The Road to Wrestlemania Begins Now! Thread

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[quote name='Demolition Man']Del Rio will show up. Orton will be pissed. Miz will celebrate. Cena will get beat down by New Nexus again. Cole will annoy us. And there will be some kind of ad for Knucklehead.[/QUOTE]

You forgot that Eve will come out as Divas champ and no one will care.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Yeah, I sort of agree. I know it goes against EVERYTHING WWE does with the Rumble, but just once I'd like to see them go with a random feel-good winner - tonight would have been perfect with Santino. Obviously he'd lose his shot at the next PPV, and I know some people hate when they mess with the Rumble title shot stipulation like that. But just this one time, I think it would have been a fine course of action.

Not that I mind Del Rio winning.[/QUOTE]

Aww...A feel good winner in the WWE; something I can't remember happening in the WWE in a very, very long time. Santino would have been almost an HBK moment, or at least they could build it as such in the finale to the/a PPV. He certainly deserves it at this point. He's a great worker, an awesome fan favorite character who puts in a good show night in and night out no matter what gimmick they give him. His gimmick has evolved and changed, unlike say a Golddust which has largely remained static, and it could totally go over.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Del Rio will show up. Orton will be pissed. Miz will celebrate. Cena will get beat down by New Nexus again. Cole will annoy us. And there will be some kind of ad for Knucklehead.[/QUOTE]


Looking forward to the Knucklehead ads.
[quote name='Purple Flames']I love that Kevin Nash got a bigger pop than Cena in 2011.[/QUOTE]


I thought this Rumble was pretty awful, honestly. Del Rio winning was a surprise, but the flow of the match was poor, SuperCena followed up with the Hornswoggle bit was positively dreadful, and the match just felt...weak, to me.

Think of it this way: suppose Cena won the match. Would you still have enjoyed the hour or so that preceded it?
So I'm wondering with Del Rio obviously going to go after Edge... Where does that leave the return of Christian? Guess Del Rio will end up the champ and they'll bring Christian back at that point to get back at Del Rio.
Keep in mind that Cena was eliminated by Miz, who wasn't even in the match. Expect plenty of "I wasn't fairly eliminated"/"I want a title shot"/"You'll have to earn it in the Elimination Chamber!" booking in the next few weeks.
To me it all goes back to the fact that the WWE poorly built up to the RR this year. Especially inexcusable given the amount of time they had (over a month plus) to get to this PPV. Now its not to say there wasn't some cool moments and what not during the Rumble. The Morrison spot was really fun to watch, Danielson/Punk really brought back memories to me of when I saw them in a match back in their ROH days live in person.
ROH Reborn Stage 1

On the other hand having really horrible periods during the match where things got slowed down to a stand still (ie: New Nexus, SuperCena/Hornswoggle). But getting back to myke's question about what if Cena won... yeah I believe most of us would have a completely different opinion on the Rumble itself. Amazing how something like this even with some really bad spots is called "good" just based upon who won it. I'm not saying that Del Rio is a bad pick - I'm glad the WWE is pushing some new faces. But yeah its hard to say the Rumble was really that good with a straight face.
[quote name='mykevermin']Think of it this way: suppose Cena won the match. Would you still have enjoyed the hour or so that preceded it?[/QUOTE]

What I would have enjoyed regardless of who won:

*Internet pandering/superworker first stretch of the match.

*Nexus killing everyone as soon as they entered. I didn't mind Cena being the guy to break that up, it really did need to be a top-level guy to make it seem legit. I'm actually surprised they let Khali get one of them out, but as soon as he tossed Husky I knew Mason Ryan was on the way to even it up again/get Khali out. I did think it would be Show instead of Cena that cleared them, or possibly Zeke, who would last until the next entrant who would be another Corre guy to get the match going again.

*Booker & Nash, even if they didn't get to do anything.

But yeah, Cena (or Orton, for that matter) winning would have wrecked the homestretch of the match.

Wasn't an amazing Rumble thanks to the Cena/Hornswoggle thing just completely killing what had been a hot crowd all night, but definitely the best in at least a few years.
I marked out like crazy for Booker T's return, but Nash's response was a complete surprise. The last time he used the Diesel gimmick was so long ago, and you'd think the current audience wouldn't recognize him judging by the lukewarm responses someone like Bret Hart had on his return.
[quote name='HydroX']I'm not offended at the fact that you think it's stupid. Everyone has their opinions, and I respect yours. The way you came off [towards me] was very condescending as if you were speaking to some hillbilly who figured "IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMMIT!". That's what got my silky underoos all wadded up. ;)

I do agree with this, but now I wonder who he goes on to face. Edge? Yawn. Something's gotta give in the Elimination Chamber, 'cause I really don't see that match being very good as a WM headliner.[/QUOTE]
No hard feelings. I do agree that Del Rio facing Edge at Wrestlemania sounds like a yawn fest. The problem is, I really don't see who else on Smackdown would make a good WM opponent for Del Rio. I'd almost like to see Rey Mysterio win the World Heavyweight Title at Elimination Chamber and drop it the next month to Del Rio, considering Mysterio is working through an injury right now and will likely be taking time off after Mania.
Blah blah blah, the match sucked. Who cares? DEL fuckING RIO.

I knew Nash was coming but I wasn't expecting Diesel. I marked huge, but I jumped across the room for Del Rio winning. For a brief moment I was six years old.
Somebody needs to GIF the guy with the "jobber exit this way" sign from right after Zack Ryder got eliminated.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Somebody needs to GIF CM Punk doing the "What's Up!" with R-Truth in the corner.[/QUOTE]

Going into that Rumble completely free of spoilers, I admit it that I agree with Survivalism... there were some 'I felt like I was 6' moments. I'm man enough to say that I actually said 'holy shit!' out loud for Diesel, and that the entire time Santino was getting ready I just kept going 'No, no, no, no, no'. I can't remember the last time I actually yelled at the TV. For anything.

So, yeah, I marked out. You know what, though? I haven't enjoyed WWE that much in a really long time. To me, that was enough.

They made it clear going into this that the Rumble was the focal point of the entire PPV, so I wasn't expecting much out of the title matches. They did, however, seem to use it as an excuse to build Orton/Punk. I'd rather have Punk/Cena, but since they definitely seem to be booking towards Cena/Miz, at least it keeps Punk with the number 2 guy in the company. Ziggler was never walking out as champion, so that was a throwaway match (not as if many Edge matches aren't). I fully expect Edge to drop the belt at Elimination Chamber, but I have no idea to who. I thought they were going to give us Del Rio/Rey, but Rey seems occupied with Dashing Cody Rhodes. Yeah, I typed the whole thing. fuck off.

So, I'd imagine that Del Rio's fears about taking the mask off are probably beginning to subside. I'd go ahead and mark that under 'good idea' if I were him.

Seriously, I still can't believe they actually gave it to him. For the first time in a really long time, WWE surprised me. Not the 'oh, well, that's something' kind of surprise... real, honest-to-god shock. I give them a ton of credit for that. Oh, and anyone who claims they called it? Bullshit. Maybe you thought it. Maybe you hoped it. But there's no way anyone went into that going 'Del Rio is definitely going to win'. Just saying.
[quote name='007']But there's no way anyone went into that going 'Del Rio is definitely going to win'. Just saying.[/QUOTE]
I've seen plenty of people on various boards with posts made before the Rumble started insisting Del Rio was going to win it. It was a good choice, but let's not pretend it's the shock equivalent of Danielson winning or something. Dek Rio was definitely in the top 5 options to win the match, even if he was more 4 or 5 instead of 1 or 2.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I've seen plenty of people on various boards with posts made before the Rumble started insisting Del Rio was going to win it. It was a good choice, but let's not pretend it's the shock equivalent of Danielson winning or something. Dek Rio was definitely in the top 5 options to win the match, even if he was more 4 or 5 instead of 1 or 2.[/QUOTE]

I do see that there's a definite distinction between Del Rio and a *completely* out of nowhere pick, but I just have a hard time believing that anyone, especially given how this company has been booking for the past few years, could have had zero doubt that Del Rio would win.

Or, more to the point, how anyone was so sure that Cena wasn't going to win and that, of all people, Del Rio was going to be handed the ball. That's the one that gets me... or maybe I'm just so jaded that I'd just never bet against Cena definitively.
[quote name='007']Oh, and anyone who claims they called it? Bullshit. Maybe you thought it. Maybe you hoped it. But there's no way anyone went into that going 'Del Rio is definitely going to win'. Just saying.[/QUOTE]

I recall having him in my top 5 probable winners, but that doesn't mean I 'picked' him. I think I said he was in the top 5, but just as a way of demonstrating how weak/few the number of potential winners were.

I, too, was shocked they went w/ him. I'm glad they're doing *something* with new talent. And they helped make a number of guys even bigger, including Danielson and even Morrison, whose spot was something I wouldn't have expected to ever see.

I'm torn on the Santino finish, as it felt flat to me - but it was decent comedy.

Now that RR is over, are you feeling more or less (or the same) regarding the potential lineup for WM 27? No Undertaker sighting = bad news, as far as I'm concerned. Same w/ Triple H.
Pretty good rumble, seemed like every person coming down was Nexus or Corre.. Nash had the loudest pop of the night, they even booed Rey Rey when he 619d Nash. I'm glad Del Rio won, he seems like a cross between Eddie and JBL. Too bad nobody in Boston cared, he got no reaction at all when he won.
To me, it's pretty telling that the Boston crowd died when Cena came out.

Deja Vu. I swear I have typed that before here.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Now that RR is over, are you feeling more or less (or the same) regarding the potential lineup for WM 27? No Undertaker sighting = bad news, as far as I'm concerned. Same w/ Triple H.[/QUOTE]

Weirdly, I'm feeling a lot better about WM now. They at least demonstrated that they'll take chances, and that's enough for me at the moment.

If it pans out how I figured last night, I'm okay with both Cena/Miz and Punk/Orton. I was lukewarm on Punk/Orton initially, but I realized that, frankly, Cena is the right guy to face Miz. It also gives Punk something still in the spotlight, and it keeps Orton away from the damn belt, which he desperately needs right now.

As happy as I am with Del Rio's win, I literally have no fucking clue who he faces at Mania, especially if Mysterio is having that rumored match with Rhodes. If it's Edge, take my excitement down about 10 notches. I'm remaining hopeful, though, that the Unprettier last night was a sign. There was no other reason to use that move, and I'll be pissed if it was just a 'moment'. Still, Del Rio doesn't have an obvious opponent, which makes it interesting. I see no way Edge makes it through EC with the belt.

It may have been a one-off appearance, but after that glance, I'd totally be okay with Big Show/Diesel at WM. It gives Nash a moment, and it gets Big Show away from everything else, since he really doesn't fit anywhere. They also have a nice history to work with.

I'm also completely okay with no Taker and HHH last night. I never expected Taker, mainly because even though they try to 'fool' people with bogus injury timelines, I actually believe that, at best, Taker could make Mania. If he returns soon, expect no in-ring action until Mania. Throwing him into the Rumble kills that. HHH... look, we all assumed he would be there, and it was a nice surprise when he *wasn't*. It demonstrated that not only did they give the Rumble to a lower-card guy, they didn't feel the need to rush any 'big names' back. His absence sent a clearer message than if he had shown up. Plus, he's HHH, any time he returns now is going to work.... and, again, his entire focus when coming back should be kicking the living shit out of Sheamus, so the Rumble wouldn't be ideal. He shouldn't care about a title, or the main event at WM.

I'm more optimistic about Mania now than I was before, but I can certainly say that the card is going to look much different than it has in year's past. It may not have the starpower, but we may actually be getting new blood and fresh match-ups, which may end up being one of the stronger Manias in a while. They've coasted on the name and the stars for years now, so I'm crossing my fingers that we get some actual effort this year.
I thought that last nights RR was pretty damn good. Off course Super Cena destroying Nexus was to be expected; not good, but expected. :roll: And why in the hell is Hornswoggle in the RR? :bomb:

Edge vs Ziggler was a very good match that was the best choice to start the show off. This was the best WHC match for months. As much as I like Kane, his title defenses were really slow, plodding and boring. Edge looked good here and I'm sure working with a guy who can actually work made it easier for him. I'm not saying that Ziggler carried Edge, but it sure made him work better. The fact that Edge didn't use the Spear until the end actually made him look better by using different moves. My only problem is what the fuck was Kelly Kelly doing there? Isn't she involved with Drew BorEntire?

Orton vs Miz was typical of the matches these two have had with each other lately. A little boring, but Orton's style is slow and boring, while Miz can't really show off any good moves (if can pull them off) because he's a "chicken-shit" heel.

The Diva's match was pretty stupid. A perfect opportunity to introduce Kong and they blow it. She didn't have to win the title, but why not have her there? Instead they have Eve win the belt and naturally McCool gets a piin at the same time. So I guess we'll see her get yet another ppv payday against Eve at Elimination Chamber. :cry:

I'll be honest, I had thought all along that Cena was going to win the rumble. Del Rio is a great choice. He can wrestle and talk and has ton's of heat. Looking forward to him at WM 27. I was also a little disappointed that both Ziggler and Orton were in the RR. Getting rid of those two and Horny would free up three spots for more surprise entrants (including HHH).

I do hope the rumors of Rey vs Rhodes in a "Mask vs Mask" match are true. Keeping Mysterio far away from the title (any title) is a good thing. And is WWE going to build a Nash/Big Show match? After watching the WCW dvd set, I can tell that Show has legit heat against Nash. But Show never wins at WM, so if this does happen, I hope Show wins and not a over-the-hill Nash.

I'm actually looking forward to WM 27 this year!
One thing I loved about this Rumble is that showed, at least for now, that creative isn't afraid to leave its Comfort Zone. Sure Edge retained, but so did Miz (over Orton of all people), and Del Rio, a guy who's been on the roster for less than a year, won the Rumble.

Also, we're all guessing as to how things are gonna go at EC. This is probably a first, because in years past we could call every match to the tee. I'm curious as to who Edge can or will drop the belt to at EC. I'd like to see Dolph win it. He'd make a good transitional champ, but no one wants to see him and Del Rio go at WM should be decide to go after the Big Gold Belt since they're both heel and all, but I can't really think of anyone else aside from Rey he could feud with and have it work.

I hope this is a sign that they're sick of being complacent and are ready to shake things up in the booking.
[quote name='007']It may have been a one-off appearance, but after that glance, I'd totally be okay with Big Show/Diesel at WM. It gives Nash a moment, and it gets Big Show away from everything else, since he really doesn't fit anywhere. They also have a nice history to work with. [/QUOTE]

I agree it was probably a one-off but I would have to think after he got the biggest reaction of the night there has to be talks inside the company to see what they can do with him. I know I was like an 8 year old when he came out. The live crowd was huge and I was surprised by that too. I didn't expect too many fans today to know the Diesel character.
The crowd isn't all children and they certainly weren't the ones making all that noise obviously. People who are 21 now would have literally been 6 (not just acting like it due to nostalgia) when he was WWF World Champion for a year. Anybody older than that would definitely know him.

At the very least, I'm glad that people can still enjoy WWE and become uber-marks for a night even if they're being fed the same old. It shows that there's still magic in even stale wrestling and that means it's here to stay and possibly be revolutionized again.
[quote name='Iron Clad Burrito']

Thank you!!

The Royal Rumble is the only PPV I get to excuse myself for being an absolute mark, and that's why it's on the road to Wrestlemania. *points at sign*
Does anybody really believe that WWE isn't trying to fuck TNA by signing Nash and Booker? A few reports say McMahon doesn't follow the TNA product, but I really feel like that's probably (1) true and (2) beside the point. Not watching the show ≠ not being aware of it. Hell, I've watched about an hour of Impact since November and I still know what's going on w/ the product (and I don't have a team of advisors telling me about it either).
[quote name='mykevermin']Does anybody really believe that WWE isn't trying to fuck TNA by signing Nash and Booker? A few reports say McMahon doesn't follow the TNA product, but I really feel like that's probably (1) true and (2) beside the point. Not watching the show ≠ not being aware of it. Hell, I've watched about an hour of Impact since November and I still know what's going on w/ the product (and I don't have a team of advisors telling me about it either).[/QUOTE]

McMahon probably doesn't watch and knows they aren't a real threat, But of course his consultants keep an eye on the TNA going ons and recommend ways to screw them over.
I think that McMahon has accomplished what he always wanted, to make WWF/E shine and make everyone look like second stringers. He doesn't care about anything else. Any other promotion is basically just training grounds for WWE, he'll pluck the talented ones away and leave the rest to rot. It's all part of the McMahon ego, hell I'm surprised he doesn't have Ted Turner's head on a mantle.
Nash has no place on television, anymore... let alone as an in-ring talent.

People thought he shouldn't have been on TV in TNA, but think he's gold in WWE. Wat?
Nash is good enough on the mic and has the nostalgia factor to be employed. He certainly shouldn't be anywhere near a belt or the focal point of a company. Like I said, some kind of two-month build, one-off program with Big Show at WM would be fine with me. Anything else? Not so much.

I don't think McMahon even thought of TNA with the Booker/Nash thing. Honestly, it's likely just poor timing on TNA's part. I'd have to guess that WWE sends feelers out around the beginning of the year to anyone remotely 'name-value' that isn't currently employed. Both Booker and Nash both happened to not have contracts, both like money, and both, really, have spoken out about being unhappy with TNA anyway. I'm pretty sure that Nash has even publically said that if he goes back to TNA, it's just for a gig and that he'd *always* choose WWE if it were an option.

While I'd like to think that Vince is somewhere laughing about 'hahaha, fuck TNA!', I can't imagine that's the case. A company that allows Hulk Hogan to be on the cover of a huge game release while being a focal point of TNA's main storyline probably isn't concerned about making sure TNA doesn't gain any traction. Bad timing, nothing more. As stupid as it sounds, too, without knowing whether it's a one-time thing or not, this doesn't necessarily mean either of them won't end up back in TNA anyway.

I'd like to think that if Vince really, truly wanted to hurt TNA by getting an older guy, he'd offer Sting some seriously ungodly amount of money to show up a handful of times. That'd send a message.
Joey Styles interview with Nash, via How does it feel to be back in a WWE ring?

DIESEL: I wish I had a thesaurus, so I could explain it. It’s nice to be in a building with people [laughs]. When you get in this business, you strive to get to WWE, and when it’s time to hang up your boots, you definitely want to end up a Yankee. So, if this was my last one, I couldn’t be happier. Are you saying you expect this to be your last night in the ring?

DIESEL: I hope not. I know Randy Orton, he’s got pull around here [laughs]. I’d stay as long as they’ll have me, or as long as my body will hold on. Speaking of which, it looked like The New Nexus got a good jump on you.

DIESEL: Yeah, they would definitely test my durability. Hey, I’ve been around a long time, I’m sure there’s a lot of people that want to take a shot at me. Anything to that stare between you and Big Show?

DIESEL: A lot of history there, either together or on the opposite side of the ring. I’ve probably had 200 matches with Big Show in my life. He’s still probably the most impressive physical specimen I’ve been in the ring with – by far the strongest, still the measuring stick. I’d like to give him another run for his money. When’s the last time you actually had the jet-black Diesel hair?

DIESEL: I feel young with this hair. I want to go with ’96. It was a while ago. Any final words for the WWE Universe?

DIESEL: Unexplainable to be back, a dream come true, a wonderful night. I was trying to think, What tops this? When I won the WWE Title against Bob [Backlund] at Madison Square Garden, I didn’t really realize what I had. There are definitely more years behind me than ahead of me, so you appreciate these things. It was special tonight. It was probably the best night for me.
[quote name='masked lemon']To me, it's pretty telling that the Boston crowd died when Cena came out.

Deja Vu. I swear I have typed that before here.[/QUOTE]

I thought it was funny when I read about Cena and Orton doing a staredown in front of the Wrestlemania sign...which got no reaction from the crowd.
Now that I've finally seen the Rumble, I can post in here:

Edge vs. Ziggler was an AMAZING match! I wasn't a fan of Ziggler before, but fucking hell, I love the guy now! He and Edge were amazing in that match, and halfway through it, I was almost rooting for him to win! Now I see why the guy was given a title shot in the first place.

Orton/Miz as kinda meh to me. I said before that Miz was gonna win, but points for the appearance boy my boy Punk for taking Orton out, and I've got to admit, I love Alex Riley. That dude makes for an awesome lapdog for Miz.

The Divas 4 way match was a clusterfuck, but almost in a good way. But, Eve? Really? Why not have Natalya retain? Or have Beth Phoenix in the match? Or even Amazing Kong!? SOMEONE WHO CAN fuckING WORK A GOOD GOD DAMN MATCH!!! Points for the double sharpshooter

The Rumble match itself was damn awesome with Punk and Danielson (fuck Daniel Bryan. The man's name is Bryan Danielson) starting it off. I, in my widest dreams never though I'd ever see Punk and Danielson in a WWE ring, facing off (even if it wasn't a 1 on 1 match.) I love How Punk was such an asshole throughout the match when he got Nexus in to help him, and they were tossing dudes left and right. Leave it to Cena to fuck it up though.... I was REALLY hoping Punk would pull out the match, even though my pick was for ADR to win. I thought during the Nexus' reign in the match, HHH was going to play cleaner, but, as we all know, it didn't happen. Glad Miz returned Punk's favor and got rid of Cena's ass! And why the fuck was Hornfuckingswoggle in the match?! They could plug Beth Phoenix in that spot? They didn't have anyone else on the damn roster?! I'm tired of that little fuck! Oh, and fuck Orton for blindsiding Del Rio! He didn't do shit to you! Eh, as long as Cena, Orton, HHH or Mysterio didn't win, I'm happy. (Was sorta rooting for Milky to win it too though...)

All in all, it was a pretty good Rumble. Not the best, but not horrible.
Really enjoyed the Del Rio win... even though he did very little in the match. I'll also be the first to admit that I didn't mind some of the comedy bits in the match.

I saw someone mention that they wouldn't mind seeing Rey v Del Rio at Mania. Apparently, Rey has planned a hand-picked feud with Cody Rhodes that will run into Mania. Not sure I want to see that match ever... let alone at Mania.

Not sure if any of you followed the original line-up for the Rumble match... but Primo and Darren Young must have been iced just before the event went live. still had them listed as being Rumble participants.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']
Not sure if any of you followed the original line-up for the Rumble match... but Primo and Darren Young must have been iced just before the event went live. still had them listed as being Rumble participants.[/QUOTE]

DH Smith got pulled too. Because, you know, they just HAD to have Hornswoggle in.
For me to take Ziggler seriously, he needs to find a new finisher that doesn't look like something cooked up on a trampoline in someone's backyard.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']DH Smith got pulled too. Because, you know, they just HAD to have Hornswoggle in.[/QUOTE]

Ah... good call. Is it just me, or could they have just kept it a 30-man match? I mean, they could have dropped Hornswoggle, JTG, Tyson Kidd, half of Nexus, and imho Orton and Ziggler. I hate when they take the losers from the evening's title matches and throw them into the Rumble.
[quote name='bardockkun']Is it weird Sheamus became one of my favorite wrestlers after he got rid of Hornswoggle?[/QUOTE]

Shame on you for not loving Sheamus in the first place! But no, it's not weird at all. I was gonna back anyone who booted that little fuck in the face.

[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']Ah... good call. Is it just me, or could they have just kept it a 30-man match? I mean, they could have dropped Hornswoggle, JTG, Tyson Kidd, half of Nexus, and imho Orton and Ziggler. I hate when they take the losers from the evening's title matches and throw them into the Rumble.[/QUOTE]

I'm a bit torn on that. I think Corre shouldn't have been in, since they never truly clashed with Nexus. Then again, the Nexus/Corre thing isn't an 'at the forefront' storyline. Nexus needed to be in there for Punk. The story of the Rumble was Punk and Nexus dominating the first half, so Nexus NEEDED to be there. Even Otunga with his ridiculous mohawk. But, JTG, Kidd, Orton, Ziggler, Hornswoggle, and a few others could've sat this rumble out and kept it a 30 man event.
Man, it's a little disheartening to see how many people Hornswaggle outlasted in the Rumble:

* CM Punk - 35:22
* John Cena - 33:18
* Wade Barrett - 22:24
* Kofi Kingston - 21:05
* Daniel Bryan - 20:56
* Rey Mysterio Jr. - 19:08
* Sheamus - 18:18
* Husky Harris - 15:59
* Michael McGillicutty - 15:07
* John Morrison - 13:22
* Santino Marella - 12:55
* Alberto Del Rio - 12:33
* Ted Dibiase Jr. - 12:16
* David Otunga - 11:57
* Hornswoggle - 9:39
* Randy Orton - 8:20
* Ezekiel Jackson - 7:14
* Mark Henry - 7:03
* Yoshi Tatsu - 5:35
* Dolph Ziggler - 5:02
* Jack Swagger - 4:51
* Drew McIntyre - 4:46
* Mason Ryan - 4:30
* William Regal - 4:10
* The Big Show - 3:31
* Alex Riley - 3:16
* Diesel - 2:44
* Chavo Guerrero - 2:01
* Chris Masters - 1:57
* Kane - 1:36
* JTG - 1:48
* The Great Khali - 1:16
* Booker T - 1:08
* Justin Gabriel - 0:58
* Heath Slater - 0:57
* Tyson Kidd - 0:52
* Zack Ryder - 0:43
* Vladimir Kozlov - 0:40
* Tyler Reks - 0:34
* R-Truth - 0:30
[quote name='Purple Flames']
* Hornswoggle - 9:39

Are you kidding me?! Almost 10 fucking minutes?!!? Felt like an eternity.... 10 fucking minutes...Just get rid of him already!!!
So Kane wound up with 1:36 total time and ZERO eliminations. Love how they hyped that he was only a handful of eliminations behind HBK during his 40th entrant entrance.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']So Kane wound up with 1:36 total time and ZERO eliminations. Love how they hyped that he was only a handful of eliminations behind HBK during his 40th entrant entrance.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that really sucked. And they didn't let the cleaners (Show and Kane) do their job!
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