The new (and mod approved) Sony RLS thread

Tried it on. Feels a little smaller, but not much. It fit well though. I compared it to another shirt of the same size. I would get a size up just in case, because it will probably shrink a bit more after a wash. If anyone else wants to chime in that would be awesome. Hope that helped, a little at least. Lol.
It helped, that's actually what I wanted to hear. I generally wear XL so I was hoping they ran a little small since XL didn't get added. Going to grab a 2XL, thanks again.

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PlayStation Video Quiz - 400 points

(The medium shirt runs a bit small, not enough to be an issue though. It's a pretty nice shirt)

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Just wanna come in saying that I'm glad I did eventually grab the $10 Watch_Dogs 2. It's a ton of fun!
Wasn't expecting much after the first Watch_Dogs but really love how this game doesn't take itself seriously at all. It's starting to feel like Saints Row.

Off topic, but...Well, the apocalypse happened and Expertzone updated their games section.
Thanks so much my friend! Gears 4 for $10. Ha, ha with the age of all the other games they listed, I've already over paid and backlogged them.

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Is anybody else having a problem with the websites security certificate?  Both Chroms and Edge are not a fan of the website right now


Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).


Is anybody else having a problem with the websites security certificate? Both Chroms and Edge are not a fan of the website right now

" Your connection is not private
Attackers might be trying to steal your information from (for example, passwords, messages, or credit cards).

Worked just fine on chrome on my android

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A family once lived at the end of a long country road; a husband, a wife and their 6 year old twins. The story goes that their dad had a problem, a serious problem with gaming, for he would buy and and buy without the means to do so.

Soon his marriage was in trouble, days and weeks would go by with the husband and wife arguing to no end. The husband's gaming had cause him to lose his job and spiral into credit card debt. Soon the husband hatched a plan. He waited for a stormy night because he knew no one would be coming around.

During dinner he drugged each of their drinks. One by one they passed into a deep haze.

He started with his wife, and dragged her up stairs and into the attic. Across the top of the ceiling was a support beam that ran horizonal with the roof.

He tied a rope around her ankles and hung her upside down from the beam. He returned downstairs and grabbed each of the twins and dragged them up to the attic.

His wife seemed to be waking, perhaps he did not use enough drugs. He gave her a swift crack on the head and she was out again. He quickly tied the twins upside down by their legs as well.

Pulling out a knife he cut 5 inch gashes on both sides of his wife's face. He took out a plastic bag and secured it over her head.

Drip Drip.

The sound of blood hitting the bottom of the bag. Knowing that his kids have done nothing wrong, he did not feel the need to torture them, instead he slit thier wrists and ended it quickly.

Drip Drip.

Still he could hear the sound of his wife's blood filling the bag.

Drip drip.

Finally he had his own time. He pulled out his laptop and went to the RLS.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The bag was almost full. He logged in and saw that Resident Evil had not been posted.

F5 refresh. Drip Drip. F5 Refresh.

His wife began to ferociously gargle. It was happening, the bag had filled up to her nostrils. She slowly began to breath in her own blood and choke.

Her body let out one final kick, and gave out. It has happened, his family was gone.

F5. F5. F5.

Hours went by and RE7 had not appeared. Morning was neigh and he could feel the sun on his skin creeping through the attic window.

He began to panic. My god, what have I done he thought. He had killed his whole family and RE hadn't even come up on the RLS.

Instantly he felt remorse and guilt. He had ruined his whole life. He had slit his son's wrists and suffocated his wife. Panicking he hurried to tie a noose. Climbing up on the chair and looked to the left to see his family dangling there, lifeless. The chair gave way, he dropped a foot and his neck snapped....

RLS 7....

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Thanks for the heads up. Im terrible at proofreading. But no I've never really wrote anything other than blogs before .

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These past couple weeks have been amazing. Yakuza 0, RE 7, gravity Rush 2, tales of Berseria, Dragon Quest VIII on 3DS. Too many games and my wallet still hurts from Xmas

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Great, the site is starting to die thanks to the RE tweets OnPlaystation is tweeting :/
Can't even do surveys quizzes. Trying to get my points to 6k

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I didn't know there were surveys on the site. I need the free points, haha.

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ah sorry, meant quizzes x_X

I usually only do them when they are really high point values and then i search for ones that are over 400 when i need points. too lazy to keep up and have them all done early on.

There might be an update today with RE7, but all the tweets could imply that it's an RE7 contest. Stay tuned...

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I'm waiting to see how much everything cost this year. Watch Dogs 2 was a bit more than normal and I was thinking that that was how they were going to recoup their cost. Didn't they say their budget went over last year?

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bread's done