I bought yesterday rang up for $34.99?[/quote]

same here, I dident buy it though, Im guessing the 1st page is wrong or BBV is YMMV now

ninja gaiden 2 $29.99 NEW/$34.99 USED
[quote name='edavis0780']Can anyone explain to me why the copy of Ninja Gaiden 2 I bought yesterday rang up for $34.99?[/quote]

I'll explain that to me as soon as someone explains why Spyro and Nights are $14.99 at a corporate(NOT FRANCHISE) store.

I guess it could be because used games take longer than new games to drop in price. It makes no sense, but BBV gives you $16 for R&R Adventures. When do they ever make sense?
[quote name='Quintox']
I traded it in, lady said "Where do you get all of these games, you trade them in every month" which made me nervous, but I kept my cool and made up some pretty good story on the spot, but she didn't seem to care, just kinda ignored me and told me it was $31, and if that was OK.[/quote]

Because you traded in one game she asked where you get all these games? Im hoping, with that kind of ignorance, that it was an old lady or something.
[quote name='Quintox']Thanks for the support so far -- when he calls back (lol as soon as he hung up, I can just imagine what went through his mind when he saw that I was the 'other' person who traded in EoJ 3 weeks ago) I'll be polite and say sorry. I'm thinking of explaining where I got the game from, stating that I bought the pack just for the cameras because I needed one for my Ps3 and one for my computer or something. Then, since this particular BBV is right down the road from Walmart, I just say I stopped by to get whatever I could for the game, and 'much to my surprise it was a decent amount' so I decided to do it again today.

Any other 'story' suggestions? Should I try and bribe him with a promised pre-order? :D[/quote]

F*ck bribing. Although fessing up to the fact you bought them for cheap at a yard sale or whatever is a reasonable compromise, IMO... you're still in a position where you are holding all the cards here. Why? Because he needs you and not so much the other way around. It's like you said there's a good chance of a flagging whether or not you help him out so keep that in mind. Not to mention the fact still remains the DM can overturn any ban in any store at anytime so whether or not you necessarily (or unnecessarily) kiss this guy's ass is completely of your own accord.

If they DM says your clear for trading then one would assume unless the guy is vaguely interested in pursuing a different career he'd swallow his tongue and accept it.

Make no mistake about it - this is HIS fault.

Because he refused to train his employees properly he screwed up and now instead of taking a loss he's desperately betting on a long shot by threatening you into doing the "right thing" which is ridiculous. You signed a legally binding receipt. The same receipt back by rules BBV established stating all trades are FINAL the moment after you signed them away. Get the f*ck out of here with threatening to take money FROM me to rectify a mistake YOU made. What is he? A mob boss now? LOL... please.

I wish you the best of luck but I know complete and utter bullshit when I see it. You aren't an angel by any stretch of the imagination, but no way in hell would I stand for this sort of behavior when and if I have nothing to lose. I'd play the game hard until I lost but that's just me.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']IMO... you're still in a position where you are holding all the cards here. [/quote]

I get jokes.
[quote name='tianxia']Yeah, Boom Blox dropped to $15. Pisses me off, because I called yesterday and they said $25. Since when does GS drop its prices on Fridays? Whatever, some you win, some you lose.

The guy at GS who took my trades, who is himself a flipper, was going on about how Gamestop is starting to flag traders and ban them. He also told me that they can retroactively close trade accounts and take away your credit, which I'm pretty sure is illegal, so eh. If anyone knows anything about it, though, it might be a good thing to watch out for.

It's not illegal in criminal sense, but such an action would violate the contract between buyer and seller. They offered to buy the games for said price, and they can't just up and back out when they find out they've been had. Even if they return the games, both parties (buyer and seller) have to consent to reversing the contract.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']F*ck bribing. Although fessing up to the fact you bought them for cheap at a yard sale or whatever is a reasonable compromise, IMO... you're still in a position where you are holding all the cards here. Why? Because he needs you and not so much the other way around. It's like you said there's a good chance of a flagging whether or not you help him out so keep that in mind. Not to mention the fact still remains the DM can overturn any ban in any store at anytime so whether or not you necessarily (or unnecessarily) kiss this guy's ass is completely of your own accord.

If they DM says your clear for trading then one would assume unless the guy is vaguely interested in pursuing a different career he'd swallow his tongue and accept it.

Make no mistake about it - this is HIS fault.

Because he refused to train his employees properly he screwed up and now instead of taking a loss he's desperately betting on a long shot by threatening you into doing the "right thing" which is ridiculous. You signed a legally binding receipt. The same receipt back by rules BBV established stating all trades are FINAL the moment after you signed them away. Get the f*ck out of here with threatening to take money FROM me to rectify a mistake YOU made. What is he? A mob boss now? LOL... please.

I wish you the best of luck but I know complete and utter bullshit when I see it. You aren't an angel by any stretch of the imagination, but no way in hell would I stand for this sort of behavior when and if I have nothing to lose. I'd play the game hard until I lost but that's just me.[/quote]

The real issue at hand is the non-inclusion of the accessories that are "suppose to" come with the game. The packaging on the case states that the camera, stand, cards, and mat are included. It's obvious that we don't trade all of those in with the game. They do have a point because apparently their trade price assumes that all the accessories are included and the packaging says the same.

However, just because the packaging states that everything is present doesn't make it so. The case could be made that non-complete games (missing manuals) bought back by Blockbuster violate this policy. To a more specific point, special edition copies of games missing extra discs, collector's items, and whatnot also violate this policy. I don't see Blockbuster calling up people who traded in TESIV:Oblivion SE looking for the coin they didn't include.

In the end, the buyer and seller agreed to a contract. Blockbuster cannot force the seller to return the credit, they cannot chargeback the amount to a credit card, and they cannot force the seller to include the accessories. However, Blockbuster can ban the seller from trading.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']F*ck bribing. Although fessing up to the fact you bought them for cheap at a yard sale or whatever is a reasonable compromise, IMO... you're still in a position where you are holding all the cards here. Why? Because he needs you and not so much the other way around. It's like you said there's a good chance of a flagging whether or not you help him out so keep that in mind. Not to mention the fact still remains the DM can overturn any ban in any store at anytime so whether or not you necessarily (or unnecessarily) kiss this guy's ass is completely of your own accord.

If they DM says your clear for trading then one would assume unless the guy is vaguely interested in pursuing a different career he'd swallow his tongue and accept it.

Make no mistake about it - this is HIS fault.

Because he refused to train his employees properly he screwed up and now instead of taking a loss he's desperately betting on a long shot by threatening you into doing the "right thing" which is ridiculous. You signed a legally binding receipt. The same receipt back by rules BBV established stating all trades are FINAL the moment after you signed them away. Get the f*ck out of here with threatening to take money FROM me to rectify a mistake YOU made. What is he? A mob boss now? LOL... please.

I wish you the best of luck but I know complete and utter bullshit when I see it. You aren't an angel by any stretch of the imagination, but no way in hell would I stand for this sort of behavior when and if I have nothing to lose. I'd play the game hard until I lost but that's just me.[/quote]

:lol: You are awesome, it's funny reading your posts (I'm not being sarcastic)

I'm too nice of a person to be an ass(in no way am I saying you are BTW) but I will politely just say sorry, not my fault. Luckily I do have the receipt from today after I rented Iron Man with my value card. Now that I think of it I think I gave him the value card # so he could look something up, but then I said I'd just stop by Monday.

I threw away the receipt for EoJ, but thank god I kept the Iron Man one, so I do have the most recent receipt of my value amount on my card, so if he does indeed take $ away from me, I can prove what I had.

Anyway, it will be interesting to talk to him Monday. I'm sure I'll get banned, but then I'll just call up the DM/post in here for help.
I had to go a couple of towns up today and thought I would utilize the trip to do some flipping. It was my first real time and I ran into problems and learned a lot.

Took some trades into GS and traded them in. No problems, used every drop of credit to buy some games. Took off stickers and rode across the street to BBV to trade them in. There were 2 workers, one guy was his first day. Other lady didn't know her butt from a hole in the ground. AS she's doing the trades, I tell her that I'm from out of town and to make sure she puts it on a gift card. She didn't... put $75 on store credit. Looked through the store and found 5 games to pickup. Got to the register and none on them had the little skiny "used" barcodes on them. Lady says she will just have to ring them up manually and then mark them down manually. Didn't notice until after I left that she discounted all to 9.99, even though Golden Compass was 6.99. Also didn't get manuals for 2 of the games. ALL of them were in black BBV boxes. At the end, said she didn't know how to switch the store credit to a gift card. Said I should come back late tonight while the manager was there. Asked her what part of "I live out of town DONT you understand?". She said store credit would follow me to other stores - I think that is not correct, is it?

Took 4 of those games over to another GS that I have never been in. I was expected about $40 in credit (sorry I would name the games and prices off my receipt, but I threw by back out on the way home and I'm sorta laid up now) and the guy was a real a$$hat. When I got back to the counter he said, "Hey, you're gonna get $15 for all those games!". I told him that didn't sound right and then he said he had to hit me with a refurb fee. I told him that with the $5 per game bonus that must be one helluva refurb fee. He replies with "Oh yeah, that promo IS still going on". So he ups it all to $35. I wasn't thrilled, but I took it. Got to the car and realized that he charged me at least $1 refurb fee on every game.

So question time again! Should I expect booklets from games I get at BBV or is it just YMMV? What about the credit? It's store specific right? If I go back, should another, more experienced employee be able to but the credit on a gift card?

And on to Gamestops... Should I be asking what the refurb fees are for if they hit me with one, or just take the hit or take the game? Does not having the original case or manual always get you a refurb fee? If the discs are scratched / dirty, can you use one of those disc doctor polishers on them? Does anyone here use those / have experience with them?

Thanks to everyone for being patient and answering all these noob questions.
[quote name='Muffin_Man']I had to go a couple of towns up today and thought I would utilize the trip to do some flipping. It was my first real time and I ran into problems and learned a lot.

Took some trades into GS and traded them in. No problems, used every drop of credit to buy some games. Took off stickers and rode across the street to BBV to trade them in. There were 2 workers, one guy was his first day. Other lady didn't know her butt from a hole in the ground. AS she's doing the trades, I tell her that I'm from out of town and to make sure she puts it on a gift card. She didn't... put $75 on store credit. Looked through the store and found 5 games to pickup. Got to the register and none on them had the little skiny "used" barcodes on them. Lady says she will just have to ring them up manually and then mark them down manually. Didn't notice until after I left that she discounted all to 9.99, even though Golden Compass was 6.99. Also didn't get manuals for 2 of the games. ALL of them were in black BBV boxes. At the end, said she didn't know how to switch the store credit to a gift card. Said I should come back late tonight while the manager was there. Asked her what part of "I live out of town DONT you understand?". She said store credit would follow me to other stores - I think that is not correct, is it?

Took 4 of those games over to another GS that I have never been in. I was expected about $40 in credit (sorry I would name the games and prices off my receipt, but I threw by back out on the way home and I'm sorta laid up now) and the guy was a real a$$hat. When I got back to the counter he said, "Hey, you're gonna get $15 for all those games!". I told him that didn't sound right and then he said he had to hit me with a refurb fee. I told him that with the $5 per game bonus that must be one helluva refurb fee. He replies with "Oh yeah, that promo IS still going on". So he ups it all to $35. I wasn't thrilled, but I took it. Got to the car and realized that he charged me at least $1 refurb fee on every game.

So question time again! Should I expect booklets from games I get at BBV or is it just YMMV? What about the credit? It's store specific right? If I go back, should another, more experienced employee be able to but the credit on a gift card?

And on to Gamestops... Should I be asking what the refurb fees are for if they hit me with one, or just take the hit or take the game? Does not having the original case or manual always get you a refurb fee? If the discs are scratched / dirty, can you use one of those disc doctor polishers on them? Does anyone here use those / have experience with them?

Thanks to everyone for being patient and answering all these noob questions.[/quote]

1. No, credit does not follow you to other stores, only the store that you traded at UNLESS you get a Giftcard

2. I never ever been hit with a refurb fee from GS for not having a booklet
i get hit randomly with refurb fees, but when i ask why, it is always cause the disc is too scratched. i just take the game and trade it at a different location. as for getting your credit off the account to a gift card, i believe a competent employee should know how to do it. if not, i think you could just ask to buy a giftcard for the exact amount of credit you have on account. hand them your membership and the transaction will be paid for by the credit you have on the account.
[quote name='edavis0780']It's not illegal in criminal sense, but such an action would violate the contract between buyer and seller. They offered to buy the games for said price, and they can't just up and back out when they find out they've been had. Even if they return the games, both parties (buyer and seller) have to consent to reversing the contract.[/quote]

That's what illegal means...
[quote name='tianxia']That's what illegal means...[/quote]
Illegal usually refers to the violation of statutes and laws.
Breach of contract refers to the violation of civil contracts.

You can use the word illegal to define the violation of rules in any are, but it's technically reserved for criminal law.
Oh no, I understand completely where you're coming from Quin. After all we are taking advantage of a company here and I'm actually a relatively nice guy, but nowhere near the push over I used to be as a child. If I were in your shoes and he didn't threaten me I too would have considered cutting my losses to avoid getting banned and square everything up. Everyone has limits though and petty unwarranted threats just happen to be one of mine. A large majority of us posting in this thread are grown adults here. He is a grown adult and how he chose to handle the situation was not professional. It's not your responsibility to teach them how to do their job properly, it is his. Couple in the fact everything you did was legal + you're protected by law his behavior was not only uncalled for but borderline ignorant and blatantly insulting.

I understand he was just "doing his job" but the way he went about it was all wrong.

Anyway I hope everything works out for you man.

Now back to my regularly scheduled PSP maintenance. Ugh. I hate this bare baby bottom Squall Lionheart fragile Slim. Sony should have just built the entire thing out of glass with how easily the LCD screen breaks. -_-
The 19" you linked has a standard res of 1440x900. So you gotta hope it has decent 1:1 options, or you'll see an ugly stretch. It's also really cheap...I'd suggest you buy a used 720p TV, as people are upgrading to 1080p all the time.
[quote name='Quintox']
Anyway, it will be interesting to talk to him Monday. I'm sure I'll get banned, but then I'll just call up the DM/post in here for help.[/quote]
Best of luck with that. My only advice is that you shouldn't pin it too much on the employees and their ignorance; if you do this, he may very well believe that you took advantage of these untrained employees. Sure, the deal is done and he can't take your credit away by contract, but he can ban you (and if rubbed the wrong way, it's possible that he could get the DM to district ban you).

In other words, you need to covertly control the situation while feigning ignorance yourself (ex: you bought it at yardsale in a bundle with a few other games but didn't want EOJ).


It makes me wonder when corporate is going to start cracking down on EOJ though... it's going to happen at some point, which is why I've avoided EOJ entirely.
The only reason I avoided EoJ is because the meteorite sized headache I had trying to get rid of GHIII. From then on I just said NO to any game with accessories or included in a bundle. Way too much of a hassle training a clerk on how to search for a barcode or convincing them to it take off your hands without cover art.
I found 2 Eoj at a gamestop but when I went to buy them the employee told me he couldnt sell it because he didnt have the camera or cards. Has anyone had this happen?
[quote name='ghozt']i get hit randomly with refurb fees, but when i ask why, it is always cause the disc is too scratched. i just take the game and trade it at a different location. .[/quote]

Same here. Got my second referb fee ever today. Two bucks. I complained, looked at the guy and gave the guy crap - not because it changes anything but I figure I'll vent a little and be less anoyed about it.
[quote name='Jesse757x']I found 2 Eoj at a gamestop but when I went to buy them the employee told me he couldnt sell it because he didnt have the camera or cards. Has anyone had this happen?[/quote]

I wish that was the case around here. Every store around here sells them separately.
[quote name='DrNo888']I wish that was the case around here. Every store around here sells them separately.[/quote]

It's random around here. Don't know why. One GS gave me the game and everything and another one gave me just the game.
Forgot to mention but I saw Cranium Kabooki for 14.99 at BB. I think someone mentioned it as possibly dropping for a while now but I wouldn't be surprised if it drops Mon. I was going to buy one but no game case means a no buy. Don't want to try and explain that to a BB employee.
[quote name='vanilla_shakin_it']Forgot to mention but I saw Cranium Kabooki for 14.99 at BB. I think someone mentioned it as possibly dropping for a while now but I wouldn't be surprised if it drops Mon. I was going to buy one but no game case means a no buy. Don't want to try and explain that to a BB employee.[/quote]

It's been like that ever since Cranium Kabookii was announced as a flip. It's one of those weird flips that make no sense.
[quote name='Jesse757x']I found 2 Eoj at a gamestop but when I went to buy them the employee told me he couldnt sell it because he didnt have the camera or cards. Has anyone had this happen?[/quote]

This happened to me here in michigan, but the manager was there and offered to sell it for half price since the stuff was missing. Flipped immediately after.
I've bought 5 EOJ used at GS. The first one had the mat, camera,stand, starter cards, and extra cards. I kept this as my personal game. The second was game and camera only. I traded the Eye to a different GS and the game to BB. The 3rd had the disc, starter deck, all 5 theme decks, and some extra cards (including my first Phantom). I took the disc to BB and have kept the cards (about to ebay them)...the 4th was disc only, I took it to BB, and the 5th was complete with extra cards again (and another phantom)...the game went to BB, camera on ebay, cards about to go on ebay.

I've also bought 5 new EOJ at Target for 17.xx, all 5 Eyes sold on Ebay, all 5 games went to BB.
bread's done