The Official PS4 & XBOX ONE Ebay/Scalping Thread.

It's still possible things will go nuts after Friday and all stock is sold out. Then again, a lot of hopeful PS4 buyers may just shrug and go for the easier to get XBOX ONE the very next week instead. Too much supply from two different consoles. There is no secondary market that makes any sense profit wise to invest your time in.
But xb1 will aslo be sold out too and no pre-order avail.

There is money to be made but it's not the type of money that those who created this thread were hoping for.

Retailers have had their PS4 inventory for about a week now and I'm willing to bit there are more shipments on their way as we speak (maybe as early as the start of next week).

I also wouldn't be surprised if retailers start a "waitlist" program which guarantees a console within "X" days or during the next shipment. 

There always will be people that have the means to pay through the roof to have the latest and greatest NOW but you're not going to see this hit four figures.

And by the time Christmas rolls around.... please. There isn't going to be a shortage.

There is money to be made but it's not the type of money that those who created this thread were hoping for.

Retailers have had their PS4 inventory for about a week now and I'm willing to bit there are more shipments on their way as we speak (maybe as early as the start of next week).

I also wouldn't be surprised if retailers start a "waitlist" program which guarantees a console within "X" days or during the next shipment.

There always will be people that have the means to pay through the roof to have the latest and greatest NOW but you're not going to see this hit four figures.

And by the time Christmas rolls around.... please. There isn't going to be a shortage.
As long as we keep expectations within reasons, we'll definitely make a few hundred dollars. and yea, i'm absolutely expecting retailers to restock but like i've said on my previous post, there will be a a 2-3 day gap with no inventory and thats when we can cash in. i'm no looking to make enough money to pay my mortgage or to make my car payments, but just enough reduce my cost for this hobby of mine. if all goes to hell, i'll return them and only be out 20 for return shipping and the 10 post that i made on this thread.

btw, why are you always hatin on your fellow cag that is only trying to make a few buckaroo. aren't we suppose to be a community here. 

btw, why are you always hatin on your fellow cag that is only trying to make a few buckaroo. aren't we suppose to be a community here.
I resell as much as anyone but I don't create ridiculous "brag" threads with misleading information. I just can't stand posters who need attention.

If i remember correctly, the mods did tell mr.focus to pump his ego else where rather than on the official ps4 pre-order thread.  

What's funny is all the speculators/scalpers giving up too soon and canceling their pre-orders, or returning them the first weekend, will be the very thing that makes shelf stock available to customers. So the impatient scalpers are actually dousing their own fires. The more returns that happen, the more store supply will stay high for buyers demand, causing even more scalper returns. It's a perfect cycle for buyers this time out. Easy Amazon pre-orders have changed the game. RIP console flipping.
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that's one guy we have not seen in long time mr focus i guess he is now crying he is not making bank on these things like we said would happen or he never had all those systems to start with.
LOL... no I've been pretty busy with wealth preservation as 2013 is coming to a close. I never cry over opportunities that never materialize. I look at and create opportunities frequently in my line of work. I approach the "next-gen" launch in the same opportunistic fashion. If you followed my post closely, since you're referencing them now, you'd know that my interest in this site was to gather information, in-addition to my other sources, allowing me to complete my due diligence BEFORE making the investment.

How's this working out?

It seems like a lot of the big talkers disappeared from this thread.
It's looking unlikely that I'll be able to average $2,000 per unit. Please don't mistake my "model" for "big talking". There's a huge difference between, "I'm going to make $$$ and everyone should be doing it" compared to, "IF I can average X... I have Y secured... I'll have inventory/distribution numbers first week of November"

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...or he never had all those systems to start with.
You weren't listening. Here's $17,300 I set aside for what could have been...

(pictures of CA$H money have been removed but TimboSliceGB can confirm my financial competence to accomplish the aforementioned) :wave:

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Only a douche bag of supreme levels takes time out of his day to post pictures of his cash on some Internet forum to try to derive some status amongst nerds. I shudder to think about how deep and hollow it is in the place where your soul should be located. Thank goodness you're good at calculating business opportunities, because if you didn't have money, no one would want to ever be in a room with you.
Only a douche bag of supreme levels takes time out of his day to post pictures of his cash on some Internet forum to try to derive some status amongst nerds. I shudder to think about how deep and hollow it is in the place where your soul should be located. Thank goodness you're good at calculating business opportunities, because if you didn't have money, no one would want to ever be in a room with you.
I seek no stature... only validity. (the pics will be deleted soon enough)

The PS4 warranty claims have not been disclosed yet but just as a tip don't forget to include the original purchase receipt with the system to cover any warranty requirements as a courtesy to your buyer. 

PS3 required this so if a buyer ends up having a defective system, they won't have to hound you for any assistance in getting the claim processed. 

How's this working out?

It seems like a lot of the big talkers disappeared from this thread.
Let’s be honest, not many people came with the intention to stick around CAG after the flipping discussion runs dry. Roughly half the people in this thread are new users who created accounts just to post in this thread. They will come and go, like big dumb ships passing in the night.

btw, why are you always hatin on your fellow cag that is only trying to make a few buckaroo. aren't we suppose to be a community here.
You might say that buying up the stock of an item so other CAGs can’t get one isn’t a very brotherly act in the first place. If the community generally cared about one another, there would probably be a lot less “you snooze, you lose” and “just capitalism bro” bandied about on the forums. To quote BigJoe: “I know that most of you will hate me for this, but I could care less.”

LOL... no I've been pretty busy with wealth preservation as 2013 is coming to a close. I never cry over opportunities that never materialize. I look at and create opportunities frequently in my line of work.
Carrying around fat stacks of cash? Boasting about your business acumen? That always works out so well… just ask rap.

This big dumb ship is sailing away with a sub $200 PS4 with game.


Carrying around fat stacks of cash? Boasting about your business acumen? That always works out so well… just ask rap.
I actually don't carry any cash. "THAT" was honestly set aside for 30-35 PS4's and shown for validation. You can thank TimboSliceGB for awaking the sleeping dragon (I wish he'd delete those remaining links in his post.) None-the-less I would've preferred to had showed you guys a lucrative pyramid of 30-35 PS4's... as proof.

Where did I boast about my business acumen or was that statement used to allow your post to flow? :whistle2:k

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Watch out for that iceberg.
Too late... I already hit that massive '07 iceberg and managed to carry on. It wasn't easy but it's DEFINITELY been worth it. Nothing but smooth sailing and sunny skies from here to my financial destination! :D/


Put one of my pre-orders on Craigslist yesterday for $620... not one single email in 32 hours. Not looking good fellow speculators.
i think some of the gamers are desperately hoping the systems are sold out, makes them feel more powerful with what they have.  should i laugh or cry?  the only game i want to play has been released for two weeks already.  but if i can buy three, sell two, and keep one. its free.

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Can you please post the ad description? I'm too lazy to come up with a good one.
"As stated I have an Xbox One Day One Edition. These are already sold out everywhere. You can't get this particular model unless you shop on Ebay where prices are $700 and up.

Will arrive on or around 11/22

Email or text with questions or concerns."

Listed for $650 and took $600. Have a couple to move so decided to take it to get things rolling. Including pics is big too, even if its some generic pic from google.

I'm meeting the person in Walmart at an ATM.

I've been contacted about 8-10 times about shipping item to the buyer, accepting a check, etc. Beware of emails that don't list the actual item you are selling, buyers don't give their name, or they use all caps to ask questions like: "IS THIS ITEM STILL AVAILABLE?" Bad grammar, where you can tell English isn't the person's first language (no offense to anyone, I struggle with it sometimes myself) is another red flag.

I'm going to do a cash only swap in the lobby of a bank. $600 for an Xbox One? So you netted around $50? It just doesn't seem worth the time or risk.
$100. No tax on Amazon in the state i live in. It all depends on how much you value your time. Even the little bit I make off this is the only way I can justify buying an Xbox One for myself

Go watch the current listings. Pick any one that has bids and watch the auction end. Ebay dosent show sold listings until the item is paid for so these new ales will show up shortly. But go watch some auctions end and share UN BIASED findings

Go watch the current listings. Pick any one that has bids and watch the auction end. Ebay dosent show sold listings until the item is paid for so these new ales will show up shortly. But go watch some auctions end and share UN BIASED findings

Let's see:

Search "PlayStation 4 Consoles"

Filter by "Sold Listings" & "Auction Format"

Edit: I would say the average is less then or right at $600 UNLESS you are including a game or extra controller AND shipping internationally.

Edit 2: And if you are doing an auction style listing NOW all you are doing is acting as a placeholder for the buyer who will spend the next four days looking for a console at retail before they consider paying for the console because they know you can't upon an UID until four days after the auction closes

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Those sold PS4 on ebay looks sketchy shit. winning bidder always with 0 feedback.  if this continue, i'll probably won't sell on ebay and just go CL and meet at a bank like the above poster mention. 

Several media outlets are reporting faulty hardware or software for the PS4.  This is just a small sample size, but it could lessen supply.

I did extensive tracking of the Xbox 360. I sold several units on the after-market. Xbox 360s before release were selling for about 3 time value. A $400 system (just console) was selling in the $1200 neighborhood. Then at release time, the after-market prices dropped to around twice value. A $400 system was then selling in the $800-$900 range. From that point on there was a very steady predictable drop in price until Christmas. I was able to obtain a 360 right before Christmas which I was able to sell for $580 – about a $150 profit. (Yes, of course there were exceptions to this, but this was the basic pattern after watching thousands of units for sale).
Wow, interesting. I thought rich parents and well-to-do people would be desperate enough to pay more as Christmas nears, driving up the prices. I have a PS4 that's going to arrive on Friday and three games already on my desk but it's not worth selling if I don't recoup at least $300 in revenue (I live in NY and have to pay tax). So far I'm seeing PS4 Buy-It-Now sellers (as of Nov 14, Thursday Morning) who made a sale were selling the console for a little under $600. Most are offering free shipping that is coming out of their pockets so they probably only pocketed around $150 dollars or so. I'm seeing many listings of $700+ PS4s left unsold. If the price keeps dropping as you say until Christmas from what you observed in previous holidays, then I don't think it's worth selling.

Wow, interesting. I thought rich parents and well-to-do people would be desperate enough to pay more as Christmas nears, driving up the prices. I have a PS4 that's going to arrive on Friday and three games already on my desk but it's not worth selling if I don't recoup at least $300 in revenue (I live in NY and have to pay tax). So far I'm seeing PS4 Buy-It-Now sellers (as of Nov 14, Thursday Morning) who made a sale were selling the console for a little under $600. Most are offering free shipping that is coming out of their pockets so they probably only pocketed around $150 dollars or so. I'm seeing many listings of $700+ PS4s left unsold. If the price keeps dropping as you say until Christmas from what you observed in previous holidays, then I don't think it's worth selling.
theres no way you will be able to make $300 profit for this generations of console. the best would probably $!50-200 range and even then you don't know if sonys going to send more stock to each retailer in hopes of crushing the xbox one sales so all in all, I advise everyone to sell the ps4 around 1 or 2 days after launch. I already sold both my preorders and didn't even have to risk exchanging the console on cl.

Yeah, dropped my CList listing to $580. Still no emails. I think a trip to the returns department is on the horizon. Ah well, not all speculations work out fellas. I just hope we don't see a flood of horror stories here about ebay sellers being scammed. A lot of people sold based on changing the Amazon delivery address. That's not going to be good for a lot of them.
Yeah, dropped my CList listing to $580. Still no emails. I think a trip to the returns department is on the horizon. Ah well, not all speculations work out fellas. I just hope we don't see a flood of horror stories here about ebay sellers being scammed. A lot of people sold based on changing the Amazon delivery address. That's not going to be good for a lot of them.
Have faith! I would hold out til after BF weekend just to be sure. Also putting your phone number on CL might illicit more responses (although I can understand why you wouldn't want to do this)


You said launch night was guaranteed to "make it rain" with PS4 profits.

It's looking worse than mid-october.

i just drove past the bigger retail stores and gamestop in my area they have like 5-6 people waiting in line for these things lol seems like people that wanted a ps4 pre order one same thing will happen with x1 next week. 

For anyone looking for real time price updates, I just sold the vanilla Playstation 4 for $608 on eBay. Ended around 10:00 EST. Already paid for by verified buyer. I have another ending tomorrow and just posted a Craigslist ad asking $580. I will keep updating if anyone wants me to.

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Tomorrow will the truth will be revealed on whether these things are sell outs or not. If not, I will be fully embrace the flaming thats coming my way lol

My buyer received their PS4 early and already left positive feedback for the transaction. Case closed!

Now I just need to wait for my system to arrive tomorrow!

To recap:

Sold my spare pre-order for $700 on Oct 14th on ebay (non 0 feedback account. buyer has over 2000+ feedback)

Buyer paid paypal fee.

After ebay fees, looking at about $230 profit

My personal system w/ game: $460 shipped

Total cost of my system w/ game: $230

Oh! The iceberg! I get points from using the credit card!

I'm pleased with that :)

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No emails from craigslist until just now. 4 people so far offering me $600 for mine to meetup at GameStop at midnight for a cash for console swap.
bread's done