The sound on the DS is reminding me of the good ol' SNES days...


Remember popping in Metroid as a youth and saying, "WOW, Nintendo has revolutionized the gaming industry with it's sound capabilities." Or Actraiser? ChronoT? The list goes on and on.

But let's talk about the little handheld.

Fast-forwarding many years, I'm finding myself popping on a set of headphones, more and more and plugging into my DS. A lot of great soundtracks/scores are being crammed onto these little plastic carts.

What are some of the more aurally impressive carts (or your favorite) you've played?

I really like the score in Phoenix Wright. It adds a lot when you hear the beats kick into overdrive. No objection here.

For further (possible) evidence of improving sound capabilities, inspired by the more general DS thread happening concurrently, I would like to give a nod to 1701 A.D...

I have to wonder - is this really going to be the score for this DS game? (or was it lifted from the PC title?) It sounds orchestrated. Wow. Bring this s**t on!
I'm guessing that trailer is scored with music from the PC game and the DS cart will have a downsampled version, sort of like how music from Rondo Of Blood was used in Circle Of The Moon.

Has this been announced for the U.S. yet?
I agree with Phoenix Wright's score being one of the better ones on the DS. It really does help to drive the story, ESPECIALLY that overdrive beat that you're referring to. I don't find myself being as into playing when I'm not playing with sound.
To get he most out of your DS sound, use headphones. The DS hardware can produce higher quality sound than the DS speakers are capable of putting out.
I just got some good headphones to go with my mp3 player a few weeks ago, so i just recently discovered the wonder that is DS gaming with headphones.

Animal Crossing sounds amazing with headphones and the game set to surround. It creates an entirely new ambience and immersion.
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