The PS Vita Thread of Self-Loathing

I admit I am extremely tempted just for Persona 4 Gold, but the ridiculous memory cards keep holding me back. There is really no justification for their memory cards to be so damn expensive.
[quote name='RedFoxCommando']I just started playing Unit 13 and I must say it is actually a lot of fun. Very underrated game in my opinion. I've been playing my Vita a lot lately and it seems like each time I pick it up I find it harder to put down. No regrets buying one and I am a proud Vita owner.[/QUOTE]

I initially had the game but couldn't get into it. I'm hearing good things and with the disaster that was COD: BOD, I need a shooter for my Vita. I may grab it if it's $5 sometime, otherwise I'll wait for Killzone: Mercenary.
[quote name='Erad30']I admit I am extremely tempted just for Persona 4 Gold, but the ridiculous memory cards keep holding me back. There is really no justification for their memory cards to be so damn expensive.[/QUOTE]

The memory cards have been really off putting for me as well, however my graduation is in four days so I felt that I should buy the one system I don't currently own as a little celebration so to speak. I ended up grabbing a bundle (The AC:L one) off of ebay that came with a 16GB card for less then it would have cost me to buy that specific bundle new without the card (and some extra games/accessories it came with). While I agree that the memory cards should be way cheaper, if you want a system bad enough try looking around for a used bundle (unless you only buy new systems, which is understandable) that comes with one since then you will both be saving money and not supporting their crappy memory card pricing.

That said, I hope I enjoy my system and don't end up posting here myself in the near future, but some of the arguments I read are valid and I understand why some people are saying poor things about the system so far.
same here my vita just collects dust most of the time

only games i got for it are

disgaea 3 (why i got the system i know stupid buying a system for 1 game)
dungon hunter
hot shots golf
unit 13 (still sealed one day i open)
uncharted (never played )
gravity rush (again never played)
lummines (never played)
Mlb 12
mlb 13 (never played)

and that is it.... the never played games i got used off a trade site one day i will play them....

and that soul sar. game what is sitting in my vita now...

but i got luck i got it back on MARCH 2012 used from amazon the item was missing parts so AMAZON Agreed for me to send back the used one and sell me NEW for price of used

So i got a 300 buck vita for 195 so its not as paid as paying 300 for it
[quote name='Erad30']I admit I am extremely tempted just for Persona 4 Gold, but the ridiculous memory cards keep holding me back. There is really no justification for their memory cards to be so damn expensive.[/QUOTE]

Best Buy sells the 16GB card for $30. Most stores are probably OOS(online is) but you can price match. I just picked one up at Target this weekend. I had to visit two targets before finding one in stock so I'd call ahead to make sure they still have them.
Go enjoy P4G!
[quote name='RedFoxCommando']I just started playing Unit 13 and I must say it is actually a lot of fun. Very underrated game in my opinion. I've been playing my Vita a lot lately and it seems like each time I pick it up I find it harder to put down. No regrets buying one and I am a proud Vita owner.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree, it's a great game. I finished it, completed all the solo missions and almost all of the High Value Targets. I think I didn't get the last 2 or 3 due to needing more stars. That was the only thing that put me off...I sold it off but maybe someday I'll go back to it and finish those last couple. Not sure I could 5 star all the levels though....not really my thing to 100% but that game kept me playing.

PS...I think there was a way to get the HVTs opened if someone else had already beat them online but I never went that far into it.
I must say that the Vita hardware is MAGNIFICENT, however the software is LACKING. I'm playing MLB 12 The Show still and frequently get bounced out of online games for no reason. (It's not my network, I'm on 75/25 speeds.)
[quote name='japatten']I must say that the Vita hardware is MAGNIFICENT, however the software is LACKING. I'm playing MLB 12 The Show still and frequently get bounced out of online games for no reason. (It's not my network, I'm on 75/25 speeds.)[/QUOTE]

That's surprising - I've had incredibly good fortune with connectivity on my Vita. Mostly fighting games (umvc3, sfxt, psabr, recently soul sacrifice) and have never had a single disconnect in the year I've been playing it.
Vita really needs more games, I got a $10 PSN voucher from my Sony Card rewards so went on PSN to see what Vita game to get and there is really nothing worth getting. I already own Uncharted, Unit 13, Resistance Burning Skies, Mortal Kombat, FIFA, and Motorstorm RC. Am not a fan of Japanese games so only titles that I don't have are Call of Duty (which while it has bad reviews I would get if not for the $50 price on PSN) and Assassins Creed Liberation (which I will probably get) but the Vita really needs more diversity in game not just a focus on Japanese titles how about a western RPG? another adventure game like Uncharted? more FPS title since the only one announced is Killzone Mercenary
[quote name='Dark Lord Greg']Vita really needs more games, I got a $10 PSN voucher from my Sony Card rewards so went on PSN to see what Vita game to get and there is really nothing worth getting. I already own Uncharted, Unit 13, Resistance Burning Skies, Mortal Kombat, FIFA, and Motorstorm RC. Am not a fan of Japanese games so only titles that I don't have are Call of Duty (which while it has bad reviews I would get if not for the $50 price on PSN) and Assassins Creed Liberation (which I will probably get) but the Vita really needs more diversity in game not just a focus on Japanese titles how about a western RPG? another adventure game like Uncharted? more FPS title since the only one announced is Killzone Mercenary[/QUOTE]

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath? I've also found myself playing a few more PSP games these days (on my Vita) now that we can map the right analog stick for those games. This in-turn has made games I really wanted to play on the PSP, but passed up because of horrible controls, MUCH easier to justify purchasing.

If you even remotely like Grand Theft Auto or Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, I would consider those while waiting for this games slump to (hopefully) get better.
bread's done