The ridiculous titles begin with General Gaming Thread #3!

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[quote name='hankmecrankme']fuck the VGAs.[/QUOTE]

Oh god yes.

I can't reasonably express my distaste for the very concept of a videogame awards show in general, let alone one as trashy and lowest-common denominator as the VGAs.

There are times when I look at the videogame industry and say, "I wish this would all fall apart and die." The VGAs cause such feelings.
A big booo to Force Unleashed 2.

Give us a goddamn X-Wing vs Tie Fighter HD you assholes. Online multiplayer dogfighting with Mellinium Falcons. Give it to me now.
[quote name='Maklershed']Yeah really .. they don't even mention Japanese rape simulators! Harumph.[/QUOTE]

You can't handle Battle Raper 2.

I can't even handle it.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']How the fuck do you have 40 wii games?[/QUOTE]

There are quite a number of decent Wii games. Not all are triple-A but I'm sure there's at least 40-50 (including multiplatform ones) that are worth playing.
VGA awards....
They're voted by fans, and they never make sense. I'm surprised they even threw U2 a bone at the end there.

All the "world premier" trailers are always CG teasers, never an ounce of gameplay.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']That's not really a hard thing to do, is it? Just keep grinding til you hit level 50, I'd think. :)

But heyyyy, congratulations on sticking with a game long enough to platinum it. ;)[/QUOTE]
I know, but he asked me. :p
There was gameplay in a few, dallow. And the voting site says this was the first year for fan voting, though I remember them doing it last year.
The only videogame awards are the ones that come out years after a game has come out. If people look back on your game and say, "Damn I had such a blast playing Super Metroid back in 9th grade. I got a "D" in English because I rented Super Metroid on the same weekend I had to do a project and wound up not even doing the project."

That is an award, that is acclaim. The VGAs are unadulterated shit hosted by fucks who wouldn't touch a videogame with a ten foot pole unless there was a paycheck attached.
This is probably a stupid question , but did anyone read the article about the VGAs in this months Game Informer? I thought it was an interesting read , and made me not think so lowly of the show. But that was probably the articles goal.

Didn't catch it myself , since I was working. Wonder if they will run a replay , or stream it on the site?
Is it the GI with a bunch of different, classic game covers? If so, I don't remember the article.

It'll probably get replayed a bunch of times, I seem to remember seeing bits of last year's for what seemed like a month while channel surfing.
There's some decent guys behind the VGA awards, but the whole show is awful.

Almost as awful as home - I booted that up tonight - holy shit, pull the plug already, sony.
[quote name='Halo05']Is it the GI with a bunch of different, classic game covers? If so, I don't remember the article.

It'll probably get replayed a bunch of times, I seem to remember seeing bits of last year's for what seemed like a month while channel surfing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it was that one. Really short version , Spike knows the first few years of the show sucked. They've listened to feedback about what people want to see. People from the industry are trying to help make the show better. Want to make Casual Gamers and Core Gamers happy.

I'm sure they will replay , I'm just hoping it'll replay at a time I can actually catch it.
[quote name='Halo05']Oh god yes.

I can't reasonably express my distaste for the very concept of a videogame awards show in general, let alone one as trashy and lowest-common denominator as the VGAs.

There are times when I look at the videogame industry and say, "I wish this would all fall apart and die." The VGAs cause such feelings.[/QUOTE]
That's a really sad view. Just because the VGA's are "meh", doesn't mean you have to take it out on the hard working game developers! They deserve recognition.

[quote name='CaptainJoel']Really looking forward to Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 and Force Unleashed 2!

Anyone else?[/QUOTE]
Yea, thanks for spoiling that buddy. I watched that entire thing for nothing!
although it was awesome seeing Uncharted 2 winning and Amy being very happy. She deserves it!

It was also worth seeing Mike forgetting his 2 lines... hahaha. And I still don't get why the Jersey Shore people were there.

Last years VGA's was 2x's better than the one before and this one is 2x's better than last years. It is now at "meh" and hopefully next year it will be at "ok...".
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']

Look closely at the first 2 seconds. Heh. Good to see they dropped the geyser as it made no sense to have that and the wind trap since now the wind trap can hold electricity. I wonder if the helmet is for the hardest difficulty setting since in a PS Blog walkthrough he doesn't have it ( *Why does the video keep refreshing when I move my mouse?!*[/QUOTE]

Drill attack animation seems off. :S
Why the fuck would they call (or even entertain) going back to AA for a Batman sequel? It should be Batman: or something instead. This is like the idiots at Activision requiring the Call of Duty brand on MW2. :S
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Why the fuck would they call (or even entertain) going back to AA for a Batman sequel? It should be Batman: or something instead. This is like the idiots at Activision requiring the Call of Duty brand on MW2. :S[/QUOTE]
I don't remember if they actually called it AA2, or not. Regardless, it looks badass. I just hope it's longer this time.

And sorry for spoiling it for you DarkNessBear. :(
[quote name='DarkNessBear']That's a really sad view. Just because the VGA's are "meh", doesn't mean you have to take it out on the hard working game developers! They deserve recognition.

Which is what I addressed in my later post. And to be fair, I don't like any awards shows regardless of the medium they seek to "award".

If videogames are art that you profit from, your award is twofold. First, if your game sells well, you reap the financial rewards. Second, and possibly more important from the standpoint of the designers, does your game move people.

My anecdote about Super Metroid is my own, I literally almost failed a quarter of 9th grade English because it sucked me in to such a degree that I utterly neglected school work on one of the more critical weekends of my young life. Up to that point, I had never gotten below a "B". I was old enough to know that blowing off my English project was going to cost me dearly but the experience of Super Metroid was worth it. Looking back, I ultimately pulled my grade back up to a "B" so the former "D" is, for all intents and purposes, wiped away. What has stayed with me is the eerie feeling of wandering a creepy world populated by fantastic creatures, spectacular boss fights, and stirring music.

I don't want awards shows to go away because I hate videogames, I want them to go away because I love videogames.
[quote name='Krymner']Give us a goddamn X-Wing vs Tie Fighter HD you assholes.[/QUOTE]
:drool: I never actually played the original X vs TF but I loved TIE Fighter game. Even though I was playing it with a mouse, when it was very obviously meant to be played with a joystick.

Also, fuck deathclaws.
VGAs were better than the last year's show, I'll give them that. It is nice to hand out awards to studios that deserve it. But that being said, it feels like a video game version of the MTV music awards, and that's not a good thing. I'm not big on awards shows anyway, so whatev.

Would it kill companies to show gameplay footage when they make a trailer? Unless a game is really rough and early, show me some gameplay, dammit!

Hyped for Batmang 2 and Crackdown 2.
[quote name='Halo05']Is it the GI with a bunch of different, classic game covers? If so, I don't remember the article.

It'll probably get replayed a bunch of times, I seem to remember seeing bits of last year's for what seemed like a month while channel surfing.[/QUOTE]Oh they had multiple?
I was very surprised to see my favorite game of all time on the cover of GI and thought why did they do this?
(FFVI baby)

[quote name='jer7583']There's some decent guys behind the VGA awards, but the whole show is awful.

Almost as awful as home - I booted that up tonight - holy shit, pull the plug already, sony.[/QUOTE]It's awful, but it makes them plenty of money. I'm sure you noticed that you weren't alone in there.
[quote name='dallow']Oh they had multiple?
I was very surprised to see my favorite game of all time on the cover of GI and thought why did they do this?
(FFVI baby)

Yes, I got the GTA 3 one. My closest GS has a bunch of different ones. My fave if probably the Doom one.
Home is basically free money for sony. They make so much selling outfits its insane. Ive read up to 100+k a day average on just purchases in home alone. Thats a nice figure for software that is done and keeps making money.
[quote name='dallow']Oh they had multiple?
I was very surprised to see my favorite game of all time on the cover of GI and thought why did they do this?
(FFVI baby)

It's awful, but it makes them plenty of money. I'm sure you noticed that you weren't alone in there.[/QUOTE]

I had tetris on both of my covers (I got a second one for renewing my edge card this month)
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Why the fuck would they call (or even entertain) going back to AA for a Batman sequel? It should be Batman: or something instead. This is like the idiots at Activision requiring the Call of Duty brand on MW2. :S[/QUOTE]

Wasn't Arkham Asylum based on an actual batman comic arc? Is there more to it or is the dev team imagining a sequel to the comic (which is sure to be disastrous)?
[quote name='ninja dog']Wasn't Arkham Asylum based on an actual batman comic arc? Is there more to it or is the dev team imagining a sequel to the comic (which is sure to be disastrous)?[/QUOTE]
It's very loosely based on a Batman GN.
I haven't read a Batman comic since the awesome No Man's Land arc a few years ago.

Finally got a chance to play the Dante's Inferno demo. Not bad.

My biggest complaint for all recent demos:
They are too damn short to judge anything. I remember when demos back years ago were a much longer experience.
So what kind of game is Halo Reach supposed to be? Is this just another FPS but with different story a la ODST?
Finished Zelda: Spirit Tracks today. Better than the last but not by much. Whatever happened to good ol walking? I'm sick of boats and trains by now lol. Hopefully the next one they get rid of the annoying go back to this dungeon after you get through one of four dungeons! That and maybe make it a little longer? The dungeons felt so short.

Since my 360 is still with Microsoft, I decided to get in on the B2G1 at gs since I have almost nothing for my PS3. Now to figure out what to play first..
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It's very loosely based on a Batman GN.[/QUOTE]
Which one?

I'd thought it was written from the ground up by Dini.

If you could remember I'd appreciate it, I wanna read it, baaaaaadly.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']that's the one.

a few things were taken from it, but the story is completely different.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I've read it before and it's not got much in common at all.

Good book, though.. The art just makes my stomach a little topsy turvy.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Yeah, I've read it before and it's not got much in common at all.

Good book, though.. The art just makes my stomach a little topsy turvy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm not a fan of Dave McKean's art in Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth either. Everything just looks.. out of place.
I don't get it - I own a 60GB PS3. I have no problems with it... but here I sit on ebay, my mouse cursor hovering over the "Buy it now!" for a Slim PS3. I have no intentions of replacing my 60GB console.. I've even been buying more PS2 games to play on it.. what the hell is wrong with me?
[quote name='Scorch']I don't get it - I own a 60GB PS3. I have no problems with it... but here I sit on ebay, my mouse cursor hovering over the "Buy it now!" for a Slim PS3. I have no intentions of replacing my 60GB console.. I've even been buying more PS2 games to play on it.. what the hell is wrong with me?[/QUOTE]

You're pure Scorch dude, just embrace it.
So how did anyone spend 100 hours (in one playthrough) in Fallout 3, pre-DLC? I'm hovering around 40 hours, with only 1 main quest to go, and I've done all but 3-4 of the side quests that earn achievements.
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