The Last Of Us and The Walking Dead correlation (Spoilers hidden)


46 (100%)
I have a speculation about the Last Of Us not based on fact just purely conjecture. Just based off of watching movies, reading books and playing games based off of this kinda subject.

If you want to see something extremely close to this, read The Walking Dead.

Joel is one kind of archetype, the 'grizzled old veteran' of something and Ellie is the 'innocent' caught up in this crazy world that she didn't ask to be in. See Rick Grimes of The Walking Dead and His son Carl.
BTW I linked to Wikipedia for the characters because The Walking Dead wiki is too spoiler-y.

Rick is or was this small town sheriff who was thrown into this situation through a series of unfortunate events. His son is this little kid who is trying to make since of this crazy world and his role in it.
I think that TLOU is going to be it a kind of stand alone game. I bet that Joel is going to die at the end of the game. He is Ellie's 'protector' and or 'father-figure' I think that he is going to give his life for Ellie as an anointment for all of the sins that he committed before. I think that Joel is either: a ex-killer, ex-merc, ex-special forces or ex con probably was in jail for murdering someone or killing a lot of people. I think he is a brutal Killer who has been at this so long, that's all he knows.

I think that there will be other Last Of Us games. But it won't be 'The Last Of Us II'. I think it'll star an older Ellie maybe 20 something or so, and be called something like 'The Rest Of Us'.

I believe Ellie is the real star of this game. We already know that someone paid Joel to take her away from a refugee camp.
Anyone who has read, 'The Walking Dead' comic, not show, knows that in order for you to form a bond with someone or somebody, you have sympathize for the character.
What better way to take something or someone from them. Can we have a bond with the characters if the don't make some kind of self-serving sacrifice? Sure, but this forces us to feel sorry for them.
Unlike TWD I think that Joel's death will set up the next game(s). Can you see the next Last of Us game starring both of the characters? What better way to make an emotional impact with out some kind of death?
That being said I believe that how we react to things makes us who we are.​
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