The Pro : XBOX Live Moderator Abuses His Power?

Yeah I uploaded this video on my channel . But I would care less about Micro$hit and there problems . But I liked watching that certain person's montages and stuff XD
Uhh, I havent really watched the video but I have played on XBL. There is a 98% chance that this mother fucka deserved it.

Even if that mod was a prick this is XBL we are talking about, lets not kid ourselves into think that even half the people with a open mic havent violated offensive behavior rule.

Meh, he will get over it.
Stephen Toulouse, Director of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox LIVE, has today responded to the video that has surfaced on the internet of a video that apparently provides incriminating evidence of a “corrupt” Xbox Live Moderator.

Toulouse begins by stating “Yes I’ve seen the heavily edited video of The Pro. He was policing 10th prestige MW2 modding which results in gold account and console ban.” He then re-confirms what many were expecting – that the video has been heavily edited to omit the threats aimed to provoke The Pro, “I did enjoy the the explanation about the audio being totally off/1 sided cause his “capture card went crazy” when its clear it was edited.”

Read more: Microsoft respond to “Corrupt” Xbox Live Moderator video
It's rather obvious that they omitted the threats used to provoke this moderator. Pretty pathetic that they are having to start a campaign under false pretenses just to get the internet on their side.

These tools probably deserved any punishment given out to them.
yes and they also have ambassadors and much more just too bad the way online multiplayer is taken by some people who will go to an extent to make it a bad experience for everyone else which is why I don't bother helping anyone anymore and just moved on out of xbl and onto other things instead.
it's xbox live. Every person I have seen banned deserved it whether it is cheating/hacks, piracy, or offensive behavior. Hopefully some of those guys jump into Bioshock 2 to clean up the god mode people.
[quote name='lordopus99']it's xbox live. Every person I have seen banned deserved it whether it is cheating/hacks, piracy, or offensive behavior. Hopefully some of those guys jump into Bioshock 2 to clean up the god mode people.[/QUOTE]


theres always one guy.. who i unload everything on and just doesn't die. while the rest die from the average amount
These guys probably record their own video as well for evidence purposes. Microsoft probably also has all voice records of games/chats.
lol @ at his capture card going "crazy".

The Pro does seem like an asshole, but I have to say, I think him shutting down that kid for no reason was pretty hilarious.

MW 2 is such a cesspool when it comes to player conduct, cheating, etc. that it's hard to believe this guy/guys were completely innocent. This chopped up video is hardly worthy evidence against The Pro, imo. Unless the topic at hand is about whether or not he's prone to acting like a prick :lol:
I have no problem with this at all.
Perhaps if Lupo (or whatever his gametag was) had NOT edited out his own voice out of that conversation, we would be able to hear what Truly happened.
You can tell on lobby screens that lupo was talking, but we never heard his voice. He made sure to cut out any audio that would show thePRO as being "in the right".
Another 13 year old crying and complaining on Xbox live. I don't have time to play online, but anytime I see other people playing I'm glad I don't. This whole thing was edited. Moderators don't have to be nice people, especially on Live. There's just too much scum on there.
yeah, you encounter kids like that in virtually every COD game .. which is one reason why I don't play that overhyped shtuff.
[quote name='Blackout']The Pro sounds like a dick in that video.[/QUOTE]

adjusting for Xbox Live, a dick is the equivalent of a nice guy in real life.
I checked my XBL status the other day and for some reason I've been flagged for "trash talking." Which is funny to me because I never use my headset when I play online except when i'm in a private party with my real life buds. Especially with MW:2, i dont need the added soundtrack of the whiners...sadly hardly anyone actually offers or suggests tactics, it's mostly "ah c'mon, how the "insert profanity here" did he see me!" and comments about ppl's moms.

wow...that kid needs a hug.

I wish I could ban ppl from driving when they do stupid stuff IRL.
[quote name='Blackout']The Pro sounds like a dick in that video.[/QUOTE]

I know it's his job, and as such he should remain cool.
However, how did you react the last time some arse wipe told you he had just fuck your mother and your grandmother...context that's all.
More mods like The Pro are needed, this guy is right up my alley. Nothing worse than playing a MP game with a thousand annoying kids. It gets so bad I avoid MP games just so I don't get constantly pissed off. If everyone was calm, cool and friendly it would be so much better. I love you mute feature....
They should hire dozen's of "The Pro"s. Let them lurk all day on XbLive. Then, just sent a quick, automated message via XBLive's new "You've been banned" feature.

There's a big difference between the occasional swearing and upset over being beat, and the 5 minute rants some of these players pull.
[quote name='Lord Humongous']More mods like The Pro are needed, this guy is right up my alley. Nothing worse than playing a MP game with a thousand annoying kids. It gets so bad I avoid MP games just so I don't get constantly pissed off. If everyone was calm, cool and friendly it would be so much better. I love you mute feature....[/QUOTE]

Same here. I use to didn't and one dude really annoyed me. I assume he was with his friends trying to piss me off. After that I even quit playing it a while and always muted everyone after that. There was one time I didn't mute it in guardian just to see what people was saying. I was the only one left and lost to 2 people. Then I hear my fucking god jman you suck ass your the worst player I've ever seen. Jesus Christ why are you even playing blah blah blah. Yet I did better than he did overall so I fail to see why he bitched at me. :lol:

I think people like to bitch just because they can. If they was like that in person they would get beat up. I was never that way. If someone is nice to me I'm nice to them and someone is a dick to me I just ignore them.
I can't wait to get home and watch the unedited video.

I think if your job was to police cheaters, hackers, etc over Live, you wouldn't be the friendliest mod in the world either after a few months/weeks/hours on the job.
LOL. I can't say I miss the competitive MP scene after watching that video. I might as well quit altogether because it is way too luck based and connection reliant on producing a worthwhile experience if you aren't playing with friends. Even then all it takes is one bad match to ruin your mood and turn you off on playing for a while. A lot of times I can still hear kids bitching through my speakers after muting or the rest of the room arguing with them anyway so there isn't much point in me returning any time soon.

The little bastard got what he deserved. We definitely need a legion of The Pro-esque mods to help balance the usual bullshit that goes on daily. F*ck a debate just ban the idiotic cheaters for the sake of everyone and move onto the next match.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']Yeah I uploaded this video on my channel . But I would care less about Micro$hit and there problems . But I liked watching that certain person's montages and stuff XD[/QUOTE]
Uh.... yeah..... someone should ban you for this post and your CAG rating alone...
Hmmm, is there any way to clone ThePro? I want one of him in every COD game played.

And was the little kid talking the one that got banned in the first video? #1 reason I hate XBL, little kids that act like gods.
The only problem with Microsoft's mods is that they don't show up in person with a baseball bat to ban people. The ban hammer should be a real object that is used to literally smash offending players' 360s.
[quote name='Halo05'] The ban hammer should be a real object that is used to literally smash offending players' [/QUOTE]

Fixed that for ya. Don't blame the hardware, it's not the consoles fault!
The Mod needs to have his head examined for being a douche, he's making the company look really bad by talking in such a self-important manner.

Of course there are plenty of abusers and cursing kids that need cracked down on - but coming in the game and talking like you're Prince Kuzco, and everyone plays when you let them... that's not appropriate. We all paid money for our consoles, games, and XBL accounts, we deserve the same level of customer service you'd expect in a face-to-face environment. If I had a CSR tell me they'd make it their mission to ban me from every... anything... you better believe their boss would have a sit-down with them. Do your job, don't play God.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Hmmm, is there any way to clone ThePro? I want one of him in every COD game played. [/QUOTE]
Yep, same page.
Seriously so many shit heads on Live I wonder where the hell the mods are. Too bad you can't press a button and bring up the assholes pic and address. So many of these idiots need a severe beating.
[quote name='62t']I would rather have a mod abusing his power than another kid like that[/QUOTE]

This is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT people can make for cops beating the crap out of criminals, instead of just doing their jobs and arresting folks in a peaceful or respectful manner. Period.

The kid cursing and screaming should be banned, and his parents should be notified. The guy cheating should be banned. The guy doing the banning should NOT ACT like a total God complex loser while doing either of these things. End of story. There is a way to accomplish both these tasks without being a total douche - tell the kid "Your language is in violation of XBL T&S. If you continue speaking in this manner, your account will be suspended and your parents notified." Nobody in the game would object to that approach, unless they were first amendment freaks and they forgot this is a private, contracted service.

This guy needs to understand that he's representing the entire company, and all of the policies he's enforcing. If he behaves poorly, the company will seem poorly run, and its policies will appear arbitrary. Kids are dumb - they act dumb, you punish them.
[quote name='bburpee']This is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT people can make for cops beating the crap out of criminals, instead of just doing their jobs and arresting folks in a peaceful or respectful manner. Period.

The kid cursing and screaming should be banned, and his parents should be notified. The guy cheating should be banned. The guy doing the banning should NOT ACT like a total God complex loser while doing either of these things. End of story. There is a way to accomplish both these tasks without being a total douche - tell the kid "Your language is in violation of XBL T&S. If you continue speaking in this manner, your account will be suspended and your parents notified." Nobody in the game would object to that approach, unless they were first amendment freaks and they forgot this is a private, contracted service.

This guy needs to understand that he's representing the entire company, and all of the policies he's enforcing. If he behaves poorly, the company will seem poorly run, and its policies will appear arbitrary. Kids are dumb - they act dumb, you punish them.[/QUOTE]

Don't kid yourself. There is a huge difference between cops needlessly beating people and a mod on xbox live getting annoyed at someone. It happens to all of us. It was a heavily edited one sided video. Get over it. The kid that got banned is an admitted modder. Just look at his youtube profile. He has that he is part of the biggest mod clan on XBL.
[quote name='bburpee']This is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT people can make for cops beating the crap out of criminals, instead of just doing their jobs and arresting folks in a peaceful or respectful manner. Period.

[quote name='bburpee']This is the EXACT SAME ARGUMENT people can make for cops beating the crap out of criminals, instead of just doing their jobs and arresting folks in a peaceful or respectful manner. Period.

The kid cursing and screaming should be banned, and his parents should be notified. The guy cheating should be banned. The guy doing the banning should NOT ACT like a total God complex loser while doing either of these things. End of story. There is a way to accomplish both these tasks without being a total douche - tell the kid "Your language is in violation of XBL T&S. If you continue speaking in this manner, your account will be suspended and your parents notified." Nobody in the game would object to that approach, unless they were first amendment freaks and they forgot this is a private, contracted service.

This guy needs to understand that he's representing the entire company, and all of the policies he's enforcing. If he behaves poorly, the company will seem poorly run, and its policies will appear arbitrary. Kids are dumb - they act dumb, you punish them.[/QUOTE]

Huge difference there buddy. One is causing physical harm to a person that if not putting up a fight doesn't deserve it and the other is telling a person over the internet that you are going to make sure they don't get to play again due to not following a ToS. While the mod may not have held his temper very well, there was no abuse in power and the kid got what he deserved.
[quote name='dragonjud']I know it's his job, and as such he should remain cool.
However, how did you react the last time some arse wipe told you he had just fuck your mother and your grandmother...context that's all.[/QUOTE]

The Pro sounds just as lame as the rest of the 12-year-kids on XBL. "I swear to God I'll stop everything right now and make it my mission to ban every console you've been on."

:rofl: Wow, real intimidating. I'd be shakin' in my boots if I heard him say that to me. He sounds like a total nerdo on a power trip.

If some kid told me that online, which has happened many times (and from adults too) I'd just laugh it off and mute the guy. I don't go "I SWEAR ON ALL THAT IS HOLY I WILL FIND YOU AND SMASH YOUR SYSTEM SO YOU'LL NEVER GAME EVER AGAIN!"
[quote name='SlimJim0725'] and the kid got what he deserved.[/QUOTE]
If his mom beat his smarmy a** with the buckle end of his dad's rodeo belt and washed his mouth out with lye. . . maybe so. ;)
bread's done