The PSP Go! Rumor Thread - 5/30: Huge Leak of PSP Go Info, Pics, and a Video

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
They need to put out the Go to show publishers that they're serious about getting rid of the piracy problems and not just let it ruin the PSP for everyone.[/QUOTE]

Sony did a good enough job of that themselves.

The current PSP would be a phenominal success if it were made by SEGA and marketed as a portable Dreamcast.
Nearly every DC game could be ported to be downloaded to it .
And the system's main gimp would be totally excused being that the DC controller only had a single analog stick.

As far as getting it right for now, I think Sony should include a small rumble set-up as well like the one found in the DS/GBA Rumble Cart.
[quote name='Malik112099']my hands hurt looking at the fuck could sony even imagine the next psp without 2 analogue sticks? wtf is wrong with them?

here is my fav psp mockup:

Ditto. Posted it a couple pages back.
Dual analog would be nice. I really don't understand the engineering challenge of including one--does it really increase costs that much from either a hardware or software standpoint?

Anyway, it kind of sounds like PSPGo! is Sony's DSi. I wonder if they'll keep both SKUs?
I don't think it's a money/difficulty thing, but more of a compatability thing. They probably don't want developers making games that don't control as well on the original PSP, but to keep the games the same on either platform. It's not that good of an excuse since they could easily have the game be able to identify what system it's on and adjust the default control scheme accordingly.

I'm guessing that that would come whenever the real PSP2 actually comes out.
a Dual Joystick PSP that let you pick which one to use for old PSP titles would win rather hard. MGS:pO would be even better. Especially if you could also map one of the joysticks to act like the d-pad. Personally, I'm with the 'add dual analog, demand that developers develop a single analog control setting for every game' angle; everyone wins. Although dual joysticks is very low on what I want from PSP, far below a method to either back up or trade in UMDs for downloads, and more downloads in general. I had tons of fun on Dreamcast and N64 with a single analog stick, and I enjoy plenty of games that only use one, or none (heck, the Wii only really has one-joystick equivalent controls for most non-FPS games), so dual sticks aren't a giant concern for me.
They need to take the mylo and PSP and make them one awesome machine. If that happens like said article, it would be outstanding. I would buy it.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Inturrresting

It's all an attempt to battle PSP piracy, believe it![/quote]

Didn't they already address the piracy problem with PSP3000? I thought it's unhackable...
[quote name='Bluth Superfan']I'll be sticking with my 3000. If the leaked specs are true then there is no real reason to upgrade.[/quote]

Ditto. Waste of cash with no second nub.

*Goes and plays Logan's Shadow with blistered thumbs*
I'm a little wary of the rumor that PSP2 will forgo UMDs not for regular old sort-of cheap Memory Stick duos, but that new Memory Stick HG-Micro format. Last thing I'd want is a new format that could be more expensive to pick up early on. I don't know too much about the format beyond the higher storage capacity and faster speed. I just hope if true, the stick is backwards-compatible with the regular PSPs. Having a terabyte stick seems like overkill, but it'd be pretty durn cool.
The more that comes out about this thing the more I'm thinking why bother.

No UMD drive and mini MS pro duos that will certainly be way overpriced compared to the originals and sd cards.

Sony can't even get PSOne games on the store and we are supposed to believe that they can do a DD only console.

I won't be surprised if they officially announce this thing at E3 but I do think it's a mistake.
[quote name='Bluth Superfan']Sony can't even get PSOne games on the store and we are supposed to believe that they can do a DD only console.[/quote]

I still like the idea of a DD only handheld (it's very convenient compared to carrying around UMDs, but the price of the DD content has to be reasonable (cheaper than buying a store copy of a game)), but this quote is all anybody needs to know as far as the likelihood Sony would do a good job with a DD only handheld.
Am I the only person who realizes that Sony has been waiting for this thing to launch to load up the PS store with DD content? Sony at E3 "So we have the PSP Go! which at launch will have over 175 pieces of content available for download. This includes PSone titles, PSN exclusives, demos etc." *Not a real quote*

Sony has probably worked to sell the publishing community on the idea "so now if you have a PSP Go! and you want a game you have to download it on the PS Store. So please work with us to get these licensing issues worked out so we can bring your PSOne library to the PS Store. Oh, and that cool XBLA game you made two years ago? How about you jazz it up and bring it to the PSP?"
I suppose that's a possibility. Wouldn't be too thrilled to find out they've purposefully held off on DD content just to unveil it for this thing. If it ends up being the only way to get a downloadable copy of FF7 (not to mention having a lot of other PSOne RPGs), then I may have to buy it anyway... :wall:
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I don't think it's a money/difficulty thing, but more of a compatability thing. They probably don't want developers making games that don't control as well on the original PSP, but to keep the games the same on either platform. It's not that good of an excuse since they could easily have the game be able to identify what system it's on and adjust the default control scheme accordingly.

I'm guessing that that would come whenever the real PSP2 actually comes out.[/quote]

I think you hit the nail on the head. This will be addressed with the PSP two. You should think of the PSP Go! as more like the Gameboy Micro...with the physical games thrown out and DD in.
[quote name='Ryukahn']I suppose that's a possibility. Wouldn't be too thrilled to find out they've purposefully held off on DD content just to unveil it for this thing. If it ends up being the only way to get a downloadable copy of FF7 (not to mention having a lot of other PSOne RPGs), then I may have to buy it anyway... :wall:[/quote]

I agree, and it is really frustrating. But the video game industry, like most of the tech industry, is still run by people who believe in "hype marketing" and so they love do the big reveal/raise the giant curtain/lift the fog of secrecy thing.

A part of it probably is the whole chicken and egg thing too, in that many publishers probably didn't think bringing their games to the PS store was worth the effort before.
[quote name='mailman27']Am I the only person who realizes that Sony has been waiting for this thing to launch to load up the PS store with DD content? Sony at E3 "So we have the PSP Go! which at launch will have over 175 pieces of content available for download. This includes PSone titles, PSN exclusives, demos etc." *Not a real quote*[/QUOTE]

When pigs fly. I don't see this happening at all. The US Store has inspired zero confidence in getting access to DD content, and I think it's naive, based on how they've updated the store over the past two years, to think that they have it all figured out, but are planning a more strategic release.
There is no way Sony is sitting on a backlog of PSOne or any DD games just so they can launch it w/PSPGo. That's not how it works.
If they indeed get rid of the UMD, I know I'll definitely buy it... I truly hope this is the beginning of true download content of mainstream games on handhelds.
[quote name='gunm']There is no way Sony is sitting on a backlog of PSOne or any DD games just so they can launch it w/PSPGo. That's not how it works.[/quote]

initially it wasn't this way but when PS1 games became a higher priority, it turned into this so be sad a little.
I just don't see straight digital download setup working for most retailers. You can argue all day that the Iphone deflates the argument but it really doesn't. It has thousands and thousands of different attachments covers cases etc that people love to put on their Iphone that make tons of money for it. More so than the PsP. How many new cases, covers etc really sell on the PsP and how many will keep selling is it enough of a market to make the stores profit enough to keep the console on the shelves thats the real question. Frankly if your not going to make any profit off the games as a retailer you have to make a solid profit somehow on the thing and your certainly not making it on the system. Also theres something to be said about a physical format as far as resale on your own , not to mention retailers putting them on sale or clearance to move merchandise out of the store quicker to make space.
bread's done