The greatest trade in the history of trading.


24 (100%)
EDIT: screw all of this, I've been taking too much crap from everyone. I probably shouldn't have posted the way did, but there we go, it's out there. It wasn't like I just went out of my way to rip someone off, I was just naming stuff I wanted off of his list. It seemed like he was only interested in DDS, so I made an offer. He found it tempting, I was shocked. Hoping we were getting somewhere, I asked if he had some other stuff, hoping he'd find more things from my list he wanted. To my suprise, instead of him getting more stuff, I did. I was completely shocked and suprised at the whole thing, and was mostly silent.

The Lunar 2 stuff he threw in for free, and he told me himself that Arc the Lad was something he was looking to get rid of. I WAS NOT LOOKING TO **** WITH ANYONE. Even when I made my initial offer, I did the :whistle2:D thing to show I was only joking.

We were both in chat for a long time, and were talking about stuff both before and after the trade. I was so happy about what he decided to give me that I decided to post it here(after a lot of implying to make it seem like I was better at getting these trades than I am).

Somebody lock this before someone else posts something that really makes me snap. It's hard enough trying to defend myself so many times even though the other guy said he didn't mind. I'm going to bed.
Good god. I realize a sealed DDS is hard to come by, but wtf? This guys got some serious issues. Hell of a deal for you though. Congrats. Wish I had those kinda people around me.
[quote name='62t']I got 2 sealed copies of DDS just laying around...[/quote]

In that case, you can ship one over to me :)
[quote name='Warner1281']Good god. I realize a sealed DDS is hard to come by, but wtf? This guys got some serious issues. Hell of a deal for you though. Congrats. Wish I had those kinda people around me.[/quote]

Some people will give anything for some games. Makes sense with FF12, since it'll be easy to find. But 1,000 Arms & Arc the Lad Collection, plus the Lunar 2 box and extras and FF 12 guide? I think he could've sold those online and had enough to buy a sealed DDS on ebay.
I have a better trade than that but this was in early 1997 when the PS1 was still new. Some guy brings his PS1 over to my house so we can play Doom Link-up and during the gaming, he goes into my closet and finds some Playboy magazines and starts looking at them. Just before he has to go, he offers his Playstation 1 core system for my 4 Playboy magazines. Do you think I turned him down? I'm not joking. I lapped it up. What a dumbass.

I found out later that that kid was locked up for sexual assault against someone and was put into some type of program... haha
that's what happens when you're horny and blind :D
[quote name='nirv']I have a better trade than that but this was in early 1997 when the PS1 was still new. Some guy brings his PS1 over to my house so we can play Doom Link-up and during the gaming, he goes into my closet and finds some Playboy magazines and starts looking at them. Just before he has to go, he offers his Playstation 1 core system for my 4 Playboy magazines. Do you think I turned him down? I'm not joking. I lapped it up. What a dumbass.

I found out later that that kid was locked up for sexual assault against someone and was put into some type of program... haha
that's what happens when you're horny and blind :D[/quote]

I bet he wooped some ass being blind and all. :p
[quote name='nirv']I have a better trade than that but this was in early 1997 when the PS1 was still new. Some guy brings his PS1 over to my house so we can play Doom Link-up and during the gaming, he goes into my closet and finds some Playboy magazines and starts looking at them. Just before he has to go, he offers his Playstation 1 core system for my 4 Playboy magazines. Do you think I turned him down? I'm not joking. I lapped it up. What a dumbass.

I found out later that that kid was locked up for sexual assault against someone and was put into some type of program... haha
that's what happens when you're horny and blind :D[/quote]

Hahahaha. You probably helped stave off his sexual assault, what a good Samaritan.
lol :whistle2:D
that's hilarious. The other good trade I made with a new user was my Ikaruga for the other guy's complete Persona. XD
[quote name='furyk']Typically when someone posts one of these threads, I go "eh". That, my friend, is a rather awesome trade.[/quote]

[quote name='Koten']Ok so I see some guy is asking around for DDS to complete his collection. Now, my PS1/2 Megaten collection IS(was) complete(including japanese titles), so I didn't want to trade it for any reasonable offer.


I make the following offer(mostly as a joke):

My sealed DDS boxset for
his Thousand Arms, Arc the Lad Collection, Final Fantasy 12.


A joke?
You do realize you're not funny right.
It is called a low ball offer.
Most traders here will take it as an insult if you try to pull something like that on this forum.

[quote name='Koten']
He says that it's tempting(O_O), but that FFXII isn't the collector's edition. I wasn't looking for it, so I don't say anything. He must've taken my silence for me having a hard time deciding, and he throws in the outer box and all the extras for Lunar 2. At this point my mind is about to explode. Once again, I don't make a comment, but rather ask him if he has the guide for FFXII.

He calls his roommate and picks up the collector's guide RIGHT THERE.

While his roommate is out, he takes 5 pictures of his stuff, to prove that everything's complete and in great condition. Then he remembers an earlier comment I made about the Penelo edition of the guide, so he talks to his roommate right there and gets the GS employee to look carefully to find a Penelo edition WITHOUT UNSEALING THE GUIDE.

We pend the trade, and he sends the next morning, priority with delivery confirmation.

I love new users.[/QUOTE]

back to the subject.
Nice trade indeed (for you at least).
Hopefully, the other trader wasn't a fellow CAG and won't be reading this thread.
(Not much he can do about it anyway).
The other trader wouldn't have mistaken DDS Boxset as DDS1 + DDS2 + whatever DDS that are out there, right?
I think the guy who got Halo 2 for used cheese got a better deal. :D

Nice trade tho'... I'd buy and LE guide if I could find a store employee willing able to pick out a Basch cover without actually opening the guide.

*goes off to look up Thousand Arms prices... I've still got the memory card stickers and motion card that came with that... plus the send-in-for CD*
[quote name='DuelLadyS']I think the guy who got Halo 2 for used cheese got a better deal. :D

No, the guy who got used cheese for Halo 2 got a better deal.
This is Teffy, the tradee.

I must say, I LOL'd at this topic.

Let me state that I had my reasons for the trade, and let me explain them.

I purchase games on 2 factors: Collectibility and Fun. I enjoy rare games only if I can play and have fun with them. In the case of Arc the Lad, I purchased it only to find out that it's not all it's cracked up to be. It commenced collecting dust in my room. Finally, I decided I must be rid of it and some other dust collectors and created a profile on gametz.

Same deal with Thousand Arms. Mildly fun, but just couldn't force myself through it. Bought it cheap from Slacker's new, started collecting dust a week and a half after I bought it.

What purpose did I have only owning the Lunar 2 box? I don't own the game, I didn't like the game, dust collecting. For nearly 2 years, in fact.

FFXII, well, I bought it mostly for my roommate anyway, when I get another job I'll probably pick it up in the future. Oh well.

I didn't mind making that trade simply because I got rid of 2 items that I didn't want (I don't sell on ebay, for my own reasons), one I couldn't stand, and a game I couldn't care less about.

In return I got a game I'd been looking for for months and couldn't find anywhere without paying exhorbitantly for.

Total cost to me: $8.00 for the guide (Old store credit from your roommate is your friend)
$20.00 for FFXII (Again, roommate's old credit helps.)
$8.50 shipping.

Total comes to $36.50 for a game that easily goes for $80 on ebay.

(I'm not counting the other games, as they're rather old and I was making $600 every two weeks when I bought them.)
[quote name='Teffy']This is Teffy, the tradee.

I must say, I LOL'd at this topic.

Let me state that I had my reasons for the trade, and let me explain them.

I purchase games on 2 factors: Collectibility and Fun. I enjoy rare games only if I can play and have fun with them. In the case of Arc the Lad, I purchased it only to find out that it's not all it's cracked up to be. It commenced collecting dust in my room. Finally, I decided I must be rid of it and some other dust collectors and created a profile on gametz.

Same deal with Thousand Arms. Mildly fun, but just couldn't force myself through it. Bought it cheap from Slacker's new, started collecting dust a week and a half after I bought it.

What purpose did I have only owning the Lunar 2 box? I don't own the game, I didn't like the game, dust collecting. For nearly 2 years, in fact.

FFXII, well, I bought it mostly for my roommate anyway, when I get another job I'll probably pick it up in the future. Oh well.

I didn't mind making that trade simply because I got rid of 2 items that I didn't want (I don't sell on ebay, for my own reasons), one I couldn't stand, and a game I couldn't care less about.

In return I got a game I'd been looking for for months and couldn't find anywhere without paying exhorbitantly for.

Total cost to me: $8.00 for the guide (Old store credit from your roommate is your friend)
$20.00 for FFXII (Again, roommate's old credit helps.)
$8.50 shipping.

Total comes to $36.50 for a game that easily goes for $80 on ebay.

(I'm not counting the other games, as they're rather old and I was making $600 every two weeks when I bought them.)[/QUOTE]

You do realize that you could have offered 1/2 of those items and still have a (99.9%) at pending the trade. If you think you got a fair deal, then that is all that counts. By the way, any other valuable freebies collecting dust in your room? I'll gladly take it. :)
I'm not saying I got a "fair deal", I'll admit I got the **** end of the deal (unless I DO get DDS2 in it), I gave what I felt was reasonable for a game I'd been wanting, and a little extra (FFXII guide and Lunar 2) to make the tradee happy. (He said he'd had a bad trade involving him losing his Lunar 2 and getting nothing, so I threw it in.)

Not overly thrilled to see the gloating though.
I know it wasn't a "fair deal", in fact I knew at the time I was getting the **** end of the deal (unless he throws in DDS2 to be a nice guy ^_^). I gave what I thought was reasonable and a little more (FFXII guide and the Lunar 2 box) to make the tradee happy. Especially since he told me he got his copy of Lunar 2 stolen by a bad trader.

Not overly thrilled to see him gloating about it though.
I think it's funny that the OP hasn't even responded yet. He first shoots his mouth off at how great a deal he got but now that the guy he "ripped-off" has posted, he's silent.
yea I tried to do a trade with Koten back then...not trying bashing but saying you can get a DOA 4 arcade stick for 30...right... Trading a VP 2 for my DOA stick and another game high value game was unfair course when it comes to a fair trade.
Well, since this was originally about DDS.

Is DDS 2 rare/worth anything? I haven't played any of the games in the series, but since the rest of the games are pretty hard to find and costly. Would it be terrible of me to start on DDS 2?

I found several sealed copies of DDS2 for $25.00.
[quote name='yukine']Well, since this was originally about DDS.

Is DDS 2 rare/worth anything? I haven't played any of the games in the series, but since the rest of the games are pretty hard to find and costly. Would it be terrible of me to start on DDS 2?

I found several sealed copies of DDS2 for $25.00.[/QUOTE]
DDS2 is very common. $25 is aobut the average price. However it is very bad idea to play DDS2 before DDS1.
[quote name='62t']DDS2 is very common. $25 is aobut the average price. However it is very bad idea to play DDS2 before DDS1.[/quote]

Hmm, okay. I think I might pick it up just to have, and wait until I have DDS to actually start.

I'd love to get into this series.
[quote name='Koten']
I love new users.[/QUOTE]

pssssssst - new users are the only ones dumb enough to make threads like this, so do you have dibs on pot or kettle? Bragging about fleecing a nub ON THE SAME SITE YOU MADE THE TRADE. Moron.

And change your goddamn avatar. You, sir, are no Jack van Burace.

You know a saying I hear around work all the time comes to mind after reading this thread "Thats a Foul Ball." Seriously you don't brag about how much you screwed somebody on the site you did it at
[quote name='Teffy']This is Teffy, the tradee.

I must say, I LOL'd at this topic.

Let me state that I had my reasons for the trade, and let me explain them.

I purchase games on 2 factors: Collectibility and Fun. I enjoy rare games only if I can play and have fun with them. In the case of Arc the Lad, I purchased it only to find out that it's not all it's cracked up to be. It commenced collecting dust in my room. Finally, I decided I must be rid of it and some other dust collectors and created a profile on gametz.

Same deal with Thousand Arms. Mildly fun, but just couldn't force myself through it. Bought it cheap from Slacker's new, started collecting dust a week and a half after I bought it.

What purpose did I have only owning the Lunar 2 box? I don't own the game, I didn't like the game, dust collecting. For nearly 2 years, in fact.

FFXII, well, I bought it mostly for my roommate anyway, when I get another job I'll probably pick it up in the future. Oh well.

I didn't mind making that trade simply because I got rid of 2 items that I didn't want (I don't sell on ebay, for my own reasons), one I couldn't stand, and a game I couldn't care less about.

In return I got a game I'd been looking for for months and couldn't find anywhere without paying exhorbitantly for.

Total cost to me: $8.00 for the guide (Old store credit from your roommate is your friend)
$20.00 for FFXII (Again, roommate's old credit helps.)
$8.50 shipping.

Total comes to $36.50 for a game that easily goes for $80 on ebay.

(I'm not counting the other games, as they're rather old and I was making $600 every two weeks when I bought them.)[/quote]

Well, that's that! Looks like we both got what we wanted. :D
[quote name='norkusa']I think it's funny that the OP hasn't even responded yet. He first shoots his mouth off at how great a deal he got but now that the guy he "ripped-off" has posted, he's silent.[/quote]

Hey, I wasn't silent, I just havent logged on because of Gears of War. :cool:

Anyway, I didn't mind posting this because he already pretty much told me the reasons for his extravagant trade while we were in chat. Besides, he already posted that he didn't mind, so I don't see why anyone else should.

I made this trade on GameTZ by the way, I didn't even know he was a member here. Hmm... My new users comment probably set my tone in the wrong direction, though. Well, this is a bragging section, and I thnk I got a pretty good deal, so I posted it.

Hope that settles everything. :)
*nods* Ya, the only part I was upset about was the "I love new users" line... No hard feelings here. You did make a great deal for yourself, so I don't mind you bragging about it.

Koten is NOT a douche, quite the contrary based on the conversation I had with him. He's anything but a newb, and though I am, I knew full well what I was doing. Getting rid of crap collecting dust in my room.
Is this the damaged DDS boxset i sold you because you were desperate to play it? I hope not. that would be rather...worse...
[quote name='TahoeMax']Is this the damaged DDS boxset i sold you because you were desperate to play it? I hope not. that would be rather...worse...[/quote]

And I thought this thread couldn't get any better. This is like better than any soap opera. :applause:
[quote name='TahoeMax']Is this the damaged DDS boxset i sold you because you were desperate to play it? I hope not. that would be rather...worse...[/quote]

That would be... worse.

Though I was told that the boxset I was getting was unopened (except to check the contents to make sure all was there), so I doubt it. I trust Koten's honesty. He wouldn't give me damaged goods after stating there were no problems with it (i.e. outright lie about condition).
how can you check the contents on an unopened, sealed game? I sold him an unopened copy with a dent on one of the sides from the post office (a prior sale that was reversed when the buyer discovered the damage).

Hmm...anyway, hope he had an extra
I told him that I unsealed the outside of the box(not the game) so that I could check out everything inside. Partly to make sure all the stuff is there(I'm paranoid), and mostly because I wanted to gape at everything inside. I tried finding the dent you told me about, but there was(and is) nothing there. You probably saw one, but after I opened it and looked at the contents and such i must have popped it back in place, like with those dents you get in cars that you have to overpay to get popped back in place(I'm not bitter).

Still, the final judge of quality is the other trader, and if Teffy isn't satisfied with the quality, then I send the games back, just like any other trade. I'm going to make sure that I pack it extra nicely, so that if the PO handles it like they do with everything else, there won't be a permanent mark.

The box even SMELLS new :p

EDIT: by everything inside, I mean the game box and the sountrack and the other insert that holds a spot for DDS2, not the manual or anything inside the unsealed game. just wanted to make that clear.
[quote name='Kendro']And I thought this thread couldn't get any better. This is like better than any soap opera. :applause:[/quote]

Well I'm glad that at least ONE member of the audience is enjoying themselves. Everyone else seems pretty worked up about this... :roll:

So much for my first topic in the bragging rights section... :cry:
Got you all beat. Back in the day ('94), I traded my SNES and 12 Games for a NEO-GEO and 6 games, two sticks, rocker pad, & a memory unit. This was when Funcoland just stopped taking trades on the neo and the guy wanted $$$ for it.

I win. Close topic. :whistle2:D
Well, if Koten didn't find anything wrong with it, then I'm satisfied. As long as it's not totally mangled, it works for me. I'm not a condition whore.

And Koten, I'm sorry that this topic ended up like this. Hopefully any other brags you have go better than this mess.
There were better trades than this. There have to have been- like the Louisiana Purchase. I guess that was more a "transaction" and not strictly a trade, but still. The middle of the U.S @ 3 cents an acre. That's tough to beat. Jefferson FTW.
bread's done