The "Messiah CompleX PWNS Countdown and WWH" Comic Discussion Thread


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Two big events getting ready to start in the comic world in a few months? Are you ready for them?

Previous Threads:

The Civil War Comic Book Discussion Thread
Forgive me if I'm not up to speed with DCU, I only read Teen Titans, Action Comics, Detective Comics, and Batman anymore but what is Countdown and World War 3 all about anyway?
Can't wait for World War Hulk. After Civil War and the conclussion of Planet Hulk I really, truly, honetly hate Reed Richards and Tony Stark with a passion. I want Hulk and Co. to rip Richards to pieces and crush Stark. They had better get some of what they deserve in World War Hulk or I will be very upset. At the very least the Baxter Building and Stark Tower need to be completely obliterated and the Iron Man suit needs to be destroyed. I already foresee World War hulk ending similarly to Civil War, with Banner taking back control before Hulk does something serious. If they can kill Cap off (even if for a bit) they can kill Richards or Stark and make me happy, cant they?
I might start reading comics for World War Hulk... the premise is just that Hulk comes back to Earth, he's pissed, and he's going to destroy everyone and everything, correct?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Forgive me if I'm not up to speed with DCU, I only read Teen Titans, Action Comics, Detective Comics, and Batman anymore but what is Countdown and World War 3 all about anyway?[/quote]
Yeah, I'm not the biggest DC fan in the world, but I figure since I left 52 out last topic, I should include Countdown this time. WW3 is basically an event that took place during the one year gap form the end of Infinite Crisis to the beginning of OYL. It's the culmination of the Black Adam arc of 52, and is gonna take place entirely within one week, 4/18/07. It's gonna be made up of 52 Week 50 and four WW3 one-shots that help flesh the war out. From the most part, it appears to end up being Black Adam versus most of the world, but that may change as we get closer to WW3, based on the fact that right now Mad Scientist Land has Black Adam.

Countdown is the weekly event that DC is starting once 52 ends. It'll come out weekly and will count down from 52, meaning the first issue will be Countdown 51. It will run for one year. Instead of having each issue make up a week, every four issues will together make one month. Some of the main characters that we know of so far include Jimmy Olsen, Mary Marvel, Donna Troy, Kyle Rayner, Jason Todd, and Ray Palmer. It's what the promo image DC released of all the characters standing on the ruins of the Statue of Liberty looking to the sky (Besides Superman, who was too busy looking down Wonder Woman's cleavage). I wanna say that one of the big events that will take place during it will be the follow up to the ending of Green Arrow 75 which will end with Ollie proposing to Dinah.

[quote name='Roufuss']I might start reading comics for World War Hulk... the premise is just that Hulk comes back to Earth, he's pissed, and he's going to destroy everyone and everything, correct?[/quote]

Yeah, for the most part. Hulk's gonna be going after the Illuminati who shot him off to space in the first place.
Marvel sure has dropped the ball with the civil war series and has lost more readers than gained. What a disappointing conclusion and storyline. Its marvel, no one ever stays dead and they can’t have hulk coming back and killing the biggest cash cows for marvel. The same goes for Captain America... How long until he miraculously re appears on the scene... It just looses the drama factor because nothing is permanent in the comic world so it leaves most people thinking, who cares.

I hope this series turns out well and I hope you all enjoy reading it.
The Illuminati is shattered.

Tony Stark and Reed Richards have won their cause, at the cost of thier greatest friend.

Proffesor X is missing.

Black Bolt, the Inhuman king, is at war.

Dr. Strange and Namor have gone underground.

The Black Panther, who was offered a membership into the Illumnati and refrused, is now living in Reed Richards home.

And now The Incredible Hulk returns.

I have to say it. It is going to be a great summer.

Predictions? Hulk finds Namor or Dr. Strange first. They are his former Defenders teammates. I say Hulk wrecks everything S.H.E.I.L.D.'s throws at him. I hoping beyond all hope that he knocks the Baxter Building right on top everyone. The Fantastic Four, without Reed Richards or the Invisible Wowan, will be crushed. The Mighty Avengers? I believe Tony put them together for this event. They would be formiable but with the help of the Secret Avengers they will be run right through. With the scope of The Civil War as precedent, I believe we will be seeing a whole lot of HULKSMASH HULKSMASH HULKSMASH!!!

I LOVE that first pic when you open this thread! But who's that guy on Supermans left. The dude in the white Captian Marvel get up.

So 52 will counting down now? What? Jeez those guys are greedy, huh?
Well, I wanna say that the first person Hulk finds in WWH is Black Bolt, as he stops on the moon on his way back to Earth. There were preview pages somewhere of Hulk withstanding Black Bolt speaking towards him and running straight at BB.
oh yeah the moon! i forgot about that. i havent read silent war or the son of m stuff with the inhumans, but i've always had a soft spot for those chararceters, and others, created by jack kirby. some of my prized comics are some old F.F. comics with the Inhumans, and i have every issue of Machine Man. a big reason i loved earth X was it centered mostly around Machine Man and the Inhumans.

A battle on the moon betweem the Hulk and Black Bolt. Hell yeah.

maybe they'll blow up the moon like on Mr. Show with Bob and David.
I really hope there's no Black Panther tie in issues. The thought of Reggie Hudlin writing The Hulk makes my soul cry.
Hulk would probably be extremely racist towards the Black Panther if there was a tie-in with Reggie writing it, :lol:
[quote name='IronMan2020']

Proffesor X is missing.

He's back now but he's off in space for the Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire. Most of the X-men know about this but I'm not sure if the rest of the Marvel U does yet. Considering the storyline is almost over though, he should be back just in time for Hulk's return. I think that's the basis of the X-men tie-ins to World War Hulk.

One big character that's been gone for a LONG TIME now is Nick Fury. He's been underground for quite some time now. When's he coming back?
[quote name='SpeedyG']I really hope there's no Black Panther tie in issues. The thought of Reggie Hudlin writing The Hulk makes my soul cry.[/quote]
Of course there will be, it's Marvel!

I still waiting on the Planet Hulk Tpb before reading World War Hulk.

Did anyone else see the preview pannel with Black Bolt? It's pretty awesome looking.
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']Of course there will be, it's Marvel!

I still waiting on the Planet Hulk Tpb before reading World War Hulk.

Did anyone else see the preview pannel with Black Bolt? It's pretty awesome looking.[/QUOTE]Planet Hulk was good. Where else does a Brood get cast in a sympathetic light?

Also, yes, I saw the previews with Black Bolt. He whispered something at Hulk, which knocked him back, then, thinking he'd won, turned around. That's when pummeling time started.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']He's back now but he's off in space for the Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire. Most of the X-men know about this but I'm not sure if the rest of the Marvel U does yet. Considering the storyline is almost over though, he should be back just in time for Hulk's return. I think that's the basis of the X-men tie-ins to World War Hulk.

One big character that's been gone for a LONG TIME now is Nick Fury. He's been underground for quite some time now. When's he coming back?[/quote]

Technically, Nick's been around in Cap for awhile, though he's been mostly showing up in hologram form. He's been helping Winter Soldier out. But yeah, I can't wait for Nick to come back completely. I miss him, especially considering Maria Hill was a horrible commander of SHIELD. I'm giving Tony some more time as Director before I make a decision on him.
Just read Fallen Son. I hope Tony did, just so Logan will. Of course, Hulk will get to him first, but seeing Stark opened up and diced like a can of spam would be just as sweet.
[quote name='jmcc']
Also, yes, I saw the previews with Black Bolt. He whispered something at Hulk, which knocked him back, then, thinking he'd won, turned around. That's when pummeling time started.[/quote]
I believe Hulk says: "I didn't come here for a whisper...I wanna hear you SCREAM!"
Ok, that's it. I've had enough of these threads without knowing what the hell is going on. I'm reading comics again.
[quote name='karsh']Technically, Nick's been around in Cap for awhile, though he's been mostly showing up in hologram form. He's been helping Winter Soldier out. But yeah, I can't wait for Nick to come back completely. I miss him, especially considering Maria Hill was a horrible commander of SHIELD. I'm giving Tony some more time as Director before I make a decision on him.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I mean its not like he's missing or anything but we haven't actually seen him, in the flesh, since Secret War. Sure there's been the holograms and the life model decoys here and there but they still haven't said A)where he physically is and B)why he's been gone (cause I don't buy this "its fallout from Secret War" crap, there's GOT to be more to the story than just that).
WWHULK will tie in somehow with the Black Panther. He's leading the F.F. and he is against the Illuminati. At least he was in their beginning. This link to Iluminati has to be T'challa's reason for being in the Baxter Building. I see no other reason, and we know it's never coincedence, right?

I've just read some of these new issues...(stop reading if you dont want to know)...

Avengers Initiative was O.K. A super-hero boot camp is fun idea. And I LOVED that the first potential Pro-Reg Captian America gets his head blown off. HILARIOUS!

Omega Flight is well done artistically, but the first issue was missing a little something, though. If you have Beta Ray Bill on the cover you gotta have him in the book, y'know? However, I find myself looking forward to the next issue.

The Gunslinger is a very good book. I'm enjoying it alot. I always enjoy Jae Lee. He is incredible.

A.O.D. vs Marvel Zombies is hysterical. Awesome. I love what happens to the Punisher. Ridiculous. Howard the Duck zombie?!!? God damn I'm still laughing...


The conclusion of PLANET HULK. I was sorry to this arc end. I was very much into it. I thought at first "Man, did they HAVE to end it this way?" but then I remembered, this a Hulk book. Of course it had to. Next to Spider-man, who is Marvel's most tragic hero? I think it's the Hulk. Though I thought it was far fetched to believe a single explosion would lay waste to a whole planet, this a good ending to a great story.

I noticed John Romita Jr. is doing the prolouge to WWHULK. Is that all he is doing for this story? I was hoping he would do more than a one-shot. Is Hulk's current artist staying on? I like to see him stay. If not, than that last splash of Hulk riding the ship towards Earth was great way to see him off. I'm sure Marvel will use him for something else. That guy has a great style.

Oh, yeah when the hell is IRONMAN going to ship? His book takes forever. He is the most important marvel character right now and it seems like years since I've seen his book on the shelves. What's up with that?
So I ended up buying today:

Teen Titans 45
Iron Man 16
New X-Men 37
52 Week 49
The Loners 1
Thunderbolts 113
Punisher War Journal 6
Uncanny X-Men 485
New Avengers 29
Green Arrow 73

So I'll say more later, but the last page of Teen Titans this week may officially be the most badass page ever.
GET THE HELL OFF OUR ISLAND! Might just be my new favorite phrase, :lol:

Also, Niko Henrichon may be one of my favorite artists ever. He's got a sort of Alex Ross vibe going on since he paints everything. His pages in New X-Men were breath-taking. Such a stark contrast to the almost cartoon-like quality Skottie Young's art has.
I loved New X-men 37 (reviewed it on my site) probably up there with Teen Titans this week as my favorite book of the week. Karsh I hope you checked out Henrichon's work on Pride of Baghdad.
i heard of pride of bahgdad. last year i think. lions loose in the war right?
i remember wanting to check it out.
Pride of Baghdad features entirely too much anthropomorphism. Lion gang-rape? What the hell?
Yeah, I picked Pride of Baghdad up a couple months ago because I had heard it was amazing and BKV was already one of my favorite authors between Runaways and Y. But Niko's art really sells it to me. The story is great, but the artwork all together is probably one of my favorites. Though I just recently read throug all of Justice that's out right now and Alex Ross has blown me away again there too. But, Henrichon has that sort of quality Ross has that makes me love their artwork, although they're very different styles.
Ross had help with the Justice series. Doug Braithwaite was the actual penciler. Ross just painted over his finished art. I think it was a really great idea. Hell that cover to Countdown to Infinite Crisis # 1 drawn by Jim Lee and painted by Ross was amazing. They should really do more things like that, makes it faster for him to pump out some art. I want him to do an Avengers book like this Justice series, but written by Kurt Buziek and pencilled by George Perez. Can you imagine 100 characters in one small panel painted over by Ross? Damn, I'm hard just thinking about it!
im a huge ross fan. ever since marvels and then kingdom come. i read those at least twice a year. i wish ross would do an avegers book. that would rock.
I thought 52 # 50 was great this week, you can tell they are about to reveal the big secret of 52 (which of course most of us have known since the 20 something issue when Didio sent the not-so-cryptic message.) WW3 felt a little rushed however, not enough Red Hood in there for me.

By the way one of our reviewers on my website got to go to the premier of Spider-man 3 if you want to check out his review, just click on this link:

I still can not wait to see it.
[quote name='evilomar']
By the way one of our reviewers on my website got to go to the premier of Spider-man 3 if you want to check out his review, just click on this link:

A nerd of his stature should know better than to get too excited the way he did. I only read the first 2 paragraphs because I'm not trying to read reviews. I'm going in with no expectations, except that the trailers were cool.
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']A nerd of his stature should know better than to get too excited the way he did. I only read the first 2 paragraphs because I'm not trying to read reviews. I'm going in with no expectations, except that the trailers were cool.[/QUOTE]

Good God! That's the same way I go into reading comics...go in with no expectations. It really works for the most part. However even low-ass expectations didn't help X-men 3 or Civil War or 50% of comics seeing print.
[quote name='Dante Devil']I was on the fence on World War 3. I could have saved my self 10 bucks by leaving it on the shelf.[/QUOTE]

I flipped through them but since I quit reading 52 around issue 25, I knew I'd be lost anyway.
i have read nothing of 52. i'm a marvel nut and save my dough for those. but i bought an infinte crisis TPB and really enjoyed it. now that a have an little understanding of its start, i think i'll start reading 52.

are the TPB's out yet?
Let's see this week I am planning on getting:

52 WEEK #51
I'm not going to lie to you, because 52 was a little misguiding. When originally promoted; it was to serve as a fill-in-the-gap between Infinite Crisis and One Year Later. However, we soon found out it was something else. Although some of the big guns show up occasionally, it mainly focuses on DC's C list characters like Steel, Booster Gold, The Question, Animal Man, Ralph Dibny, and some new characters like Batwoman. I have to say reading a weekly comic for the last year has indeed been a treat. Although some of the stories were okay at best, and some were fantastic, it made the issues so much better reading them weekly. I can not wait for Countdown to begin so they can bring on Darkseid and the Fourth World.

The first 52 volume comes out May 2nd and the second volume comes out July 4th. If you guys are interested in tpbs I definetly recommend where all trades are 35 - 50 % off. I always send my friends to these guys, not just because they sponsor my website, but they truly are an amazing company. Free shipping on orders of 50 bucks or more and it usually gets to your house in less than a week. For example the 52 volume retail is $19.99, but at instocktrades they will go for $12.99. I'm a cheapass and I've done plenty of looking around and believe me when I say these guys are the cheapest way to go. I can't wait for that Amazing Spider-man Omnibus and Planet Hulk Hardcover (even if it's an outrageous retail price of $40!)
[quote name='Kayden']Can someone clarify something for me?

I'm looking at these three comics, they all say Civil War, but are obviously different. Are they just following different people through the same period of time?[/quote]

The first link is the main story, you can all the info about the story from there.
Link two is Spidey point of view, not completly tied in at times, but it fleshs out the main story. The front line is crap to me and there is two Volumes of that. Read the Wolverine tie-in instead.
I was at a web site and read an interesting view on World War Hulk. It was a long list, so I am going to just give you the more interesting ones.

Here’s why World War Hulk looks like it will be better than Civil War:

1. It’s about what characters did instead of what they’re supposed to be doing. Civil War was supposed to be a big metaphor about personal freedom vs. security. It was really Iron Man being a dick because he’s afraid of his own power, and Captain America being too blinded by his misplaced faith in the public. World War Hulk has Green ‘n Mean avenging the deaths of his citizens, his wife, and unborn child. She-Hulk realizes she’s been manipulated by people she trusted. Amadeus Cho is striking up for a friend and striking a blow against people he can’t trust. And it looks like the Hulk’s other allies are getting revenge for passage of the SHRA.

5. This is not written by Mark Millar. That’s worth a bullet right there.

6. This is not drawn by Steve McNiven. That means it’ll ship on time. It also means we get art from Gary Frank (who draws people like real people) and Lee Weeks, Sean Philips, Scott Hanna, and Tom Palmer (who draw superheroes like superheroes).

7. Iron Man will get punched in the face. Have I mentioned he’s a dick?
#7 I've been using as a selling point.
It's amazing how few people have actually agreed with Tony (customer wise)... and those that have are people that would normally scare me without getting into a long discussion about politics.

i agree whole-heartly with reasons 5, 6 and 7.

i'm a big IRONMAN fan. always have been. still am even though i think he's a dick, but i really want the HULK to squish him to death. HULK should smash him on his forehead like a beer can. has IRONMAN ever faced the HULK in his HULK-BUSTER armor? i can't remember if he has. i'd like to see that fight.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']#7 I've been using as a selling point.
It's amazing how few people have actually agreed with Tony (customer wise)... and those that have are people that would normally scare me without getting into a long discussion about politics.



How was Civil War received at your comic shop? I haven't really heard anything from my local comic shop. I really hated how it ended, and thought it was really cheap on how Cap was killed. Tony's attitude seems out of character.

How has 52 compared to Civil War? I really want to pick your brain on these questions.
bread's done