The Official E-Bay Scalping Thread

man CRAIGS LIST IS THE PLACE TO POST A telling ya...already got offers up to $2500! wow....

[quote name='DrFoo']I really hope so. I sold my other PS3 for very little profits. Was hoping to at least afford myself another PS3 and part of an HDTV with both of these.

Oh and you should be able to get rid of those fees. Just go to
and file an unpaid item dispute.[/quote]

and thanks for this f00
The thing is you guys have to remember that even though the PS3 Profits look pitiful now, they are not necessarily so. Getting $400 or $600 back (which is what the auctions are about now) Is still a nice chunk of money.

The problem is that we got shifted into this crazy mindset amongst the launch chaos. Basically scalpers are pretty motivated people and because of all the recognition of the Ps3 and it's shortage they lined up like crazy and incredibly early causing all of us to line up just as early. Therefore by doing so we not only flood the market with a huge amount of consoles, but we had to wait earlier than we should have because of all the articifical line demand.

In addition people were a bit mislead by some certain early auctions as towards what they would expect for resale. This leads to $400 looking paltry.
[quote name='animemaniac14']man CRAIGS LIST IS THE PLACE TO POST A telling ya...already got offers up to $2500! wow....

and thanks for this f00[/QUOTE]
How are you getting such huge offers? Do you have tons of extras listed with it or something?

Oh and on Craig's list do you recommend just leaving the price blank and asking for offers?
[quote name='DrFoo']How are you getting such huge offers? Do you have tons of extras listed with it or something?

Oh and on Craig's list do you recommend just leaving the price blank and asking for offers?[/QUOTE]

full of shit.

Just check craigslist yourself.
Also there are a bunch of griefers on CL that will flag your sale and have it removed from the site. I listed my PS3 three times on CL, and people kept deleting my listing. Luckily my Ebay sale went through...
[quote name='javeryh']None of this is making any sense. It seems to me like from what people are saying, the buyer has ALL of the power and the seller has none. What about including language stating "this item is sold "as is" and unopened from the manufacturer - any defects or problems should be taken up directly with Sony." There's no way Paypal could argue that a chargeback is the right thing to do in that situation.[/quote]

Yeah, this doesn't make sense to me at all either. If a buyer decides to do a chargeback on their Credit Card, shouldn't Paypal be going after THEM to get their money back, since it was the buyer who did the chargeback, instead of you, who had no involvement at all? If that's the case, you can buy anythign and everything and then at any time just have your credit card company do a chargeback claiming fraudulent transaction or something. If a person does decide to preform a chargeback against you through their CC company, couldn't YOU contact their CC Company yourself and claim fraud against the person using the account, if you had ample evidence to back it up?
[quote name='animemaniac14']ya since my frikin buyer dropped out on me at $ going to be screwed with ebay fees (btw is there any way to get out of those? especially if the buyer didn't pay?) and i NEED to get about that much...anyone think that demand will go that high?[/quote]

You had a buyer back out, lol, that sucks. But I wouldn't doubt it is happening to alot of sellers (not me). They wake up the next day and see PS3s going for $1,000 less than what they paid.
well he accepted the 1200 refund. I guess I'm an idiot for giving it to him, but again, I didn't want to deal with paypal. So, 1400 a system is ok. I'll take what I can get. It does suck though because this loser is selling ps3s and wiis on ebay as well. I hate ebay.
I doubt that the demand for PS3s will increase. The demand is not there. The system is new and the launch titles are mediocre. Not to mention the Wii & 360 systems. I think the prices are going to drop. I think anyone that really is willing to pay a bunch willbe picking these up now or already picked up.

Man, sitting out in the elements for a such a little profit has gotta bite...
Just listed my 20 gig on ebay with a a buy it now of $1,000.00. Would sell it to a fellow cag for $900/ free shipping. My user name on ebay is Claydawg96 if anyone wants to check feed back...just pm me.
[quote name='sotb_96']Just listed my 20 gig on ebay with a a buy it now of $1,000.00. Would sell it to a fellow cag for $900/ free shipping. My user name on ebay is Claydawg96 if anyone wants to check feed back...just pm me.[/quote]

Oh you're oh so nice to offer us a $500 system for $900.
wow, been looking through the ebay auctions and some sellers are getting desperate. they have stuff like "I just want to break even so when this auction hits XXX amount of $ I'll end it for you" and such. I guess the mighty PS3 isn't the cash cow everyone thought it would be.
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']Oh you're oh so nice to offer us a $500 system for $900.[/QUOTE]
Thanks man! I think youre the bees knees too!
Worked out well standing in line waiting for those PS3's eh? If you sell the 60 gb for $1000 thats $400 profit.

Lets say you stood in line for 4 days, thats 96 hours, so that makes $4.17 an hour, not too shabby.:applause:
[quote name='benjamouth']Worked out well standing in line waiting for those PS3's eh? If you sell the 60 gb for $1000 thats $400 profit.

Lets say you stood in line for 4 days, thats 96 hours, so that makes $4.17 an hour, not too shabby.:applause:[/quote]

You forgot the Paypal Fees, Ebay Fees, Shipping Fees. Not to mention the chance of your buyer ripping you off.
[quote name='spamfree2']You forgot the Paypal Fees, Ebay Fees, Shipping Fees. Not to mention the chance of your buyer ripping you off.[/quote]

I did indeed, good point well made.
I'm hoping most CAGers were smart enough to camp out at EB/GS instead of the 3+ Days at the other retailers. So I guess it could be a nice chunk of change..
I just heard a guy bragging about buying one on ebay for $1500 and something and filed a claim saying it was broke and ended up getting it for free. :rofl:
[quote name='spamfree2']I'm hoping most CAGers were smart enough to camp out at EB/GS instead of the 3+ Days at the other retailers. So I guess it could be a nice chunk of change..[/quote]

Yes. Total camp time for me was 30 minutes. :applause:
pre-order camp time: 1 hour
pickup camp time: 1min
gotta love CAG for the early info :D

Still has mine sealed... giving it to my gf's little bro for xmas
[quote name='chrishicks']I just heard a guy bragging about buying one on ebay for $1500 and something and filed a claim saying it was broke and ended up getting it for free. :rofl:[/QUOTE]
How gullible can you be? How would claiming it is broken get you a free system? The buyer would be required to send the item back to the seller in order to get his money back. :bs:
[quote name='tayaf69']How gullible can you be? How would claiming it is broken get you a free system? The buyer would be required to send the item back to the seller in order to get his money back. :bs:[/quote]

Plus the fact that broken systems are covered under the manufacturer's warrantee...
So now I'm officially in the clear. My seller got his item and left positive feedback.

I also received a call from Gamestop today telling me that my pre-order had come in. After much consideration, I decided to cancel it. Between the market on eBay tanking, and all the hassle from threats of chargebacks, It's just not worth the effort. I got lucky once, and I'm not going to press my luck, let someone else have a chance.
Are stores (mostly ebg/gs) just getting random shipments of PS3s at this point? If you want one should you be calling them every day to find out if they got a shipment?
[quote name='DrFoo']Are stores (mostly ebg/gs) just getting random shipments of PS3s at this point? If you want one should you be calling them every day to find out if they got a shipment?[/QUOTE]

Well it looks like eb/gs are definately getting a shipment in soon, but that'll mainly go towards filling the rest of the preorders. Best Buy is supposedly not advertising when they get more ps3's in, so calling there every now and then would be a good idea if you want to score one.
Finally received payment for my PS3. Now, what do you recommend I do to protect myself if the buyer tries to pull something. My plan:

Take as many pictures as I can of the SEALED box, and me packing it.
Ship via UPS
Signature Confirmation
Insurance (do I do it for $500, or the amount he paid over ebay?)

...anything else?
[quote name='chrishicks']wow, been looking through the ebay auctions and some sellers are getting desperate. they have stuff like "I just want to break even so when this auction hits XXX amount of $ I'll end it for you" and such. I guess the mighty PS3 isn't the cash cow everyone thought it would be.[/quote]

I think those are the idiots who bought people's spots for $1,000+, in hopes to make huge $4,000 profit. Now, they can't break even. AH, too bad, so sad!!

You forgot the Paypal Fees, Ebay Fees, Shipping Fees. Not to mention the chance of your buyer ripping you off.

You for got to add sales Tax (in most states). My ps3 had around $41 tax added on.
Luckily my auction worked out for me as I had an honest buyer and he didn't pull any crap after the fact when the prices started plummeting.

What is really BS is that had the prices of PS3's actually gone up instead of down after last Friday, its not like a seller would have had any recourse to go back to they buyer and charge them more after the prices went up, yet the buyers are essentially screwing the sellers in the reverse fashion.
Well i managed to sell my 20 gig for $1,000.00 yesterday so im not too disappointed. The best part was i didnt have to wait in line..The day after release i was in my local walmart at lunch and they started to announce over the intercom in electronics they had a ps3 and i walked around the corner and said i'll take it! but to all you hard working cag that waited in line and sold yours for $3-4,000.00 i salute you!
Still not sure what to do with mine. I'll sell it if the market picks up a bit. But does anyone have any experience with IsoldIt stores?

It seems like a cut in profit for less to worry about.
Well, the eCheck cleared and the money seems to be sitting in my Paypal account. Is it safe to transfer to my bank account? Will this raise any red flags with Paypal? Is there any way I can be charged back?
[quote name='javeryh']Well, the eCheck cleared and the money seems to be sitting in my Paypal account. Is it safe to transfer to my bank account? Will this raise any red flags with Paypal? Is there any way I can be charged back?[/QUOTE]

You can always be charged back... transferring the money into your bank account won't raise a red flag with Paypal at all, though. I don't keep large amounts of money in my Paypal because any dispute at all will freeze your account... get that out of there ASAP.

Just make sure not to spend it until the buyer gets the PS3, leaves positive feedback, and tells you he's happy with the purchase. I would write him specifically and ask "Hello, I see the DC says you received your Playstation 3, did it get there ok?" and they will say "Yes, I got it, everything works great, thanks!" and then you at least have SOME sort of proof.
[quote name='guinaevere']The money is yours to do with as you please. PayPal is not a savings account. It does you little good sitting there.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I get way more interest from my PayPal account than any bank savings account (and certainly more than any checking account), so I have had a tendency to leave money sitting there. Now, if I was selling a PS3 that might be a different matter ;).
[quote name='oNeWiNgEdAnGeL']Anyone else stuck with a PS3 that they want to sell for big bucks but can't? Any suggestions on what to do?[/QUOTE]


I think the words 'fuck off' coupled with 'sucks to be you' suffice.

The only credit you deserve, if any at all, is that you aren't sitting on ten PS3 consoles you can't sell. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in some hillbilly's house where he ended up making about $1500, before eBay fees, paypal fees, packing and shipping, for a buncha PS3 units.

Let me put this to you politely (and believe me, this is hard):


seriously. the goddamned thing could replace my home heating system.

If you have a 60GB, you'll be lucky to get $1,100-1,200 for it. 20GB; $700-900.

Take it or leave it baby, unless you can find yourself a time machine.

EDIT: I'd love to sell my copy of "Nintendogs" for a trillion dollars, personally. If nobody wants to pony up that kinda cash for the thing, well...I'm fucked. That's the lesson for today.
[quote name='oNeWiNgEdAnGeL']Anyone else stuck with a PS3 that they want to sell for big bucks but can't? Any suggestions on what to do?[/quote] Return it. Or fucking play it.
Paypal is still freezing my account, even though my buyer received her PS3 today. I am waiting for them to send me something in the mail (snail mail), that I have to return. I'm sure they are dragging their feet just to hold onto the money longer. fuck PAYPAL!
[quote name='animemaniac14']so is there even a good time to sell these things anymore? is the price of them EVER going to go up again?!!!! somebody help me out here?![/quote]

I'd say this weekend is your best bet. After this weekend, I think there is no chance of the market shooting back up. Especially with a steady stream of PS3's randomly appearing on store shelves.
Skyrocket? maybe not. You'll be able to get more than what you can get now, that's for sure.

Unless Sony miracuously airdrops like 2 million ps3s
[quote name='animemaniac14']so is there even a good time to sell these things anymore? is the price of them EVER going to go up again?!!!! somebody help me out here?![/QUOTE]
Probably mid-afternoon Friday/Saturday. Your best bet is THIS weekend to catch those who couldn't pick up one of the 5 or 6 stores will actually have. Craigslist might be your best bet if you're trying to unload quick. Stick and move, stick and move.
bread's done