The Humble Mobile Bundle - 4/2 Funky Smugglers, Raiden Legacy, Another World (no PC)


56 (100%)
Unlike previous game bundles, there are no PC, Mac, or Linux downloads for this and no Steam keys. Soundtracks are available for all games except Contre Jour.

Pay what you want:
  • Plants vs Zombies
  • Contre Jour
  • Anomaly Korea
  • Bladeslinger

Beat the Average:
  • The Room
  • Metal Slug 3
  • Funky Smugglers*
  • Raiden Legacy*
  • Another World*
*If you purchased before April 2nd at 11 AM PDT you got these for free
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[quote name='N3UROP0D']If anybody has a HP Touchpad running Android, I can confirm all the non-BTA games work great on it, even Bladeslinger and Anomaly. Pretty fun games, too.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info. Wonder if any of the BTA ones would run on it.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Thanks for the info. Wonder if any of the BTA ones would run on it.[/QUOTE]

The Room also runs great on the Touchpad.
[quote name='gilby']I really doubt it.[/QUOTE]

I agree that it's unlikely, but it isn't inconceivable. Recall the very first Humble Bundle: No Steam keys were promised, yet half a year later keys were sent out.
[quote name='nwaugh']The Room also runs great on the Touchpad.[/QUOTE]

... aaaaand Metal Slug 3 also runs fine on the Touchpad.
[quote name='nwaugh']The Room also runs great on the Touchpad.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='nwaugh']... aaaaand Metal Slug 3 also runs fine on the Touchpad.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info. Those two were the main draw for me. Now to decide if I'm actually going to play these games. I think the only games I've come close to finishing on android are PvZ, Dead Runner, and Night of the living Dead Defense
My main concern with the Humble guys is they're too much like Valve -- they make enough money with the bundles and Humble store that they don't have any real pressure to work on Overgrowth. At this rate it won't be out until 2015.
[quote name='Mooby']My main concern with the Humble guys is they're too much like Valve -- they make enough money with the bundles and Humble store that they don't have any real pressure to work on Overgrowth. At this rate it won't be out until 2015.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget that all of the game programming time seems to go toward game jams.
Hah, that too. 'Hey bros, we're doing a jaaaaaaaaaaam... making Repeater or Recorder' or whatever the hell it's called. What about Overgrowth!?!?!
Meh if I knew they were going to add new (to bundles) games as bonuses I would have gotten in already at the lower tier but I thought they were going to do their usual Humble Android bundle phoning it in rehash crap.

I don't feel like paying $5+ for those games now I guess I'll still pass but if they do a new all Android (no Steam) bundle then maybe I'll get in at the bottom tier the next time for the bonuses.
[quote name='seamoss']Wow, really good bonus games from DotEmu (Another World & Raiden Legacy, which is really four games)![/QUOTE]

I was originally going to pass on the bundle, but paid 1 cent for it before bonuses got added in case I get an android device in the future. I'm glad I did.. the new bonus games are very good.
[quote name='louiedog']Bonus games:

Raiden Legacy
Funky Smugglers
Another World[/QUOTE]

Can someone who bought the bundle confirm that the new bonus games are also Android-only? I'd be all over this if Raiden and Another World had PC downloads.
[quote name='Woodlands']Can someone who bought the bundle confirm that the new bonus games are also Android-only? I'd be all over this if Raiden and Another World had PC downloads.[/QUOTE]

Confirmed. No steam keys anywhere in sight on the bundle page. Just a link to the android app.
FYI: Another World is apparently the same version as the one on the play store and requires another ~80 MB download on first launch. Just a warning in case anyone downloads these at the office for their commute home and doesn't want to do a larger download on their data plan or is in a subway with poor signal.
[quote name='INCyr']Confirmed. No steam keys anywhere in sight on the bundle page. Just a link to the android app.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MegaMochi']So is there anyway to keep the apps updated? Or is the download link locked to current version of the game?[/QUOTE]

The humble android app keeps your apps up to date. It lets you know when your games have updates available, and serves as a downloader for all the games you have purchased from Humble for your android devices.
Last night, I had some time to try out Raiden Legacy. Though the collection of games are good, the controls are just really not that good compared to a stick. As a fan of the genre, it's really hard to get used to playing on a tablet (I can't even imagine it on a phone) with a 10" screen dodging bullets. Also, requiring the second hand to drop a bomb is hard when holding up a tablet, so you'll have to get something to stand up your tablet or lay it flat on a surface to play.
[quote name='shivan128']Last night, I had some time to try out Raiden Legacy. Though the collection of games are good, the controls are just really not that good compared to a stick. As a fan of the genre, it's really hard to get used to playing on a tablet (I can't even imagine it on a phone) with a 10" screen dodging bullets. Also, requiring the second hand to drop a bomb is hard when holding up a tablet, so you'll have to get something to stand up your tablet or lay it flat on a surface to play.[/QUOTE]

pretty much all touchscreen Shooters are like that. I found that Raiden Legacy's much nicer with a stylus, though I'm playing on a Nexus 7, not a phone.
meh, would have rebought PvZ for the millionth time if they'd added linux support. Not really feeling the android game urge lately for whatever reason
[quote name='DeliveryPizza']The humble android app keeps your apps up to date. It lets you know when your games have updates available, and serves as a downloader for all the games you have purchased from Humble for your android devices.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that app has worked great for me so far.

[quote name='MrNinjaSquirrel']So I just saw that the PvZ soundtrack is included...yeah, I have to have it. Are the other games worth BTA? Funky Smugglers looks kinda fun[/QUOTE]

The Room won Best Handheld/Mobile Game at the Independent Games Festival this year. It's really amazing the amount of detail they put into their three dimensional puzzles. If that's your kind of thing, it's totally worth the beat the average.
bread's done