The "I haven't bought a Wii yet" Poll

[quote name='zionoverfire']I actually saw a stack at Costco a week ago but after grabbing one and debating for 10 minutes I put it back. I think when a couple good games hit the budget title range I'll think about picking one up.[/quote]

A whole stack? Woah, that must mean Nintendo is totally failing this gen! LOLOLOZ!

I'm happy I have my Wii and I've gotten close to 100 hours out of it since Christmas which, for me at-least, is nothing to sneeze at.

Now, sometimes I wonder if I'd have the Wii if it wasn't a Christmas gift. To be honest I'm not really sure. It's a fun little system; sleek and "hip". However, I can't help but wonder what will happen to the casual crowd when they tire of Wii Sports/Play and Wario Ware.

Also, I'm expecting great things from developers to be shown in the coming months. I mean, a system can't sell this much and get no love from developers right?

Furthermore, I have a small concern that some people have mentioned; games headed in a simpler direction. Sure, its fun to swing the remote around sometimes, but I mostly like sitting back with traditional controls.

Also, I wish Nintendo would have gone the extra distance and had the Wii output in 720p/1080i and DD 5.1 sound. I mean, all the ads for the Wii show it hooked up to beautiful LCD tvs, so one would naturally think it was a HD console. But to the developers: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T RELEASE A GAME THAT'S NOT EVEN IN 480P AND 16x9! Sorry, that hit a soft spot with me. I hate seeing some Wii games with the max resolution of 480i.

Not to sound all negative, the system has some great stuff coming out. Mario looks orgasmic, Smash Brothers will rule my junior year of college and strikers even looks interesting if not only for online play. In addition, I'm glad Nintendo didn't go the "Gamecube 2" route and tried something unique. Just start releasing more games Nintendo, that's all :D I have faith they can pull their shit together this generation.
[quote name='seanr1221']Also, I wish Nintendo would have gone the extra distance and had the Wii output in 720p/1080i and DD 5.1 sound. I mean, all the ads for the Wii show it hooked up to beautiful LCD tvs, so one would naturally think it was a HD console. But to the developers: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T RELEASE A GAME THAT'S NOT EVEN IN 480P AND 16x9! Sorry, that hit a soft spot with me. I hate seeing some Wii games with the max resolution of 480i.[/quote]I guess I'd disagree at least on the video output (I wouldn't mind some 5.1 action on the Wii, though I've been impressed with how well ProLogic does work). Having the 360, sure the HD stuff is pretty and interesting, but I'd just assume have the system be cheaper and give that up. It looks great on my LCD TV with component cables, so I've got no complaints. But, I guess if we could've had a $250 Wii that output in 720p, I'd have taken it... maybe. ;)

But, on the latter part of your comment, YES! I wish Nintendo had put minimum requiresments on all games at 480p and 16:9, there's no reason not to. Giving developers a lazy out, be it in "We have 50 GB of storage so just schlep a bunch of unoptimized crap onto that disc!" or "We don't have to do 16:9 or 480p, so lets not!" is never a good idea. That being said, I've been impressed with the number of titles that have supported it.
[quote name='daroga']I'm very confused why I hear how the Wii is just the next Gamecube, that theres no good games on it, that the pace is too slow, etc. And yet there's very little complaint about the PS3's trickle of games, or the 360's for that matter.[/QUOTE]

That's why I haven't bought any of them. At this point the only reason I'd even consider a PS3 is if I wanted the Blu Ray disc playback badly enough, because the games definitely aren't there and with it lagging sales to the Wii I'm not sure the 3rd party game support will be behind it like it was behind the PS1 and PS2.

But for me the 360 is the most tempting. It outputs high def and true surround so it would make full use of my setup and there are quite a few decent games out now. Still it's not quite enough for me to jump on it.

It's only $50 but for some reason I'm pretty sure if the Wii launched at $200 I'd have one by now. Of course they are still selling like hotcakes so I certainly can't say Nintendo made a mistake by going with $250, in fact in hindsight it would have been a mistake for them to go with $200 - that would have left a lot of money on the table. Just saying for me it seems a little high.
I'm happy with the wii. I wish there were a few more games that really grabbed the meat of what the controls are like.
But Zelda, paper mario, warioware, trauma center, elebits, godfather, rayman and blur are all solid games I have enjoyed a good deal. And I am intrigued by heatseeker. And if you never had a cube, there are several dozen great titles that still standup.
What bothers me is the graphics are often a stepback. If the wii has similar architecture to the cube, shouldn't companies know all the tricks by now. I am seeing these amazing late-era ps2 titles that graphically blow the wii out of the water and it doesn't make sense.
I don't need games to look as shiny as the 360/ps3, but if they all looked at least like god of war 2, I'd be set.
Right now, I live with 2 roommates who own Wiis, and I don't play any Wii games on it (it's basically a GCube sub for when we play Smash Brothers). As for if I want to buy one, the answer is "not yet." Super Paper Mario is imo the best Wii game to come out since launch (Twilight Princess doesn't count, because it's not a Wii game, and you know it). Wario Ware was a disappointment, and don't get me started on Red Steel.

Brawl is my only reason to purchase a Wii at any point in time.
No, I have not bought a Wii yet. If I saw one, I would not buy it. However, my mind might change eventually

Here's my reasons against a Wii:
1. I absolutely hate Zelda. The only Zelda I liked was Zelda II The Adventure's of Link. I've tried really hard to get into Zelda games over the years, but I end up getting bored with them and stop playing. I personally feel Zelda is the most overrated series along with GTA. There goes Legend of Zelda TP.

2. I use to love Mario platformers, but now I could careless about them. I love Super Mario on NES and SNES. Super Mario 64 was good, but just wasn't as fun as the originals. Super Mario Sunshine was the most disappointing game for me last generation. New Super Mario Bros. was hated almost as much by me, so I no longer have interests in a Mario. Therefore, I don't care about Super Mario Galaxy, even if it looks a little different.

3. I never liked Metroid, and I still don't like Metroid (there goes Metroid Prime 3). I never really liked the 2D ones and I dislike Metroid Prime even more (especially since its in first person view).

4. I think Super Smash Bros. is a little overrated. I enjoy them a little, but I much rather play a tradition fighter like Tekken, Guilty Gear, etc. I would get Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but not until it's a Player's Choice on sale (for $25 or less).

5. Just not into Nintendo's franchises overall. There's no denying I like Fire Emblem, F-Zero to an extent, Wave Race, and a few others, but the majority of Nintendo franchises, I just don't like. I only like around 15% of Nintendo first party games. I usually buy Nintendo platforms these days for third party games. Most first party stuff I like is Sony or Microsoft.

6. Wii is mostly for multi-player gaming, just like any other Nintendo console. How often do I have a friend come by and play video games with me?? Like 0.0000001% of the time. Most of my offline multi-player games have layers of dust since I don't have anyone to play them with.

7. VC prices = too much. There's no denying I want to play some of the old games, but I'm not willing to pay the price for many of them. There are some games I'd be willing to pay for, but I really don't see myself getting a lot of usage out of it.

8. No High definition. Originally, this wouldn't have bothered me, but since I got a nice new LCD flat panel HDTV at 720p/1080i, I just can't stand to play non high definition games on it. Getting my new TV has made me careless about playing anything on PS2, GC, or most any old console anymore since the graphics will look like crap on the TV. Also, when comparing them to HD graphics, it's just too difficult for me to go back. I've been getting rid of PS2 games a lot lately since I just can't go back (I strictly play PS3 and 360 way more now, with an HDTV).

9. The last time I really liked a Nintendo platform the most was with the SNES. I absolutely hated the N64 (except for a few games). I liked GC slightly more, but it was still disappointing and it was my last favorite console last generation. I didn't like GBC at all. I liked a few long running series on GBA (like Mega Man, Sonic, Final Fantasy, Castlevania, and Bomberman), but not much outside of it. It was my favorite Nintendo platform since SNES, but still not very big to me (mostly because of its sound capabilities, which showed how poor they were in SNES ports). DS is all right, but I rarely play mine, So, after not enjoying many Nintendo platforms over the years (Nintendo isn't bad, just not appealing to me), it's tough for me to want to take another chance with Nintendo.

10. I just don't like the overall direction of the Wii. Some like how the console is cheap and different. For me, I prefer to lay down in bed, to play video games. I also like many lengthy single player games. I just don't enjoy many of the types of games Wii is offering, like Wii Sports, Wii Play, etc. I really don't like the idea of devs putting motion controls into most games. I just want to play games on a regular controller. From what I hear, many say the Wii is a lot like playing a DS on a TV (to an extent). Since I'm not really into the DS type gameplay much, that isn't appealing to me.

Here's my reasons I'll get a Wii:
1. Nintendo now owns Monolith Soft. I'm not Baten Kaitos fan, but I absolutely love Xenosaga. Monolith Soft may push me to get a Wii.

2. DDR Hottest Party. I buy almost every DDR (except for Mario Mix and Disney Mix), so this may push me to get one.

3. If Guilty Gear X2 Accent Core comes stateside for Wii, and not for PS2, that may convince me more to buy a Wii, since I'm a big Guilty Gear fan.

4. The Wii is doing well in Japan, and I do like many Japanese games; therefore, I may see stuff I like.

5. I'll own all new consoles if I buy a Wii. :D
Mana, the Wii is clearly not for you. If you hate all the current first party games AND hate the franchises, why would you even *consider* the Wii? That's a sign N's doing something right. :lol:
It doesn't appeal to me. It's personal preference, but I prefer the innovations that the increased horsepower of the other two systems can provide. Things such as increased AI, larger worlds, more interactivity, etc. The motion controls are nice, but I honestly prefer Sony's approach to that - it's optional for games that can benefit from it, but the whole system/controller is built around it.

Plus, the games just don't appeal to me. I'm not just talking out now, I'm talking upcoming as well. There are more PS3 games coming this year that I'm really interested in than I can possibly play, but I honestly haven't seen anything in the Wii's lineup that interests me at all.
[quote name='The Crotch']You forgot: it's not in black.[/QUOTE]I didn't think about that. My 360 is white, but I badly want an Elite since its black. ;)
[quote name='torifile']Mana, the Wii is clearly not for you. If you hate all the current first party games AND hate the franchises, why would you even *consider* the Wii? That's a sign N's doing something right. :lol:[/QUOTE]I just can't live without access to 100% of the console games made. I know for sure there will be a few Wii games I want not on PS3 or 360. Also, if a game in a series I love gets announced for Wii, it would really hurt not to be able to play it, due to not owning a Wii.
[quote name='The Mana Knight'] Post that mirrors my own opinionD[/QUOTE]

You make these threads easier, as I never have to post long winded replies when you do it for me..

I'm much the same way..Nintendo franchises I love

Fire Emblem
Wave Race
Pilot Wings

And obviously, those are the Nintendo franchises that Nintendo completely ignores for the most part. I was so tempted to buy a Gamecube when it came out just for Blue Storm, thankfully resisted that temptation and now Blue Storm and a Gamecube cost me what the game cost new years ago.

So it's hard to get excited about a Nintendo console when the "heavy hitters", the big blockbusters, are all franchises I really could careless for. I mean, Zelda, isn't even really an RPG. Does it even have stats? Plus it's almost the same story every single time. I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy Zelda DX on GBC and Oracle of Seasons/Ages, probably because the story was very different to the average Zelda 2d..yay.

And as for Smash Brothers, I've seen enough and read enough to know it is indeed a legitimate fighting game, but here's the thing: if you HATE Marvel and loathe capcom, there's very little chance you'll love MVC2, there has to be some attachment there. I'm pretty sure I would love Smash Brothers if it was Ryu and Wolverine and Megaman, but I just don't like looking at Mario, it annoys me, kind of makes me feel sick..probably the nose in relation to the face or the specific set of movements that I have memorized. Maybe it thrills others when they see him do that little jump with his arm up or he does that thing where he kind of runs forward and stops..but it just makes me a little angry, a little sad.

I think the poll needs a "NEVER WANTED A WII". At times I've been tempted to get a Cube, for a while I had a N64, but having a Wii never really appealed to me: especially when I found out about the controls. The mere thought that the Wii is taking my beloved games [NiGHTS, Xenosaga, Dance Dance Revolution] depresses me: by this point there should be a PS3 DDR announced, but instead it is for the Wii. I want to stomp some arrows, and I'm honestly afraid that DDR will become a tilt and waggle obsessed magic wand party game. Then there was that rumor of a PS3 action game starring Kos-Mos, but with Monolith being bought by Nintendo, that's over too.

None the less, the minute they announce "Xenosaga 4" or "Xenogears remake" and they say "AND HEY, YOU CAN USE THE WAVEBIRD!", I buy a Wii that exact second. I truly don't understand why Nintendo wants a company that makes cut scene filled [yay!] Japanese RPG's...doesn't seem very Nintendo like at all...maybe they want to be like the Super NES days again? But I doubt it, the DS and Wii are making WAAAAAAAAAAY too much money with their casual/twitch setting and RPG's don't fit into that..remember the quote?

"People who play RPGs are depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games."

Yamauchi may be gone, but the fact that Nintendo has not produced a single story driven turn based RPG proves to me that mentality is still there.
[quote name='sarausagi']
Yamauchi may be gone, but the fact that Nintendo has not produced a single story driven turn based RPG proves to me that mentality is still there.[/QUOTE]

Earthbound. Fire Emblem (an SPRG, but still turn based and very story driven). Paper Mario. Those Mario and Luigi games on the GBA / DS. Magical Starsign.

All of them are fantastic RPG's... Earthbound is a bit old, but it's still a classic.

And Nintendo publishes a good deal of RPG's... they published Tales of Phantasia, all the GBA FF's, probably some other RPG's I can't think of. We wouldn't have seen Tales of Phantasia in the US if it wasn't for Nintendo.
[quote name='Roufuss']Earthbound. Fire Emblem. Paper Mario. Those Mario and Luigi games on the GBA / DS. Magical Starsign.

All of them are fantastic RPG's... Earthbound is a bit old, but it's still a classic.

And Nintendo publishes a good deal of RPG's... they published Tales of Phantasia, all the GBA FF's, probably some other RPG's I can't think of. We wouldn't have seen Tales of Phantasia in the US if it wasn't for Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

I meant Nintendo first party. I know about the Tales series [bound to get it when I pick up a cheap cube] and I have Fire Emblem for Gameboy [which is a strategy RPG] as well as Tales and Magical Starsign on DS [trust me, I wouldn't have a DS if it wasn't for the number of great RPG's on it]

What I really meant is console...even Sony and Microsoft [which spend half their time trying to be cool] put their effort into RPG's: Sony did Legend of Dragoon in the PSOne days, pretty much funded Wild Arms and made Arc the Lad. Microsoft is pushing with Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, and Mass Effect. But on the main consoles, besides Paper Mario TYD [which I am also getting with a cube..even if it is Mario I've played half of it and it's very good] and maybe the GC Fire Emblem, Nintendo's never attempted a serious RPG [the kind Yamauchi said only depressed lonely gamers play]
Well Nintendo recently brought Monolith Soft, a company known for RPGs like Baten Kaitos and xenosaga so it is a step in the right direction. Nintendo also published Bateb Kaitos origins themselves.

Eternal Sonata is published by Namco Bandi.
[quote name='sarausagi']You make these threads easier, as I never have to post long winded replies when you do it for me..

I'm much the same way..Nintendo franchises I love

Fire Emblem
Wave Race
Pilot Wings

And obviously, those are the Nintendo franchises that Nintendo completely ignores for the most part. I was so tempted to buy a Gamecube when it came out just for Blue Storm, thankfully resisted that temptation and now Blue Storm and a Gamecube cost me what the game cost new years ago.

So it's hard to get excited about a Nintendo console when the "heavy hitters", the big blockbusters, are all franchises I really could careless for. I mean, Zelda, isn't even really an RPG. Does it even have stats? Plus it's almost the same story every single time. I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy Zelda DX on GBC and Oracle of Seasons/Ages, probably because the story was very different to the average Zelda 2d..yay.

And as for Smash Brothers, I've seen enough and read enough to know it is indeed a legitimate fighting game, but here's the thing: if you HATE Marvel and loathe capcom, there's very little chance you'll love MVC2, there has to be some attachment there. I'm pretty sure I would love Smash Brothers if it was Ryu and Wolverine and Megaman, but I just don't like looking at Mario, it annoys me, kind of makes me feel sick..probably the nose in relation to the face or the specific set of movements that I have memorized. Maybe it thrills others when they see him do that little jump with his arm up or he does that thing where he kind of runs forward and stops..but it just makes me a little angry, a little sad.

I think the poll needs a "NEVER WANTED A WII". At times I've been tempted to get a Cube, for a while I had a N64, but having a Wii never really appealed to me: especially when I found out about the controls. The mere thought that the Wii is taking my beloved games [NiGHTS, Xenosaga, Dance Dance Revolution] depresses me: by this point there should be a PS3 DDR announced, but instead it is for the Wii. I want to stomp some arrows, and I'm honestly afraid that DDR will become a tilt and waggle obsessed magic wand party game. Then there was that rumor of a PS3 action game starring Kos-Mos, but with Monolith being bought by Nintendo, that's over too.

None the less, the minute they announce "Xenosaga 4" or "Xenogears remake" and they say "AND HEY, YOU CAN USE THE WAVEBIRD!", I buy a Wii that exact second. I truly don't understand why Nintendo wants a company that makes cut scene filled [yay!] Japanese RPG's...doesn't seem very Nintendo like at all...maybe they want to be like the Super NES days again? But I doubt it, the DS and Wii are making WAAAAAAAAAAY too much money with their casual/twitch setting and RPG's don't fit into that..remember the quote?

"People who play RPGs are depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games."

Yamauchi may be gone, but the fact that Nintendo has not produced a single story driven turn based RPG proves to me that mentality is still there.[/QUOTE]Your post mostly mirrors mine too, but I never really played much Pokemon in all seriousness. Despite being a huge fan of Wave Race on N64, Blue Storm was a little bit of a disappointment to me, but I still liked it (not as much as the original). First GC game I bought btw.

That's part of my problem with Zelda. I want an RPG with several stats. I want to gain level ups as I kill/defeat enemies. When I save my game, I want to save EXACTLY where I left off at some save point, not at the beginning of a dungeon or some town somewhere (which really irritates me personally about Zelda).

I agree about those franchises, since I love them too. I want to see DDR on PS3, taking FULL advantage of blu-ray disc storage with HD backgrounds and tons of music, but that's just me. I was a big fan of NiGHTs too on Saturn (one of the reasons I really liked the Saturn).

Yeah, story driven RPGs are what I love big time (which is why I own over 180 of them). The part of what
[quote name='62t']Well Nintendo recently brought Monolith Soft, a company known for RPGs like Baten Kaitos and xenosaga so it is a step in the right direction. .[/QUOTE]I disagree 100%. I want to see Xenosaga in HD with impressive graphics. I don't want to see a Xenosaga or some RPG by them look on par with a GC RPG (like Baten Kaitos).
I wrote this exact same thing months ago:

I'd love to see how Zelda would look with PS3/360 horsepower behind it.
I loved Twilight Princess to death, reminded me of the good old days on SNES, but I want to see it as I see it in my dreams. Time for the next step.

Maybe in the console gen for Nintendo.
My parents bought me a Wii as a birthday present. They didn't find any at the game stores, but Sears had 2 of them so they bought one their.
Maybe I would enjoy music games if they allowed you to add your own music to them through an ipod or other MP3 player, with the popularity of ipods and MP3 these days that ability seems like something that should be a given. Not everyone listens to the mainstream music they put in the music games, some people have different tastes, if they were able to pull this off, then they could please everyone. This is what's really turning me off from music games, I just don't like the type of music they use in them.

Truthfully I am really on the fence about all 3 consoles, none of them have anything that will make me buy them, and all 3 of them are overpriced. Plus I just have so many games here... its hard to justify the purchase of another console, unless that console is in the 10-30$ price range at a yard sale.

I just have really specific tastes in games and I don't want to buy a console and then find out it has no games I even remotely want on it.
I have no interest. I like racing games, rpg, shooters, and sports. Not really to many of those for the wii. Maybe next year it will have more of these available but I have a 360, DS, and PSP and am content for now with the releases scheduled for this year.
I love Nintendo and I do want to get one, so I eventually will.. just not anytime soon. There's a few games already out that I'd definitely pick up, I don't know.. I guess I'm just not in any rush.

Plus, I still have yet to see them sitting around at any store.. and I don't really feel like going on a grand adventure to find one. By the time I'm ready to buy, they should be readily available with more games to choose from as well.
Im planned to buy one because 1) zelda, dont have a cube, and 2) sisters and a little brother.

but 3 additional controllers bring the cost to $400, that and I have NO INTEREST whatsoever in Wii games besides zelda, I dont think i want one anymore.
woah just voted... I picked undecided...and evened the poll to a three way tie at 38 for all 3, which is pretty cool xD I'm waiting to see how anxious I get when Smash comes out, and possibly new games as well.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']My other problem with Wii is that it has many games which are basically a collection of mini-games or something, and they are charged at full price. This is an example of one of them:

If this was on PSN, it would be $10 or less.[/quote]I hope you know that's probably the table tennis game from Wii Play. ;) EB just listed a dozen games at $49.99 after E3 showings last year and they've been there since.
i think nintendo was very smart in opening up the market to all kind of people, not just your typical male gamer. however, as a somewhat typical male gamer i don't really find it very interesting.

tried wii sports, got bored after about 2 minutes. zelda i can get on the gamecube and no other games interest me.

as of now, the 360 is the most attractive to me of the next gen consoles. it appeals to me by having GTA4, Halo 3, DMC4 and other similar games on the way
I bought one waiting for WarioWare. After WarioWare, I sold it. I did keep my games (even bought Paper Mario) for when I rebuy at a MSRP under $100.
Even though it is $249.99 it is not a bargain at all, with outdated technology and all. If it had a great selection of games I could overlook this, but right now the library is absolutely lackluster. Once it builds a good library I will consider buying one.
bread's done