The Pacific Blu-ray $69.99 Amazon

Wow, they didn't waste any time.

Stay away from this one and just buy Band of Brothers IMO since the show really failed to deliver anything of interest to the audience. The fact that they follow three branching storylines and skip around so much only serves to disconnect people from what the Pacific was all about. That said, the satisfying portions were few and far between with little food for thought. It's really too bad considering some very smart performances were lost under the waves of the Pacific.
[quote name='Jodou']Wow, they didn't waste any time.

Stay away from this one and just buy Band of Brothers IMO since the show really failed to deliver anything of interest to the audience. The fact that they follow three branching storylines and skip around so much only serves to disconnect people from what the Pacific was all about. That said, the satisfying portions were few and far between with little food for thought. It's really too bad considering some very smart performances were lost under the waves of the Pacific.[/QUOTE]
I agree. As I was trying to follow this series, I just ended up not caring for it as much as Band of Brothers. Sure, there was some fantastic scenes, but like you said, they were far and few in between.

I may pick it up sometime down road when it hits a better price.
Well I guess I'm going to be in the minority but I thought the show was great. It seemed to follow more of the emotional breakdown the soldiers went through. Band of Brothers was great at following Easy Company, but I enjoyed the more personal connection you got with these characters. You see them with their families before the war and after, if they survived. How they coped mentally with battle fatigue. I don't want to talk about specific scenes so it's not ruined for those that haven't seen it. Both are great in their own respects.
I absolutely loved the way they focused on the 3 characters. Plus the opening credits made me misty eyed every time. Great series.
Band of Brothers is a MUST OWN especially on Blu...The Pacific on the other hand is not. There are only a couple of what I deem as 'good' episodes (part 8 and 9) and they were more toward the end when I had already given up on the show being something more than mediocre television.
[quote name='fizzywix']Very interested in watching this, will wait for a sale though.[/QUOTE]

I would highly recommend NOT doing a blind buy of this the first couple of episodes. If you like it then you will probably like the rest of it. If not, well I really doubt you are going to like the rest of the episodes in the hopes that it might get better...because it really doesn't.
i missed the early episodes, so decided to wait and watch in it's entirety on blu. I will buy, but definitely not at $69. A ridiculous price for a 10 1-hour episode series IMO.
[quote name='EasyTarget82']Well I guess I'm going to be in the minority but I thought the show was great. It seemed to follow more of the emotional breakdown the soldiers went through. Band of Brothers was great at following Easy Company, but I enjoyed the more personal connection you got with these characters. You see them with their families before the war and after, if they survived. How they coped mentally with battle fatigue. I don't want to talk about specific scenes so it's not ruined for those that haven't seen it. Both are great in their own respects.[/QUOTE]

Well I'm there with you. They did something a little different with the Pacific and I enjoyed it. Both this and Band of Brothers are about war but the stories are told in different ways.
For anyone that missed it and has access to HBO, they're re-running parts 1-5 on Sunday, May 30th and parts 6-10 on Monday, May 31st. I think they start on HBO2 at 2PM ET and they're on HBO2P three hours later.

They're in SD, though it'll give you an idea if you want to rebuy the show on BR.
I haven't watched it but I've been patiently waiting for the release on BR. What battles or what area does the show follow in WWII?

On a side note, there's this guy on my route that served during WWII who happened to be in the Battle of Midway serving on the Enterprise. Man that guy had stories!!!
IMO, the fact that they drew material from two different books, plus the story of John Basilone, took away the some of the continuity that Band of Brothers had. The combat, especially on Peleliu, was very gripping, but the storyline to me didn't have the same impact as BoB. That being said, I still thought it was an excellent miniseries, and it will be a must buy Blu-ray for me. However, I won't pay $70 for it. I also waited for BoB to come down before I bought the Blu-ray. I have all ten episodes saved on my DirecTV DVR in HD, so I can watch those until I find a CAGish deal on the Blu-ray.
[quote name='skiizim']I haven't watched it but I've been patiently waiting for the release on BR. What battles or what area does the show follow in WWII?

On a side note, there's this guy on my route that served during WWII who happened to be in the Battle of Midway serving on the Enterprise. Man that guy had stories!!![/QUOTE]

It covers mainly the 1st Marine Division, and covers the battles of Guadalcanal, Cape Glouchester/New Britain, Peleliu, and Okinawa, as well as Iwo Jima. The 1st wasn't at Iwo Jima, but one of the NCOs who won the Medal of Honor on Guadalcanal was on Iwo with the 5th Marine Division, and his was one of the three main story lines of the miniseries.

None of the major naval battles, or other important Pacific campaigns such as Tarawa, Saipan, the Philippines, etc., are covered.
To me it was a solid miniseries but in no way compares to Band of Brothers. It's not a terrible companion piece to place next to BoB or John Adams. Take the advice that someone earlier mentioned and check out a few episodes yourself before blind buying at this price point. I will eventually pick this up when it drops to around $30 or less.

The best time to probably pick this or most any HBO series is around Black Friday/Christmastime when Best Buy has their annual 50% off sale (Amazon has matched in the past as well).
[quote name='Commander0Zero']Well I'm there with you. They did something a little different with the Pacific and I enjoyed it. Both this and Band of Brothers are about war but the stories are told in different ways.[/QUOTE]

I wish it was a only matter of them doing something different versus Band of Brothers, but even as a standalone, The Pacific was flawed at some very basic levels.

- the most damning - combining 3 source materials was a poor choice by the makers of the series: there is both a level of unevenness in storytelling that unfortunately, can be seen on screen + there is a seriously major dilution of supporting characters since there are 3 main characters, each with there own separate set of supporting characters (and unfortunately even the main characters are diluted as they can disappear for several episodes). It's like the Spider-Man 3 of war mini-series.
- the major second offense - a very, very poor job in the conveyance of time. It felt like a series of vignettes when it started, and it just kept feeling like that all the way through the end.

What I did like about The Pacific: will definitely be getting Eugene Sledge's book.
Personally, I thought they should have just used his story as a single storyline since he has the most fleshed out set of supporting characters, which unfortunately got diluted by the makers of the series trying to cram in Basilone and Leckie's stories in too.

For potential blind buyers of the BR - I'll add to the other voices of: try a few eps first. [Band of Brothers comparison] You might not find much of a replay value like you had with BoB [\Band of Brothers comparison]
Wait for a sale price. The battle scenes are solid - but then again SPR is on Blu. And don't forget about Letters from Iwo Jima(must own too).

Character in this one appear for 3 episodes then disappear for another 3, and the pacing is terrible, some episodes are non stop action and other are non stop wandering. The first episode is so freaking boring. Don't expect BoB when you watch this.

BTW - greydt; I completely agree with you about Sledge.

If there's one thing good about it, its seeing the dude who played the gay kid on "the War at Home" playing a soldier on the edge - sometimes he overplays it, but its a respectable performance. The kid from JP is good too, then again he has an interesting character.

Now if they can do a Vietnam one next - simply because of modern sound mixing and the quality of effects/production, I'll be set. Or a Civil War. HBO can release a "Major American War Box Set: Suck it History Channel" edition.
$70 seems excessive. I have all 10 episodes on my TiVo, but I have yet to watch a single one so far. Too bad I can't copy them to a computer for storage purposes.
I watched this and it was good. I'm not a big fan.. but I'd say it was good.
I thought this show was awesome. It was not as good as Band of Brothers, but on it's own was still pretty damn good. Will definitely pick up the blu ray some time after it releases.
If I remember correctly, Band of Brothers was $89.99 when it was first released on DVD. Did anyone find that to be an acceptable MSRP?
[quote name='mortquaid']If I remember correctly, Band of Brothers was $89.99 when it was first released on DVD. Did anyone find that to be an acceptable MSRP?[/QUOTE]

Absolutely not. Not when other network shows, such as Dexter, charge half that for the same general number of episodes. HBO has always pricegouged the shit out of every box set they ever released. If you see one on sale, it's only because the store is willing to take a hit to get your business.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Absolutely not. Not when other network shows, such as Dexter, charge half that for the same general number of episodes. HBO has always pricegouged the shit out of every box set they ever released. If you see one on sale, it's only because the store is willing to take a hit to get your business.[/QUOTE]

Wow. First of all, like all HBO stuff, it will be cheaper later. 2nd, you know how much this series cost to make? Comparing vs a standard drama is silly.
GI Joe's Cooptimus review makes it worth it to use up my $5 coupon, along with my discounted price, less than $3.
[quote name='turls']Wow. First of all, like all HBO stuff, it will be cheaper later. 2nd, you know how much this series cost to make? Comparing vs a standard drama is silly.[/QUOTE]

You've got it all wrong.

How much it cost to make doesn't mean shit. Avatar's Blu MSRP is the same as Paranormal Activity, for comparison's sake. Reminder: we're talking about the MSRP, not store deals.
I went and got HBO for this and I was so excited because of how great Band of Brothers was! Unfortunately, the actors in this movie series were just not so great as in BoB. Although the character of Leckie was pretty descent, but they didn't show enough of him towards the end of the series.

It's a must see movie if you like war movies, special effects were very realistic, but the story of the 3 characters were "not complete" enough in a 10 episode mini series. It's a good series to watch only once, but not multiple times like I watched Band of Brothers. It's worth buying for $20, but not $70.
[quote name='Jodou']Wow, they didn't waste any time.

Stay away from this one and just buy Band of Brothers IMO since the show really failed to deliver anything of interest to the audience. The fact that they follow three branching storylines and skip around so much only serves to disconnect people from what the Pacific was all about. That said, the satisfying portions were few and far between with little food for thought. It's really too bad considering some very smart performances were lost under the waves of the Pacific.[/QUOTE]

^ This. I didn't cancel my HBO just to watch this series. I was wholly disappointed. Doesn't hold a candle to Band of Brothers.
bread's done