The Meaning of Shaq-Fu


I have only been listening to CAG since #102, and don't know what the term Shaq-Fu means. I know it was a horrible SNES game, but is it used as a insult or what?
Its a secret code, and if you don't know what the code is, your not a true CAG, just a noob. Its kind of the initiation into the super-secret badass club of badasses.
[quote name='georox']Its a secret code, and if you don't know what the code is, your not a true CAG, just a noob. Its kind of the initiation into the super-secret badass club of badasses.[/quote]

I was looking for something a little more helpful but thanks anyway.
[quote name='uberpwner93']been listening to CAG[/quote]

There's your problem. If you had spent time in the forums, this thread wouldn't be necessary.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']There's your problem. If you had spent time in the forums, this thread wouldn't be necessary.[/quote]

Yeah. I just started to post in the forums so I could contribute more to the CAG community.
I'll throw this here as well so there will be no arguing over who predicted it when the inevitable occurs: coming soon.
It's so weird how CAG is more about podcasts than deals now. And by weird I mean sad.

I was playing WC3 with some CAG a couple days ago and he mentioned something about the CAGcast, he was so confused when I said I've never listened to it. "How'd you hear about CAG, then?" he said. lol.

I still oppose the CAGcast. Deals have taken the backseat for the past few years. I expect CAG 2.0 to just make matters worse, taking us further away from the cheap-centric nature of the community.
[quote name='Koggit']I expect CAG 2.0 to just make matters worse, taking us further away from the cheap-centric nature of the community.[/quote]

Don't worry, you'll still be able to blog about the deals you find, and then you can add the best bloggers as CAG friends, so your top 8 will hopefully supply you with a consistent stream of deals when the deals section is canned all together.
[quote name='Koggit']It's so weird how CAG is more about podcasts than deals now. And by weird I mean sad.[/quote]
I listened to the very first podcast, and then I remembered that I hate all podcasts, so I've never cared about or listened to them since then (though I do like cheapy's youtube videos).

I expect CAG 2.0 to just make matters worse, taking us further away from the cheap-centric nature of the community.
The very denomination of "2.0" is completely soured to me, no matter what it's used for. I personally hate almost everything about "web 2.0" and social networking and all that crap, so "2.0" has bad associations for me now.

[quote name='Rocko']Don't worry, you'll still be able to blog about the deals you find, and then you can add the best bloggers as CAG friends, so your top 8 will hopefully supply you with a consistent stream of deals when the deals section is canned all together.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Rocko']Don't worry, you'll still be able to blog about the deals you find, and then you can add the best bloggers as CAG friends, so your top 8 will hopefully supply you with a consistent stream of deals when the deals section is canned all together.[/quote]

I believe it will be called a social networking site for people who enjoy casual gaming and fart jokes, and occasionally want a deal on a 5 year old game.
[quote name='Rocko']Last I heard they've started running ads during the CAGcast, so I doubt it will ever go anywhere.[/quote]

The best part?

They're ads for Gamestop. (At least this week and last.)
Well, they're live reads - but it's still GS sponsoring them, as opposed to the Navy or whatever ads.

Meh. Still less commercials than broadcast radio, though...
[quote name='uberpwner93']In the CAGcast they still talk about deals. But very little.[/quote]

To be fair, this is the worst time of the season for deals. The Xmas podcasts are more deals oriented...
[quote name='Rocko']I'll throw this here as well so there will be no arguing over who predicted it when the inevitable occurs: coming soon.[/QUOTE]

Umm... that's been a valid URL for years. While I understand the podcasts aren't for everyone, I don't get how having them is somehow taking away from the deals. It's not like there would be more deals if we didn't do podcasts.
[quote name='shipwreck']Umm... that's been a valid URL for years. While I understand the podcasts aren't for everyone, I don't get how having them is somehow taking away from the deals. It's not like there would be more deals if we didn't do podcasts.[/QUOTE]

I'm surprised by all the hate for the podcasts. Granted, they don't talk exclusively about deals, but I can't imagine there's two hours worth of deals to discuss each week. I rely on the forums and front page for deal discussion, and the podcasts for general game related banter. It's not like you can only have one and not the other...
[quote name='Rocko']I'll throw this here as well so there will be no arguing over who predicted it when the inevitable occurs: coming soon.[/quote]
I've seen you post this in several different places now.
Only a complete idiot would run a site for 5 years, build up its name so that it is fairly well known throughout the internet, and then change it.

I'm telling you right now, that under no circumstances would I change this site's name to cagcast. It makes no sense at all.
If you would like to put your money (or anything tangible beyond a worthless forum post) where your mouth is, I'd be happy to prove you wrong. Shit, you'll find out tonight that you are wrong, because obviously if I was going to change the name, I would do it today.

[quote name='Koggit']It's so weird how CAG is more about podcasts than deals now. And by weird I mean sad.

I was playing WC3 with some CAG a couple days ago and he mentioned something about the CAGcast, he was so confused when I said I've never listened to it. "How'd you hear about CAG, then?" he said. lol.

I still oppose the CAGcast. Deals have taken the backseat for the past few years. I expect CAG 2.0 to just make matters worse, taking us further away from the cheap-centric nature of the community.[/quote]

I can definitely understand this concern.
A big part of the site redesign is to make it easier to post (and find) more deals to the front page. Yes, there will be other content besides deals, but, unlike now, the vast majority of front page posts will be deals. Additionally, in the coming months, we will add a dedicated deal finding/tracking system which will be very impressive.

It doesn't take a genius to know that people come to CAG primarily for the deals. I wouldn't be investing time and money into something that would move us away from our bread and butter.

I certainly appreciate constructive criticism, but for some of you guys, I realize being negative is "your thing". Regardless, if you don't think the new site is a huge improvement, I will be pretty shocked.


This is infantile.

I love CAG, I come here for the deals and the forums. Cheapy's pretty cool, and though I've never listened to a cagcast I don't go around screaming the sky is falling because the Mans got another source of site traffic and revenue.

More traffic means more leads on deals. The heck's the matter with some of you?
[quote name='Koggit']It's so weird how CAG is more about podcasts than deals now. And by weird I mean sad.

I was playing WC3 with some CAG a couple days ago and he mentioned something about the CAGcast, he was so confused when I said I've never listened to it. "How'd you hear about CAG, then?" he said. lol.

I still oppose the CAGcast. Deals have taken the backseat for the past few years. I expect CAG 2.0 to just make matters worse, taking us further away from the cheap-centric nature of the community.[/quote]

what has the CAGcast done to give deals a backseat....why, because some deals arent on the front page? How is it taking away from the cheap-centric nature of the site?

i cant understand how CAGs can possibly complain about a podcast. All you do is hear two people talk. Its talk radio over the internet. To me, its a add-on to CAG that i enjoy. I havent noticed the site being promoted in any other way but through the podcast. If it attracts new users to come than so be it. We get more users and a larger community..and hear two funny ass guys talk about double ds.

You may be in the total minority there about the cheap centric nature of the site. As Guinevere pointed out, The views totally dominate the CAGcast numbers. The Site is still dedictated to what it does best. have you notice how many request there to find something cheap? Or even in the deals fourm, they will still post a deal even if its only 10 bucks cheaper than retail price. I say the cheap centric nature is still here and thriving so i dont know where you been....

To answer the thread which has been totally hicjacked by the podcast debate,

Shaq-Fu= F-Bomb
Nah, I know where Koggit is coming from, and I agree with him.
Right now, every week, there are two podcasts posted and a handful of deals.
The number of deal posts (and other shopping related content) should definitely dwarf the number podcast posts.

And so it shall be.
I think a better way to view this is that deals are posted by the COMMUNITY as a WHOLE, not just CheapyD, Wombat, or the Shipwrecks. That being said, I don't buy the whole "deals have taken a backseat" argument.

The main CAG crew might not be posting as many deals as they might have in the past, but I can guarantee that more deals and better deals are being posted by the community as a whole than they could ever do on their own (no disrespect), that's what makes the site so great.

As for the Podcasts, that's really just a thing on the side, and honestly, I like having 3 hours worth of CAG related podcasting a week, it gives me something to listen to while I do work, and oftentimes, is pretty entertaining.

Overall, I think you've just gotten tired of browsing through the clutter that is the VG Deals thread (and yes, it is cluttered, but hopefully CAG 2.0 will fix that), and have gotten so lazy that you expect the CAGCast to hand-deliver the deals to you on a silver platter.

Tough shit. :)

I don't get the "not as focused on deals, podcast is taking over" quips.

When there's a game deal to be had, it's posted here. All the big box stores, all the game store chains are covered, and all the main websites are covered. How could this site be any more deal-centric? It has only gotten better since I first joined in '04 (had another account.) Cheapy can't make more deals magically appear.

If anything, stores have gotten stingier now that everyone and their grandma can be a savvy shopper.
[quote name='CheapyD']I've seen you post this in several different places now.
Only a complete idiot would run a site for 5 years, build up its name so that it is fairly well known throughout the internet, and then change it.

I'm telling you right now, that under no circumstances would I change this site's name to cagcast. It makes no sense at all.
If you would like to put your money (or anything tangible beyond a worthless forum post) where your mouth is, I'd be happy to prove you wrong. Shit, you'll find out tonight that you are wrong, because obviously if I was going to change the name, I would do it today.[/quote]

So you want me to bet you money? :whistle2:s

I'm just sayin', it feels like the podcast has taken a front site to other operations, and that would be the next logical step to capitalizing on that, since the CAGcast is likely more recognizable than Cheap Ass Gamer.

I'd love to be proven wrong, and hopefully all the new doohickeys added to the site with the update won't overshadow the whole point of the site.
[quote name='Rocko']So you want me to bet you money? :whistle2:s

I'm just sayin', it feels like the podcast has taken a front site to other operations, and that would be the next logical step to capitalizing on that, since the CAGcast is likely more recognizable than Cheap Ass Gamer.[/quote]

See, but that is not what you are "sayin". What you are "sayin" (repeatedly and with great confidence), is that I'm going to change the site's name to CAGcast. I've seen other users respond to your posts, believing that you actually have a clue what you are talking about.

No, I don't want your money, but you've posted this grand prediction so often and with such contempt, I figured you would be willing to do something on the very slim possibilty that you are wrong.

So, what you got?

When the new site goes live tonight:
If you are wrong, how about I change your name to CAGcast for two weeks?
If you are right, I'll record a video of myself eating my own doody, and put it on the front page of CAGcast, I mean Cheap Ass Gamer.
[quote name='CheapyD']When the new site goes live tonight:
If you are wrong, how about I change your name to CAGcast for two weeks?
If you are right, I'll record a video of myself eating my own doody, and put it on the front page of CAGcast, I mean Cheap Ass Gamer.[/quote]

[quote name='CheapyD']See, but that is not what you are "sayin". What you are "sayin" (repeatedly and with great confidence), is that I'm going to change the site's name to CAGcast. I've seen other users respond to your posts, believing that you actually have a clue what you are talking about.

When the new site goes live tonight:
If you are wrong, how about I change your name to CAGcast for two weeks?
If you are right, I'll record a video of myself eating my own doody, and put it on the front page of CAGcast, I mean Cheap Ass Gamer.[/quote]
And, if that came true, what would be the motivation? Because the CAGcast was more important than the rest of the site. That's the point behind those posts.

Clearly, from posts you've made in this thread, that's not what you're going to do, and that's not how you feel about the website. If you'd like to do that, go ahead. Maybe there's an off-chance you're a masochist and I'll be visiting to see you eating your doody at 12AM. ;)
Well we already know CheapyD is a millionaire. He is just trying to deny stuff right now so the shit won't hit the ceiling. Cheapy has always mentioned how people have not advertised just because of the name, not to mention he now feels embarrassed to tell people in his high circle that his companies name is called "Cheap Ass", which leads us to The URL has been active for quite a while now and will soon be the original URL, will still work of course but no longer the "main" name, remember last night was just a "soft launch", that is what Cheapy meant with it. Cheapy is also looking to change his online nickname from CheapyD to MillyD, seeing as he is now a Millionaire, you can see that name has already been registered on the forums and is an Administrators account. In a few years "cheap ass gamer" will just be a trivia on what CAG really means as the forum will be filled with "What does the CAG in cagcast mean". By that time Wombat will also no longer be in the Cagcast as Cheapy will finally happily fire the un-paid co-founder of the cagcast who helped become because he always hated him and couldn't wait to find a way to replace him with someone without his chemistry making a civil war on the forums of pro-wombat fanatics and his awful new replacement JimmyMack the angry gamer.

fucked up future I know.
bread's done