The PS Vita Thread of Self-Loathing


34 (97%)
Is it okay to start a PS Vita bitching thread? Delete if not, I suppose.

Man, do I love to hate my Vita. I've made that clear elsewhere, but since folks seem to think I'm trolling just to irritate them (I'm not), I'll take my bitching here.

I like my Vita.
I fuckin' hate my Vita.

Don't agree? Fine. But I can't be the only one who feels this way.

The hardware is magnificent and holds a ton of potential, but the software selection plain *sucks*. I have a $250 device that I spend most of my day playing Final Fantasy IX on (which I could do on my PSP), or perhaps Plants vs Zombies (iPhone).

The best news I've seen in some time is that Vita is getting Final Fantasy X and X-2; surely $40 individual releases of a decade-old game (that the PS3 is getting as a single release as well). Oh, wow, Machinarium is coming for $7, a game that's already out on every console and my toaster. Next you'll tell me to get excited because there's a social-media-based alarm clock "game" for Vita...oh. Right.

Why did I buy a Vita? Now that I have one, what am I missing on it? Should I buy Michael Jackson Experience? Ridge Racer? MortalKombatNinjaGaidenNinjaGaiden2 or the myriad other amazing titles already available for every other console?

The digital selection of software is unimpressive, the forthcoming releases do virtually nothing to improve my faith in the long-term viability of the console. I want to like the system - I do like the system - but man, I also fuckin' hate the system.

I can't be the only one who is ambivalent towards the Vita, yes? Who has it and hasn't traded it in yet, who wants it to develop as a system but sees little potential in the future?

It's a $250 hunk of woefully unfulfilled potential, in my eyes. I am thankful for buying the Vita - after buying it near launch, it's complete lack of relevance has completely destroyed that consumer urge I had to own all the new consoles that came out. Since I got burned by the Vita, I'm staying away from the Wii U until it's far cheaper. I learned my lesson.

If you love your Vita, well, bully for you. I'm not going to tell you to hate it any more than you should try to tell me to like mine. At least you think you're getting your money's worth. I do think people who think the Vita's gaming experience thus far is unique and satisfying are out of their goddamned minds, but again, just an opinion.
I didn't see one single mention of Persona 4: The Golden, Assassins' Creed III: Liberation, or Gravity Rush, therefore your hatred for the Vita is null. :) That said, the software side of things is disappointing, but there ARE games that a great on the Vita, and there are plenty of announced but unreleased games coming out in the future. Soul Sacrifice, Killzone: Mercenary, and FFX among others.
I very much hate the Vita because it's a weeaboo machine.I like some Japanese games but anime just bothers me.Thread justified.
Vita is most bitchin for people that don't play any/many other consoles/handhelds. I understand people who say that the Vita has no library - I think they're really saying 'I've played everything that's available on it minus the small handful of exclusives'. Lucky for me, I skipped the bulk of this gen plus all of the phone gaming stuff so it's all new and shiny to me. And it is a fine piece of equipment. By all means, bitch away!
[quote name='handsomepete']Vita is most bitchin for people that don't play any/many other consoles/handhelds. I understand people who say that the Vita has no library - I think they're really saying 'I've played everything that's available on it minus the small handful of exclusives'. Lucky for me, I skipped the bulk of this gen plus all of the phone gaming stuff so it's all new and shiny to me. And it is a fine piece of equipment. By all means, bitch away![/QUOTE]

Totally reasonable, and I agree that that quote largely applies to me, in a sense. I'm glad that it plays much of the PSN library, but what I play most on it is stuff I can also play on the PSP, making the Vita seem largely irrelevant.

I did play MLB The Show a lot last year, to be fair. I passed up on it this year (so far) because (a) there's no "buy both, get a discount" option (like last year, when it was $79.99 for PS3/Vita if bought at the same time) or better yet, no (b) cross-buy (like with Battle All-Stars, Sly Cooper, etc.). The one game I wanted to see crossbuy for, and it didn't happen. D'oh. :lol:
[quote name='handsomepete']Vita is most bitchin for people that don't play any/many other consoles/handhelds. I understand people who say that the Vita has no library - I think they're really saying 'I've played everything that's available on it minus the small handful of exclusives'. Lucky for me, I skipped the bulk of this gen plus all of the phone gaming stuff so it's all new and shiny to me. And it is a fine piece of equipment. By all means, bitch away![/QUOTE]
Ya I agree. I never have any issues with not having any games to play. I own a ps3,360, and gaming PC so I rarely play my vita at home. My vita usually gets used for around 2-4 hours a week.

My only complaint with the vita is its size. I wish it were smaller like 3ds so I could easily fit in my pocket.
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
Escape Plan
Gravity Rush
Knytt Underground
Sound Shapes
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
Wipeout 2048
Persona 4: Golden
Sine Mora
Super Stardust Delta
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Unit 13
DJ Max Technika Tune
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational

Yeah, what a dust collector.

Seriously, that is a pitiful list and imo you reached on a few of them and very few 3rd party support.

Where as before ppl always say buy Nintendo console because you like Nintendo games, this is so true with Sony handhelds... Their strong first party games keep it on life support.
[quote name='wasabi5858']Seriously, that is a pitiful list and imo you reached on a few of them and very few 3rd party support.

Where as before ppl always say buy Nintendo console because you like Nintendo games, this is so true with Sony handhelds... Their strong first party games keep it on life support.[/QUOTE]

Not to be obtuse but quickly glancing over that list I'd say less than half (or maybe 1/3?) of that list comes from Sony in any meaningful way. I wouldn't call Sony's support of it gamewise spectacular or necessarily strong with Uncharted, LBP, PS All Stars and Gravity Rush being the memorable heavy hitters in the past year. The life support has been the influx of indie support publishing ports from other platforms from across the spectrum of 3rd party developers - since they've discovered making money on the platform they've swarmed which it feels like it's given the thing a publicity boost at least. I personally am not a big fan of the games that are being ported, but I like the positive buzz part of it.
[quote name='wasabi5858']Seriously, that is a pitiful list and imo you reached on a few of them and very few 3rd party support.

Where as before ppl always say buy Nintendo console because you like Nintendo games, this is so true with Sony handhelds... Their strong first party games keep it on life support.[/QUOTE]Seriously, either you don't know how to count, or you know nothing about the studios behind the list of games gettinmoney posted. Out of the 18 games listed, these are the games actually developed by first-party Sony studios:

Gravity Rush
Wipeout 2048
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Unit 13
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational (even though Clap Hanz is technically a second-party studio, all they've ever made are Sony games so I'll give it to you)

Hell, I'll even include Sound Shapes and LBP in there because Sony helped develop those games. But that's still only 7 out of 18 titles. Now assuming he "reached on a few of them" (he didn't IMO), you're entire argument is still flawed.
And to the OP of this thread, if FFX/X-2 is the only thing on the Vita that you're excited for in the future, I'm sorry but either you're not paying enough attention or you're way too picky.

Here are some new games coming out in NA this year alone:

Soul Sacrifice
Killzone: Mercenary
Muramasa Rebirth
Dragon's Crown
Hotline Miami
Rainbow Moon

And those are just all the big games I can think off the top of my head. Now while you can argue against some of those games cause they're ports, who honestly has a problem with them porting quality games to the Vita?

Of course you're entitled to your opinion, and judging from your first post, the hardware isn't the problem. I just hope you can find a game out there to renew your faith in what I personally think is the greatest gaming handheld ever created.
I like my vita. A lot. The library might not be huge, but there is a good amount of quality titles. Vitas only been out for 13 months.
I won't argue with anything you said since it's all a matter of preference but I personally love the VITA. The 3DS feels like a toy compared to it and honestly it's forced me to put the 3DS on the shelf for the most part. So far I have played and finished the following games:

Escape Plan
Gravity Rush
Mutant Blobs Attack
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
Rayman Origins
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Unit 13

I am playing Resistance now and have waiting for me Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, LBP, AC III Liberation, Sly 4, Jet Grind Radio, and Plants vs. Zombies. There are also a lot of games that I constantly go back to like Hot Shots Golf, Lumines, Motorstorm RC, Mortal Kombat, and Zen Pinball.

I'll admit I replayed Ninja Gaiden (it's a favorite of mine) and there are some games I just never got around to playing but I've yet had a lack of something to play. I think some of the reviews of games like Uncharted and it having motion control annoyances were a bit overplayed since I thought it was a pretty great game.

It seems like from recent news the library is going to start to take off as well. I realize there are a lot of ports and indie games but the more the merrier at this point. The more stuff that pushes others to buy the system will get developers\publishers to put out more games for the platform.

I've had the system since launch and I foresee playing for a long time to come.
[quote name='wasabi5858']Seriously, that is a pitiful list and imo you reached on a few of them and very few 3rd party support.

Where as before ppl always say buy Nintendo console because you like Nintendo games, this is so true with Sony handhelds... Their strong first party games keep it on life support.[/QUOTE]

The Irony in this is astounding.
1/3 of the game listed was 1st party. rest being ports/indie. Strong is relative. Without these Sony titles, vita is not where it is at, however weak it is.

regardless, this is just like PSP... when 3rd party support fail, people will point out how cool it is to play so many ps1 classic on it.
lol, if that's why you buy the Vita for, more powers to you. Who am I to argue if someone wants to spend $8000 to build a gaming machine to play peggle.
[quote name='wasabi5858']1/3 of the game listed was 1st party. rest being ports/indie. Strong is relative. Without these Sony titles, vita is not where it is at, however weak it is.

regardless, this is just like PSP... when 3rd party support fail, people will point out how cool it is to play so many ps1 classic on it.[/QUOTE]

Who the fuck cares where the games come from as long as they're good? I only listed exclusives (which are generally first party only) because the guy claimed that the Vita library consisted solely of games you can find on another console.

If you want quality third party support:
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus
Rayman Origins
Dead or Alive 5 Plus
Mortal Kombat
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Disgaea 3: Return/Absence of Detention
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
MLB 13: The Show
The Pinball Arcade
Zen Pinball 2
Plants vs. Zombies

There, that's a combined list of 34 QUALITY games. If you still complain that there are no good games from multiple genres, you're a douchebag.
The very problem that the PSP faced is that it largely offered the *very same* titles that the PS2 offered, for a pricepoint higher than most consumers are willing to pay for portable titles. Examining that list, it's clear that the Vita is offering the very same problem (except Ninja Gaiden is an Xbox 1 game that's been re-hashed so many times I'm a bit amazed it's not a Capcom title).

There are precious few Vita games worth owning a Vita for, that's my gripe. The Vita should be a *companion* console to the PS3/PS4 - heck, they've tried to market it (very weakly) as such.

Looking at that list, I don't feel impressed by it. I have half those for PS3/360 already, and the rest are available on those consoles, too.

There are ~10ish Vita games that are exclusive/unique after a year? Someone mentioned Resistance. One of the most vanilla games I've ever played through. Not a bad game; just utterly soulless and uncreative. Wonder Bread in video game form.

Gravity Rush was unique for sure. I was impressed by it, but lost direction after a while, the plot was not particularly intriguing to me, and I got a bit disoriented playing it. They deserve credit for effort on it.

I'm not making an "omg it has no games" argument. I'm disappointed that there are precious few games that justify its purchase. Some of the games you listed are good or even great, but since they already exist on numerous other systems, they do not really contribute to making me feel like I made a good purchase as a consumer.

I hope that doesn't make me a "douchebag," I don't really feel like my dissatisfaction with the system (or our disagreement over its quality) really has an effect on your day to day life.
[quote name='mykevermin']The very problem that the PSP faced is that it largely offered the *very same* titles that the PS2 offered, for a pricepoint higher than most consumers are willing to pay for portable titles. Examining that list, it's clear that the Vita is offering the very same problem (except Ninja Gaiden is an Xbox 1 game that's been re-hashed so many times I'm a bit amazed it's not a Capcom title).

There are precious few Vita games worth owning a Vita for, that's my gripe. The Vita should be a *companion* console to the PS3/PS4 - heck, they've tried to market it (very weakly) as such.[/QUOTE]

You bought a Vita because you wanted something powerful AND portable, not because you wanted to pair it up with the PS3/PS4.

Looking at that list, I don't feel impressed by it. I have half those for PS3/360 already, and the rest are available on those consoles, too.

There are ~10ish Vita games that are exclusive/unique after a year? Someone mentioned Resistance. One of the most vanilla games I've ever played through. Not a bad game; just utterly soulless and uncreative. Wonder Bread in video game form.

Gravity Rush was unique for sure. I was impressed by it, but lost direction after a while, the plot was not particularly intriguing to me, and I got a bit disoriented playing it. They deserve credit for effort on it.

It's easy to argue that certain games aren't good, but we're talking about unique games to the Vita, not whether they are good or not. Gravity Rush = exclusive. Unit 13 = exclusive. DJ Max Technika Tune = exclusive. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward = portable exclusive (Vita version is the best available). Assassin's Creed III: Liberation = exclusive. Escape Plan = exclusive. And that's just a list off the top of my head. If I pulled up the full list of PS Vita games, I'm positive I could find more that are exclusive to the system. Yes, there are numerous ports, but that happens on EVERY platform...

I'm not making an "omg it has no games" argument. I'm disappointed that there are precious few games that justify its purchase. Some of the games you listed are good or even great, but since they already exist on numerous other systems, they do not really contribute to making me feel like I made a good purchase as a consumer.

I hope that doesn't make me a "douchebag," I don't really feel like my dissatisfaction with the system (or our disagreement over its quality) really has an effect on your day to day life.

All I see is a lot of bitching and most likely buyers remorse. If you can't find games that you like for the Vita, then you simply don't like games. I personally bought the Vita because I wanted a "console" experience/quality on-the-go. So far there has been a balance between quality ports and new exclusives. Your [terrible] opinions on the Vita do not have an affect on my day-to-day life, BUT they do rub me the wrong way when your arguments are so empty.
I agree that most of the vitas games are lackluster. Same problem I had with my psp. Their playable but just not that good. I got mine recently from a friend that was selling his for an unbelievable price. I mainly bought it to play MLB the show. The ps+ games are a great incentive too.
I think the Vita is... pretty good. I would think the Vita is amazing if I did not own a PS3 already. There are a lot of ports for the Vita and that's great, but I could already play them on their original consoles for a fraction of the price. I guess I'm paying for the luxury of portability/HD graphics. Currently, my Vita library consists of 6 mobile games, 5 minis, 2 PS1, 13 PSP, 4 PSN cross buy, and 9 Vita games (4 are ports). 34/39 of my games can be played on other consoles. Heck, I sold my PSP and PS2 to justify my Vita purchase. Truth be told, I only bought a Vita so I can play Phantasy Star Online 2. Wait, was the Vita version ever announced for a US release?
[quote name='SynGamer']Your [terrible] opinions on the Vita do not have an affect on my day-to-day life, BUT they do rub me the wrong way when your arguments are so empty.[/QUOTE]

If you're going to label my opinions as terrible, it doesn't behoove you to do so in the same post that you list a 3DS game (Virtue's Last Reward) as a great Vita-exclusive title.

[quote name='mykevermin']The very problem that the PSP faced is that it largely offered the *very same* titles that the PS2 offered, for a pricepoint higher than most consumers are willing to pay for portable titles. Examining that list, it's clear that the Vita is offering the very same problem (except Ninja Gaiden is an Xbox 1 game that's been re-hashed so many times I'm a bit amazed it's not a Capcom title).

There are precious few Vita games worth owning a Vita for, that's my gripe. The Vita should be a *companion* console to the PS3/PS4 - heck, they've tried to market it (very weakly) as such.

Looking at that list, I don't feel impressed by it. I have half those for PS3/360 already, and the rest are available on those consoles, too.

There are ~10ish Vita games that are exclusive/unique after a year? Someone mentioned Resistance. One of the most vanilla games I've ever played through. Not a bad game; just utterly soulless and uncreative. Wonder Bread in video game form.

Gravity Rush was unique for sure. I was impressed by it, but lost direction after a while, the plot was not particularly intriguing to me, and I got a bit disoriented playing it. They deserve credit for effort on it.

I'm not making an "omg it has no games" argument. I'm disappointed that there are precious few games that justify its purchase. Some of the games you listed are good or even great, but since they already exist on numerous other systems, they do not really contribute to making me feel like I made a good purchase as a consumer.

I hope that doesn't make me a "douchebag," I don't really feel like my dissatisfaction with the system (or our disagreement over its quality) really has an effect on your day to day life.[/QUOTE]

Okay, so wasabi looks at my list of games that aren't available on every other console and says there is no third party support and then you look at my list of third party support games and say there are no exclusives?

My initial list had 18 games, three of them were released at the same time for the PS3 although one of them (Sound Shapes) was made for the Vita and ported to the PS3. Zero Escape is available for the 3DS but has a pretty big save file glitch. That makes 14 GOOD exclusive Vita games. So no, that's not just 14 exclusive games (there are more I could add to the list) in a year but 14 GOOD exclusive games.

14 quality exclusive games isn't enough for you in a year?

Full list of Vita exclusives:
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
Dynasty Warriors Next
Escape Plan
Gravity Rush
Little Deviants
Shinobido 2: Revenge of Zen
Silent Hill: Book of Memories
Sumioni: Demon Arts
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Reality Fighters
Nikoli's Sudoku V
Smart As
Treasures of Montezuma Blitz
ModNation Racers: Road Trip
Wipeout 2048
Persona 4: Golden
Ragnarok Odyssey
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified
Resistance: Burning Skies
Super Stardust Delta
Table Top Tanks
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Unit 13
DJ Max Technika Tune
Frobisher Says
Lumines: Electronic Symphony
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz
Touch My Katamari
Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
Let's Fish! Hooked On
Table Ice Hockey
Army Corps of Hell
New Little King's Story
Uncharted: Fight For Fortune

That's 41 games in a year, and that isn't counting the games that are exclusive to just Sony.
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[quote name='mykevermin']If you're going to label my opinions as terrible, it doesn't behoove you to do so in the same post that you list a 3DS game (Virtue's Last Reward) as a great Vita-exclusive title.


I CLEARLY said: "Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward = portable exclusive (Vita version is the best available)."

Learn to read, otherwise you look like an ass ;)
I loved the PSP (especially the Go).

I love the Vita.

How can something like video games inspire so much anger or hatred? Some people just prefer to be unhappy and nitpick rather than enjoy something. To each their own.
[quote name='Yanksfan']How can something like video games inspire so much anger or hatred? Some people just prefer to be unhappy and nitpick rather than enjoy something. To each their own.[/QUOTE]

To each their own, indeed. It's not anger or hatred on my part. I can be disappointed in something without getting my blood pressure up about it, I assure you.

I don't believe I can say the same for SynGamer, who evidently feels the need to defend the Vita in the form of attacking me personally.

I can look at the pre-order listings for Vita titles on Amazon and see 4 games: One to be released in late April, two in September, and one with no date listed. Just 4 titles. That's the kind of thing that inspires my disappointment in the system. Utter, unfulfilled potential.

(and notice thus far I haven't even begun to talk about the memory cards.)
[quote name='popular penguin']I think the Vita is... pretty good. I would think the Vita is amazing if I did not own a PS3 already. There are a lot of ports for the Vita and that's great, but I could already play them on their original consoles for a fraction of the price. I guess I'm paying for the luxury of portability/HD graphics. Currently, my Vita library consists of 6 mobile games, 5 minis, 2 PS1, 13 PSP, 4 PSN cross buy, and 9 Vita games (4 are ports). 34/39 of my games can be played on other consoles. Heck, I sold my PSP and PS2 to justify my Vita purchase. Truth be told, I only bought a Vita so I can play Phantasy Star Online 2. Wait, was the Vita version ever announced for a US release?[/QUOTE]

Right now I'm pretty much paying for the option of playing my games on the go. Most of the exclusives don't appeal to me so much. I'm more of a Jrpg fan so I bought my vita as an investment being hopeful that some of the awesome games from japan get released over here. I still like the vita as it is a sweet piece of hardware but for me it hasn't really been worth it as I have different tastes than others that may be satisfied with it. Most of the ports I bought, I already played to death on other previous consoles. I'm hoping that new Legend of Heroes game, Mind-0, or maybe God Hand 2 comes over, that would be great.
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[quote name='PancakesAreLove']Right now I'm pretty much paying for the option of playing my games on the go. Most of the exclusives don't appeal to me so much.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, me too. I like to see the Vita as a less powerful, yet portable, PS3.
Vita has been, hands down, my most played console over the past year. The list of games I've played haven't all been exclusives but a good chunk of them have been. Zen Pinball 2, in particular, is one that gets a lot of play on my system but Persona 4 rarely leaves my system, either.
[quote name='mykevermin']To each their own, indeed. It's not anger or hatred on my part. I can be disappointed in something without getting my blood pressure up about it, I assure you.

I don't believe I can say the same for SynGamer, who evidently feels the need to defend the Vita in the form of attacking me personally.

I can look at the pre-order listings for Vita titles on Amazon and see 4 games: One to be released in late April, two in September, and one with no date listed. Just 4 titles. That's the kind of thing that inspires my disappointment in the system. Utter, unfulfilled potential.

(and notice thus far I haven't even begun to talk about the memory cards.)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mykevermin']
I can look at the pre-order listings for Vita titles on Amazon and see 4 games: One to be released in late April, two in September, and one with no date listed. Just 4 titles. That's the kind of thing that inspires my disappointment in the system. Utter, unfulfilled potential.


You either don't own a vita and are trolling or you don't know jack about video games.

You really think there are only 4 games coming out the rest of 2013?
Vita is barely a year old, if people wanna talk about scarcity of something to play try being a 3ds owner through its 1st year.
[quote name='gettinmoney662']Again:[/QUOTE]

Great. A marketing pitch-person pitching the system. To me, it says *volumes* that he delves into numbers of games and changes the subject by talking about customer satisfaction. The titles he mentions aren't exclusives. 100 games is lovely, I truly mean that. But the pitchman (whose job it is to accentuate the system, and who, if they actually spoke in less-than-stellar terms about the system would hit the unemployment line in a hearbeat, let's keep that in mind) couldn't mention exclusives. I've heard great things about Hotline Miami, but it's also something that will be available on any system that plays games. That short brief doesn't do anything to say "hey, here's a great reason to own a Vita over another system.

[quote name='GBAstar']You either don't own a vita and are trolling or you don't know jack about video games.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I absolutely don't believe that. But I do think it's a proxy for interest in the system and upcoming releases for the system.

[quote name='renique46']Vita is barely a year old, if people wanna talk about scarcity of something to play try being a 3ds owner through its 1st year.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely true, but those of us who did purchase early got 20 really solid downloadable games, and those who waited got a nice (and necessary) price drop. Sony has made no such gesture in the US.

I started this thread not as a troll (no matter how much y'all seem to think otherwise). I'm a super jaded Vita owner who is very impressed with the hardware, but haven't seen much of anything to indicate that it's worth owning as a gaming console on the software end. It's not exactly flying off the shelves at retail, either - so I can't be alone in feeling this way. Oh well, I'm glad you all feel that your money was well spent; it certainly bodes better for you than me. Guess I'll go back to playing Final Fantasy IX on my $250 next-gen handheld.
[quote name='mykevermin']
I can look at the pre-order listings for Vita titles on Amazon and see 4 games: One to be released in late April, two in September, and one with no date listed. Just 4 titles. That's the kind of thing that inspires my disappointment in the system. Utter, unfulfilled potential.[/QUOTE]

There are lots of PSN games coming as well. Digital releases will be a big part of the Vita library.
[quote name='mykevermin']I started this thread not as a troll (no matter how much y'all seem to think otherwise). I'm a super jaded Vita owner who is very impressed with the hardware, but haven't seen much of anything to indicate that it's worth owning as a gaming console on the software end. It's not exactly flying off the shelves at retail, either - so I can't be alone in feeling this way. Oh well, I'm glad you all feel that your money was well spent; it certainly bodes better for you than me. Guess I'll go back to playing Final Fantasy IX on my $250 next-gen handheld.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's Sony/Vita's fault that there are picky gamers. Being impartial myself, I think there are more than enough decent games out now and I'm excited for what's coming down the pipe this year. Troll? Maybe not, Dudley from Harry Potter, certainly!
[quote name='RedFoxCommando']Dudley from Harry Potter, certainly![/QUOTE]

:lol: ouch!

PS+ is providing Disgaea 3 tomorrow, so perhaps that will satisfy for some time to come. I may be disappointed in the Vita, but I have to admit I'm quite pleased with PS+ integrating into that for sure.

Though, it makes me wonder about the ign interview with the Sony pitchman linked above - that is, when citing digital downloads for Vita, is he including the games downloaded via PS+ (i.e., games that people may not necessarily have purchased otherwise)?
I adore my Vita, but I had a sole purpose for getting it (MLB The Show) so everything else has just been a "Plus" (bad pun intended) for me. I guess I can see why others would have huge expectations, but my portable time isn't that great so it doesn't bother me one bit.

Amazon did have a deal earlier (not sure if it was pre-order only) where you save $20 if buying both versions of The Show that I took advantage of but don't see it available now. If they can give free copies of Sly Cooper when the PS3 version is cheaper it really boggles my mind that they can't do the same for The Show. I guess they figure there are guys like me out there that only bought the damn system for one game and we'll have to pay for it every year.
[quote name='mykevermin']If you're going to label my opinions as terrible, it doesn't behoove you to do so in the same post that you list a 3DS game (Virtue's Last Reward) as a great Vita-exclusive title.


Well 3DS version has a glitch where it erases your save file and they can't fix it so the Vita version is the superior one.
I was actually happy to see this thread here since I'm a future Vita owner struggling to resist buying one before E3 (come on vita2.0 or price drop). But most of what I'm seeing is very little bitching and a lot of "your opinion is wrong" being thrown around. Oh, sidenote, I think that "future" Vita titles listed as arguments mean nothing unless they are maybe a week or two from release. We're talking here and now, not 6-12 months down the line.

Now, I need more bitching and moaning people! Throw in a couple hardware flaws too. Don't let all the positive guys take over, I want some honest, jaded opinions! If I were to buy a Vita at launch with no ps plus support, I feel as though I would be saying the same things as Kevermin and Pancakesarelove have said. Hell, I've had a hard time today finding legit, well thought out videos and discussions about the Vita's flaws. Oh and try to dismiss it as you want, if someone is still saying the vita has no games, maybe its because your listed Vita games have had little to no promotion or *gasp* those games do not appeal to that particular person *double gasp*? If its the lack of promotion, don't you think it should be listed as a problem? I certainly do.
The only hardware flaw is the cost of proprietary memory cards. It truly is magnificent hardware. But, yeah, definitely hold out for a price drop or new version. It's well worth waiting for, there's little need to own one this very instant. See also: Wii U.
[quote name='Donuts']I think that "future" Vita titles listed as arguments mean nothing unless they are maybe a week or two from release. We're talking here and now, not 6-12 months down the line.

Wtf kind of shit? If someone is on the fence and wants to purchase something, letting them know whats down the pipeline in the coming months is a perfectly valid answer to give them. Not to mention if you bothered to actually you know read some of the post you would see list of game that are "here and now", this thing is just now passing a year old.
[quote name='renique46']Wtf kind of shit? If someone is on the fence and wants to purchase something, letting them know whats down the pipeline in the coming months is a perfectly valid answer to give them. Not to mention if you bothered to actually you know read some of the post you would see list of game that are "here and now", this thing is just now passing a year old.[/QUOTE]

1) Informing is different from putting forth an argument. Shutting down someone who is griping about their already purchased Vita by saying that games will come in the future is a terrible argument.

2) I really hope you are referring to the Vita being just over a year old and not some game list or this thread's creation. Even so, what's your point and what made you assume I didn't read every post in this now 3 page thread to its entirety? I'm gonna stop for now before this turns nasty, I don't want to derail this thread from its original purpose.
I think future games can be part of what drives people to buy (or keep) a system, but there's a time frame on that.

FFX HD will be released this year, as is Killzone. That's appealing to me, I suppose (though the supposition that FFX and X-2 are to be released separately and sold together on PS3 is a bit aggravating). I view "games I am looking forward to" on a roughly 6-month rolling horizon. I certainly get excited when new games are announced, however without a release date, it's not the sort of thing that would drive me to buy a system.

I wouldn't buy a Wii U today, for instance, because I'm looking forward to Wind Waker HD; I wouldn't buy any system for Final Fantasy Versus XIII (mostly because we all know that shit's never coming out, :lol:).

So forthcoming games are indeed part of the appeal, with some consumer variation of the degree of the appeal, of course.

Which is another reason that Vita is so aggravating. More and more announcements are proving this system to be a console for re-releases. OMG Zombies was announced as a title in development for the system; I don't care. If you do, great (because you're getting something you want). For me, I'd like to see more proprietary software for the system. Doesn't have to be a 'blockbuster' or brand name like Killzone, but I would like to see some more unique releases. I'd like to see the argument "hey, you'd like to buy a Vita" more than "hey, you'd like to buy a Vita if you don't own this other console over here already."
[quote name='mykevermin']The only hardware flaw is the cost of proprietary memory cards. It truly is magnificent hardware. But, yeah, definitely hold out for a price drop or new version. It's well worth waiting for, there's little need to own one this very instant. See also: Wii U.[/QUOTE]

Also, for a Sony product it has a really really shitty camera. I know no one buys it for the camera, but... my god, Sony. It wouldn't have broken the bank to put in something a grade above "point, shoot and never want to look at it again". Especially considering how much you make back on those memory cards. The photos bubble is never leaving my shiny new JUNK folder.
I completely agree that the camera's are shit. Thankfully I don't need to use them. As far as flaws, I would have preferred the touchpad on the back to have been slightly smaller in width. I often find myself accidentally resting the tip of a finger on the edge(s) and the games that use that like FIFA 13 flash a warning...or I accidentally take a shot I didn't mean to.
I don't mind if people hate the Vita. "There are no games" is a weak reason, though, and makes it look more like the person making the argument is super-picky than anything else. But it doesn't personally offend me, nonetheless. I'm still very happy with my experience with it.

[quote name='wasabi5858']Who am I to argue if someone wants to spend $8000 to build a gaming machine to play peggle.[/QUOTE]

I know you're exaggerating for comedic effect, but try $179 with PSASBR and AC: Liberation for free, along with three months of PS+, which allowed me to play Gravity Rush, Wipeout and other awesome games for free.
I just started playing Unit 13 and I must say it is actually a lot of fun. Very underrated game in my opinion. I've been playing my Vita a lot lately and it seems like each time I pick it up I find it harder to put down. No regrets buying one and I am a proud Vita owner.
bread's done