The Randy "The Ram" Robinson Wrestling Thread

Oh God, at one point in the Rumble I really thought Hunter was winning it, but Randy Orton made the night better, Swagger-Hardy was a decent opener, Cena-JBL was good, but not great, and by far the best title match (of the night) was between Hardy and Edge, Im an Edge mark, so Im always happy when Edge is the champ, and carries on Smackdown, when I saw Matt coming down the ramp I knew there was going to be a heel turn, since there wasnt a sign of Christian interfering (*sigh*), but I really like the Hardy heel turn, since it can really freshen up some stuff and a Hardy vs. Hardy match at Mania will be awesome, and could actually bring the WWE championship to Matt Hardy at one point (who knows).
And btw the Whole fucking show appereance was awesome as hell, glad to see those surprising appereances by RVD.
Overall good PPV, but Royal Rumble PPVs are always decent at least in the past years.
[quote name='JJSP']No one finds it weird that Matt Hardy turns on Jeff to align himself with Edge, the same guy he had a blood feud with a few years back?[/QUOTE]

Didn't you hear? It was totally obvious. ;)

I do wanna see how they're going to take this. He'll probably do some promo about how Jeff got more attention because he was the WWE Champion, and Matt got next to none, even though he was ECW Champion. Or something to that accord.
Rumble thoughts-
Matt/Swagger was a good opener. It wasn't particularly memorable as a whole, but it was a well-executed match that firmly established Swagger as the top dog on ECW with the clean win. Striker and Grisham helped make the match seem like a big deal on commentary, but it didn't work for me - it's pretty clear that the company doesn't care all that much about the ECW Title, but at least the show's commentary team makes an argument for it being a meaningful title, and it got the "big match" entrance, which is more than can be said for the women's title match.

That match had some ugly-looking parts (including the finish), but was at least memorable due to the "Beth forces Melina to kick her own head" spot. I'm not really sure what purpose Melina having the belt really serves - Raw doesn't exactly have a lot of heel challengers for her, while SD is full of them, and this didn't tease the end of Glamorella since Santino played no part in Beth losing the belt.

Cena-JBL was okay, but fell into the same trap as their other matches in the past year - there was nothing special about the match itself. Here, the actual match was greatly overshadowed by the HBK angle, which was slightly hurt by the second ref taking far too long to get down to the ring, making it pretty obvious that Cena was going to kick out of the superkick. At least the crowd bought it. And then the match just ended with the presently un-named Cena finisher. This match didn't do a thing for Cena, but did build up JBL-HBK well.

The WWE Title match was my favorite undercard match of the night. It had some intriguing storyline content to it, and had some memorable parts to it (the Twist of Fate counter to the spear, conchairto tease/turn, the snap dropkick>face smash on the exposed steel spot, and the terrifying slip off the ladder onto Chavo) as well. Aside from that, it built up a future Matt vs. Jeff match well, and setup a possible Christian/Jeff vs. Matt/Edge feud well if WWE goes in that direction, or they could group Edge, Christian, and Matt together and have each take credit for one thing (Matt or Christian for the pyro, since Edge said he didn't do it), Christian for the vehicular assault since Jeff would surely notice Matt's car, and have Edge be behind the SurSer attack). Or they could have Matt get even more jealous of Jeff by having Jeff take the ECW Title off of Swagger, the man who beat Matt twice in a month, adding to Matt's rage and giving the ECW Title to someone seen as a main event-level act by the fans - giving fans a reason to care about the belt again.

The Rumble match was good - not one of my favorites, but it was enjoyable to watch. Rey shined brightly with his near-eliminations (especially using Miz and Morrison as stepping stones to get back in the ring) and I hope they play up his role as the iron man of the match. Kozlov's portion was kind of underwhelming - they tried to position him as a dominant force in it, but he didn't really play the part well, as he blew the big flying move>uranage spot, and didn't have any impressive eliminations. Kofi's elimination was sick - I hope he's okay, as that landing on the steps looked like it hurt like hell. Visually, it wasn't quick as impressive-looking as London's flip elimination off a Snitsky clothesline a few years back, but it sure looked like it hurt more.

Kendrick's elimination at the hands of HHH was also pretty painful-looking. Goldust shined in this match - his punches were easily the best of the show, and he just kept throwing them and knocking guys down. Then he ate an RKO, leading to Orton demanding that Cody eliminate his brother to prove himself, and he did...and then they didn't seem to care about DiBiase almost being eliminated in a fireman's carry position for what seemed like forever. That was a hilarious moment, as was Santino's elimination leading to Kane laughing.

RVD's entrance got a pop, but holy crap did he ever look bad. Sure, he hasn't wrestled on a full-time basis in a while, but he's worked a bit, and looked worse here than he did in even his IGF match. His clotheslines were terrible, and his kicks looked horrid at times too - especially the roll-through kick, which once again looked like it missed his opponent's face by a foot, even with his opponent (I think it was Cody) leaning into the move. He lasted a lot longer than I expected, but I liked his elimination, with the five star knocking him loopy and making him easy prey for being thrown out.

The 'Taker-Show portions of the match were decent, although Show looked slower in this than he has at any point since his return, which concerns me a bit about his health as he was in such good shape when he came back, and now he appeared to put the weight back on. Fortunately, he doesn't appear to be in the agonizing pain he was clearly in every second he was in the ring in late '06, so hopefully it's just a case of him being slightly out of shape and not being in rough shape physically again. 'Taker basically no-selling the Codebreaker en route to Jericho's elimination bugged me. It appeared to have no effect on him aside from him slightly holding his chest afterwards.

The Legacy shined here - Orton's revolving door of RKOs on mid-carders ruled, and that was my favorite usage of that kind of spot since Hayes did it in the '89 War Games and then taunted everyone in ring 2 after a chain of DDTs in ring 1. They did this same kind of thing in WM 23's MITB match, but I enjoyed this more since it served more of a purpose in the actual match, and Orton came off as more of a badass since they either came out of nowhere, like the flying one to Rey, or after a mid-carder hit him, and Orton acted insulted that they thought their meager offense could hurt him, so he killed them dead with the RKO.

The Legacy sticking together throughout the Rumble was good, and I dug the 3-on-1 finish that saw HHH slowly pick off the members of the Legacy either through force (Cody) or use their actions against them (DiBiase), leading to Orton eliminating HHH as he got rid of Cody. Orton did seem to slip a bit on HHH's leg, which hurt it a bit, but still, Orton won the Rumble, so I'm very happy.

The Priceless/DiBiase Jr. theme ripped from SvR '09 -

Lawler vs. King Kong Bundy in a $10,000 challenge match - Jimmy Hart loses a thousand bucks each minute the match goes on. This was one of the first Memphis matches I ever saw thanks to buying a cheap commercial tape with a Bundy-centric theme when I first became a wrestling fan in '93, and it's held up very well. It remains one of my favorite Memphis matches ever, and features a near-perfect execution of the concept, which allows Lawler to stall, get a great deal of fan support for doing so, and also allows Bundy to have a longer match in a way that doesn't expose his flaws.
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I want scathing, evil, hate-fueled Matt Hardy promos. He's being given the chance to shine here, and really needs to knock this out of the park. A couple of promos detailing that Jeff's a screwup and always will be, and that he doesn't deserve all of the chances he's been given could go a long way to make Matt's turn work.

I'd love to see Matt become a bitter, angry older brother that despises the fact that Jeff's always been the flashier, more recognized Hardy. Ideally, this could become Bret/Owen 2.0 and should be a solid, sibling rivalry feud. They've got a lot of history to work with, and could even include Matt angry with Jeff for constantly trying to steal the show with some ridiculous high spot.
Im not gonna deny it, i found this movie on a torrent... but id be more then WILLING to take a group of friends and pay for it to watch it with them.

This movie shook me... in many ways... no longer do i pity myself and think ive lost everything... that movie just... it almost made me cry... because i understand the business of how it works and shit. and man.. if it hit anyone hard... it probably hit Jake the Snake Roberts.
That kind of Matt promo would be completely wonderful. Of course, we have an equally good chance of getting Mattitude Version 2.0 once the majority of this is all over (with brand new Mattitude facts!). Still, Here's hoping for the first scenario.
[quote name='mykevermin']Have Matt Hardy's promos ever improved beyond "hyuck, ah'm from borf cackalackey!"[/QUOTE]I personally enjoyed the delusional stuff from his "V ONE-AHHHHH" heel run.[quote name='Mr. Beef']That kind of Matt promo would be completely wonderful. Of course, we have an equally good chance of getting Mattitude Version 2.0 once the majority of this is all over (with brand new Mattitude facts!). Still, Here's hoping for the first scenario.[/QUOTE]Mattitude 2.0 would still be a step up from the recent stuff though!! I particularly remember him cutting a really awkward gay joke on Miz & Morrison that was just painful to listen to.
[quote name='mykevermin']Have Matt Hardy's promos ever improved beyond "hyuck, ah'm from borf cackalackey!"[/quote]
Well, no...but I don't think we ever expected anything special out of Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw either. ;)
[quote name='mykevermin']But it'll be in HD. So, yeah, that's something. You can see the detail on the fat kids' Pantera t-shirts in the stands, then, I guess.[/quote]

And the mustard stains. Don't forget the mustard stains.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']I'm interested to see if they get a decent venue and some production values. Nothing worse then a foggy, cheaply produced wrestling show. I hope they can at least show TNA type production values.[/quote]

As weird as it sounds, I have thing for lousy production values in my wrestling shows. It makes me feel like the cheaper the show is to put on, the harder everyone has to work to put on a good show, which a lot of times is the case.

Look at the original ECW for an example of what I'm talking about.
[quote name='JJSP']Well, no...but I don't think we ever expected anything special out of Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw either. ;)[/QUOTE]

JBL cuts some hella promos, man. And that's me saying that, who believes in the "nobody's really cut a solid promo ever since WWE began emphasizing scripting over ad-libbing" line of thought.

The V1 stuff was good, but I don't recall promos being used well for character development. Most of the on-screen graphics stuff, though, I do remember. "Matt Facts" and all that. But I don't think they can go for "comic heel" with him this time around and have it work.
[quote name='mykevermin']ROH scored a tv deal with HDNet. Impressive, and looking forward to it.

Hope they don't "ECW" this.[/QUOTE]

HDNet is covering the production costs so they shouldn't have any of the trouble ECW had (blowing out their budget to try and up production for a network that hates them)
[quote name='diddy310']Is it finally time for Matt to get a haircut and actual wrestling gear and therefore be taken seriously?[/quote]

Matt's posture has always bothered me. It's like he can only bend at the waist or something when be does most of his stuff in the ring.
I've read an interview with him where he talked about that, he has weird knees, they're always bowed out and bent backwards a bit
Oh, man. I'm actually looking forward to Impact this week. Thank you Scott Steiner!

EDIT: Ooh, looks like saying "Crippler Crossface" is verboten in WWE. Makes sense, I s'pose, but still a pretty asinine thing to put in place.
"Look at you, you look fantastic, have you been working out JR?" - Santino to Michael Cole :D, also the new shirt is awesome
[quote name='diddy310']This WM21 video makes me sad Kurt Angle's not back in WWE yet :/[/QUOTE]

I would be shocked if he came back period considering that he seems to have had a total psychological breakdown and he also takes upwards of like 40 hydros/oxys a day.

EDIT: When Shawn Michaels uses the crossface, it should be called the "Jesus Christ on the Crossface"
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']
EDIT: When Shawn Michaels uses the crossface, it should be called the "Jesus Christ on the Crossface"[/QUOTE]
Fantastic. :applause:
.....weak ending.....i was expecting a suspension instead of a firing...

...or...shane coming out and randy's faction joining shane because shane techincally is a 2nd generation superstar...
Well I guess they could do him vs. Shane at No Way Out (swerve pending) to keep him out of the Elimination Chamber
Wow... uh, that was, uh, not great.

I don't think they could have possibly made Legacy look any weaker there. What the fuck was that?

... oh, and if we're going to throw Shane out there, make sure he can actually throw a fake punch, thanks. Christ, those were embarrassingly bad.
Yeah especially the ones on the stage, which were not only weak looking, but whiffed by at least a foot. Especially after how Orton's kicks on Vince looked in the highlights. You'd figure they would just let Shane really lay into them a few times
I think the HBK/Cena match conclusion and the final segment were two of those things that came out semi-plausible on paper, but came across like a wet fart in execution.

The JBL/HBK "shove" couldn't have been more poorly done, and is the sort of thing that non-fans happen to see, raise their eyebrow at you, and ask "You really watch this shit!?!?!" And you find yourself stymied for a proper answer.

The Shane McMahon thing made him look stronger than every other human alive, as he knocked Orton goofy in 45 seconds, when Orton took finisher after finisher after finisher last night, and still won the RR match. Moreover, the whole Randy Orton "I don't care about you guys" segment made sense, but then they all moved out of the way when he was rolling past, and help up McMahon instead. The same Dutch Hercules who, after single-handedly jobbing out the Legacy in under a minute, began laying out 3-4 guys on the Raw roster.

Bad. fuckin'. Idea.

Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon at NWO. That'll put butts in seats. :roll:

Just a sour, poorly written Raw (Jericho's promo at Rourke was also strange and seemed to end suddenly, in the middle of a point) that failed to follow up to even a mediocre Royal Rumble PPV.

Plus "angry Stephanie" isn't something that works for me as a fan. In any direction. Her "tough dude" face isn't believable.
The ending to Raw was horrible. Seriously, you'd think someone would've taught Shane how to throw a decent looking pulled punch. That was awful. Why would they bury the entire Legacy ~24 hours after letting Orton win the Rumble? That was just stupid writing, pure and simple.
Just got in from Raw. Wasn't too bad except the dead air really brings the place down at a TV taping. Seeing Unforgiven back in September was much more exciting. The place was clearing out before the angle at the end of the show. Jericho and Cena had a street fight after Raw ended. Jericho was doing Hogan poses while standing on the second rope which was kinda funny. He also botched throwing the steps into the ring and got laughed at a little. When he got it right the crowd cheered him.

But yeah Shane's punches at the end of Raw were horrendous live too.
I like how even in the dark match Cena supermans. Jericho had all the offense, Cena hits an FU and wins. I think there were about 20 little kids near me who wanted to tear my limbs off when I was cheering Jericho during the match. :lol:
So it seems that WWE Creative has decided to recycle "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas," with Randy Orton as the miserly Grinch, and the WWE Superstars as the Wrestlemania X-Mas loving Whos.
I think this could have been done a bit better, this one lacked even the low standards for realism I expect from my fake violence TV. Randy's part was just fine. Steph could have cut a nice promo:
"First of all, if you feel like you might lose control this evening, you might want to put your lawyers, psychiatrist, and flunkies in between us. The first time you touch me this evening, I will hit the mat screaming like a bitch and you'll be fired AND arrested.
"Second, Randy, really? Threatening me with your two-bit attorneys out here? Do you have ANY idea who I am? What grade were you in when they started calling me 'The Billion-dollar Princess?' You think this guy is intimidating? He's a light snack for some of the attorneys I keep on retainer. (optional insult of cheap suit)
"Here's how it's gonna work. I'm not going to fire you..."
(insert Randy's tirade here, ending with the red-faced "FIRE ME FIRE ME FIRE ME")
Steph holds a hand up. "Stop. I'm not done. I'm not going to fire you. That would be too easy..."
Cue shane, an ass-whipping. This time, leave Randy lying in the ring. Steph comes back in and says "But you ARE suspended, indefinitely, until you can be cured of your (finger-quotes) 'condition.'"

Optionally, in the extreme bitch maneuver, immediately fire Rhodes and DiBiase.
haha, it amuses me how Steph's big ace-in-the-hole swerve was to just have a non-wrestler come out and attack all three members Legacy.

The execution was pretty bad but I like the idea of an Orton/Shane feud for No Way Out. They always have a hard time keeping the Rumble winner busy until Wrestlemania, but this should take care of that nicely.

Of course, the Rumble's title match stipulation always presents logical booking problems for the February PPV. It's weird to have someone triumphantly become the #1 contender, only to have people fighting for the elimination chamber title match the next night. I guess, kayfabe-wise, a one-on-one title match would be more desirable than a 6-way elimination match... so you could sort of stretch the logic and explain it that way.
Well you get to be shocked when John Cena pins all 5 other guys after taking 18 finishers and being stabbed repeatdely with the plexiglass from the pods
The only shot Shane threw that looked legit was one of the wild right hands DiBiase caught in the mouth before falling out of the ring. Otherwise, Shane's little hissy fit came off like a grade school slap fight.
what the fuck was that ending.....

I was waiting for the Benny Hill music to start playing when Shane and Legacy were rolling around falling all over the place.

What they should have done was let Shane put up a fight for like 30 seconds, and then have him get RKOed quickly and had Rhodes and DiBiase holding him for a kick to the head and have all the wrestlers rush the ring and save Shane.

Showing the emotion of Shane
Not weakening Legacy
and putting them over as huge heels (even the heels hate em')
in the process maybe start some upper mid-card programs for Ted and Cody. The lackey thing works ok for a couple of weeks (3 minute warning, anyone?), but to have an effective stable they really need to be have them feud with other wrestler's for IC championship, tag titles, or stopping someone from taking taking Orton's WM spot or something.....

I get on these WWE kicks every so often and anytime I get excited and start watching it regularly I just get disappointed. And my girlfriend just shakes her head as I get excited for these lame shows, and I get that, as Vermin put it, "you actually watch this" feeling from her.
Well, the ending was certainly...something. It was definitely a hot segment, but I don't like the idea of having the company's top bad-ass character getting his ass kicked by Shane-O. Sure, Shane at least didn't come out and do his silly dance - he was serious and looked like he was on the edge, but I still didn't like seeing Shane McMahon get THAT much offense in on the members of the Legacy. I did like seeing him go nuts on other members of the Raw roster who got in his way though - that made it seem a bit more legit. As a story-moving angle, this worked, but Orton had better get some major payback soon, because this could seriously hurt him right now if they don't follow-up on this properly. He's too hot an act to blow for another Shane-O match that interests few people outside of the McMahon family.

Main event angle aside, this wasn't all that great a show either. The matches were all way too show, with Cena-Michaels being the only thing given more than a few minutes, and even that felt rushed, and was somewhat illogical with Cena, the champion, having to compete in a championship Chamber qualifying match. Now, they made sense of it on commentary by outright saying it was only a qualifier for JBL, who could get in if HBK won, but it still seemed odd. Decent match, but desperately needing more time to be anything more than a waste of a Cena-HBK match.

It was also a night of bad-looking finishes, as Kofi's cradle on Kane didn't keep both his shoulders down, and the codebreaker looked awful, with Jericho's knee barely touching Punk's jaw. This was too short and didn't allow either guy to shine, and it made the new IC champion look bad, and undermined the fairly decent job WWE's done over the past month to try and make the fans thing that the IC Title is important. Having Regal lose to Rey in a similarly unimpressive match also hurt it, as he was the guy trying to make the belt seem like a big deal and then he went and lost this match in basically no time, basically telling the fans that both the current and former IC Champions are losers, and further driving home that the title means nothing.

Quotes -
Orton - I am a third-generation superstar. THE WWE IS IN MY BLOOD. Unfortunately, something else has been inside of me for a long time…
Guy in crowd - HERPES!
Orton - It’s called… IED. Intermittent Explosive Disorder.
Lawler - Morrison’s the only guy I know who has slow motion hair.
Lawler - There have been a lot of lawyers here tonight. I’m surprised Cryme Tyme didn’t bring their court-appointed lawyers.
Cole - If Cryme Tyme wins tonight, they can call themselves their word of the week - puffed - blown up big with fame and fortune!
Santino - Hi Jerry, look at you, you look fantastic - you’ve been working out, eh, J.R.!
Santino - Champions don’t take losses very well.
Lawler - But she’s not a champion.
Lawler - Oh.
Cole - Congrats on your record-breaking Royal Rumble performance.
Lawler - What was it? 1.9 seconds.
Cole - You knocked the Warlord off the perch.
(after Kelly does a flipping arm drag off the top)Santino - Fancy chancy - THE GLAMAZON CAN DESTROY HER!
(after the Glam Slam)Santino - See you, wouldn’t want to sees you! Gotta go boys, my girlfriend needs me.
Cole - What a shock. Thanks for coming, Santino. Two words for ya…
Santino - Your pleasure!

Screens -

Maybe Orton was going out of his way to not actually hit a McMahon, in light of his kayfabe legal issues? That could somewhat redeem that weird segment, if they play the angle up that way. I don't really remember the segment well enough to know if such a spin would be plausible, but it would at least make Orton look less silly.

meanwhile... WTF?

[quote name='BustaUppa']Maybe Orton was going out of his way to not actually hit a McMahon, in light of his kayfabe legal issues? That could somewhat redeem that weird segment, if they play the angle up that way. I don't really remember the segment well enough to know if such a spin would be plausible, but it would at least make Orton look less silly

I thought that too, but the most outrageous part of it was Ted and Cody "fighting" Shane. Watching them drop to mat with one "punch" and watching them slid and slip all over the ring and out of the ring was just painful.

They should just make Legacy be Orton, Santino, and Golddust if they are just going to that.
bread's done