The Most Hardcore Halo 3 Players EVER (Video)


1 (100%)
In my household, we take Halo 3 very seriously.

NOTE: This video is supposed to be taken as a joke. It's just an over-exaggeration.

We would really appreciate comments and ratings on here AND the video itself. No flaming, please. Just constructive criticism. Please also check out our other videos, such as Halo 3 ODST Cutscenes and Top 5 Mongoose Splatters Submission Video.

EDIT: It seems that we've gotten such great reception from this forum that we're making a sequel! *half sarcasm*

Seriously, if you hate the video, you don't have to just yell it into our faces. Simply say: "I don't think the video was good because..."...It's not that hard.
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Good to know neither of you will have to worry about fathering a child in a long, long time. Well, unless you rape a chick.....which for Muhammed The Hairy Beast and Jean Shorts.....might be your only chance.
I'm glad I can get such positive reception from such a nice forum. *sarcasm*

Geez, you guys are almost as bad as Way worse than Youtube, though.

Love the site, hate the people... Isn't that what most things are like nowadays?

Xbox Live, websites like these, etc.... Wow, this is getting random.

So, to summarize...u guyz r ghey loluolololz
[quote name='falcondealz']I'm glad I can get such positive reception from such a nice forum. *sarcasm*

Geez, you guys are almost as bad as Way worse than Youtube, though.

Love the site, hate the people... Isn't that what most things are like nowadays?

Xbox Live, websites like these, etc.... Wow, this is getting random.

So, to summarize...u guyz r ghey loluolololz[/QUOTE]

If you make a joke video and nobody finds it funny why would you expect good feedback? Here's your feedback: Everyone thinks it sucks.
[quote name='life.exe']If you make a joke video and nobody finds it funny why would you expect good feedback? Here's your feedback: Everyone thinks it sucks.[/QUOTE]

Well, according to people who actually aren't some flaggots balled up in their rooms jacking off to Sonic the Hedgehog doing Shadow up the @$$...It's funny. But, everyone has their own opinion. HOWEVER, there is no reason to be mean about it.
[quote name='falcondealz']Well, according to people who actually aren't some flaggots balled up in their rooms jacking off to Sonic the Hedgehog doing Shadow up the @$$...It's funny. [/QUOTE]

I'll give you some constructive criticism.

1. You don't have to run slow THEN run the video in slow motion, defeats the purpose. It's actually funnier when people run full speed and seeing it slowed down. But keep making the goofy faces.

2. The video is short, so you don't have to repeat the same kind of joke. "Here's the controller!" Just make more dialogue that's funny.

3. Again, the video is short, no need for a "blooper" reel. I know it was fun making it with your buddy but.....yeah. It's not Kids in the Hall.

4. You probably saw the same thing I did and many others, the Laser Cats thing off of SNL. It's great you took some of their stuff but try to make it more of your own.
If you dont want to know what people think of it dont post it on the internet, on a FORUM. FORUMS are for discussion.

I think it sucked by the way. But that is my opinion, I dont know what kind of people would find this funny. But again I think it was horrible. Anyhow, back to sonic.
[quote name='AceSXE']If you dont want to know what people think of it dont post it on the internet, on a FORUM. FORUMS are for discussion.

I think it sucked by the way. But that is my opinion, I dont know what kind of people would find this funny. But again I think it was horrible. Anyhow, back to sonic.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='falcondealz']Well, according to people who actually aren't some flaggots balled up in their rooms jacking off to Sonic the Hedgehog doing Shadow up the @$$...It's funny.[/QUOTE]

Well, doesn't this just speak volumes about your skills of observation and shitty sense of humor?

I made videos of this quality when I was eight. Well, no, actually, mine were better. In fact, I'm pretty sure even the eight year old me would find this stupid. I would be downright embarrassed to have made something like this at your age.

Oh right, you wanted some constructive criticism. Here's mine: Be funny.
:bouncy:[quote name='AceSXE']If you dont want to know what people think of it dont post it on the internet, on a FORUM. FORUMS are for discussion.

I think it sucked by the way. But that is my opinion, I dont know what kind of people would find this funny. But again I think it was horrible. Anyhow, back to sonic.[/QUOTE]:bouncy:
[quote name='Malik112099']Made it 28 seconds. I want those 28 seconds back. Also, we didn't need the note telling us this is a joke.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='chibamm']I'll give you some constructive criticism.

1. You don't have to run slow THEN run the video in slow motion, defeats the purpose. It's actually funnier when people run full speed and seeing it slowed down. But keep making the goofy faces.

2. The video is short, so you don't have to repeat the same kind of joke. "Here's the controller!" Just make more dialogue that's funny.

3. Again, the video is short, no need for a "blooper" reel. I know it was fun making it with your buddy but.....yeah. It's not Kids in the Hall.

4. You probably saw the same thing I did and many others, the Laser Cats thing off of SNL. It's great you took some of their stuff but try to make it more of your own.[/QUOTE]

See, this is what I was looking for. Someone who doesn't have to express their true feelings of the video, but just gives some constructive criticism. Oh, but for #4...I actually do not know what the hell that is. This was probably the first completely original video I ever made... Could you show me this Laser Cats thing? I'd really like to see it. ;)

And for all the rest of you, I'm actually starting to become one of those kind of people that just laughs at the comments that insult me. They are either filled with lies or complete exaggerations. I'm looking forward to see if someone can come up with a really good comeback...

BTW, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle's Sonic was the best. DUH.
[quote name='ananag112']I don't get the whole Play Doh becoming batteries thing.[/QUOTE]

See, that is what I can understand to be a retarded part of a video. We were just trying to think of a stupid way to get batteries, so we just took a Play-Doh can, made something that looking like two batteries, and they "magically poofed" into real batteries. Stupid? Yes. Funny? Not really. But, I think we did do a good job with the rest of the video. But again, that is my opinion.
[quote name='falcondealz']See, this is what I was looking for. Someone who doesn't have to express their true feelings of the video, but just gives some constructive criticism.[/QUOTE]

So I suppose you want people to be bias and lie then, not going to happen. Remember, it's not just any website/forum it's CAG. Waste of time, film, etc. It was dumb and doesn't show much of an effort. My true feelings are that you should never be allowed to make another thread again, much less post a video and if you can't take an insult from strangers then you can't handle the real world. Everyone is being honest and letting you what they think and then you try and reverse it and talk smack to make yourself feel better and what not. Grow up and always be prepared for negative and positive feedback.
[quote name='intoxicated662']So I suppose you want people to be bias and lie then, not going to happen. Remember, it's not just any website/forum it's CAG. Waste of time, film, etc. It was dumb and doesn't show much of an effort. My true feelings are that you should never be allowed to make another thread again, much less post a video and if you can't take an insult from strangers then you can't handle the real world. Everyone is being honest and letting you what they think and then you try and reverse it and talk smack to make yourself feel better and what not. Grow up and always be prepared for negative and positive feedback.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to let you know that I am ranked third in my class and current President of my Freshmen class. I'm plenty mature and simply think that people don't have to be a-holes to get their points across.
[quote name='falcondealz']I'd like to let you know that I am ranked third in my class and current President of my Freshmen class. I'm plenty mature and simply think that people don't have to be a-holes to get their points across.[/QUOTE]

This is funnier than the video. Thanks.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']This is funnier than the video. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

See, now is this sarcasm? It is practically impossible to view someone's feelings from text. That's why I always add a *sarcasm* after every sarcastic comment I make. Makes people a bit easier to understand. For example, I might few the poster I just quoted as either an a-hole or someone who can understand me, depending on whether they are using sarcasm or not. Considering I said nothing funny, I'm guessing you were sarcastic and an incoherent a-hole like 99% of the rest of the Internet.
[quote name='falcondealz']See, now is this sarcasm? It is practically impossible to view someone's feelings from text. That's why I always add a *sarcasm* after every sarcastic comment I make. Makes people a bit easier to understand. For example, I might few the poster I just quoted as either an a-hole or someone who can understand me, depending on whether they are using sarcasm or not. Considering I said nothing funny, I'm guessing you were sarcastic and an incoherent a-hole like 99% of the rest of the Internet.[/QUOTE]

I'm an a-hole. Your movie was not funny, but justifying yourself by telling us you're 3 in your class is funny. So you were right that I'm an 'a-hole', I wasn't being sarcastic, that was funier.
what does this POS have to do with Halo3? This is the worst video I've ever seen. I just can't believe one of you brought up this idea and the other agreed to it. If I EVER suggested this to one of my friends I'd immediately be punched in the nuts and be kicked out of the house, I'd do the same if someone suggested this idea to me. The video is HORRIDLY put together, it's not funny, it's kind of depressing though. Depressing that you would think this is somehow funny, and that you'd whine about it when people are giving you what you asked for. It's people like you that make the school systems teach kids that AIDS can't be spread by hugging or sharing a toilet.

Please remove this atrocity
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Not funny. Not even close. Why sugarcoat it? Life lesson: when you suck, people aren't going to pat you on the head and tell you it's going to be ok.

And before you start with your crap about how I'm a jerk and incapable of a kind thought, I sent this to my little brother who is also a freshman. He also thinks both of you are idiots. The same little brother whose favorite story to tell about himself is the time he fell into a water hazard at a golf tournament during his second week of high school. The kid knows funny. This isn't it.
[quote name='nbayus']Not funny. Not even close. Why sugarcoat it? Life lesson: when you suck, people aren't going to pat you on the head and tell you it's going to be ok.

Honest opinion: It might have worked as a short (less than 30 second) skit, because it's too long and there's far too much repetition. Being over-the-top is okay if done right, but there's far too much repetition. You're trying way too hard, yet you're also not because there's far too much repetition. As well, there's far too much repetition.
[quote name='Guerrilla']Honest opinion: It might have worked as a short (less than 30 second) skit, because it's too long and there's far too much repetition. Being over-the-top is okay if done right, but there's far too much repetition. You're trying way too hard, yet you're also not because there's far too much repetition. As well, there's far too much repetition.[/QUOTE]
Honest opinion: It might have worked as a short post, because it's too long and there's far too much repetition. Being over-the-top is okay if done right, but there's far too much repetition. You're trying way too hard, yet you're also not because there's far too much repetition. As well, there's far too much repetition.
[quote name='falcondealz']I'm actually starting to become one of those kind of people that just laughs at the comments that insult me. They are either filled with lies or complete exaggerations. I'm looking forward to see if someone can come up with a really good comeback...[/QUOTE]

Here's one:

Speaking of lies and complete exaggerations:
[quote name='falcondealz']Well, according to people who actually aren't some flaggots balled up in their rooms jacking off to Sonic the Hedgehog doing Shadow up the @$$...It's funny.[/QUOTE]



[quote name='falcondealz']I'd like to let you know that I am ranked third in my class and current President of my Freshmen class. I'm plenty mature...[/QUOTE]

This, followed by you not being able to read sarcasm:

[quote name='falcondealz']See, now is this sarcasm? It is practically impossible to view someone's feelings from text. That's why I always add a *sarcasm* after every sarcastic comment I make. Makes people a bit easier to understand.[/QUOTE]

LOL! You're third in your class?! Your school must be overflowing with quality youth...

Oh sorry, *sarcasm*, fucktard.
[quote name='falcondealz']In my household, we make shitty youtube videos.

NOTE: I am a joke.

We would really appreciate comments and ratings on here AND the video itself only if you are going to tell me how funny this is, even though it isnt. No flaming, please. Just constructive criticism because I dont know how to handle the internets. Please also dont bother to check out anything else I've done since it is all shit and I will call all of you flaggots for not liking it.[/QUOTE]

Awkward thread is awkward.

Next time, if you wanna make a silly video, don't become all serious and start insulting people who give you criticism. It should be expected.

[quote name='specialk']Are you home schooled?[/QUOTE]

Ha, your funny. No, I'm in a grade with 297 kids. I have not gotten a single B in my life on a report card and had a 97.5 total average in Middle School. OH, I GET IT NOW. By being third in the class, you would think I'm home-schooled, because a family doesn't have nearly as many kids as a school! OMG, it's so hilarious! *sarcasm*

Awkward thread is awkward.

Next time, if you wanna make a silly video, don't become all serious and start insulting people who give you criticism. It should be expected.
Well, I don't think "criticism" is considered to be this:
what does this POS have to do with Halo3? This is the worst video I've ever seen. I just can't believe one of you brought up this idea and the other agreed to it. If I EVER suggested this to one of my friends I'd immediately be punched in the nuts and be kicked out of the house, I'd do the same if someone suggested this idea to me. The video is HORRIDLY put together, it's not funny, it's kind of depressing though. Depressing that you would think this is somehow funny, and that you'd whine about it when people are giving you what you asked for. It's people like you that make the school systems teach kids that AIDS can't be spread by hugging or sharing a toilet.

Please remove this atrocity
Really? The worst video you ever saw? Are you sure you are not exaggerating just to try to "hurt my feelings more" or "express your rage on me"? Well, if you are not exaggerating, let me make this the worst video you ever saw:

If you liked that better than me video, I think you might be exaggerating a bit.

This is all I thought of when I watched your POS video buddy.
Dude, I LOVE Adam Sandler! Best actor out there, besides Will Ferrell. Oh, wait, was this supposed to mean something! OH, I GET IT! You hated the video so much that you wanted someone to kill you! Well, my friend, if a four minute video can drive you to death, you must have had some other issues to begin with.

*****I loved the video, it was very good!*****

Ah, I see you learned from my sarcasm lesson! Good job! *sarcasm*

Ha, I actually did laugh out loud at that! *not being sarcastic*

Originally Posted by falcondealz
In my household, we make shitty youtube videos.

NOTE: I am a joke.

We would really appreciate comments and ratings on here AND the video itself only if you are going to tell me how funny this is, even though it isnt. No flaming, please. Just constructive criticism because I dont know how to handle the internets. Please also dont bother to check out anything else I've done since it is all shit and I will call all of you flaggots for not liking it.

Nice, how the only part of my post you quoted is the part you're capable of posting your bullshit responses to. Seems like you deliberately, (and very blatantly, I might add), left out everything you couldn't think of an oh-so-snappy 9th grade comeback for...also:

[quote name='falcondealz']OH, I GET IT NOW. By being third in the class, you would think I'm home-schooled, because a family doesn't have nearly as many kids as a school! OMG, it's so hilarious! *sarcasm*[/QUOTE]

No, see, we're not retarded. We can read sarcasm just fine. Don't need your stupid little handicap sign indicating the tone of every sentence. Unlike some people, not all of us like things spoon fed to us.

Jesus, I was joking before, but seriously?! YOU are third in you're class? No joke, that's a little unsettling. They must be drastically lowering the standards these days, and even if they aren't, all the book-smarts in the world can't save people with no common sense. That's something a lot of us were fortunate enough to be born with.
To Falcondealz,

I must admit you did handle this thread poorly. When people begin to respond negatively towards your work, don't take it personal. They'll go off "this thing sucks" "WTF", etc. The key is to ask them WHY did it suck. That's what you're looking for, isn't it? Don't let it become a back and forth of name calling and such. Just ask people what they didn't like about it. If they can't offer anything, or choose not to, then they can't help you, so why bother continuing the conversation. All this banter is only hurting you.
[quote name='chibamm']To Falcondealz,

I must admit you did handle this thread poorly. When people begin to respond negatively towards your work, don't take it personal. They'll go off "this thing sucks" "WTF", etc. The key is to ask them WHY did it suck. That's what you're looking for, isn't it? Don't let it become a back and forth of name calling and such. Just ask people what they didn't like about it. If they can't offer anything, or choose not to, then they can't help you, so why bother continuing the conversation. All this banter is only hurting you.[/QUOTE]

I actually did tell them to explain their reasoning multiple times (it's even in the description now), but they were too ignorant to clearly see me say it about two or three times. When they acted ignorant, I began to "banter" back.

Thanks conflict mediator. :)
[quote name='Jake77444']Reading this thread was 100x funnier then the video.[/QUOTE]

I was just going to post the exact same thing.
I showed the video to my fiance and she's leaving me for you. Good job!

Seriously though, the video sucked. I'd offer constructive criticism, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't listen to any of it.

Also, you are way to young to be playing Halo 3. Does your mom know about this?
bread's done