The Official PS3 System Update Thread - 3.10 Available Now

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[quote name='tankass']I guess I have no real reason to look foward to these updates then.[/QUOTE]
There doesn't seem to be anything stopping Sony from making custom soundtracks and voice chat a mandatory part of games by a certain date, as they approached trophies. This reported story with EA just prevents Sony from applying it to the back catalog, which is obviously a huge want. I'd settle for future games having these features, personally.

[quote name='DPsx7']All the PC games I have did. Oh, except for HL2 when I had to install the Steam virus. That was so awful I fought with the software to complete the game then removed any trace of both from my PC. I'll never touch a Valve product again until they're shipped clean.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='blitz6speed']Most people who are bitching, are doing it for the sake of bitching. Everyone ive shown 3.0 to loves it, its just a bunch of people who hate change complaining. They'll shut up soon enough, no worries.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'm glad the people you've shown 3.0 love it, since I think the XMB update was horrendous.

They added Playstation Store icons in two other locations(probably because some idiots didn't know you can switch over to the Playstation video portion of the store), added sparkles to the wave pattern in the background(which you can disperse by shaking your controller woop dee doo) and made the friends list nearly intolerable to look at now.

I mean, what the fuck was the plan with making those big borders around the PSN names? I was able to see the friends list just fine and see what my friends were playing right this second before the update.

As for the update borking 'counterfeit' controllers, people wouldn't even be considering getting fake controllers if Sony actually priced their shit reasonably. fuckin' $55 for a Dual Shock 3 STILL?!?! What happened to rumble being 'last gen tech'? Last gen tech should be last gen priced, if you ask me.

Thing is, some of the controllers that're not working anymore are imported white Dual Shocks from what I've seen, so why are they no longer working then?
Not yet. I may very well try that new user thing that someone linked to a video of to download that theme, though as of now I'm definitely content with the sparkly wave thing, since I'm never on the XMB for long enough to care about the theme.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']They added Playstation Store icons in two other locations(probably because some idiots didn't know you can switch over to the Playstation video portion of the store), added sparkles to the wave pattern in the background(which you can disperse by shaking your controller woop dee doo) and made the friends list nearly intolerable to look at now.

I mean, what the fuck was the plan with making those big borders around the PSN names? I was able to see the friends list just fine and see what my friends were playing right this second before the update.

As for the update borking 'counterfeit' controllers, people wouldn't even be considering getting fake controllers if Sony actually priced their shit reasonably. fuckin' $55 for a Dual Shock 3 STILL?!?! What happened to rumble being 'last gen tech'? Last gen tech should be last gen priced, if you ask me.

Thing is, some of the controllers that're not working anymore are imported white Dual Shocks from what I've seen, so why are they no longer working then?[/QUOTE]

I actually appreciate the boarders around the Friend List because it makes it easier to see who is on against the background I chose. The fonts were hard to read before so I personally welcome the change.

And Microsoft charges $50 for their controller that isn't rechargeable out of the box, so $55 seems like a reasonable MSRP to me since you don't have to worry about batteries or buy a recharge pack at $20 MRSP.

Everyone knows that Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony are using sales of controllers to pad their bottom line with Nintendo being the worst offender.

Guess you're back to voicing your disappointment again, aye?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
I mean, what the fuck was the plan with making those big borders around the PSN names? I was able to see the friends list just fine and see what my friends were playing right this second before the update.

Thing is, some of the controllers that're not working anymore are imported white Dual Shocks from what I've seen, so why are they no longer working then?[/QUOTE]
I think the plan with the borders was to provide a static background for the new themes... or it was a way to fix the "white box" (occasionally, while playing games, certain parts of the friends list would have a "texture" problem and would just show a solid white box (in before "Your PS3 is dying" :rofl:)) problem I (and I assume some others :lol:) experienced from time to time.

And, has anyone said that they're 100% sure that their dead controller was genuine? Its possible they all imported them from ebay/amazon and they're all counterfeit.
[quote name='DPsx7']The lawsuit being for selling products that don't work properly. They know it's not going to work out of the box but sell it anyway. The sad thing is this only fuels piracy. As a game collector I've never pirated a single console or handheld game. However now I don't feel as bad for those that do.

Until the updates offer something useful (meaning no more BS nobody wants on their console, we ALL have PC's for pics, movies, music, and internet) I don't see the point in wasting time and drive space on these. Hopefully someone will find a workaround soon before PS3 goes down as one of the worst consoles Sony has produced (PSP being the winner here since those games also don't work).[/QUOTE]

Isn't it readily apparent that video game consoles are no longer just video game consoles? You know what's better than music on my PC? Music streaming through my PS3 or 360 from my PC and into the 5.1 channel system I have through my home network. The ability to stream movies/videos from my PC? Awesome. Photos on a 19" monitor = nice. On my 42" LCD TV = way cooler. PS3 Internet = free streaming video right on my TV which is great especially during football season when my only option to watch a NY Giants game in Georgia is to either go to a bar with Direct TV or stream it off a site like if it's not nationally televised. The ability to watch crystal clear movies via Blu-Ray and HD-DVD through my PS3 and 360 along with 5.1 surround sound rocks my f*n socks while I sit there in awe at the beauty of nature in something say like, Planet Earth. Being fully immersed in that experience in your own home is awesome considering where we were say, 20-25 years ago with a mono Nintendo gaming system.

And I'm able to download FREE updates, and all 3 current consoles have them, so my console isn't out of date in 6 months like a new PC always is and my PS3 Blu-Ray player is also kept up to date. Look at what has been added in the 2 years the PS3 has been out -

Oh and I can STILL play games on this system if I choose for $300? Sold.

You know what you need to realize? You have become your parents when they couldn't figure out how to program a VCR's clock so that it would stop flashing 12:00. And therefore, never fully utilized the VCR's functions as they wouldn't be able to program it to record shows at a certain time. Technology has passed you by. And it's only going to get bigger.
But the technology is wrong. Nobody really wants this crap because we have devices that do it already. Why pay twice for redundant things? It's easy to see Nin topple the competition because their main focus is on games, the side features don't control the hardware. PSP bombed because it didn't know what it wanted to be.

I have zero interest in HD/streaming because I don't watch a lot of TV. (Too much crap.) I've also zero interest in movies. The main point being it's game console and should remain that way. If someone wants to waste their time on this other crap, go buy a dedicated device for it. Gamers like myself don't want to support your bad habits especially when those habits begin to tread on our gaming.
When do you get it through your thick skull that you don't represent everybody's thoughts, just people like yourself? Stop saying "we don't want this stuff" because you're only speaking for yourself and a minority of people, as a lot of people consider buying or already bought the system for the Blu-ray and gaming capabilities.
[quote name='DPsx7']But the technology is wrong. Nobody really wants this crap because we have devices that do it already. Why pay twice for redundant things? It's easy to see Nin topple the competition because their main focus is on games, the side features don't control the hardware. PSP bombed because it didn't know what it wanted to be.

I have zero interest in HD/streaming because I don't watch a lot of TV. (Too much crap.) I've also zero interest in movies. The main point being it's game console and should remain that way. If someone wants to waste their time on this other crap, go buy a dedicated device for it. Gamers like myself don't want to support your bad habits especially when those habits begin to tread on our gaming.[/QUOTE]

nintendo is on top because theyre console was and is the cheapest and its simple to use which makes it less intimidating to nongamers ( which is who they were targeting to). with each new console people want more bang for their buck and the ps3 delivered that and then some hell theres things in this console and that this console can do that i still dont know about. you could say the same thing about cellphones but as you see alot of people do want devices that can do alot of things or else the iphone wouldnt be so popular.

you personally have issues with what the ps3 is and can do and i can understand that but then again youre not necessarily sony's target audience just like im not nintendo's target audience. if you arent interested in a console that can do alot of diff things youd have been better off with a wii.
So you only like games...well, you're very closed minded, impossible to reason with, and no longer worth paying attention to, DPsx7. You will be added to my ignore list. Thank you and good day.
So has anyone noticed anything wrong with their games since the 3.0 update? People on the PS forums are complaining about Uncharted freezing and locking up; and KZ2 taking longer to load in campaign mode.
[quote name='jh6269']So has anyone noticed anything wrong with their games since the 3.0 update? People on the PS forums are complaining about Uncharted freezing and locking up; and KZ2 taking longer to load in campaign mode.[/QUOTE]

ive seen alot of extreme slowdown in bioshock. so much so i that it seemed like it froze so i was going to cut it off.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Just noticed the update today, and this is easily the biggest feature for me. I also run optical to my surround, but my video is connected directly to the TV via HDMI. There's times when surround just isn't necessary (especially late at night), and I always seem to forget that I left it set on optical. It'll be nice just having the system know what is connected and output through it. :)[/QUOTE]

Exactly my thoughts. The dual audio thing is a GREAT idea.

I haven't done the update yet, but I watched a video and I think it looks great, and even the friends list looks ok. Certainly nothing to really get upset about. And if it runs faster, I'm all for it.

I really believe Sony is doing some good things here...lower price, nice new firmware...I like it.
[quote name='DPsx7']But the technology is wrong. Nobody really wants this crap because we have devices that do it already. Why pay twice for redundant things? It's easy to see Nin topple the competition because their main focus is on games, the side features don't control the hardware. PSP bombed because it didn't know what it wanted to be.

I have zero interest in HD/streaming because I don't watch a lot of TV. (Too much crap.) I've also zero interest in movies. The main point being it's game console and should remain that way. If someone wants to waste their time on this other crap, go buy a dedicated device for it. Gamers like myself don't want to support your bad habits especially when those habits begin to tread on our gaming.[/QUOTE]

Go back to your Nintendo...if you have no interest in the things you listed above, then what are you still gaming? Just like PCs, technology progresses and evolves. Bad habits? Heaven forbid I want to stream movies from my PC to my 360/PS3 instead of paying for a separate device. HD (Blu-ray - 1080p) movies on a nice HDTV is amazing. Once you see it it's hard to go back. For $300, I got everything (including wireless) where as I'd probably have to pay $600+ for everything if I bought the devices separately. So I call it a bargain...
[quote name='DPsx7']But the technology is wrong. Nobody really wants this crap because we have devices that do it already. Why pay twice for redundant things? It's easy to see Nin topple the competition because their main focus is on games, the side features don't control the hardware. PSP bombed because it didn't know what it wanted to be.

I have zero interest in HD/streaming because I don't watch a lot of TV. (Too much crap.) I've also zero interest in movies. The main point being it's game console and should remain that way. If someone wants to waste their time on this other crap, go buy a dedicated device for it. Gamers like myself don't want to support your bad habits especially when those habits begin to tread on our gaming.[/QUOTE]

and you have no interest in aroma therapy Candles either...

Even if it were a majority they're still wrong. Millions smoke, does that make it right? Same thing with watching movies on a game console. It simply shouldn't be and it's sad that some cheap people would rather ruin a console by wishing it was an all-in-one device. None of the tasks which it does very well. Dedicated devices always perform better.

I already have a Wii and 30 or so other consoles. Only 2 won't play the games I buy, the PSP and PS3. That tells me Sony doesn't care enough anymore. After 2 gens on top they got careless. Their only holdout is the simpletons who bought it as a DVD player. And those people are the ones who ruined it and why I'm irritated.
[quote name='DPsx7']Even if it were a majority they're still wrong. Millions smoke, does that make it right? Same thing with watching movies on a game console. It simply shouldn't be and it's sad that some cheap people would rather ruin a console by wishing it was an all-in-one device. None of the tasks which it does very well. Dedicated devices always perform better.

I already have a Wii and 30 or so other consoles. Only 2 won't play the games I buy, the PSP and PS3. That tells me Sony doesn't care enough anymore. After 2 gens on top they got careless. Their only holdout is the simpletons who bought it as a DVD player. And those people are the ones who ruined it and why I'm irritated.[/QUOTE]

What do games come on? DVD's and Blu-ray...the ability to watch movies goes hand-in-hand with consoles these days because of the choice of storage medium. DVD's are cheaper than cartridges so why not? Blu-ray has allowed for even more storage for developers and HD looks fucking awesome. Get over it. It's not going to get any better. Oh, and the PSP has sold OVER 50 MILLION units to day, if that's failing then I don't know what success is. And keep in mind NO ONE has ever given Nintendo a challenge in the handheld market like Sony has.

[quote name='Ecofreak']I actually appreciate the boarders around the Friend List because it makes it easier to see who is on against the background I chose. The fonts were hard to read before so I personally welcome the change.

And Microsoft charges $50 for their controller that isn't rechargeable out of the box, so $55 seems like a reasonable MSRP to me since you don't have to worry about batteries or buy a recharge pack at $20 MRSP.

Everyone knows that Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony are using sales of controllers to pad their bottom line with Nintendo being the worst offender.

Guess you're back to voicing your disappointment again, aye?[/QUOTE]

Only bout the price of peripherals/accessories this gen now, since it's still ridiculous that they all cost $50-60 for a spare controller for all three current systems.

Otherwise, the updates don't seem to be taking too long anymore, so that's become somewhat tolerable.

As for the people buying 'counterfeit controllers', I feel that people should have the right to use whatever the fuck type of controller they wanna use(even an original Xbox controller through one of those Pelican or Real adapters via USB).

The only reason the updates that disabled many of them were made is because they hurt Sony, MS and Nintendo's precious bottom line. If they didn't all price shit so stupidly this gen, people might not be trying third party and unlicensed controllers.

Personally, I say if the controllers work and work well, then let people use whatever the shit they want to.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']As for the people buying 'counterfeit controllers', I feel that people should have the right to use whatever the fuck type of controller they wanna use(even an original Xbox controller through one of those Pelican or Real adapters via USB).

The only reason the updates that disabled many of them were made is because they hurt Sony, MS and Nintendo's precious bottom line. If they didn't all price shit so stupidly this gen, people might not be trying third party and unlicensed controllers.

Personally, I say if the controllers work and work well, then let people use whatever the shit they want to.[/QUOTE]

So basically, you want controllers to be open-source so anyone can develop and sell controllers for a system without real quality control. 3rd parties, like Pelican, can produce controllers because they have an official license from the parent company with varying levels of quality. Consumers have come to trust 1st party peripherals for their quality and are willing to pay more for piece of mind (myself included).

I'm amazed and shocked that you support "counterfeit controllers" but I suppose your user handle is fitting in that case.

I do, however, feel sorry for people who bought fake controllers thinking they were authentic. Fraud sucks.

And to everyone getting upset by DPsx7's ridiculous posts, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL.
[quote name='mguiddy']I think the plan with the borders was to provide a static background for the new themes... or it was a way to fix the "white box" (occasionally, while playing games, certain parts of the friends list would have a "texture" problem and would just show a solid white box (in before "Your PS3 is dying" :rofl:)) problem I (and I assume some others :lol:) experienced from time to time.

And, has anyone said that they're 100% sure that their dead controller was genuine? Its possible they all imported them from ebay/amazon and they're all counterfeit.[/QUOTE]

Lol. I used to get the White Box thing too...
[quote name='DPsx7']Even if it were a majority they're still wrong. Millions smoke, does that make it right? Same thing with watching movies on a game console. It simply shouldn't be and it's sad that some cheap people would rather ruin a console by wishing it was an all-in-one device. None of the tasks which it does very well. Dedicated devices always perform better.

I already have a Wii and 30 or so other consoles. Only 2 won't play the games I buy, the PSP and PS3. That tells me Sony doesn't care enough anymore. After 2 gens on top they got careless. Their only holdout is the simpletons who bought it as a DVD player. And those people are the ones who ruined it and why I'm irritated.[/QUOTE]

You know what.. good point.. "Even if it were a majority they're still wrong" I'm talking about Nintendo.. and the way they overprice people for the Wii. Because they KNOW they that they're dealing with customers that have never, or have not used a console since the SNES/ NES. 249.99 is the price.. 360 has went from 400 dollars to 200, and PS3 has went fron 600 to 300, and yet the Wii is still the same price.. by now it should be at least 149.99 - truth be told it should be 99.99. But hey.. its still selling because people don't know any better and they're probably new to the market. If the Wii is for people that have NOT played games in a long time, then WHY does it have Backwards compatibility.. couldn't they have saved more money by not having it in there. I think there's BC in the Wii because the Wii is just another gamecube w/ new controls - like many of its games. I think what's ruining gaming are the simpletons who bought the Wii at full price when it should be cheaper now, people who buy the DS and continue to pay full price for games that never price drop... even after they've sold millions.

The PS3 is the best blu ray player, and best DVD player that you can have. It does everything, and it does them well. Why go out and buy a 5 disc CD Player when you can just have a PS3 and store the music on a drive and have the same quality. The dedicated device argument has played out.. we're in a different world and pepole want their devices to have multifunctionaility, and that's not a bad thing. If I got guests over and I want to entertain them showing pictures from PS3, or playing music from PS3 then what's the problem with that. When it comes to devices its all about how the person wants to use them in their own lives. I just don't think you should talk trash about the PS3 when its actually very good at everthing that it does.
I realize yesterday after doing a connection test, Sony has provided a new estimated download/upload speed feature!! Kudos Kudos!!!
[quote name='Ecofreak']So basically, you want controllers to be open-source so anyone can develop and sell controllers for a system without real quality control. 3rd parties, like Pelican, can produce controllers because they have an official license from the parent company with varying levels of quality. Consumers have come to trust 1st party peripherals for their quality and are willing to pay more for piece of mind (myself included).

I'm amazed and shocked that you support "counterfeit controllers" but I suppose your user handle is fitting in that case.

I do, however, feel sorry for people who bought fake controllers thinking they were authentic. Fraud sucks.

And to everyone getting upset by DPsx7's ridiculous posts, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL.[/QUOTE]

man back in the day (SNES, and PSX days) companies were making controllers that didn't work straight from the package. Pelican included... but with that official license there's piece of mind that what you're buying is quality and approved by someone. In the past you could not buy a 3rd party controller and have it work well...hell I was still scared to buy 3rd party controllers... but I can see that things have improved.
[quote name='DPsx7']Even if it were a majority they're still wrong. Millions smoke, does that make it right? Same thing with watching movies on a game console. It simply shouldn't be and it's sad that some cheap people would rather ruin a console by wishing it was an all-in-one device. None of the tasks which it does very well. Dedicated devices always perform better.[/QUOTE]I'd love for you to name me a dedicated BD player that performs better than the PS3. There's only one that even comes close and it just came out a month or so ago.
And the only superior dedicated DVD players out there cost more than $299. Same for dedicated CD and SACD players. (my uncle's Marantz CD player performs better, but I doubt you or I are willing/able to spend $1200 for it)

At this pricepoint, it's most certaiinly the best media device available.

It's obvious you're a joke poster though.

Grrrr, I was just feeding the troll. Whoops.
[quote name='Ecofreak']So basically, you want controllers to be open-source so anyone can develop and sell controllers for a system without real quality control. 3rd parties, like Pelican, can produce controllers because they have an official license from the parent company with varying levels of quality. Consumers have come to trust 1st party peripherals for their quality and are willing to pay more for piece of mind (myself included).

I'm amazed and shocked that you support "counterfeit controllers" but I suppose your user handle is fitting in that case.

I do, however, feel sorry for people who bought fake controllers thinking they were authentic. Fraud sucks.

And to everyone getting upset by DPsx7's ridiculous posts, STOP FEEDING THE TROLL.[/QUOTE]

Aside from the dreamGEAR Shadow controller for the PS3, I've never had any major issues of quality with third party peripherals on my systems and I've had ones from Mad Catz(who made the arcade fight stick for SFIV that everybody seemed to be clamoring for)and Interact and all of them have worked flawlessly for me over the years.

As to the counterfeit controllers, if they're $20-30 or more less than the Dual Shock 3/SixAxis but they do the same thing and are able to work consistently, then what's the harm in having them out there?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Aside from the dreamGEAR Shadow controller for the PS3, I've never had any major issues of quality with third party peripherals on my systems and I've had ones from Mad Catz(who made the arcade fight stick for SFIV that everybody seemed to be clamoring for)and Interact and all of them have worked flawlessly for me over the years.

As to the counterfeit controllers, if they're $20-30 or more less than the Dual Shock 3/SixAxis but they do the same thing and are able to work consistently, then what's the harm in having them out there?[/QUOTE]

If pirated games are sold for $20-30 or more less than the real retail games, but they do the same thing and are able to work consistently, then what's the harm in having them out there?
Sony is looking into FW 3.0 issues. I'm guessing DS3 issues as well as game freezing. Link.

SCEA is aware of reports that PS3 owners are experiencing isolated issues with their PS3 system since installing the most recent system software update (v3.00). Rest assured that we are looking into the matter and will provide an update here as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience, as it’s our mission to deliver the best consumer experience on all PlayStation platforms.
Never had a problem with my DS3 (use an imported white one) since the update but I'm glad they've acknowledged whatever problems people are having.
its better to buy 1st party peripherals i went through hell bacl in the n64 ps1 and ps2 era dealing with cheap memory cards and a cheap wireless ps2 controller many of which died on me and or lost all my saves. mad catz was the worst offender none of their shit ever worked right. when it came to getting ps3 controller i knew id only need 1 more so it made sense to just get an official one and avoid future problems.
[quote name='lokizz']its better to buy 1st party peripherals i went through hell bacl in the n64 ps1 and ps2 era dealing with cheap memory cards and a cheap wireless ps2 controller many of which died on me and or lost all my saves. mad catz was the worst offender none of their shit ever worked right. when it came to getting ps3 controller i knew id only need 1 more so it made sense to just get an official one and avoid future problems.[/QUOTE]

It's not like anyone was trying to buy non 1st party peripherals. They thought they were buying 1st party, but it turned out fake instead.
[quote name='koji126']It's not like anyone was trying to buy non 1st party peripherals. They thought they were buying 1st party, but it turned out fake instead.[/QUOTE]

im talking in generalities not against those having issues. i hope they do clear up these firmware issues so i can finish up my final playthrough of bioshock the slowdown gets crazy in some spots even in areas where theres no fighting going on.
[quote name='SynGamer']If pirated games are sold for $20-30 or more less than the real retail games, but they do the same thing and are able to work consistently, then what's the harm in having them out there?[/QUOTE]

I didn't say anything about pirated games. People were importing what they believed were white DS3's from Japan and they are now having issues with them.

Personally, I don't think a universally trusted site like Play-Asia or any of the other import sites would knowingly sell fakes, but sometimes they DO make it into the marketplace because they look exactly like the originals.

As for me, I had zero issues with third party controllers from Interact and Pelican, but my one buddy had 2-3 Mad Catz controllers from Gamestop and they broke within 2-3 months. But Interact and Pelican were decent third party manufacturers.

As for issues with controllers, I personally had an issue with the new DS 3 that I got with my slim PS3 I got last week. It wouldn't synch up right with the system at first. I had to keep pressing the reset on the controller and restarted the system 2-3 times before it finally started to work right.
was so Sony messed up again? they marred and tarnished the otherwise successful launch of the PS3 Slim, with a bad Firmware 3.0 release. Facepalm.
[quote name='Master Ninja']was so Sony messed up again? they marred and tarnished the otherwise successful launch of the PS3 Slim, with a bad Firmware 3.0 release. Facepalm.[/QUOTE]

ur saying this like they planned it.
Quick question for all: Do you have your mini usb cable to charge your PS3 controller(s) plugged directly into the system or if you have a USB hub do you have it plugged into that?

I ask because after the 3.0 FW update I had to plug my mini usb into one of the USB ports on the PS3 directly as opposed to the Rock Band externally powered hub I have been using since I got my first PS3.

The controller wouldn't even charge if it wasn't plugged directly into one of the usb ports on the PS3. So there's another glitch in this FW update, I suppose.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Quick question for all: Do you have your mini usb cable to charge your PS3 controller(s) plugged directly into the system or if you have a USB hub do you have it plugged into that?

I ask because after the 3.0 FW update I had to plug my mini usb into one of the USB ports on the PS3 directly as opposed to the Rock Band externally powered hub I have been using since I got my first PS3.

The controller wouldn't even charge if it wasn't plugged directly into one of the usb ports on the PS3. So there's another glitch in this FW update, I suppose.[/QUOTE]

I haven't charged my controllers or other peripherals (headset, keypad) from my PS3 ever - at first I used a USB from my cable box since it was always on and could charge it, but then I got a dual Controller stand that plugs into the wall and also has a USB hub on it so you can charge other things too. It's entirely too nice to ever charge things another way..
[quote name='Kandal']I charge my controller through my PC with no problem. I'm too cute[/QUOTE]

Same here. I'll charge them on my laptop.
i do it through the ps3 only when i need to. they chrge up prety quick and hold a charge for a while. never really thought to charge them through any other source but i might try it now that i know people are doing it through their laptops and such.
[quote name='lokizz']i do it through the ps3 only when i need to. they chrge up prety quick and hold a charge for a while. never really thought to charge them through any other source but i might try it now that i know people are doing it through their laptops and such.[/QUOTE]

I charge my controllers and headset from my PC when I'm not playing. I've never understood why Sony didn't set the PS3 up to allow you to charge controllers when it's not on.
[quote name='DPsx7']Even if it were a majority they're still wrong. Millions smoke, does that make it right? Same thing with watching movies on a game console. It simply shouldn't be and it's sad that some cheap people would rather ruin a console by wishing it was an all-in-one device. None of the tasks which it does very well. Dedicated devices always perform better.

I already have a Wii and 30 or so other consoles. Only 2 won't play the games I buy, the PSP and PS3. That tells me Sony doesn't care enough anymore. After 2 gens on top they got careless. Their only holdout is the simpletons who bought it as a DVD player. And those people are the ones who ruined it and why I'm irritated.[/QUOTE]

Sell or give away your PS3 and PSP (or all your Sony products) if you hate them so much. Then you will have nothing to bitch about and life will be good. Problem solved!
[quote name='galvatron2k1']Sell or give away your PS3 and PSP (or all your Sony products) if you hate them so much. Then you will have nothing to bitch about and life will be good. Problem solved![/QUOTE]

LOL -- everyone kept saying that to IAmChepaestGamer as he voiced his disapproval of the PS3 Slim, but then ended up buying one anyways.

It's really impossible to understand some people's logic, so just ignore those you don't care to associate with. ;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Aside from the dreamGEAR Shadow controller for the PS3, I've never had any major issues of quality with third party peripherals on my systems and I've had ones from Mad Catz(who made the arcade fight stick for SFIV that everybody seemed to be clamoring for)and Interact and all of them have worked flawlessly for me over the years.

As to the counterfeit controllers, if they're $20-30 or more less than the Dual Shock 3/SixAxis but they do the same thing and are able to work consistently, then what's the harm in having them out there?[/QUOTE]
Because counterfeit controllers are shoddy knock-offs made to swindle people out of their money with poorly-made products. That's like saying those crappy N64 controllers packed with an emulator and tons of roms in them that are sold in malls should not be shut down if they work fine.
[quote name='Connavar']I haven't charged my controllers or other peripherals (headset, keypad) from my PS3 ever - at first I used a USB from my cable box since it was always on and could charge it, but then I got a dual Controller stand that plugs into the wall and also has a USB hub on it so you can charge other things too. It's entirely too nice to ever charge things another way..[/QUOTE]

LOL I just remembered I have a couple of those Nyko Dual Charge usb things that went to .97 a while back that I could charge the PS3 controller with if I want to.

As for the counterfeit controllers being shoddy knockoffs, I wonder how many of the white DS3's people imported were 'fakes' and which ones were just ones that Sony decided to 'lock out' because they're not from this region.

I mean, if the white DS3's are legit controllers that came from Japan, I don't see how they could be the knockoffs, since the sites most imported them from are usually good bout things like that.

But for me, I'll still buy a third party controller if/when they make a reliable one that doesn't take AA batteries. I thought I had found a good one with the dreamGEAR Shadow, but apparently it has issues that need to be resolved.

Hopefully, they'll be able to make one that uses Bluetooth too, since I think the Shadow was only being messed up by my 2.4ghz wireless phone. Otherwise, it was a damn fine controller.
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