The (old) GameRush/Blockbuster Thread

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Welcome to the Official CAG Gamerush/Blockbuster video game deal thread.

First and foremost, please check out the
GameRush Trade-In Prices Wiki.


What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos and to post any trade-in values you have obtained. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system. One of the CAG Wiki editors will then add them to the Wiki.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Gamerush/Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals, of which there are none currently).

Due to the questionable stability of the Gamerush brand, it is also permissible to discuss ways of converting credit from Blockbuster to other stores (ie, which games may be used for trading in to other stores such as Gamecrazy or EB/GS). As of right now, we have no indication of Gamerush's imminent demise, but given Blockbuster's ongoing financial difficulties we need to be aware of the possibility.

What is this thread NOT for?
There will be absolutely NO DISCUSSION of the recent doctored coupon. Do not discuss what you bought, what you traded it for, or anything else - all such posts will be deleted. Any discussion of that should be done here.

Also, it is bad form to discuss the flipping of games from one Gamerush store to another should another such opportunity arrive (through trade-in deals which we haven't had recently anyway). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (GR to GC to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from GR.


General Info
- Trade-in credit can be placed onto your store account or onto a "Value" card
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- However, credit can be transferred from the store account to a card at any time
- Value cards can be used at any location
- Gamerush stores often do not get new game stock until the Friday of the release week, thus a few days later than most retailers


Gamerush vs. regular Blockbusters
All Blockbuster game-related discussion belongs here. Most threads created in the Deals forum will be merged in to here. There seems to be the impression by many CAGs that if they don't have a Gamerush store near them then this thread does not apply to them. However, regular (non-GR) Blockbuster stores often run the same promos and generally have the same trade-in values.

The key differences:
- Only Gamerush stores sell new and used video game hardware, with the exception of the occasional new controller/memory card spotted at regular stores. (Edit - Some recent exceptions have cropped up: many regular BB stores had a PS3 bundle available over Christmas and a few stores have been reported to sell DS Lites).

- Only Gamerush stores allow for preorders of new games (though, it seems, many of those have even stopped taking preorders).

- While many Gamerush stores have cut back on their new game stock, some regular (non-GR) Blockbusters have started selling new games. They usually have a very limited selection of top-selling new 360, PS3, and Wii games. I will be maintaining a list below here for those with Blockbuster credit but no access to a GR store.

- Trade-in values are controlled centrally and are uniform across all Gamerush and Blockbuster locations EXCEPT if the Blockbuster is a franchise location. You can tell from the receipt if your store is a franchise store. All Gamerush stores are corporate-owned so they will have uniform pricing.


New games that may be available for purchase at select non-GR Blockbusters
For those with access to only regular Blockbuster stores but wanting to take advantage of the decent trade-in values Blockbuster offers, this is the list of new games being sold by some regular Blockbuster locations. Note that they will generally not get new games on the release date. They will most likely have them a few days to weeks later.

Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass

Blue Dragon
Call of Duty 4
Guitar Hero III
Halo 3
Lego Star Wars TCS
Mass Effect
NBA Live 08
The Orange Box

Guitar Hero III
Spiderman Friend or Foe

80GB PS3 bundle for $600 (PS3, Surf's Up Blu-Ray, HDMI cable, 20-week rental card)
Assassin's Creed
Lego Star Wars TCS
NBA Live 08
Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction
Rock Band bundle

Guitar Hero III
NBA Live 08
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged
Super Mario Galaxy


Current Trade-In Deals

There are no trade-in deals at this time. The trade 3 get an extra $5 per game is still in affect at some (very select) locations.


Reported Trade-In Prices

Trade-In Price Wiki
So, who else in Johnstown dumped some today? 007? :D

The wife just told me the guy working at BB said that the one she brought in was the 6th copy today.
[quote name='freshzen']DOAX2 is $29.99 so I'd imagine that the trade is price is under $20. I think the one listed on the Wiki is actually correct.[/quote]Seems like someone reported it dropped to 22 which is still very tradeable, but everyone's been too busy kunaiing Beowulf to update the wiki.

I'd call, but they closed 20 minutes ago.
[quote name='djkunai']I was just joking. I'm doing the same thing with most of my credit. ;)[/QUOTE]
I know dont worry about it just had to keep it real there. You know what happens when you do that sometimes...
[quote name='pinoyunggoy']was able to PM 4 MM's at sears for $4 each. flipped em to blockbuster for $28.50 for each giving me $114 credit. used that with my $72 credit from my beowulf trades yesterday, my random $10 BB GC, and $4 cash to get 4 $50 amazon gift cards. then i used those to buy rock band for PS3! can't wait to get it.[/QUOTE]

How can you get Monster Madness at Sears for $4 each by doing a price match? What other discount kicks in to cut the price in half?

[quote name='vgc']How can you get Monster Madness at Sears for $4 each by doing a price match? What other discount kicks in to cut the price in half?


I'd normally say just search for it, but after finding some anime at great prices on BBO, i'm in a giving mood, so i'll be helpful.

Both Sears & Best Buy have a 110% policy, they take off an additional 10% of the difference of the price.

Sears sells it for $49.99, PM price is $7.99, leaves a $42 difference. 10% of the difference ($4.20) is subtracted from $7.99 for a total of $3.79

For Best Buy I believe its a $32 difference, so the total would be 4.79.

Heres hoping the price holds up. One of the Sears i hit up supposedly has more stock according to the website (the other store i hit now shows as OOS, so maybe its a live count). I've also yet to hit up the Walmarts for pricematches.
[quote name='vgc']How can you get Monster Madness at Sears for $4 each by doing a price match? What other discount kicks in to cut the price in half?

vgc[/quote]Sears is a beautiful store as it does 110% pricematch up front unlike best buy or cc where you must buy it and come back for the extra 10% and it is generally much less painful than at other stores.

I'm also biased cause my 42 inch 1080 Hitachi plasma I got for 700 from them just got to the house:hot:
[quote name='Bezerker']For any BBO members with gift cards. You can buy 'gift subscriptions' to Blockbuster Online for yourself and they are only $17.99 per month for 3 out and unlimited instore exchanges.[/quote]

Prove it. I don't think you can use gift cards to buy BBO cards. I just tried.
[quote name='jaybsooner']1) A several thousand year old poem[/quote]
:whistle2:s Sorry to go (even more) off topic, but it's Old English, not Sumerian or something.

Edit: I traded in a bunch of MM today, including some that I got from Sears with the price match for $3.79 each. I'm going to have to do a lot of Halo 3 trading at GS tomorrow to get rid of some of this credit.
[quote name='KrayzieKMF']i still have a copy of beowulf that I was unable to trade in. probably end up ebaying it or giving it away[/QUOTE]
Stocking Stuffer!
Random question, but is it possible to combine the values on several different value cards onto one big value card at BB/GR? Reason being, I've got 7 or 8 of the damn things with various amounts on them, and I'd just rather have it all on one card than keep guessing the amounts left on them.
[quote name='Karuto']Prove it. I don't think you can use gift cards to buy BBO cards. I just tried.[/quote]
Whoops, my bad. Thought there was a gift card option. Honestly, I stopped paying for BBO last month. Repeating 2.5 month free trials FTW
Well, guys, as of 10:30 tonight, the last Blockbuster I hit with my final Beowulf game (PS3) told me the game is worth $9 in trade value. Looks like our fun times with Beowulf are definitely at an end. Hey, it was a great run, wasn't it?!

What happened to me was a bit unfortunate. The employee rang me up without mentioning that it'd be just $9 until after the transaction was completed. I, of course, told him I'd like my game back, but the guy said that he didn't think it was possible once the transaction was sent through in the register (as he had done just a minute beforehand). Of course, at this point a line of people renting dvds was quickly forming behind me. The employee called over the manager who said she didn't know how to reverse a trade. At this point they were talking about calling the DM, and that's when I quickly let them know that I wanted to just accept the $9 trade value. I got out of there pretty fast at that point!

In the end, I'm looking at the loss as a minor glitch in my otherwise relentlessly capitalistic system (I have probably right around $700 trade credit right now between Gamestop and BB).

Tomorrow, I'll take the SEVEN Halo 3 games (five of which I got lucky findiing at one of the Blockbuster's I visited tonight) over to seven Gamestops and collect my winnings. I sure hope that $49 price holds! If it does, I'll count my blessings and figure that my little $9 Beowulf glitch was actually very minor compared to the greatness of having seven Halo 3 games go through at $49!


These are good times-- just good times. ;)

By the way, that price change took place some time between 10:15 and 10:35 pm (EST). Just minutes beforehand, I was at another Blockbuster (about 10 minutes away) with a successful $35 Beowulf (360) trade. I'm just glad it didn't take place when I had two or three left. . .
Well if that $9 trade price on Beowulf at 10:30 tonight is a preview of tomorrow then MM should hold as well because about 11:35 I traded my last copy in for $28.50 + tax while returning a movie rental...

LOL @ Kunai your tales get larger and larger everyday. I honestly hope you are getting all these and not just making them up as you go. More power to you though if you can get away with it!

I was VERY tempted to pick up several copies of Halo 3 today with my GR credit but I figured i'd wait till tomorrow and play it safe just in case the price changes at GS. Hey Dj..... what will Halo 3 trade value will be???? No big deal though because the GR with the most copies is not that far i'll just hit it on the way out after I call and confirm price. :pray:ing it holds because I really don't want $220 credit at GR i'm spoiled and want it all at GS. :D

Sp00ge you should try doing the same unless your Blockbusters don't have Halo 3s for sale. Don't think there are any other good credit movers.... If you've got something in mind to use your credit on I might be able to help you out. I've got about 5 GR stores somewhat nearby. New release games are still tough though because they only get about 2-3 per store usually. I'll PM you...
[quote name='$hady']

Sp00ge you should try doing the same unless your Blockbusters don't have Halo 3s for sale. Don't think there are any other good credit movers.... If you've got something in mind to use your credit on I might be able to help you out. I've got about 5 GR stores somewhat nearby. New release games are still tough though because they only get about 2-3 per store usually. I'll PM you...[/quote]

I already bought/flipped all the Halo 3's at my BB. If I make my way out towards the Greensburg area in the next day or two, there's several BB's I'll hit up. If I have no luck, I'll definitely want someone with a GR to help me out. Thanks guys. :D
[quote name='nakanenui']Wow, just wow, crazy, possibly borderline insane. That will definitely get your accounts banned, the manager is going to get fired, and expect a call from loss prevention to encourange you to donate your 'magical out of no where' credit back. Of course, this has no repurcussions to you, since you dont work there, and you do NOT have to give them the credit back since you did not do anything ILLEGAL. AND they let you use credit to get $5 bonus giftcards too. That is the uber deal store. You should have stayed there all day and flipped beowulf until you had a few hundred thousand in store credit. Why stop when you did. You could have ended up owning that store, lol, literally. Ok, that would definitely have involved a run in with the cops, but seriously, why stop at a few hundred. And yes, I am a little green with envy/jealousy, but congrats since you had the balls to actually flip in store games back to them in the same visit.[/QUOTE]

Good lord, I didn't realize he bought them and traded them back in right there! :shock: I thought the GR manager just told him to go buy a bunch at Best Buy or something and bring them all in. He actually quite literally "flipped" the games, then? That is flipping at it's most pure, I suppose. In fact, I never liked the term "flipping" for buying at one store and trading at another (of a different type - like Best Buy to Blockbuster). It should be reserved for this type of thing (within-store flipping for credit boosting). Remember it was the "flipping" of the $5 used games (that you could get when trading 3 games in) that got a bunch of people banned. This is much worse as it doesn't even provide the store with new games to sell (as the 3 trade-ins of that old promo did). But, hey, if the manager let you do it - more power to you...
[quote name='sp00ge']I already bought/flipped all the Halo 3's at my BB. If I make my way out towards the Greensburg area in the next day or two, there's several BB's I'll hit up. If I have no luck, I'll definitely want someone with a GR to help me out. Thanks guys. :D[/QUOTE]

Hey, completely off topic, but I was born in Greensburg ;).
So i want to transfer my credit to gamestop, what game gives good trade value besides Halo 3? What's usually the limit in trading games in of the same title?
Ive read through alot of this thread, but i guess i missed it.

How much is Halo 3 used at BB? I read that I can get 49$ at GS for it, with the 30% coupon.

but not sure how much it would cost to buy the Halo 3 in BB.

>On a related note< I got screwed with one store. They put my trade in credit on a "store account" instead of the value card.

It was my first trade in, and i honestly didnt know any better. I asked, and he said he had no cards, but he'll put it on the store account, and that i can use that at any blockbuster. Turns out i CANT use it anywhere but that stupid store.

I came back with a value card (that the other stores gave me) and asked to put the store credit on the value card, so i can use it at a blockbuster closer to home, and was denied. he said he isnt "allowed" to do that, sounds like Bullshit to me.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to bypass this loser manager. (apparently he's the one in charge, and already told his other 2 managers to not let me do it, or so i was told.)
[quote name='reicaden']Ive read through alot of this thread, but i guess i missed it.

How much is Halo 3 used at BB? I read that I can get 49$ at GS for it, with the 30% coupon.

but not sure how much it would cost to buy the Halo 3 in BB.

>On a related note< I got screwed with one store. They put my trade in credit on a "store account" instead of the value card.

It was my first trade in, and i honestly didnt know any better. I asked, and he said he had no cards, but he'll put it on the store account, and that i can use that at any blockbuster. Turns out i CANT use it anywhere but that stupid store.

I came back with a value card (that the other stores gave me) and asked to put the store credit on the value card, so i can use it at a blockbuster closer to home, and was denied. he said he isnt "allowed" to do that, sounds like Bullshit to me.

Anyone have any thoughts on how to bypass this loser manager. (apparently he's the one in charge, and already told his other 2 managers to not let me do it, or so i was told.)[/QUOTE]
Buy a bunch of stuff, and return it? Just ask them to put the credit on a card instead of back on the account. Shouldn't be a problem.
I dumped the following last night:
Monster Madness - $28.50
Red Steel - $16

I wonder what those hold today? I'm sure someone will know before lunch time ;)
[quote name='rcaido']So i want to transfer my credit to gamestop, what game gives good trade value besides Halo 3? What's usually the limit in trading games in of the same title?[/quote]
It varies on the Gamestop, some stores take only 1 of the same game, some will take 10.

Other than stuff like Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, DDR,GH, and Rock Band; the only high sellers will be all the new games, which trade for $30 ($42 after 30% + 10% edge). I know i keep saying this, but DS lites are the way to go. My regular blockbusters have started carrying them as well. Average price on Craigslist is $125, the Black, Black/Red, and White ones sell for $130-160 on ebay. The Pink ones go for $130 to most recently, $200.

Also, for those getting their credit moved to GS. If you want to make even more BB/GR credit, BB/GR pay $8 for Madden 06 (360), Gamestop sell it for $3.99 used (make sure to check the disc quality before you purchase it).
Also, my GameRush had a few larger items:
- PS3 Rock Band Bundle
- PS3 Blockbuster pacakage $599
- DS Lites (Crimson)

I was debating to get a DS Lite, but I'm probably going to pass as I don't need a handheld console.
I think someone mentioned it here but nobody ever ran with it... According to the Target Clearance thread Dirt 360 is $15 now. Trade value was $35 in mid october and probably still high as it's pretty new and no real drops anywhere I don't think. I'm getting ready to go try to get a copy for myself as I actually want to keep and play the game, imagine that lol! Just an idea since today is credit moving day thanks to GS coupon. I can't wait for the after Christmas b2g1 free sale i've got a pile of credit and a list longer than my weiner. Feel free to make a mental picture.
[quote name='doubledown']I dumped the following last night:
Monster Madness - $28.50
Red Steel - $16

I wonder what those hold today? I'm sure someone will know before lunch time ;)[/quote]
Lunchtime? I guarantee one of us calls in at 10:01 am or earlier to their local bb/gr.
[quote name='doubledown']Also, my GameRush had a few larger items:
- PS3 Rock Band Bundle
- PS3 Blockbuster pacakage $599
- DS Lites (Crimson)

I was debating to get a DS Lite, but I'm probably going to pass as I don't need a handheld console.[/QUOTE]

You already bought that wii and opened it, take the plunge!

No seriously its a pretty good system, but if you have no use for it dont go there as there are soo many games, it doesnt leave you enough time to play them all.
[quote name='MightySlacker']Monster Madness holds at $28.50

Beowulf is down to $7.

A moment of silence is in order.



OK, glad that's over. Beowulf, you were good to us and you will be deeply missed and fondly remembered.
Clueless gal in VA Gs just quoted me 30 for Halo 3 over the phone. She asked for what system, and if it was Legendary or not. hmmmm...
[quote name='egofed']Clueless gal in VA Gs just quoted me 30 for Halo 3 over the phone. She asked for what system, and if it was Legendary or not. hmmmm...[/QUOTE]

A.) that sucks
B.) let's get some verification since that chick was clueless
C.) thanks!
[quote name='egofed']Clueless gal in VA Gs just quoted me 30 for Halo 3 over the phone. She asked for what system, and if it was Legendary or not. hmmmm...[/quote]

The $49 credit it will cost for Halo 3 at Blockbuster only cost about $20 in real money, so even with the drop, still getting double at GAmestop from what originally paid.
I'll take it. Have to trade in 4 halo 3's to reserve that Wii.
[quote name='$hady']I think someone mentioned it here but nobody ever ran with it... According to the Target Clearance thread Dirt 360 is $15 now. Trade value was $35 in mid october and probably still high as it's pretty new and no real drops anywhere I don't think. I'm getting ready to go try to get a copy for myself as I actually want to keep and play the game, imagine that lol! Just an idea since today is credit moving day thanks to GS coupon. I can't wait for the after Christmas b2g1 free sale i've got a pile of credit and a list longer than my weiner. Feel free to make a mental picture.[/quote]

Crap, I missed that drop, I actually want Dirt, but haven't seen it at any of the 8 or so targets I visit. I did pick up a couple of excite trucks (wii) for 13$ this weekend. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the spare yet.
[quote name='io']Good lord, I didn't realize he bought them and traded them back in right there! :shock: I thought the GR manager just told him to go buy a bunch at Best Buy or something and bring them all in. He actually quite literally "flipped" the games, then? That is flipping at it's most pure, I suppose. In fact, I never liked the term "flipping" for buying at one store and trading at another (of a different type - like Best Buy to Blockbuster). It should be reserved for this type of thing (within-store flipping for credit boosting). Remember it was the "flipping" of the $5 used games (that you could get when trading 3 games in) that got a bunch of people banned. This is much worse as it doesn't even provide the store with new games to sell (as the 3 trade-ins of that old promo did). But, hey, if the manager let you do it - more power to you...[/quote]

For a manager to allow this, the underlying story must go like this.

BB Corp screws manager with lousy bonus
BB Manager sticks it back to corp by allowing something clearly against BB best interests
BB Corp fires BB Manager
Hopefully Kunai feels guilty about facilitating the managers demise.
I remain pissed he came down to Huntington Beach and cleared out my CC.
[quote name='$hady']I think someone mentioned it here but nobody ever ran with it... According to the Target Clearance thread Dirt 360 is $15 now. Trade value was $35 in mid october and probably still high as it's pretty new and no real drops anywhere I don't think. I'm getting ready to go try to get a copy for myself as I actually want to keep and play the game, imagine that lol! Just an idea since today is credit moving day thanks to GS coupon. I can't wait for the after Christmas b2g1 free sale i've got a pile of credit and a list longer than my weiner. Feel free to make a mental picture.[/quote]

LOL seriously, I'm keeping one each of MM, CoJ and Red Steel to actually, y'know, play.
Crimson DS Lite that Blockbuster is selling now has a 4 week games rental attached with purchase. YMMV.
If Halo 3 value doesn't hold up at Gamestop, then that might not be bad, flip the DS on ebay, keep 4 week rental.
Not that i have much time to play with all the good deals to flip these past two weeks.

RIP Beowulf, you will be remembered as a warrior, leader, and one hell of a trade in credit.
[quote name='FuelDigga']does anyone know if the price of CoJ dropped after last night? i'm at work or i'd call and ask them lol[/QUOTE]

That and Red Steel.
Pick up the phone you lazy bastards being on the west coast is not an excuse go to the store locator and put in a east coast state. oops just checked my advice and you gotta google a east coast zip or just use 45238;)

Confirming Halo 3 dropping to $30 at GS.... Bastard on the phone told me $35 while I was sitting outside of GR. So I bought 3 copies then went to GS and dude was like ok you'll get $42 credit for this. Oh well $17 credit lost moving 3 over but at least it's all at GS except for about $30 leftover at Blockbuster. I'll just use that for whatever. Still at around $200 credit for about $60 spent so I can't complain. :D

Oh yea and Monster Madness is still $28.50. They $19.99 at Target if you desperate for credit... I saw them on a endcap with clearance games and thought cha-ching but no dice.:cry:
[quote name='$hady']Pick up the phone you lazy bastards being on the west coast is not an excuse go to the store locator and put in a east coast state. ;)

Confirming Halo 3 dropping to $30 at GS.... Bastard on the phone told me $35 while I was sitting outside of GR. So I bought 3 copies then went to GS and dude was like ok you'll get $42 credit for this. Oh well $17 credit lost moving 3 over but at least it's all at GS except for about $30 leftover at Blockbuster. I'll just use that for whatever. Still at around $200 credit for about $60 spent so I can't complain. :D[/quote]

On the plus side, I guess I don't have to waste my day driving around. I'm holding out hope that my BB will get some consoles or something. They have a ton of Wii accessories, but sadly, are of no use if I can't get a Wii. :D
Even though Halo dropped to 30 i'm tempted to convert to GS because of the Dec. 26th B2G1F Used game sale. Then I can convert that GS credit back into BBGR credit
[quote name='nlyonssmith']Even though Halo dropped to 30 i'm tempted to convert to GS because of the Dec. 26th B2G1F Used game sale. Then I can convert that GS credit back into BBGR credit[/quote]

I will be fliping my BB credit into GS credit. Espically since my BB has nothing (zero systems nothing decent new game wise) I will take the $2 hit on this.
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