The "New Clique" Wrestling Thread

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Mr. Beef

3 (100%)

Joking of course...or am I?

One day I'm gonna cut a promo on all the jabronis in the wrestling thread, and then I'll challenge 007 to break his streak! *flex*
I'm feeling extra energetic thanks to getting whupped in 3rd Strike. :whistle2:#
[quote name='neocisco']I have $1K that says Punk is staring at the guy's hair and he...just...can't...look...away...[/QUOTE]

too me it looks like he is getting ready to take a major fart :)
If any of you live anywhere near the northeastern corner of PA, then you HAVE to check out this top notch wrestling promotion that's here called CPW.:rofl:

Check out the roster for this promotion:

It includes people like The Blue Meanie, Axl Rotten and Stevie Richards. But perhaps the most shocking person on the roster is Shane Douglas.

Their show is on the local public access channel called Electric City Television and the 'crowd' they perform in front of is 'massive'. I'm talking like 25 people....MAX.:lol:

If any of these guys makes even $10 a match it's a miracle.
Watching last night's Raw, and this question has been in the back of my mind for a while. Has Jack Swagger always been that size? He looks smaller than I remember.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Sweet! Bobby from the Cobra Kai was apparently in the crowd last night.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, thank you.

Go back and watch that video of Punk from the WWE All-Stars promo, where the bulk of the footage is from the Straight Edge Society days. He has aged considerably in that time in terms of his appearance.
Obviously, the difference is clean cut Punk versus epic beard Punk. I think the problem is his epic beard keeps him up at night so he looks cracked out in the morn.

Anyway, checked the facebook right quick and came across this. I laughed.
The Angry Miz Girl.
You know what the difference between infomercials for glue and Ring of Honor is? Infomercials for glue will still be on TV in three weeks.
8 minutes ago
I disagree that it's just his hair. He did have the excellent Ivan Koloff look for awhile after going bald, but I'm saying his face has aged, especially his eyes. Some of you have mentioned he's an insomniac, which would make sense, I suppose, if that's the case.
WWE All Stars demo. Downloaded and played a bit while I was home for lunch. I only played about 3 matches, but I'm definitely intrigued. It feels different enough from Smackdown to be worthwhile, but not dumbed down in the same way that I felt hampered Legends of WrestleMania. After hearing about 'it's a fighting game, it's a fighting game!', I was pleasantly surprised to discover it's very much still a wrestling title. That said, I'm really bad at it. Either the difficulty is ramped up, or I'm just really terrible, but I've barely been able to make a dent in the other guy. Part of it is the reversal system, which I don't understand yet... and it seems that even when I do reverse, the other guy tends to reverse my reversal. Annoying. Seriously, the controls are labeled like this (LB - Grapple Counter, RB - Strike Counter, LB + RB - Reversal). I seriously don't understand what it's telling me to do, and I certainly am having issues getting it done during a match. The fact, too, that LB + RB also seems to be the Finishing Move only adds to my confusion.

I'm interested in spending more time with it, and the demo certainly pushed me more towards getting it next week, which I suppose is the point. I think the most off-putting thing for me so far is just how different it is from the Smackdown control scheme... I keep trying to use the stick to grapple, and the trigger to reverse. Yeah, not helping.

Oh, and.... ok, so you have this demo for a Legends vs. Current game, and you choose Ultimate Warrior and Rey Mysterio as the only playable characters? I DON'T UNDERSTAND.
Man, now I really want to see what a disaster Warrior vs. Rey would be.

Just rewatched the Michaels vs. 'Taker video package from last year's WM and it's pretty much identical to what they've done with HHH vs. 'Taker this year. Guys on the roster talk up Undertaker's streak, then the music changes and they all say "but if one guy can end the streak, it's him." It was fine last year since Michaels did a good job of building it up himself, but considering the lackluster build-up this year, having people talk about it (in the exact same way as last year) ain't good enough.
I think the demo for All Stars pushed me closer to getting it than further away as well. I chose Warrior.. I hit Y to do an axe handle smash which bounced Mysterio up in the air.. caught him with B (strong grapple), tossed him in the air, hit another button (either A or B) as he was falling and caught him in what appeared to be an epic diamond cutter/RKO. I think it'll be fun, but it's very much a fighting game in terms of health bars, specials, etc. It's a nice distraction until the new SvR.
I'd much prefer DLC for each year's Smackdown vs. RAW games (and stable online servers) than to have a sub-par WWE Allstars/LoW type of game.
[quote name='HydroX']I'd much prefer DLC for each year's Smackdown vs. RAW games (and stable online servers) than to have a sub-par WWE Allstars/LoW type of game.[/QUOTE]

In fairness, we have gotten more DLC for SvR2011 than any previous year, so I find it tough to complain about that. Plus, with it being a yearly franchise, I fully understand why DLC is forced to dry up at a certain point due to them working on a new game.

Overall, I understand the point, though... however, I'd only begin to have an issue if these 'secondary' games became a yearly thing. So far we've really only gotten LoW and now All-Stars, coming years apart. Given how stale SvR has become (not that I don't still love it, mind you), I'm okay with them trying something different once in a while.

I think once I get the gameplay down, I'm really going to enjoy All-Stars. One of my bigger issues with the demo is actually the Warrior/Rey thing. I have zero connection to either guy, with neither one being someone I'd play as on a regular basis. I get, too, that they went with a power guy and a high flyer, but the pairing just makes no sense. Makes me realize that we got sort of spoiled with the LoW demo, where you could do Hogan/Andre and Austin/Rock. So, you know what, I'll admit it... I'd be at least 30-50% more behind this demo if it was even something like Cena/Hogan. Makes me sound shallow, but at least I'm being honest.
Ooh, they may have just lost my money - Just read on IGN that CAW's will have non-editable movesets. You can copy another star's moveset and change the finisher, but that's it.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Man, now I really want to see what a disaster Warrior vs. Rey would be.

Just rewatched the Michaels vs. 'Taker video package from last year's WM and it's pretty much identical to what they've done with HHH vs. 'Taker this year. Guys on the roster talk up Undertaker's streak, then the music changes and they all say "but if one guy can end the streak, it's him." It was fine last year since Michaels did a good job of building it up himself, but considering the lackluster build-up this year, having people talk about it (in the exact same way as last year) ain't good enough.[/QUOTE]

You mean you didn't like the video edit where someone (Arn?) said "Triple H sent a clear signal" and was overlaying a slo-mo clip of HHH pointing to his dick, complete with a shotgun sound effect at the end?

To paraphrase The Jam, that's entertainments.
Myke, not only will I not buy the Wrestlemania PPV, I haven't purchased a WWE PPV since Survivor Series 2001.

Regarding Raw:

I was actually starting to like Miz a lot since he dumped Riley. Then they bring him back with this belt nonsense. People complained about the diva style TNA belt, but at least they choose a style.

The family album bit was lame. Cole was better off bringing in Sleazy, Cheesy, and Queasy.

The beatdown was fine and all though I wish Swagger had more offense for a trainer with experience. Speaking of beatdowns, am I the only guy here who actually liked Ted Dibiase? When is UT going to beat some people down and actually contribute to this feud?

Add Sheamus-Bryan to the list of matches I'd actually want to see at WM. I still say Sheamus should be the world champ.

Am I suppose to believe Drew Carey's Royal Rumble appearance helped him get the hosting gig to The Price is Right and THAT'S why he's going into the Hall of Fame?

And where were the Bella Twins and Gail Kim? For that matter, where is their feud which suddenly stopped??
[quote name='Cage017']Speaking of beatdowns, am I the only guy here who actually liked Ted Dibiase?[/QUOTE]
Ted Sr. is great.
Ted Jr. is not.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Ted Sr. is great.
Ted Jr. is not.[/QUOTE]

Going back to the last thread, Ted is one guy who could greatly benefit from a good manager. He's got the look and he's decent in the ring, but he just needs a mouthpiece.
My Survivor Series 2010 BD came in today.... Got it mostly for the inclusion of old school raw and that i actually went to the show

Edit- And yea regarding demo.. Ill prob get it anyway... but I hate when they skimp out on the entrances... I hate the shortened version..Every wrestling game should have full intros!
I think Ted DiBiase has promise, but I wonder...if he wasn't a DiBiase, if his name was Chris Masters, would I give a shit about him?

Has Doug Williams been on TNA lately? I think he's foremost among the TNA guys who deserve more than they get. Not like he has to have a title, but he's such an excellent wrestler he deserves a more prominent position on the card. If they had pushed him for a good year or so, he could fit well into the upper card jobber role like Kane/Scott Steiner have for years.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think Ted DiBiase has promise, but I wonder...if he wasn't a DiBiase, if his name was Chris Masters, would I give a shit about him?

I think you are right about the name part, it is a shame that they don't seem to have any clue how to use that to his advantage by either using Ted Sr. as his mouthpiece or just having him adopt the Million Dollar Man gimmick fully. They have teased it a few times with Virgil and dusting off the Million Dollar Belt, but never really gone all the way with it.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']I think you are right about the name part, it is a shame that they don't seem to have any clue how to use that to his advantage by either using Ted Sr. as his mouthpiece or just having him adopt the Million Dollar Man gimmick fully. They have teased it a few times with Virgil and dusting off the Million Dollar Belt, but never really gone all the way with it.[/QUOTE]
It's not so much giving him a gimmick, it's that he's a black hole of charisma. I'd rather watch Kung-Funaki squash the cast of NXT than sit through one of DiBiashit's matches.
[quote name='mykevermin']You mean you didn't like the video edit where someone (Arn?) said "Triple H sent a clear signal" and was overlaying a slo-mo clip of HHH pointing to his dick, complete with a shotgun sound effect at the end?[/QUOTE]

As Cole pondered a while back over the exact same moment you just described - "Will THIS be the fate of The Undertaker??"

OMG maybe The Undertaker is going to suck his dick at Wrestlemania! GROSS!!
[quote name='KaneRobot']Man, now I really want to see what a disaster Warrior vs. Rey would be.

Just rewatched the Michaels vs. 'Taker video package from last year's WM and it's pretty much identical to what they've done with HHH vs. 'Taker this year. Guys on the roster talk up Undertaker's streak, then the music changes and they all say "but if one guy can end the streak, it's him." It was fine last year since Michaels did a good job of building it up himself, but considering the lackluster build-up this year, having people talk about it (in the exact same way as last year) ain't good enough.[/QUOTE]

Last year, it helped that they pretty much started the angle during the run-up to the Royal Rumble... so it had 3 months to get where it was going. This time they started the night after Elimination Chamber, where the crowd was more "Hey holy shit they're back" than "Hey holy shit, this will be an awesome match!"

Have either of them even had a match since returning? Will WM be where they shake the ring rust off?
[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']Have either of them even had a match since returning? Will WM be where they shake the ring rust off?[/QUOTE]

H has been in at least some of those post-Raw dark matches, probably more.

'Taker is so banged up at this point I doubt he's doing much of anything. Probably just cardio so he doesn't run out of gas too soon.
[quote name='007']In fairness, we have gotten more DLC for SvR2011 than any previous year, so I find it tough to complain about that. Plus, with it being a yearly franchise, I fully understand why DLC is forced to dry up at a certain point due to them working on a new game.

Overall, I understand the point, though... however, I'd only begin to have an issue if these 'secondary' games became a yearly thing. So far we've really only gotten LoW and now All-Stars, coming years apart. Given how stale SvR has become (not that I don't still love it, mind you), I'm okay with them trying something different once in a while.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I definitely understand that the DLC has to dry up at some point. SvR 2011 has a boatload of DLC, not to mention the user-created content that's out there. I'll admit it though, I have yet to purchase Fan Axxess or Online Axxess as it's hard for me to justify spending another $20 on the game -- I bought it used.

I do have one question though, and I can't seem to find my answer -- if I buy Fan Axxess now for $9.99, do I get all of the DLC included in that, or do I have to buy it all seperately/in those "discount packs"?
[quote name='HydroX']Oh, I definitely understand that the DLC has to dry up at some point. SvR 2011 has a boatload of DLC, not to mention the user-created content that's out there. I'll admit it though, I have yet to purchase Fan Axxess or Online Axxess as it's hard for me to justify spending another $20 on the game -- I bought it used.

I do have one question though, and I can't seem to find my answer -- if I buy Fan Axxess now for $9.99, do I get all of the DLC included in that, or do I have to buy it all seperately/in those "discount packs"?[/QUOTE]
If you have Fan Axxess the content should all be free. The discount packs show up with a price of "Free" as well.
[quote name='Sigma']If you have Fan Axxess the content should all be free. The discount packs show up with a price of "Free" as well.[/QUOTE]

That's the answer, but a quick note... anytime I tried to download the 'packs', I also had to download the individual items before they'd activate in my game. It doesn't do a second download or anything, but it's kind of a hassle.

It might've just been me, but I figured I'd throw it out there.
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