The Live Free or Die Hard thread- Out Now!


Yippie Ki Yay Motherfucker


First the bad news:


Good news:

It's a new Die Hard Movie, and hopefully it kicks ass. And it has Kevin Smith in it, so +1.

Plot synopsis:

[quote name='Wikipedia']In the past few years, aging police officer John McClane (Bruce Willis) has spent his time in and out of Alcoholics Anonymous and is divorced from his wife. He is no longer employed by the police department, but has found a position with the United States Department of Homeland Security chasing dangerous computer hackers. On his way to turn a young hacker named Matt Foster (Justin Long) into custody, he experiences a modern version of a terrorist attack first hand when he gets stuck in traffic. A group of hackers, headed by Greg Pope (Timothy Olyphant), have struck at the vulnerable United States computer infrastructure and are systematically shutting it down, beginning with the traffic light system. As they move on to crash banking networks and the stock market, the indices plummet and America's economy becomes crippled. As usual, McClane gets caught up in the middle of the excitement. It turns out that the recently captured Matt seems bright enough to understand exactly what the terrorists are doing and what steps they are taking to achieve their mission. The sophisticated criminals have a nearly foolproof plan to bring the country to a halt, but they didn't count on an old-school cop and his computer-smart buddy to figure things out. Soon, the crime-fighting duo of McClane and Foster are pulling out all the stops and matching wits with the terrorists, hoping to figure out the motives behind their actions and to stop them before the entire nation collapses.[/QUOTE]



I'm gonna see it in theaters, and if I like it, get the supposed Unrated (a.k.a. the real R rated version) version that will be releasing on DVD/ Blu Ray possibly.
see 9/11 happens and hollywood goes pussy with movies about terrorism. It's been almost 6 years, shit blowing up is a Die Hard trademark. When I read that John Mcclane is now going after Cyber Terrorist , I was like WTF!??!?!!

I don't know if this will be a great movie because of that.
WHAT THE fuck. THAT'S THE WORST TITLE EVER. :rofl: Does the movie take place in New Hampshire? Final fight scene on top of the old man of the mountain? Please let it be true.
Remember that guy who started a thread about his shitty, new "Live Free or Die Hard" sig last year?

Yeah, he sucks.

Good times.
There's a hee-larious thread over at AICN in which Mr. McClane himself discusses and defends the film and its rating.

It's worth a look.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']There's a hee-larious thread over at AICN in which Mr. McClane himself discusses and defends the film and its rating.

It's worth a look.[/QUOTE]

link please? I hate AICN because of the nonsense they post about everything.
First Aliens vs. Predator and now Live Free or Die Hard... Why oh why must Hollywood insist on making movies that should be rated R into neutered PG-13 bore-fests?

Edit-The official website still lists the rating as pending...
I predict this movie bombs. As if the title and premise isn't bad enough, just look at the competition this summer, it doesn't bode well for this movie.

I'll still go see it anyway, unless the reviews totally pan it.
I loves my Die Hard, but yea...the balls seem to definitely be missing on this so far. That Mac commercial dude is suspect number 1 for me. Then this PG-13 bullshit. And why the fuck isn't McClane in a wife beater?
[quote name='humidore']And why the fuck isn't McClane in a wife beater?[/QUOTE]
Don't want to show off his liver spots and varicose veins.
[quote name='zewone']Don't want to show off his liver spots and varicose veins.[/quote]

To quote Chris Rock, "CGI motherfucker! CGI!"
Nice cover, and i cant wait. I might just wait until the movie comes out on DVD tho. Yes i dont mind waiting :)

[quote name='RedvsBlue']First Aliens vs. Predator and now Live Free or Die Hard... Why oh why must Hollywood insist on making movies that should be rated R into neutered PG-13 bore-fests?

Edit-The official website still lists the rating as pending...[/quote]

Why does it matter? Just curious
[quote name='Vega$']Nice cover, and i cant wait. I might just wait until the movie comes out on DVD tho. Yes i dont mind waiting :)

Why does it matter? Just curious[/QUOTE]

For one, John McClain and the word "fu(k" go together like ice cream and apple pie. With this movie being PG-13, they're allowed one "fu(k" throughout the whole movie. Second, the violence has to be toned down, just look at the first 2 (and 3rd one to an extent) and tell me they'd be as good with a PG-13 label. Not happening.
[quote name='ITDEFX']whats he gonna say?? Yippie Kiyea Mother Goose?!??![/quote]

I'll predict within a year to a year and a half from now we'll have the "unrated version we couldn't show you in theaters" released on DVD after they released the PG-13 version this holiday season.

So "Yippie Kiyea Mother fucker" to you Fox... I'll be passing this one up at the box office indeed.
Their MPAA allowance of one "fu(k" damn well better go to him killing the bad guy and saying yipee kiyay mother fucker. If it doesn't, heads will roll.
His daughter in this movie IS a hottie

Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Ah..she's so pretty..I love her! I bought Final Destination 3 just to see her in it! She's SOOOOOO Pretty!~!
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Their MPAA allowance of one "fu(k" damn well better go to him killing the bad guy and saying yipee kiyay mother fucker. If it doesn't, heads will roll.[/QUOTE]

The fact that its PG-13 combined with a plot that sounds on paper even worse than this season of "24" already makes me want to see heads roll.
[quote name='Demolition Man']The fact that its PG-13 combined with a plot that sounds on paper even worse than this season of "24" already makes me want to see heads roll.[/QUOTE]

I dunno, I'm looking past the plot because I remember back to the first one. Despite a pretty boring plot concept (terrorists take over office building) it was still an awesome movie.
[quote name='DJSteel']give me a break with the Mac guy being in Die Hard...[/quote]

Justin Long can actually act.

Have you seen him in "Galaxy Quest", "Jeepers Creepers". or "Dodge Ball"?

Don't get hung up on a guy because of one line of advertisements.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']

Have you seen him in "Galaxy Quest", "Jeepers Creepers". or "Dodge Ball"?


He sucked, he sucked and....he sucked even more.

[quote name='CocheseUGA']He sucked, he sucked and....he sucked even more.


He wasn't asking for an excerpt from your biography during your experimentation years...
[quote name='Pookymeister']He wasn't asking for an excerpt from your biography during your experimentation years...[/QUOTE]


And, well.....ouch!...
How can anything with a bad movie?!?!

but in all seriousness, I actually saw Die Hard for the FIRST TIME on HBO a few weeks ago [in HD too] and I have to say

1. I wouldn't worry about the age...he looked pretty old to me already in the original..and I don't think it was ever about being ripped or god like in the Arnold or Ferringo type's kind of more like Stallone. And hey, Stallone looked great in Balboa, so why can't Willis look good?

2. I did like the movie, it's..very desperate..has a sense of urgency..a very rushing feeling of action..I haven't seen the others besides the first one, but if this movie can deliver the same experience, with some great special effects and some HUUUGE'll be good.
Only ever truly remember seeing the third Die Hard and thought it was pretty badass at the time. I guess it's almost finally time for me to really watch them all.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Btw, we are talking about your boobs in the OTT[/QUOTE]

thanks for letting my boobs know, I posted in the thread.
[quote name='sarausagi']
2. I did like the movie, it's..very desperate..has a sense of urgency..a very rushing feeling of action..I haven't seen the others besides the first one, but if this movie can deliver the same experience, with some great special effects and some HUUUGE'll be good.[/QUOTE]
Die Hard With A Vengeance is the best one.
Damn PG-13 is the worst thing they could do to Die Hard. It isn't the violence that I'll miss, it is John McClane's filthy mouth. Him saying fuck and any other curse in the dictionary every 5 seconds is what made the character. They should have made Die Hard 4 into something like "16 Blocks."
[quote name='zewone']Die Hard With A Vengeance is the best one.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was terrible.

The first one was the best and a big part of the reason that a lot of it was ad-libed (like the famous "yipee ka-yay motherf--ker" line). The second one was decent. The thrid one sucked so I have little hope for the next one; I have the feeling that the trailer already shows all the best scenes.
Obviously the cursing will be cut down, but violence should be intact. PG 13 now is what R was ten years ago, violence wise.
[quote name='dopa345']I thought it was terrible.

The first one was the best and a big part of the reason that a lot of it was ad-libed (like the famous "yipee ka-yay motherf--ker" line). The second one was decent. The thrid one sucked so I have little hope for the next one; I have the feeling that the trailer already shows all the best scenes.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but he's right. Jeremy Irons, Sam Jackson...winner. I even remember the theater previews with Summer in the City. I think they were shown during In The Mouth of Madness.
Every single frame of this film I've seen so far screams "Sacrilege". It looks like it wants to be some version of Mission: Impossible (witness: Maggie Q and low-flying jet) for the MGD crowd. I'm sure Fox News-addicted neocons will eat it up, even if they'll be yearning for a "real" (read: Middle Eastern) villain the whole time.

Just 'cause it kinda worked for Sly doesn't mean it will for you, "Bruno". Sorry. Oh...and that "R" would've helped more than it hurt, buh-leeeeve dat.
[quote name='jollydwarf']Every single frame of this film I've seen so far screams "Sacrilege". It looks like it wants to be some version of Mission: Impossible (witness: Maggie Q and low-flying jet) for the MGD crowd. I'm sure Fox News-addicted neocons will eat it up, even if they'll be yearning for a "real" (read: Middle Eastern) villain the whole time.

Just 'cause it kinda worked for Sly doesn't mean it will for you, "Bruno". Sorry. Oh...and that "R" would've helped more than it hurt, buh-leeeeve dat.[/QUOTE]

Normally, I can understand what you're saying, even if it takes three days to get to the point.

But I'll be damned if I found anything worthwhile in that one.
PG-13? Pass. The audience that guarantees alone will ruin it. And it's not like it will be a great movie to start with.
I'm not real hype about this one , but it looks alright. The title is starting to tick me off a bit. Live free or die hard ugh. Just called it die hard 4 and thats it.
bread's done