The General 360 Owners/Buyers FAQ Thread (Updated 1/15/10)

[quote name='Capa']I've bought 5 EOJ used at GS. The first one had the mat, camera,stand, starter cards, and extra cards. I kept this as my personal game. The second was game and camera only. I traded the Eye to a different GS and the game to BB. The 3rd had the disc, starter deck, all 5 theme decks, and some extra cards (including my first Phantom). I took the disc to BB and have kept the cards (about to ebay them)...the 4th was disc only, I took it to BB, and the 5th was complete with extra cards again (and another phantom)...the game went to BB, camera on ebay, cards about to go on ebay.

I've also bought 5 new EOJ at Target for 17.xx, all 5 Eyes sold on Ebay, all 5 games went to BB.[/quote]

No wonder you're banned. 10 EoJ? Here I thought me finding 2 was good. You must have really racked up credit quickly. You got really lucky finding EoJ for $17.xx at target. If I found them that cheap at my Target, I would buy all of them. You'll make back your money on the camera's alone, easily.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']does anyone know any BB to Fye flips? Used blu-rays are much cheaper there[/quote]

Crash of the Titans (Wii) is $9.99 -> $12.50
Crash of the titans (360) is $14.99 -> $16.25
Metal Slug Anthology (Wii) is $9.99 -> $10
Metal Slug Anthology (PS2) is $14.99(or less) -> $15
Ninja Gaiden 2 is $25 -> $30
Super Mario Galaxy is $30 -> $30
Timeshift (74272527135 barcode) is $9.99 -> $18.75

Im sure there is plenty of other stuff, im just going off the top of my head. gives the TIV's for FYE, so if you find anything else, please let me know. Add 25% to the values above if you want to pre-order a game rather than just straight up credit.
[quote name='Muffin_Man']So question time again! Should I expect booklets from games I get at BBV or is it just YMMV? [/quote]

Try and at least get the booklet OR cover art at BBV. Thats what I do when I am buying games to flip. Technically Gamestop does not require either one to do a trade but it helps if you have the cover art at least and if not, at least the manual to go in the outside of the black BBV cases ! lol..

[quote name='Muffin_Man'] What about the credit? It's store specific right? If I go back, should another, more experienced employee be able to but the credit on a gift card?[/quote]

Always ask for a VALUE CARD or GIFT CARD. Store credit can only be used at that store but I think you can buy a Gift Card. Also, the manager should be able to give you the price adjustemnt back on Golden Compass when you tell him/her to look it up on the computer and see that is should have been only $6.99 and you were charged $9.99 accidentally because of the missing barcode stickers their employee messed up on !

[quote name='Muffin_Man']And on to Gamestops... Should I be asking what the refurb fees are for if they hit me with one, or just take the hit or take the game?[/quote]

I would NOT take any hit on refurb fees unless it was like $1 on only one game. Otherwise you can always take the game back to a BBV and exchange it if it is too scratched up. You have 30 days for defective.
I usually tell them after they scan everything but before I sign the keypad that if they are hitting me for any refurb fees, I will just take the game back. Often times I am still able to trade the game at another less picky Gamestop.

ALSO, something that will help you out bigtime here, when you buy the games at BBV, ask them to pick you a clean disc without scratches and/or INSPECT them as you buy them and LEAVE any scratched up or ringed 360 discs there !!

[quote name='Muffin_Man']Does not having the original case or manual always get you a refurb fee?[/quote]

NO. Gamestop does not rquire the trade-in games to have cover art or manuals. That said, it helps if you give them AT least the cover art or manual. Also, if you must trade in a game disc only, trade it with other games that are complete with manual and artwork even if it is a BBV black case.

[quote name='Muffin_Man']If the discs are scratched / dirty, can you use one of those disc doctor polishers on them? Does anyone here use those / have experience with them?[/quote]

You can do this but why ?? The personal use ones work alright but still leave many, many swirl marks. The professional quality ones work WAY BETTER like the ones at GameCrazy and my local Dimple Records which do sweet disc resurfacing but it costs $2-$3 per disc ?? Maybe for a scratched copy of MVC2, but not worth it on a BBV to Gamestop PUSH/PAR flip. Just leave the stinky/scratched games at the BBV's !! :)
[quote name='hawaiiboy']i just flipped 2x of each ps3-sega superstars tennis and wii-luxor at bbv for $80.00. paid $36 for all 4 at gamestop w/edge and 20% coupon. comes to 9.06 for each game.[/quote]

Can anyone else confirm the TIV's for Luxor and Sega superstars tennis?

This is a great flip if its true... Im going to have to get these tomorrow...
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[quote name='Bezerker']Crash of the Titans (Wii) is $9.99 -> $12.50
Crash of the titans (360) is $14.99 -> $16.25
Metal Slug Anthology (Wii) is $9.99 -> $10
Metal Slug Anthology (PS2) is $14.99(or less) -> $15
Ninja Gaiden 2 is $25 -> $30
Super Mario Galaxy is $30 -> $30
Timeshift (74272527135 barcode) is $9.99 -> $18.75

Im sure there is plenty of other stuff, im just going off the top of my head. gives the TIV's for FYE, so if you find anything else, please let me know. Add 25% to the values above if you want to pre-order a game rather than just straight up credit.[/QUOTE]

thanks. I know that fye flips are harder than normal because of their disc policys.
[quote name='Muffin_Man']
So question time again! Should I expect booklets from games I get at BBV or is it just YMMV? What about the credit? It's store specific right? If I go back, should another, more experienced employee be able to but the credit on a gift card?[/quote]

Booklets are hit or miss. One of the annoying things of BBV's system is it's tough to tell just by picking it up if the game has the manual. I don't care for flip games, but for games I want to keep, I'm anal about having it complete (even though I never actually read the manual).

As far as transfering store credit from your account over to a gift card, every time I've tried, the employee ends up making five phone calls and 20 scans and it never works. I say "Can I just buy a gift card with my credit?" and they say "No." Apparently it's a complicated web where if they don't do it one particular way, the computer won't let 'em.

As far as the black cases, I've followed others' suggestions and asked when I buy games if the store keeps the original cases. They usually have a drawer full of them. So far I've had good luck getting those.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Right now the best thing you can do is expect the worst and react accordingly. You aren't in the wrong here. Just like with the $15 trade in coupon I had mentioned it is the responsibility of the staff to reinforce the rules. Once you trade in a game you've legally signed all rights over to them. Whatever happens after that is not your problem. You have no obligation whatsoever to accept the game or a refund back and although they'll threaten they can't touch your credit even if they wanted to since it isn't on your account.

Even if you do end up banned I'm sure it's nothing a civil discussion with the DM can't fix so don't worry about him. For now just wait it out. It's the only choice you've got at the moment.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Poor2More']as the other poster said.....they have you sign a recite at the end of the trade, which legally binds you and agreeing to the trade (ALL trades FINAL), so bro you are in the clear, this happen to me before on a different game, the manager sided with me and actually rewarded me for the hardship that the associate have bestowed upon me (extra $10 credit, and 2 rentals Free)...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Quintox']
Any other 'story' suggestions? Should I try and bribe him with a promised pre-order? :D[/QUOTE]

Man, a lot of posts in here since I last checked.

Just beware - they CAN just take credit away from you. Fortunately you don't have a balance there but let me reiterate my trade-in story from a few years ago. There was a trade-in deal at Gamerush where you got an extra $5 per game but it was not supposed to apply to GBA games (yet nearly all CAGs were able to get the $5 on GBA trades). Well, I made some trades and was given the $5 extra without asking on my part, including on a few GBA games. They traded for $1 or less otherwise, so no way I would have traded them without the bonus. I simply asked what my total was and signed the trade slip assuming that I would get what I was offered.

A few weeks later I was figuring out how much credit I had at Blockbuster over all and I was $15 short. I went back through the receipts and noticed that I was missing $15 from my store account at Gamerush. This was hard to figure out as I had to find 2 consecutive receipts that showed my balance before and after he deducted the credit. It turned out the manager had "reversed" the bonus on the 3 GBA games I traded and simply removed the credit, noting in the account that it was a mistake on their part to give me the bonus. Needless to say I was steamed. I was never told about it until I found out myself and of course, I was not offered the games back - in fact, I was given the "trades are final" excuse as to why I couldn't get the games back instead since I wouldn't have traded them without the bonus. This is a slightly different case than yours, but similar in terms of the "trades are final" bullshit. The manager said he consulted with loss prevention and they told him what he did was perfectly fine. Eventually, though, he did reverse the "reverse" after talking to the DM and I did get my credit back. But I am incensed to this day that he thought it was OK to go in without telling someone and remove credit from their account. At the time I would have been happy to have gotten my games back and the transaction completely voided but I'm glad I held out and got the original bonus credit.
[quote name='io']Man, a lot of posts in here since I last checked.

Just beware - they CAN just take credit away from you. Fortunately you don't have a balance there but let me reiterate my trade-in story from a few years ago. There was a trade-in deal at Gamerush where you got an extra $5 per game but it was not supposed to apply to GBA games (yet nearly all CAGs were able to get the $5 on GBA trades). Well, I made some trades and was given the $5 extra without asking on my part, including on a few GBA games. They traded for $1 or less otherwise, so no way I would have traded them without the bonus. I simply asked what my total was and signed the trade slip assuming that I would get what I was offered.

A few weeks later I was figuring out how much credit I had at Blockbuster over all and I was $15 short. I went back through the receipts and noticed that I was missing $15 from my store account at Gamerush. This was hard to figure out as I had to find 2 consecutive receipts that showed my balance before and after he deducted the credit. It turned out the manager had "reversed" the bonus on the 3 GBA games I traded and simply removed the credit, noting in the account that it was a mistake on their part to give me the bonus. Needless to say I was steamed. I was never told about it until I found out myself and of course, I was not offered the games back - in fact, I was given the "trades are final" excuse as to why I couldn't get the games back instead since I wouldn't have traded them without the bonus. This is a slightly different case than yours, but similar in terms of the "trades are final" bullshit. The manager said he consulted with loss prevention and they told him what he did was perfectly fine. Eventually, though, he did reverse the "reverse" after talking to the DM and I did get my credit back. But I am incensed to this day that he thought it was OK to go in without telling someone and remove credit from their account. At the time I would have been happy to have gotten my games back and the transaction completely voided but I'm glad I held out and got the original bonus credit.[/QUOTE]

I think the difference is that the credit is on a card and not on the account. If the credit is on the card, I don't think there's any way the manager can remove the credit without scanning the actual card - I just checked a few receipts I had in my wallet, and they're all marked with a generic "GIFT CARD" tender, without any pin number or anything. Even if he has the card number, I don't believe there's anything that identifies the individual card in the Blockbuster POS. It's the same reason why you can't call into Blockbuster to check the balance on a Value Card.
[quote name='Guerrilla']
It makes me wonder when corporate is going to start cracking down on EOJ though... it's going to happen at some point, which is why I've avoided EOJ entirely.[/QUOTE]

THIS! I haven't made one EoJ trade - it just doesn't seem worth the potential hassle to me. And it might be a good flipping flag game for corporate (not that there aren't others of course).

JJSP - My point was that he could simply deduct it from his store account there leaving him with a negative balance which he could probably just ignore but might cause problems down the road (collections, etc).
[quote name='io']
JJSP - My point was that he could simply deduct it from his store account there leaving him with a negative balance which he could probably just ignore but might cause problems down the road (collections, etc).[/QUOTE]
Ah. I hadn't thought of that. That would definitely suck, espescially with them having a CC on file for you anyways.

That's why you get paid the big bucks. ;)
Well shit. So what am I to do? He does have the GC number I think, but I don't believe he wrote it down.

I know I'm not going back in that BBV for a long time. Should I just go and quickly spend my $35 of credit I have left on that card, that way they can't take any off, or what? What should I say to the guy if he threatens to take the amount off, that I'll call the DM? should I call the DM first?
[quote name='JJSP']Ah. I hadn't thought of that. That would definitely suck, espescially with them having a CC on file for you anyways.

That's why you get paid the big bucks. ;)[/QUOTE]

Still, I think it is only a very remote possibility. He's more in danger of getting that manager to look into his trade history via the DM and get himself a district-wide ban.

Quintox - you have to tread very carefully while not rolling over - tricky indeed ;). Again, this is why I avoided EoJ entirely. Unfortunately, we can't really give you any specific advice because it all depends on the personalities involved. The DM may take his side or yours and may ban you district-wide or give you a gift for all the hassle. You just don't know till it happens...
[quote name='io']Still, I think it is only a very remote possibility. He's more in danger of getting that manager to look into his trade history via the DM and get himself a district-wide ban.

Quintox - you have to tread very carefully while not rolling over - tricky indeed ;). Again, this is why I avoided EoJ entirely. Unfortunately, we can't really give you any specific advice because it all depends on the personalities involved. The DM may take his side or yours and may ban you district-wide or give you a gift for all the hassle. You just don't know till it happens...[/quote]

My trade history is fine on this particular BBV, I usually don't trade much in there at all. Only shady things were the two EoJs. So my history should look fine

I think I'm going to go spend the rest of my $$ on my value card, that way if they try and take any back, it'll have to go through my CC which I'll chargeback / deny or whatever.
I think I might just call the DM and see if I can talk to him, explain what happened by saying I bought them at Walmart, just wanting the cameras so I can talk to my parents while I'm at school, and one day I just stopped at BBV to get rid of the game, and I remembered that it traded in pretty high so I traded in the 2nd one.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']thanks. I know that fye flips are harder than normal because of their disc policys.[/quote]

This is why the Virtua Tennis 3 (PSP) $6.99 @ BBV -> $9 @ FYE is good - the UMD is a bit harder to check for scratches, so isn't held to the same scrutiny.

Of course at the FYE near me it led to the manager denying all PSP games for trade-in, no exceptions.

So to add to Berzerker's list:

Virtua Tennis 3 (PSP) $6.99 -> $9
Nights (Wii) $9.99 -> $10

before any FYE bonuses.
[quote name='JJSP']Ah. I hadn't thought of that. That would definitely suck, espescially with them having a CC on file for you anyways.

That's why you get paid the big bucks. ;)[/quote]

Although you may have the CC on file with the account, if they run that charge to your Credit Card... they are in for a world of trouble if you're willing to pursue it.

I haven't checked over the trade agreement in its entirety, but this would be quite similar to the "chargeback" escapade through paypal... where they were going in and auto-drafting peoples bank accounts and credit cards.

As far as the EoJ is concerned, there's no good or bad way to approach that trade. It is risky. Personally, I trade it in with at least the mat and stand. In one case, the employee just ended up throwing away the bag of the extra stuff after saying "We don't have a place to store this stuff and no way to make sure the person who buys it will get this plastic junk." I had kept the camera though, so that's fine. I'm not too worried about getting called over it because I live in a different district than I trade in and all my credit has been put on cards for BBV (I trade when I go home on weekends most of the time)... and I will just tell them I traded everything that came with it... leaving it at that. *shrug* I would, however, avoid being a smart ass about "all trades are final kekek." Being polite will go a lot further than being snappy or snide.
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[quote name='WeaponX2099']does anyone know any BB to Fye flips? Used blu-rays are much cheaper there[/quote]

How much do used blu rays usually cost at FYE? Do you remember a few examples of some good prices? I'd be very interested in transferring BBV credit for FYE for this reason.
[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']How much do used blu rays usually cost at FYE? Do you remember a few examples of some good prices? I'd be very interested in transferring BBV credit for FYE for this reason.[/quote]

Used Blu-rays vary between $4.99 and $24.99 for single movies. Boxsets can be cheap, plus they have the backstage pass for 10% off, and frequently run B3G1's or B3G20%off everything, etc sales.

Plus FYE credit works at all the websites, meaning you can get up to 30% off used & NEW/Pre-orders as well whenever there are promotions.
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[quote name='jkircos']Does anyone know if BBV will be doing the Banjo bonus like the other stores?[/QUOTE]

They never seem to get pre-order bonuses, besides those little framed posters they have gotten for GTA IV, GH Aerosmith, Soul Caliber IV, and SW Force Unleashed.
Found a random one at Blockbuster a few days back; a nice and complete copy of Fatal Frame II for PS2. I figured I'd pick it up for myself since I probably wouldn't find it for under 15.00 any where else. Has anyone else found a rare or in demand game at BB on the cheap? And if so, did you keep it, trade at GS or sell via eBay or some other service?
[quote name='monkeydeew']kunai was some wow freak 13 year old that talked so much crap and never had any proof to back any of it up.[/quote]

Except for his pictures of stacks of games, i remember seeing one with like 14 copies of Spiderman FoF 360 that he claimed to take to one GS. I miss his antics.

The art of kunai continues in this thread with the dood that traded in mass quantities of EoJ.
[quote name='millerjm2']Found a random one at Blockbuster a few days back; a nice and complete copy of Fatal Frame II for PS2. I figured I'd pick it up for myself since I probably wouldn't find it for under 15.00 any where else. Has anyone else found a rare or in demand game at BB on the cheap? And if so, did you keep it, trade at GS or sell via eBay or some other service?[/quote]

I found one of the Fatal Frames when I first started my BBV runs...and then MVC2 (PS2) during the BOGO this summer in addition to random Pikmin 2s. Policy is I keep one of everything and sell or trade dupes...but FF and MVC2 were definite keepers since they are rare as fuck.
[quote name='millerjm2']Found a random one at Blockbuster a few days back; a nice and complete copy of Fatal Frame II for PS2. I figured I'd pick it up for myself since I probably wouldn't find it for under 15.00 any where else. Has anyone else found a rare or in demand game at BB on the cheap? And if so, did you keep it, trade at GS or sell via eBay or some other service?[/quote]

I think I saw both a Fatal Frame II and Magic Pengel at one Blockbuster up the line from me a while back. I thought that Magic Pengel was hard to find, but I thought it was the original FF that was rare/hard to find and not the second one.

They're pobably both long gone by now.
I've found a complete Pikmin 2, another copy of Pikmin 2, and some PS2 games that I haven't seen too often- Rogue Galaxy, Alien Hominid, Graffitti Kingdom, but thats about it. I did find 2 copies of GC - Twilight Princess in the last 2 weeks.
[quote name='jkircos']Does anyone know if BBV will be doing the Banjo bonus like the other stores?[/quote]

I don't think they are. I believe there is a list of retailers that you can get the bonus. I didn't see GR/BBV on there.

Also, does anyone know why my BBV is not able to process the Victorious boxer? Luckily I only had one to trade and the Samurai Warriors went threw fine, but I would like to get that extra $30 bucks and not take it back to EB.
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[quote name='joshnorm']I don't think they are. I believe there is a list of retailers that you can get the bonus. I didn't see GR/BBV on there.

Also, does anyone know why my BBV is not able to process the Victorious boxer? Luckily I only had one to trade and the Samurai Warriors went threw fine, but I would like to get that extra $30 bucks and not take it back to EB.[/quote]

A lot of people seem to have trouble getting it to scan but it is in the system. Just ruin the barcode and they'll have to look it up. Easiest way is to take a drop of water (only takes 1 drop), let it soak into the barcode, then rub it. Even if you don't get the whole barcode the employees will assume that because it's a bit messed up it won't scan right and look it up anyway.
[quote name='Nikadimas']A lot of people seem to have trouble getting it to scan but it is in the system. Just ruin the barcode and they'll have to look it up. Easiest way is to take a drop of water (only takes 1 drop), let it soak into the barcode, then rub it. Even if you don't get the whole barcode the employees will assume that because it's a bit messed up it won't scan right and look it up anyway.[/quote]

Yea good try. I just don't want to do that and get stuck with the game since my BBV employees are nice yes but they are lazy and they might not look that up.
[quote name='joshnorm']Yea good try. I just don't want to do that and get stuck with the game since my BBV employees are nice yes but they are lazy and they might not look that up.[/quote]

[quote name='Capa']How can you get stuck? Just return it within the 7 day window to GS[/quote]

Yeah, you don't get stuck. If all else fails just return it. It's not like you're gonna have to keep it for yourself or something.
Today happened to turn out to be a great day for me. I went with my family to a town 50 miles away from here to look at a couple of houses that were for sale. Great houses, but that's not why I'm typing this.

On the way there we stopped by 2 game stops. The first one only had 2 games that were kind of worth it to buy. Monster Jam and EoJ. Got me a camera with that EoJ. The second one had 3 copies of Wii sports, but since I didn't want to see weird I only picked up 2 copies. Hopefully, I can get $20+ for them on ebay.

I left that second GS and we made our way back towards that town. I wasn't expecting find any BBVs around the area we were in, but alas, we passed by one. Went in and traded 5 games that I had for $116 and I bought 6 more to transfer to GS credit. They had a lot of goods ones like Nights and Spyro, but sadly they only had 1 copy of each. I even saw a lot of flips sitting on the shelves like One Piece and Luxor. I chuckled when I saw them. First BBV I've been into that another flipper frequented.

Weird thing about that BBV though. They didn't make me sign the trade agreement form. I have no idea why. They made me sign the receipt and then put my phone number on the receipt. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have put my phone number on it even if they can find it through the system. I traded in an EoJ there so I hope I don't get any call from them. Now, I have one more EoJ to get rid of before I stop trading this game in. Seems like some managers are really anal about it. Don't care though. I signed the receipt. Trades are final.

[quote name='Nikadimas']Yeah, you don't get stuck. If all else fails just return it. It's not like you're gonna have to keep it for yourself or something.[/quote]

Maybe some people don't know how to rip out stickers the right way? I make sure I save my stickers on certain games that might not get traded in(EoJ) for example. Once I trad them in, the stickers go in the garbage.
That happened to me recently - I traded to a store i hadnt been to before and they didnt bother about the trade agreement. I would call it simply laziness.
Victorious Boxers Revo: $30. $12.50 net (if your GS doesnt charge tax like mine does not.) And Target is a GOLD mine for flipping right now. Grid (360), Dragonball (ps3), and a few others for $12 and $14.

Word of warning. I have discovered a new way for BBV to keep "certain people" from trading with them. I took about 5 or 6 different title games to the counter. He looked hard at my account. There is alot to read by now.:D. He scanned every game and then told me: "i cant take this one". I asked why and he said because they "had too many already". I knew it was a lie because i know pretty much what they have as i buy games from there all the time to flip back to GS. So i go home and call the store and pretend im just another customer looking to buy one of the games i had attempted to trade in and what do you know: "sir we have none of those". I ask if they carry the game and he said "yes". So of course the guy lied! Im guessing there is no way of resolving an issue like this. Does BBV get to decide when "they have too many" or does BBV corp do that.
king007 - I went in to a store I hadn't traded to in a long time with a Viva Pinata Party Animals (when it was on clearance at Target a year ago or so). I asked the person who was the store manager if I could trade it in and she took one look at it and said "we have too many of those already". I put it back in the car and went to look at their used selection - they didn't have a single one available for sale. So, yeah, it's probably the same BS even though they had no reason to do that to me then other than just to be crappy.

Though it is possible on some of those games that don't scan (Victorious Boxers or whatever) that they interpret the lack of ability to scan as meaning they have too many. Who knows...

And no, Target is NOT a goldmine when all those games are still priced $30 or so and hard to find even at that price :bomb:.
I was on a roll this weekend I started with 50$ GS Credit, and $30 cash, I turned it into $328.50 in GS credit, I am happy with my flipping this week
[quote name='Quintox']How do you find the DM's phone number/contact info?[/quote]

Ask, They should give it to you, actually I believe their obligated to give it to you
[quote name='Quintox']How do you find the DM's phone number/contact info?[/quote]

All the stores around me have large signs behind the counter that show store manager's name and district manager's name and phone number. Simple and helpful not only if you wanted to contact the DM, but also to tell what district you're in.
I had to leave so many great flips behind at blockbuster cause I just did so much trading sat and sunday that I was just tired of it lol

I left behind...

12x TimeShift
5x Nights Wiii
6x Spyro Wii
7x F.E.A.R Files
4x Avator: Burning Earth Wii
5x Geometry wars Wii
4x Armor Core 360

If their still their next weekend, then I will go back to clean up, see if I could a mass $600
For those who may have not actually bought it yet, Grand Theft Auto IV is down to $29.99 used @ BBV. I only checked the PS3 version. But, I figure that's a good price for the game, for those who have been avoiding getting it as of yet.

I ended up picking up the following for $68 something:

Dark Sector(PS3)-$14.99
Assassin's Creed(PS3)-$24.99
Resistance: Fall Of Man(PS3)-$24.99

Not too bad, considering I still have $63 left on the one gift card and $35 on another.

I may go to my local BBV in a bit and pre-order Little Big Planet for the hell of it to use up the rest of the credit on the one card.
Okay, did the old Luxor\SST one-two combo! First went to Gamestop to pick up a Luxor, then went to GR and traded:

Luxor....(Wii): $20

Picked up a Timeshift, then went to a different Gamestop and traded that in with the copy of FEAR Files I got the other day for the $10+ promo that, according to an off-duty employee, wasn't going on...


Fear Files (360): 7$ > +$12
Timeshift (360): 6$ > +$11

(no Edge bonus since my card expired...)

Picked up a copy of Sega Superstars Tennis for the PS3 and took it to yet another GR...

Sega Superstars Tennis (PS3): $20

Noticed a bunch of GR used price drops along the way (all 360)...

Bully: $20
Star Trek Legacy: $10
Sega Rally Revo: $10
Viking: $25

Assuming everyone knows about Dark Sector for $15 also...
[quote name='Capa']How can you get stuck? Just return it within the 7 day window to GS[/quote]

Will they take it back with the bar code screwed? I figured it wouldn't be an issue but needless to say I really don't want the game but its worth a shot.
Took in :wii: Spyro and :360: TimeShift into GS today. Got $6.60 each for both. Again, the employee wasn't going to give me the $5 trade in bonus until I mentioned it.
For those who work at BB:

Does BB price match other stores? Is it a company policy or a store by store basis because I would really like to pick up some Television seasons w/o paying MSRP.
Word of warning. I have discovered a new way for BBV to keep "certain people" from trading with them. I took about 5 or 6 different title games to the counter. He looked hard at my account. There is alot to read by now.:D. He scanned every game and then told me: "i cant take this one". I asked why and he said because they "had too many already". I knew it was a lie because i know pretty much what they have as i buy games from there all the time to flip back to GS. So i go home and call the store and pretend im just another customer looking to buy one of the games i had attempted to trade in and what do you know: "sir we have none of those". I ask if they carry the game and he said "yes". So of course the guy lied! Im guessing there is no way of resolving an issue like this. Does BBV get to decide when "they have too many" or does BBV corp do that

it comes from corporate what can and cant be traded. its not the store inventory its the company as a whole.
bread's done