The New and Improved Brothers of Destruction Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='Dr. Venkman']I have the highest level of respect for you, but here's how I look at it (And honestly, perhaps I'm wrong):

He's a character in a TV Show. When he does an interview, the common fan could give two shits about who he "really is" as opposed to who they see on television. He's not selling "Phil", he's selling "CM Punk". That's the name on the shirts, the name on the DVDs, the name advertised on Raw. CM Punk's character believes that he is the best and no one can touch him, etc etc etc. Is it egotistical? Yes. Is it annoying? Sure. Is this what the "actor" really believes? Maybe, maybe not.

I've seen signs that say "It's still real to me". I've been watching since 1985 and I view it as a gloried soap opera. I DO appreciate well-executed angles and excellect wrestling matches of course, but I try not to take it seriously. Now is this guy an egotistical asshole in real life? Maybe. Who knows for certain?

Just my two cents.[/QUOTE]

He's totally a persona. He's probably "himself with the volume turned up to 11," as so many of those people like to ape when asked about why their characters are successful.

His bitterness towards The Rock is out of this world, though. He's bitching about Rock co-opting the WM main event, as he's a part-time wrestler (at best). Which is fine, but now that he's a big money, main event contract guy, he's made the same folly so many other main eventers make:

he thinks he's in the main event because he worked hard and paid his dues, not because of a combination of luck, circumstance, chance, and WWE being desperate.

Think of it this way: Hitman would be another Ray Rougeau (solid wrestler that nobody remembers all that much) if the WWF Steroid Trial never happened. Similarly, Punk would be wrestling 3 minute matches with Kofi Kingston at the 10:20 spot on Raw if business/ratings hadn't become so scarily low this summer.

He is now the "establishment" he rails against. He foolishly thinks that he's going to make WWE a wrestling company again, that he's going to make it dangerous, or edgy - that he's going to bring back the attitude. I don't know if he's working himself, because he's not fooling me. When I see him and Johnny Ace on my screen, I delve back into my work. He's no different than any other talkie-talk-talk dude on the show. Big, bombastic rock and roll entrance, runs his mouth in the ring, and then...?

MITB as a main event was amazing, due to the setup, the execution, and the atmosphere. Take those things away, and CM Punk is another dime a dozen WWE Sooperstar™. The only difference is that he has a few tattoos that separate him from the default CAW assortment of generic, unconvincing mostly white guys on the WWE roster.

Next time he makes a quasi-insider remark, a la "How ya doin', Colt Cabana?" - ask yourself just what has Punk done to (1) succeed in getting guys like Cabana back in WWE, (2) change the culture of the company, or (3) change the way their programming is presented and produced. He's done nothing.

That said, if you can watch Raw tonight and point out how or where it is radically different from where it was in the past, be my guest.
Once you see it, you will NOT unsee it.

Myke's rant is almost a little sad. It's like reading something that a high schooler would write about their favorite band Smash Mouth.
The way I understand it...

CM Punk has played the same self-centered, heel cult leader character he has for awhile now. It's just that over the years, the cult has changed from the Straight Edge Society to the New Nexus and now the WWE Universe.

Even his theme song puts it right out there for all to see,

"I exploit you, still you love me,
I tell you one and one makes three,
I'm the cult of personality"

In the storyline, this time, he's using the fans to get his way and they're the ones that are dumb enough to cheer for him. As far as I know, he's still a self important heel, it's just the masses don't know any better.


...when's Y2J coming back? Save us!
[quote name='sykotek']The way I understand it...

CM Punk has played the same self-centered, heel cult leader character he has for awhile now. It's just that over the years, the cult has changed from the Straight Edge Society to the New Nexus and now the WWE Universe.

Even his theme song puts it right out there for all to see,

"I exploit you, still you love me,
I tell you one and one makes three,
I'm the cult of personality"

In the storyline, this time, he's using the fans to get his way and they're the ones that are dumb enough to cheer for him. As far as I know, he's still a self important heel, it's just the masses don't know any better.


The same thing happened on his way to the ROH Title. After he won it from Austin Aries, he cut a heel promo about the fans being stupid enough to fall for his act. I loved it. :D
That's an interesting perspective, sykotek. Not sure I believe it entirely, given that he's the babyface champion feuding more with Laurinitis than with Del Rio (who has been ruined as a credible top heel - not by this, but more or less by his entire treatment this year since Wrestlemania).

But it's plausible enough.

There's plenty of room for overlap with his genuine self-perception, mind. Reminds me of Bully Ray, someone who I've *never* heard anyone share a kind word about (as a person). Like Punk, I think that Ray works really hard to do his best job in the spot he's in (Bully Ray is a rarity today in that he's a great heel who knows he's supposed to be a heel, not a cool dude). They may be great on tv, but that doesn't mean they aren't shitheads. At least Bully Ray is still supposed to be a shithead when he's on camera.

Punk fancies himself a vanguard. 'Cept he's not.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's an interesting perspective, sykotek. Not sure I believe it entirely, given that he's the babyface champion feuding more with Laurinitis than with Del Rio (who has been ruined as a credible top heel - not by this, but more or less by his entire treatment this year since Wrestlemania).

But it's plausible enough.

There's plenty of room for overlap with his genuine self-perception, mind. Reminds me of Bully Ray, someone who I've *never* heard anyone share a kind word about (as a person). Like Punk, I think that Ray works really hard to do his best job in the spot he's in (Bully Ray is a rarity today in that he's a great heel who knows he's supposed to be a heel, not a cool dude). They may be great on tv, but that doesn't mean they aren't shitheads. At least Bully Ray is still supposed to be a shithead when he's on camera.

Punk fancies himself a vanguard. 'Cept he's not.[/QUOTE]

Actually I met bubba Dudley after a show I went to and he was very nice. He did yell at a fan that cut a little kid in line for autographs (but in my opinion it was the right thing to do, what kind of adult cuts a child?) but he was nice and stayed after the show and signed autographs for about a half hour :)
Jumping off the Del Rio comment... That's one of my big 'ifs' of recent wrestling. Smackdown knew what to do with Del Rio, and he was primed to go over at Mania and be the focal point of the brand. Edge retires and Del Rio is tossed into the Edge farewell tour, more commonly known as the 'best friend gets the belt' tour, and then gets punted to Raw.

Downward trajectory ever since. Many careers are ruined or stunted by being sent to Raw, but Del Rio makes a huge case for #1 even despite multiple title wins. They've completely blown that character out, but I guarantee he'll get a revitalization as soon as they send him back to Smackdown (see also: Mark Henry, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan).

It's such a fucked up system. It does make you wonder what we'd be saying about Del Rio if nothing happened to Edge. His momentum after the Rumble was incredible, the real IWC 'summer of Punk' moment seven months before the real one. Del Rio's win finally seemed like a sign of new guys breaking through and... yeah. Still, he's at least a step up from Jack Swagger, so that's a... well, a really low bar for success. Ahem.
Honeslty if Alboreto Del Rio stuck on Smackdown he'd still suck with his mic work, fans only give a shit about him because of his more talented ring announcer, always has been and always will be.
I agree, CM Punk is a mark for himself. He's just another generic corporate WWE guy now. And if you think he's straightedge, you're tripping. I think it's very weird Punk used to be this scrawny ass dude before joining the E, but bulked up pretty quick before joining.
Oh, I don't doubt he's straight edge. But at that point you get into the murkier territory of what it means to be sXe. You'll find some that think even taking an 'advil' means you're off the straight edge roll call, and others who think it has to be illegal in order to 'count.' I don't know which Punk is, but I wouldn't dare say he put on enough muscle mass that he's shooting steroids.

The only thing Punk is addicted to is name dropping. If we had a nickel for every time he name dropped Lars Frederickson as a personal friend of his, we'd be able to watch every WWE PPV free for a year straight. In HD.
Him and Jesse Neal should form a tag team.

(Looks like a fuckin' idiot.)
Also in Saturday Night Slam Masters, Jumbo Flapjack teamed with The Scorpion, who looks like Sin Cara. Why the fuck is this not happening?
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Please join us HERE for tonight's special episode of Raw. Good Riddance, John Morrison. :D[/QUOTE]
o noz he's leaving the WWE! Time to hate on him!
[quote name='Brak']o noz he's leaving the WWE! Time to hate on him![/QUOTE]

Nah, Shin's been hating on Morrison for at least a year.
[quote name='Scorch']Nah, Shin's been hating on Morrison for at least a year.[/QUOTE]
From what I can gather its because they hate Melina and how he didn't stand up for himself when she had sex with Batista and/or Mike Knox. Also for snubbing Trish at her request. Nothing to do with him as a performer really.
[quote name='diddy310']From what I can gather its because they hate Melina and how he didn't stand up for himself when she had sex with Batista and/or Mike Knox. Also for snubbing Trish at her request. Nothing to do with him as a performer really.[/QUOTE]

Nail on the head. He's good in ring, as much as I hate to admit it. Probably better than most of the guys on the current WWE roster. He's just, from what I've read/seen a piece of shit that Melina has an iron pussygrasp on. fuck that guy.
The second 1/2/2012 video is up and mentions "the unjust getting their comeuppance" and "the end of the world as we know it".
Today's news:

[quote name='']- There was talk this weekend that Kevin Nash vs. Triple H has been moved from TLC to the Royal Rumble pay-per-view or scrapped altogether.

- After the 2011 Royal Rumble was dubbed the "biggest Royal Rumble in history" with a record-breaking 40 participants, it appears WWE is reverting back to the traditional 30-man format for the Rumble's 25th anniversary in January. St. Louis' Scottrade Center, which hosts the Rumble, is advertising a "30-man Royal Rumble match" as well as WWE Championship & World Heavyweight title matches for the event.

- Matt Hardy was ordered to complete his court mandated rehabilitation program as part of his release from jail on Monday. District Court Judge Robert Wilkins lowered the former WWE star's bond from $1 million to $100,000. "This was done over the state's objection," District Attorney Maureen Krueger told Should Hardy fail to complete rehab, his bond will increase to $250,000.

- Former WWE star Chris Masters has begun a Twitter campaign to encourage TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter to bring him to her organization.

"I think @tnadixie needs some encouragement. Can I rally the IWC. For all those who support me, let her know!" He wrote, "For anyone who's ever felt like an underdog, who's ever tried to make nothing into something. and worked their ass off. This is my battlecry!"[/quote]

And Impact spoilers for this Thursday....

[quote name='']- Thanks to Eric for the following TNA Impact Wrestling spoilers from tonight's tapings in Orlando. These will air this Thursday:

* The Pope and Devon became the new #1 contenders by defeating Mexican America and Ink Inc.

* Sting returns and calls Bobby Roode out. Sting talks about what Roode did last week and he must face the consequences. AJ Styles comes out and then does Jeff Hardy. Sting announces Styles vs. Hardy vs. Roode for tonight in a non-title match.

* Austin Aries comes out and talks about changing the X Division. Aries needs some new competition but out comes Kid Kash. Aries offers Kash a title shot. They go to shake on it and start brawling.

* Mick James beat ODB in a Street Fight.

* Robbie E beat Rob Van Dam with the TV Title on the line. Eric Young and Daniels both interfered in the match. Daniels hit RVD with Angel's Wings and gave Robbie the pin.

* Backstage segment with all of the Knockouts washing a car in bikinis. They all start brawling until Gail Kim shows up and sprays everyone with water.

* Bobby Roode beat AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy in the main event. Roode got the pin on Hardy after interference from Jeff Jarrett. Sting came out and announced Hardy vs. Jarrett at Final Resolution in a cage match where the only way to win is to escape. If Jarrett wins, Hardy is gone from TNA. If Hardy wins, he gets a World Title shot. Karen Jarrett comes out with her mouth and Sting bans her from ringside for the match.[/quote]
[quote name='diddy310']From what I can gather its because they hate Melina and how he didn't stand up for himself when she had sex with Batista and/or Mike Knox. Also for snubbing Trish at her request. Nothing to do with him as a performer really.[/QUOTE]

I said this to you in the chat, it's one thing to not stand up to Batista, but if you can't stand up to Brian Kendrick, you're just an asshole.
Odd tidbit: Patrice O'Neal was briefly a writer for WWE.

[quote name='mykevermin']

15:00 in: Trish Stratus, Lillian Garcia, and Maria Kanellis all see the Sin Cara shirt for the first time. Much laughter ensues.[/QUOTE]

Trish: "I want to see the penis! I want to see the penis!"

With some of her other comments, she seems to be a saucy little minx.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']WWE '12 is terrible. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Totally heartbroken... it was my Madden.[/QUOTE]

Sometimes it feels barely playable, but I still find myself playing the hell out of it due to the lack of a wrestling game substitute.
[quote name='HydroX']Sometimes it feels barely playable, but I still find myself playing the hell out of it due to the lack of a wrestling game substitute.[/QUOTE]

Waiting on that Avatar Firepro game? :)
[quote name='HydroX']Sometimes it feels barely playable, but I still find myself playing the hell out of it due to the lack of a wrestling game substitute.[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately, I haven't the patience to continue playing it. To me... it feels completely broken. Totally sucks. The annual WWE game was my Madden. Imagine being a Madden player, and having the following year's release launch with an all new play control similar to that of Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball. Just doesn't make any sense what-so-ever.

I've categorized WWE '12 in the bottom of the wrestling game spectrum. It now resides with the likes of Backyard Wrestling, WCW Mayhem, and WWE Warzone.
Proof that you can't please everyone. I was complaining about how it was far too similar to SvR the other day, and now you dislike it for what's new. Ha.

To be fair, I have not had enough time to play the game, so I haven't truly had an opportunity to check out the poor controls and glitches. Maybe I'll hate them.

I spent 7 hours doing volunteer work last night, so I missed all of Smackdown. Sounds like it was a righteous shitshow of WWE proportions, save for the Henry/Bryan match.
You have to give WWE 12 time to grow on you. I hated it initially, but now I like it a lot more than any of the other entries. The matches flow better and the reversals are way more manageable.

RTWM, on the other hand, is a trainwreck.
I only really started to enjoy WWE '12 once I got used to the controls. It wasn't a big shift, but it was enough that most of my early frustration came from the fact that I kept trying to control it like 2011.

Other than that, I don't have many real complaints aside from RTWM. It's not the big evolutionary step they seemed to keep promising, it just seems like (to me, anyway) Smackdown 2012 with a new name. New coat of paint and all that.

I'm curious... what do you guys categorize as 'unplayable' about it? Obvious hyperbole aside, placing it in the company of WCW Mayhem and WWF WarZone is a pretty harsh statement. Given that I haven't found too much that radically changed, I'm damn curious to hear specifically what you think they completely and irrevocably broke with WWE '12? Not trying to defend, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

I mean, to me, that's like saying that (terrible example, but just go with it) WCW/nWo Revenge broke what you liked about WCW/nWo World Tour. Outside of the new coat of paint, the core of the game seems about the same.
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