The General eBay Rant Thread

Unearthed a few games in the backlog I've given up on completing and listed them. One of them is sitting at 20 views since I listed it this morning, with 5 watches. Why the fuck do people do this? I priced it to sell as in it's way cheaper than all of the other copies out there in the same condition; I just want it gone so it's on there to move quickly. Whoever buys it is getting a great deal yet out of the 20 views, no sales but 5 people watching it. What exactly are these people waiting for that watched it? I could understand if the thing was at a competitive price close to what the other copies are going for but mine's way cheaper. I've seen this in the past and the stuff still sells in the end but never understood the mentality behind doing that.
You are making a mistake assuming everybody that views it is actively looking and desperate to buy the specific item right now. I would say MOST people casually browse listings on ebay, see things they might want to buy and save it for later to think about unless it's an insane deal on something they know they want.

"Final value fees for sellers who do not meet eBay’s minimum performance standards will increase by 4 percentage points on items sold on or after May 1, 2017."

The "cases closed without seller resolution" criteria is already hard to meet at 0.3% of transactions. So now I'm going to basically have to accept any return no matter how bullshit it is, just to avoid the outrageous 4% hike in fvf.
Yeah that sucks. Amazon (recently) increased their fees too or at least I just noticed. I thought they were still charging $2.35 per item for fixed fees plus 15% on the price minus shipping charge. Now it's $2.80 per transaction plus 15% on total price including shipping charge.

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Not really pissed, it just gets on my nerves. I mean I'm already selling it dirt cheap and the thought there are seriously people that cheap adding it to a watch list to see if I lower the price even further irritates me. That's why I asked if there are other strategic advantages to doing that as if people are seriously that cheap then holy shit. Everyone wants a good deal, I get that but as I said I'm already selling it cheaper than everyone else significantly, whether it's BIN or average auction going rate. They aren't find a better price than this so it perplexes me why some do it instead of just buying it. Like I said, if this was a price in line with other listings or I had it at auction can easily understand watching it. I know I'm weird but in my opinion it's even stranger there are people watching it thinking I'm going to lower it even more to the point where I'm not making money and they're going to get it. Scratch that, not strange, just stupid. Also, if that's the case they're wasting their time as the only time I have ever not gotten what I wanted on eBay on ANY sale was when I took the listing off and tried it in a FB group and got double what I was trying to originally get. :D/

It's the opposite as much as anything. I think people add to watch lists when the price is good, but they are on the fence about whether or not they really want the item in the first place.

IF I see my items being added to watch lists then it usually means they are priced to sell, there is interest and they will sell soon.

I think more than anything it shows me that maybe my item could be priced higher.

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You have to go to your seller dashboard, and for the "cases closed without seller resolution" criteria you are either at top rated level (below 0.3%) or below standard level (above 0.3%).
Okay, good. Looks like I'm Top Rated. I have a ton of crap just sitting around in my house that I need to get rid of and eBay's really the only option unfortunately. So it would suck if I was Below Standard as I would have to give up selling on eBay as I would rather get flogged than pay an extra 4% FVF.

I posted some games, as ebay offered a promotion in which I could earn a $20 ebay certificate if my total sales went above a certain threshold. I earned the certificate, but some punk is now trying to return a game by claiming that the disc won't read. Absolute bs, as it was immaculate with no scratches, and I even tested the thing. What the  fuck should I do?  :wall: I'm guessing I should have them send it back & hope they do send the actual game back in the same condition.  :pray:

Hard to say.  I'd try and be persistent about you knowing the disc was good. 

Still, if they open a claim, you'll lose (basically). 

My guess is you won't get the disc you sent back.  You'll probably get a scratched to hell disc that they're using yours to swap with?

So I sold a Sheik amiibo last week and tracking shows it was delivered last Friday.  I also received positive feedback from the buyer that same weekend saying the amiibo was received in great condition.  Now he sends me an "Item not received" request stating he didn't receive the amiibo and thinks somebody took it from his porch.  If he escalates this, he will lose and I won't be liable for refunding him, correct?

So I sold a Sheik amiibo last week and tracking shows it was delivered last Friday. I also received positive feedback from the buyer that same weekend saying the amiibo was received in great condition. Now he sends me an "Item not received" request stating he didn't receive the amiibo and thinks somebody took it from his porch. If he escalates this, he will lose and I won't be liable for refunding him, correct?
I would give ebay a call and tell them to look at your feedback. The buyer left feedback saying it was received in great shape so how are they now saying they never got it? They will most likely lose the case due to the feedback and delivery info.

So I sold a Sheik amiibo last week and tracking shows it was delivered last Friday. I also received positive feedback from the buyer that same weekend saying the amiibo was received in great condition. Now he sends me an "Item not received" request stating he didn't receive the amiibo and thinks somebody took it from his porch. If he escalates this, he will lose and I won't be liable for refunding him, correct?
Absolutely. If the tracking shows it was received, you're already in the clear. Since he left positive feedback saying it was received, eBay will 100% side with you.

Hard to say. I'd try and be persistent about you knowing the disc was good.
Still, if they open a claim, you'll lose (basically).

My guess is you won't get the disc you sent back. You'll probably get a scratched to hell disc that they're using yours to swap with?
I sent a message to the person. I tried to politely explain how I was surprised that the game was not working for them, given that I had tested it. I even included pictures of the gameplay. (Though, I unfortunately never posted those on the auction). I then went through a number of scenarios as to why it "was not working."

Initially, in their payment, they had a message stated that the item was a gift, so no receipt/invoice should be included. I mentioned this in my message. I asked if they personally tested and/or witnessed the game not working. The person admitted that they had not:

Thank you for quick response. I got the email from my gift recipient. I don't know if the problem is for disc or from wii since I did't test it. So far we have to trust what she said. Can you send me a return label and test it when you receive the game? If the game is not working, you can issue refund minus shipping. If the game is truly defective, please issue full refund. Let me know. Thanks!

I was nearly convinced, but then started wondering if this is a ploy to get me to accept the return, and somehow get screwed over.

Yet . . . would ebay even bother with me after the return, if they send me a different game? Could I say, "Hey, they admitted to not having tested the game."?

I'm all sorts of paranoid. Ha! :whistle2:k

If they're not trying to swap out a scratched copy, then it sounds like it might just be that their system has a dirty lens.  Since it's a Wii game that they're having trouble with, it's not one of the dual-layered game discs(like Metroid: Other M or Smash Bros. Brawl), is it? 

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If they're not trying to swap out a scratched copy, then it sounds like it might just be that their system has a dirty lens. Since it's a Wii game that they're having trouble with, it's not one of the dual-layered game discs(like Metroid: Other M or Smash Bros. Brawl), is it?
It is Smash Bros. Brawl.

Yep. Brawl won't play on a bunch of Wii's. I know my Mom's Wii won't play it, even though it has no problems with anything else.

Back in the day, Nintendo was letting people send in their consoles for free to get the "repair", though I think it is a thorough lens cleaning.
I have let the buyer know about the dual layer disc issue. I have not heard back. I wonder if they're waiting for ebay to intervene. Should I wait it out? They never mentioned personally testing the game or trying any of my suggestions.
I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with an item I sold, though it's on Amazon and not eBay. I created a listing for a rare video game guide over a year ago and didn't pay attention to it. Today, it sold despite its high price. I checked what other sellers are selling my item for, and there were plenty for less than half my price new - mine is like new.

What I'm thinking of doing is contacting the seller and letting them know that media mail can take up to two weeks. This lets them cancel the order in case it was drunk purchased (the order happened while I was asleep) or a relative with credit card access bought it without permission. What do you guys think?
I'm hoping someone will be able to help me with an item I sold, though it's on Amazon and not eBay. I created a listing for a rare video game guide over a year ago and didn't pay attention to it. Today, it sold despite its high price. I checked what other sellers are selling my item for, and there were plenty for less than half my price new - mine is like new.

What I'm thinking of doing is contacting the seller and letting them know that media mail can take up to two weeks. This lets them cancel the order in case it was drunk purchased (the order happened while I was asleep) or a relative with credit card access bought it without permission. What do you guys think?
Just mail it. I have played these games before. But here's what usually happens when you contact a buyer on Amazon asking them to confirm their purchase: ..................................nothing.

And then you put yourself into this position of how long should I wait for a reply. 1 day ? 2 days ? 3 days? What is bound to happen is you mail it and then the buyer sees your message afterwards even after he gets it and says yeah it would be better if I didn't buy this. Now you have a return anyway. And, if the buyer really wanted it in the first place, you've made their buying experience worse by delaying shipment by multiple days or even a week.

PLus it doesn't sound like your guide is rare if new ones are half price. :) And if it's been on Amazon for a year and you forgot about it, you're probably happy to get rid of it no matter what happens. Mail it away.

Worst case they want to return it. You charge them a restocking fee to cover original shipping and fees amazon won't refund you. Or you give them a discount and let them keep it just so it is out of your way. AGain it's been over a year since you listed it and you forgot about it so who cares. Mail it.

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Is it the Bloodborne guide? Cause that just got a reprint announcement recently.

Chances are, the buyer doesn't know about the reprint, or they're international and no one else selling is shipping to their country (even through eBay Global proxy).

I too would leave it alone, unless you have a real reason to think it's not a legitimate buyer.

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So I sold a Sheik amiibo last week and tracking shows it was delivered last Friday. I also received positive feedback from the buyer that same weekend saying the amiibo was received in great condition. Now he sends me an "Item not received" request stating he didn't receive the amiibo and thinks somebody took it from his porch. If he escalates this, he will lose and I won't be liable for refunding him, correct?
So he escalated it to Ebay. 5 minutes later, Ebay sided with me lol. Thanks guys.

Screen Shot 2017-04-03 at 12.03.04 PM.png

What in the world does this mean? I can't understand anything these buyers say half of the time
same for me with Craigslist and OfferUp. sometimes I just ignore them, or block them lol


Another win for us sellers. I only won simply because no one could understand what the hell he was saying. The foreign reps couldn't even decode his messages

Edit: Here was another one of the messages, he sent 12 messages total but I won't torture anyone else by posting all of them. My head hurts from just attempting to decipher all of them

[attachment=26216:Screen Shot 2017-04-06 at 8.54.43 PM.png]

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Taking a guess...

"I didn't get my stuff. Can I get a refund?"
LOL you might be right considering he opened a case but he lost simply because no one at eBay or myself can understand his caveman english.

One message he spelled 'come' as 'c*m' :headache:

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So eBay switched to a new selling format page? Another thing that didn't need changing but they did anyway for the lolz. It's not too bad but I spent like 2 minutes fighting with their shipping section since they are so anal about how we list how the thing is being shipped now with our individual policies and them conforming with other current listings. Why the fuck they have to make everything a process when it comes to shipping annoys me. Is this their attempt to give buyers more of an idea when their stuff is coming since most of them expect free shipping and their shit to be at the door within 2 days of buying?

Is it just me or does ebay have a big problem with non paying bidders? I sell a good bit on ebay and mostly do buy it now because of this. I'd say I average about 1 in 10 or worse for non paying auction bidders. It's not like I auction crazy expensive or rare stuff either. Out of the last 25 auctions I listed I have 3 non paying bidders for $4.99, $11.99, and $24.99. ebay is so quick to hold sellers' PayPal funds when there is a "claimed problem" from a buyer. They should do the same to non paying bidders. The cherry on top is when they don't pay, eBay uses one of my free listings, or worse, charges me to relist the item. eBay might as well just be any other retail site because the auction part of that site is such crap.

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They credit you back for relisting in those cases, assuming you go through the right avenue to relist.

But it's always been like that. I stopped bothering with auctions a long time ago. That, and I don't have to worry about it selling for lower than I'd like, since reserve price is the worst thing you can do on eBay.

I have let the buyer know about the dual layer disc issue. I have not heard back. I wonder if they're waiting for ebay to intervene. Should I wait it out? They never mentioned personally testing the game or trying any of my suggestions.
I requested ebay to intervene, and they sided in my favor. :)

Upon checking your case, I have reviewed the listing, photos of the item, communication between you and the buyer, and the information that you provided directly to eBay. I reached the decision that the item is no longer covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee since the buyer already gave it to someone as a gift.
I know I bitched about it before but it's just a peeve of mine...I have 40 views on the item, 6 watchers, no one has bought it yet with 3 hours left on a 5-day listing. The item I'm selling is a brand new computer part, more than half off from its competition, pricing it just to get rid of as I found it recently and just want it gone. Exactly why are there people watching it again but no buys? I can assume if you are watching it then you are interested so why not just buy it? It's more than half off the going rate and new. I just cannot wrap my head around this mentality. The only possible reason I can think of is they think I might lower it and that's not happening considering that I'm practically giving it away as it is. I'm cheap too but that's ridiculous anyone can be that stingy. The only time I bother to watch anything if it's a bid item I want to get in on when it's auction time. I admit sometimes I do watch things too that I might be interested in but not ready to bite in case I find a better priced one but in this case anyone savvy with searching will know they aren't finding one any cheaper than mine. Not at this price, considering it's more than 75% percent off and before listing I researched and none of the others had any sort of discount more than 15% off. I've monitored the competition all week too, nothing close to my price. So it's just like, really?

I often watch something I'm considering selling to see what it goes for and how many bids it get.  I know you can see completed listings but I prefer to watch current auctions/sales

I know I bitched about it before but it's just a peeve of mine...I have 40 views on the item, 6 watchers, no one has bought it yet with 3 hours left on a 5-day listing. The item I'm selling is a brand new computer part, more than half off from its competition, pricing it just to get rid of as I found it recently and just want it gone. Exactly why are there people watching it again but no buys? I can assume if you are watching it then you are interested so why not just buy it? It's more than half off the going rate and new. I just cannot wrap my head around this mentality. The only possible reason I can think of is they think I might lower it and that's not happening considering that I'm practically giving it away as it is. I'm cheap too but that's ridiculous anyone can be that stingy. The only time I bother to watch anything if it's a bid item I want to get in on when it's auction time. I admit sometimes I do watch things too that I might be interested in but not ready to bite in case I find a better priced one but in this case anyone savvy with searching will know they aren't finding one any cheaper than mine. Not at this price, considering it's more than 75% percent off and before listing I researched and none of the others had any sort of discount more than 15% off. I've monitored the competition all week too, nothing close to my price. So it's just like, really?
Not trying to antagonize you, but I can't wrap my head around the mentality of having a BiN listing with only 5 days. You're just asking to get burned. I know you were trying to get rid of it ASAP, and that a lower time might give the buyers the urgency to pull the trigger, but I don't think it's worth it. Ever single item of mine that's a BiN is listed for 30 days. I don't have unlimited free listings so I don't understand why anyone wouldn't let it run for as long as possible.

I know I bitched about it before but it's just a peeve of mine...I have 40 views on the item, 6 watchers, no one has bought it yet with 3 hours left on a 5-day listing. The item I'm selling is a brand new computer part, more than half off from its competition, pricing it just to get rid of as I found it recently and just want it gone. Exactly why are there people watching it again but no buys? I can assume if you are watching it then you are interested so why not just buy it? It's more than half off the going rate and new. I just cannot wrap my head around this mentality. The only possible reason I can think of is they think I might lower it and that's not happening considering that I'm practically giving it away as it is. I'm cheap too but that's ridiculous anyone can be that stingy. The only time I bother to watch anything if it's a bid item I want to get in on when it's auction time. I admit sometimes I do watch things too that I might be interested in but not ready to bite in case I find a better priced one but in this case anyone savvy with searching will know they aren't finding one any cheaper than mine. Not at this price, considering it's more than 75% percent off and before listing I researched and none of the others had any sort of discount more than 15% off. I've monitored the competition all week too, nothing close to my price. So it's just like, really?
Perhaps the watchers are your competition. I know I watch items that I am selling to get a gauge for the market. Also, I know your price is super cheap but people may wonder is it a scam? Why so low? And a fast auction to move it to top it off. I'd stay away also. Price it 20 less than the last sold price.

Just my thoughts.
This isn't so much a rant, but an odd experience I am currently experiencing. I listed an item for sale for a seven day auction on Friday and today I got a "details about item" message and it was an offer to meet up with a buyer located 15 miles away from me to sell it to him for cash (and it's actually a reasonable offer lol). First of all, I'm assuming this is frowned upon by eBay so I wonder if they monitor for these kinds of messages and what kind of repercussions there could be. Secondly, idk how sketch this would be since this is a first for me on eBay (I've only done FB for local selling). Finally, even if I were to accept this, I've never cancelled an auction before so idk what kind of consequences are associated with that. Anyone ever have something similar happen to them? Lol
that's definitely frowned upon by ebay but you could end the auction for a lot of reasons, they won't know you're doing it to sell this on the side.  as far as meeting with someone it's as sketchy as any meeting, just do it in a public place

Just an fyi but I would be super careful with ebay on this. I did this a few months ago, even selected a reasonable reason to end the auction and I still got a "warning" from ebay for selling outside of their system.
Just an fyi but I would be super careful with ebay on this. I did this a few months ago, even selected a reasonable reason to end the auction and I still got a "warning" from ebay for selling outside of their system.
Well, yeah. eBay doesn't like it when some of the money it steals just walks away. Every single transaction outside of eBay is money that eBay can't steal so of course they will come down on you with impunity. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, though.

Well, yeah. eBay doesn't like it when some of the money it steals just walks away. Every single transaction outside of eBay is money that eBay can't steal so of course they will come down on you with impunity. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, though.
Agreed. I wasn't saying don't do it, just to be careful because they do actually track and look for that stuff.
Listen to this PR backspeak. Every single eBay employee is going to hell. Those fuckers.

fucking cowards. Anybody got any tips on using eBay to sell outside of eBay? I'm sick of getting mugged by eBay.
Don't ever use any high-end auction services. You will have a meltdown if you think eBay's fees are bad. Places like heritage charge a 15% seller fee and a 15% buyer premium.

Flat listing fees, auction fees... Real auction houses take about 30%. Not even famous ones like Sotheby's, who takes 25%, and won't even deal with small stuff.

Which is why, I iterate, if you think eBay is "stealing," go back to Craigslist. Because they charge less than Amazon, pawn shops, auction houses, everywhere else.

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I just looked at my invoice from about a year ago from a  Heritage auction and it was actually a 19.5% Buyer's Premium.  Even more than I thought it was lol

I don't deal with idiots so I don't know anything about Heritage. What I do know is between eBay and Paypal, I'm losing close to 20% of my money and that is unacceptable to me. Another thing I know is that when discussions that bash eBay and Amazon start, the sheep come out, ready to spread their cheeks and wallets open for them, so talking (or rather ranting) is useless here so I will bow out.

Yeah ranting like a moron is usually pretty useless in general.

Why would people buying extremely high-end or one of a kind items be idiots?

What percent should ebay/paypal take for letting you use their services and giving you a platform to sell items? Maybe they should pay you? I think they should give you 10 dollars an item - would that be fair enough? or would you consider that spreading your cheeks still?

You are just ranting and screaming. " Every single eBay employee is going to hell. Those fuckers. fucking cowards." And why? Because eBay doesn't want you to use all their services, but then ask people to pay you somewhere else so eBay gets nothing?

I could understand if you just got scammed by someone on Amazon or eBay but you are just frothing at the mouth because of the fees. Nobody likes paying fees and everyone wishes they were less, but you aren't discussing the fees or any of the problems that can occur with online selling. You are just crying.

I think the only thing you can handle is setting up a folding table in the Wal-Mart parking lot and trying to sell to the people heading to their cars. Good luck!

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I know I bitched about it before but it's just a peeve of mine...I have 40 views on the item, 6 watchers, no one has bought it yet with 3 hours left on a 5-day listing. The item I'm selling is a brand new computer part, more than half off from its competition, pricing it just to get rid of as I found it recently and just want it gone. Exactly why are there people watching it again but no buys? I can assume if you are watching it then you are interested so why not just buy it? It's more than half off the going rate and new. I just cannot wrap my head around this mentality. The only possible reason I can think of is they think I might lower it and that's not happening considering that I'm practically giving it away as it is. I'm cheap too but that's ridiculous anyone can be that stingy. The only time I bother to watch anything if it's a bid item I want to get in on when it's auction time. I admit sometimes I do watch things too that I might be interested in but not ready to bite in case I find a better priced one but in this case anyone savvy with searching will know they aren't finding one any cheaper than mine. Not at this price, considering it's more than 75% percent off and before listing I researched and none of the others had any sort of discount more than 15% off. I've monitored the competition all week too, nothing close to my price. So it's just like, really?
I also watch items I'm thinking about selling.

But when I have an auction listed with lots of watchers, when I re-list it I actually RAISE the price. I'm signaling to them that they can't wait it out to get it cheaper. On a number of occasions, I've relisted an item several times a bit higher each time, then let's say after 4 or 5 times I would re-list it at a lower price (but higher than my original price) and it sold right away.

bread's done