Well it looks like my launch weekend won't be so great. I'll out of town until about 6 PM Sunday so there probably won't be any Wii's left to buy. Even if there were Wiis, I won't have enough money because my mom keeps taking my money and won't be able to pay me back until next week some time. Plus one of my birthday checks is useless because the account it was connected to is closed so I'm waiting for another check. I should have about $270 but I only have $150, so no Wii for me for a while. I was hoping to play it during Thanksgiving break, but I guess that won't be happening. I feel like such a jerk complaining about this sort of thing when there are people who don't have enough money to eat every day.
Ah fuck, that's bullshit. No midnight launch! That ruins my Saturday. Now I'll have to wait the extra however many hours till they open, probably ass-late in the morning. Guess my friend and I will be playing some GameCube at midnight instead of Wii.
[quote name='botticus']
And I just got a call from Reggie telling me my Wii preorder will be available for purchase on Sunday! Actually, it was just Aeris, prefaced by a Reggie intro. [/QUOTE]

I got the same phone call, but about 5 minutes before, Andy from my local store (Which was just robbed yesterday night for their ps3s, no less!) called to let me know they ARE having a midnight opening and not only that, they're having a party at 9pm with food and games and such, and that I was invited to come party.

Kind of the exact opposite of what I was expecting a store that just got robbed to do-- I was expecting them to open at normal time and have us come in the store one by one with a police escort or something.

So I'm going to go party with my fellow nintendo geeks and get my wii at midnight, provided I don't get shot while I'm there. Woo!
I keep hearing more and more hype for the Wii in my area. Radio give-aways, local tv news, and it all basically ramped up in the last few days. I was originally planning on getting to my little east texas Wal-Mart at 10pm tomorrow, but with only 20-25 systems, I'm getting the feeling i should go at least a couple hours earlier.

I fucking need it! Especially after watching IGNs Rayman review. :drool:

NOW my Wal-Mart says they are doing the STUPID fuckIN RAFFLE SYSTEM AT 10PM.

fuck THEM.

I'm going to Toys R Us. I called my local TRU, they said "We are getting 100 extra at midnite :)" So this means they are selling the pre ordered ones, PLUS 100 at midnite.

This makes me VERY confident in getting a Wii tomorrow.

No way in hell I'm going to stand in a line and MAYBE get a Wii, even though I'm number 3 in line. fuck THAT.
Lotteries and raffles are idiotic, unless they don't allow lines. If you are going to do a lottery, tell everyone to show up at 10:00 pm (or whatever) and then just hand out tickets. Don't make people wait for 8 hours and then doing a freaking lottery!
I went to Target and picked up a white case for my Wii sports. I also asked how many Wiis they're getting. The kid told me around 130.

I also called Bestbuy and was told about 60.

Natrually I'd have a better shot (heck nearly flawless shot) at getting one at Target if the number he gave me was accurate.

Should I head to BB or Target?
Reggie and Aeris just called me. I'm good to go for the Midnight launch tomorrow! :)

Oh, and I went to a Walmart in East Lansing, MI tonight and they had all the Wii games out. I had him get Zelda and Excite Truck out for me, but the system wouldn't let him sell it. Lame. :p
My Gamestop is having a midnight opening. I wonder what time I should get there.... I really want to make sure I get my copy of Zelda: TP.
Just called my Wal-Mart-of-choice and heard pretty much exactly what I wanted to hear. I didn't think to ask how many they'd have in stock, but I figure I'll be getting there early enough to ensure I'll get one.

Dude didn't mention a raffle or anything like that. He just said it'll be available at midnight and that the line will form in sounds like my day is set tomorrow! Gonna go there at 6-9AM, depending on when I wake up.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Just called my Wal-Mart-of-choice and heard pretty much exactly what I wanted to hear. I didn't think to ask how many they'd have in stock, but I figure I'll be getting there early enough to ensure I'll get one.

Dude didn't mention a raffle or anything like that. He just said it'll be available at midnight and that the line will form in sounds like my day is set tomorrow! Gonna go there at 6-9AM, depending on when I wake up.[/quote]Lucky. Our Walmart is forcing people to stay outside until midnight. Maybe that will deter some folks.
My Wii JUST shipped from Amazon and less than a minute later I got an email from saying that Zelda:TP shipped.

Today is the greatest day of my life (until I get them)
[quote name='lilboo']fuck WAL-MART

NOW my Wal-Mart says they are doing the STUPID fuckIN RAFFLE SYSTEM AT 10PM.

fuck THEM.

I'm going to Toys R Us. I called my local TRU, they said "We are getting 100 extra at midnite :)" So this means they are selling the pre ordered ones, PLUS 100 at midnite.

This makes me VERY confident in getting a Wii tomorrow.

No way in hell I'm going to stand in a line and MAYBE get a Wii, even though I'm number 3 in line. fuck THAT.[/QUOTE]
Bah. I guess I'm back to my initial plan of the midnight launch at TRU. Thanks for the update.
Welp, after just coming from Walmart, I can report 5 people in line. I figure me and my friend will head up there around midnight and wait for a day >_>;
[quote name='Chrono72090']Welp, after just coming from Walmart, I can report 5 people in line. I figure me and my friend will head up there around midnight and wait for a day >_>;[/QUOTE]

Did you find out about a raffle system?!

Seriously. The raffle thing makes NO SENSE. Makes me SO MAD!!
[quote name='lilboo']Did you find out about a raffle system?!

Seriously. The raffle thing makes NO SENSE. Makes me SO MAD!![/quote]I called and they're just doing a normal line at ours. That sucks about the raffle thing :(
[quote name='lilboo']Did you find out about a raffle system?!

Seriously. The raffle thing makes NO SENSE. Makes me SO MAD!![/quote]

Nope. As far as I know, it's the normal line up thing.

Guy in electronics told me they're handing out tickets at 10pm of people in line.

Wierd thing though, is that the line is in the garden section >_>
[quote name='Chrono72090']Nope. As far as I know, it's the normal line up thing.

Guy in electronics told me they're handing out tickets at 10pm of people in line.

Wierd thing though, is that the line is in the garden section >_>[/QUOTE]

Now you can buy a potted plant for next to your Wii
Nothing around here is doing a midnight launch, and I can't get mine delivered to me from where I preordered it until Sunday night! I'M GOING TO DIE!
Just came back from Target for second time today, and there's still no one lined up.

I'll go check again in a few hours.

I am NOT missing out on getting it from there.
At the Best Buy my Mom works at, they got 160 in yesterday (their estimate online), and are expecting another 100 before Wednesday.
[quote name='Chrono72090']Welp, after just coming from Walmart, I can report 5 people in line. I figure me and my friend will head up there around midnight and wait for a day >_>;[/QUOTE]
SOme friends and I are going to Walmart tonight too. Fun Stuff.
I showed up at my EB today hoping they would finally have there Wii Kiosk set up. NOPE only a 6 1/6 foot tall box with Nintendo stamped on it. I said I'd help set up for some play time, but they had to wait for the Nin, Rep to come. Such BS. I even went back later, like 5 hours later, and it was still in the same place in the box, but the PS3 kiosk had come and was set up surprise surprise! Good news the PS3 had already crashed so they had to turn it off. haha. I just want to play the Wii one time before I drop so much cash on it to make sure it is worth it.

BTW anyone have the hoilday Target add, for 10$ off entire purchase? I know this is the wrong thread, but I could find it anywhere else.
Holy shit.
My Wii Countdown on my desktop (thank you, Yahoo! Widgets) has a big fat "0" for "DAYS"

23 hours & 48 minutes left for me (and east coast people!!)

I'll change the title to 24 hours now.
(I'm TRYING to keep the title pretty relevant to everyone in all time zones, but hey. I think we ALL like reading "24 hours to go!")
:cry: Still closer to 36 for me now that I have to wait till the morning. Maybe if I just pester them enough tomorrow they'll sell it to me to be rid of me.
Called Game Crazy today and they finally confirmed I'm getting a wii at launch so I went and paid it off went to Walmart they had wii motes so I tried to get one but their computer wouldn't allow the sale of the wii mote, ended up getting Rayman. After that I stopped off at Best Buy and got an extra wii mote and nunchuck. I'm set for Sunday got my wii, Zelda, Rayman and an extra controller. I may end up going back to Best Buy to grab 1 or two more controller and Super Monkey Ball. I'm really looking forward to the weekend now.
[quote name='Apossum']about 31 and a half before I get my ticket at Target[/QUOTE]

I respect your avatar.

On topic: I got my component cables. I'm mof'ckin' set for this shit.
Just found out is is Tax Free Weekend in South Carolina over Thanksgiving! So I'm going to try and hold off till then. Ya'll think some Wii's will be left by then?
Went to wal mart looking for a controller, nothing. They had some wii games in the case (as of SMB, TC, THDJ, but no ubi games or nintendo...), strange. Now I hope wal mart wont be sold out at 9:30 on sunday (my eb games is taking preorders at 10 AM :cry:)
[quote name='natendo']Just found out is is Tax Free Weekend in South Carolina over Thanksgiving! So I'm going to try and hold off till then. Ya'll think some Wii's will be left by then?[/QUOTE]

I wish you the best of luck, but between Tax Free Weekend and Black Friday, I think Wii might sell pretty darned quick. It couldn't hurt to try, but you might wind up having to camp out in front of a store anyway just to beat the post-Thanksgiving rush.
Sweet, I just noticed I'm exactly 24 hours from the midnight launch and having my hands on a Wii ;). This evening I got my phone call from Reggie and Aeris telling me about the midnight launch at my EB. I need to get there a bit early because the manager warned me he got one less Wiimote than the number of preorders - so as long as I check out early I will be able to snag one. However, I think some people who didn't get in on the system preorders did Wiimote preorders later, so those people probably won't be there anyway for the midnight launch.

I need to start preparing - cleaning off a shelf on the entertainment center, etc. I also might have to move my cable router and Wifi from my office to the living room. I do wish the Wii was wired, but I can manage around that. It might work anyway - my PSP tends to work in the living room but the DS is weaksauce and doesn't pick up the signal unless I'm sitting 4 feet from my router. I'm assumng the Wii will have a bit more powerful Wifi signal than the DS. I guess I can try it, and if it doesn't work then I can move the cable modem setup. (The big disappointment in terms of setup is no component cables, so I'll have to hook up the crappy composite and hold off on playing Zelda until the component cables end up at EB - I refuse to pay $40 to get them shipped, late, from - what can I say, I'm a cheap-ass).

I also need to continue putting a "greatest hits" selection of pictures and music on my 2GB SD card. I already opened my copy of Rayman so that part is done ;). I'll be playing Wii Sports at first, though, I'm sure.

It will be like an early Christmas for the kids. I will get home at 1am or so, set it up, try to play it quietly for an hour or two :D, then go to bed at 3 or 4 and have the kids wake me up at 7 to play it. Just like Christmas!
i saw a huge setup at the mall yesterday that got me hot and bothered in anticipation. there were about 4 kiosks setup with wii sports. i wasn't able to play it as i was in a rush to get some clothes. i got a wedding to go to saturday so im missing the midnight launch at my eb. ill be a happy person sunday at 10 though. too bad i got a 10 page essay and i quiz i gotta worry about.
Called up the local Wal-Mart, said they would be getting about 60-someodd in. I asked about procedure, and he said most likely they'll form a line at the customer service desk. I'm gonna run by EB tommorow and trade in some games so I can get Zelda and another game. EB IS selling games as of now, correct?
I just swung by Best Buy on the way to get something to eat, and there were like 5 people camped out. Which is good, because at this time before the PS3 launch, there were like 40 people outside.
Checked out various stores last night (being Friday night). Wal-Mart, GameStop and GameRush were not selling any Wii games/hardware/accessories at all. The GameStop had a demo kiosk with an actual Wii in it, but it wasn't completely set up yet. It is so beautiful and so tiny. I am absolutely amazed.

I checked Sears and they had 2 copies of Rayman in the glass shelves - I assume that means it could be purchased, but I decided to hold off while I continue my search for Red Steel.

Anyway, I might sell a few games tomorrow, check my store for any remotes/nunchuks or for Red Steel.

The revolution is only a day away.
I was so sure I would be able to get one at launch with all the Targets around me but now I am beginning to doubt it more and more. I have to work until almost 8:00am tomorrow so camping isn't an option. :cry:
Haven't heard when my friend will be getting in town, but once he does, we're going to have to do some quick accessory hunting. Extra remote and nunchuk for each of us.

Probably have to do it again Sunday since a lot of people won't have them out, but at least I'll have the system at that point.
I'm getting ready to head off to Wal-Mart, I'll probably be there before 8AM.

I don't know if going this early is necessary, but eh, what-ev. Maybe I'll wait an hour or so before going.

Gotta make sure I prepare myself for no bathroom breaks 'til midnight, though.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']I'm getting ready to head off to Wal-Mart, I'll probably be there before 8AM.

I don't know if going this early is necessary, but eh, what-ev. Maybe I'll wait an hour or so before going.

Gotta make sure I prepare myself for no bathroom breaks 'til midnight, though.[/quote] Isn't the line in layaway, which is next to the bathrooms? I doubt 50 people will take your spot within 2-3 minutes.

EDIT: Also, I just rearranged by room for the Wii, so I'm ready once I get my money. Is anyone doing some sort of documentary about camping or anything? I've seen some for the 360 and they were fun to watch.
Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be sedated
Nothin' to do and no where to go-o-oh I wanna be sedated
Just get me to the airport put me on a plane
Hurry hurry hurry before I go insane
I can't control my fingers I can't control my brain
Oh no no no no no
Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go....
Just put me in a wheelchair and put me on a plane
Hurry hurry hurry before I go insane
I can't control my fingers I can't control my brain
Oh no no no no no
Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be sedated
Nothin' to do and no where to go-o-o I wanna be sedated
Just put me in a wheelchair get me to the show
Hurry hurry hurry before I go loco
I can't control my fingers I can't control my toes
Oh no no no no no
Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go...
Just put me in a wheelchair...
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
Ba-ba-bamp-ba ba-ba-ba-bamp-ba I wanna be sedated
It's almost 9AM and I'm not at Wal-Mart yet. :whistle2:(

My dad is giving me a lift (23 year olds without cars, we're a dying breed), and he's diabetic and his blood sugar is pretty high this I've been on and off the phone with him as he tries to get it down. So I'll be waiting 'til that's under control before I get over to Wal-Mart. Hope I don't miss the boat!
bread's done