"The problem is Fraud, it always has been" a.k.a. why we're pissed


7 (100%)
The political back and forth in the vs forum is getting pretty stale, so I wanted to share something that -I think- is pretty politically neutral, that we should all feel strongly about.

I came across a great tv program from MSNBC that really explains the roots of what has happened and what is going to happen in the economy.

I emplore all of you to watch this.

Another great video that goes along with it:

There must be a level playing field. People argue that banks were deregulated, no they weren't, the government was taken over by banking interests long ago and they get to pick and choose which laws they follow and they have the blessing of government to do it. So we must, in essence, remove government from a position where it picks winners and losers and let the market do that, and refocus government to perform it's core Constitutional functions Enforce contracts, protect the rights of the individual, protect the nation and keep the peace. Those are regulations, and they are built into the fabric of the Constitution.

You're bound by your contracts. Government should be enforcing contracts, they are instead nullifying them to prevent the bailout bubble from popping in their faces, and keeping the pitchforks and torches away a little longer.

We need to stop supporting the two party dictatorship. We need to stop demonizing each other. We need to address, in an adult fashion, the very serious problems we have.

A fraud has been committed that spans the whole of the world and you and I are on the hook for trillions as a result. Either through our homes or through our own government. Democrats, Republicans, Tea Partiers need to get some perspective here. We're getting screwed and hard.
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"We need to address, in an adult fashion"
Best of luck to you in that!

Used to be that politicians were concerned with the number of votes necessary to win an election, now it's more a matter of how much money it takes to win an election. As long as our "leaders" are bought and sold by lobbyists/PACs/Campagin contributors/etc... we'll never have a real system of governance. However, getting that money out of politics will now be impossible, and has been largely since the '50s.
[quote name='nasum']Used to be that politicians were concerned with the number of votes necessary to win an election, now it's more a matter of how much money it takes to win an election. As long as our "leaders" are bought and sold by lobbyists/PACs/Campagin contributors/etc... we'll never have a real system of governance. However, getting that money out of politics will now be impossible, and has been largely since the '50s.[/QUOTE]

I'll agree with that. That's why I support public financing of campaigns. Zero private money.
And severely limited amounts of public financing at that. Seriously, I don't need to see an attack ad every commercial break. I know it's highly profitable for the broadcasting companies, but still there's just too much and it's no wonder that most of "the middle" just doesn't even care anymore.
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