The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

Those anti-abortion politicians are pretty hypocritical. First they say a fetus is an actual person, but in a blink, they'll cut the programs that would make said person become a productive member of society. Do they try to educate the public about how to prevent an unwanted pregnancy? Nope, they expect people to keep their legs shut, much like they expect a heroin or meth addict to just say no.

The term is pro-birth, because pro-life is pretty socialist.

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Strawman much?

Saying "You can't murder other people." isn't anywhere in the same ballpark as "You have to give up your belongings to support other people."
You can't murder other people, but society is free to let them die of starvation, illness, homelessness, ignorance, negligence, etc.

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Pretend you are the doctor at a prestigious medical facility. You have five patients come in.
The first two are both dying of kidney failure. If they don't each get a new kidney in the next 24 hours, they wil die.
The third guy is dying of liver failure. Same timeline.
Fourth guy's heart is going. Looking at a very similar timeline.

Fifth guy stubbed his toe. X-ray shows it's not even broken. This guy magically happens to be a compatible donor for the four other guys.

Do you make the decision to end his life so that you may save the other four people?
Should I feel sorry for Kim Davis, as she is in jail for her religious beliefs, which affect her secular job? Where were her supporters decades ago when Blacks were marrying Whites? Did the Bible explicitly say that was a big nono?

I have a couple of issues with the Kim Davis situation.

A.) Why is there no system in place to remove a government employee that flatly refuses to do his/her job? *That* needs to be addressed.

B.) The judge had the option to fine Mrs. Davis instead of jailing her - but chose not to because she had means to pay the fines. What the f***? Not that she's a flight risk, not that she poses an immediate danger to herself or others - but because she can pay the fines. This is not how our legal system should operate.

C.) As much of an ignorant, backwards, horrible bigot that Mrs. Davis is, she shouldn't be in jail (the above rant aside). She's in jail for violating a court order, but that court order was "Hey, do your job." Should courts really have the ability to jail people for refusing to do their job? That's a scary precedent - and one I cannot get behind.
Well, Davis was elected into office, though the job was basically nepotism anyway.

The Kim Davis thing is a clear example of how this could play out fifty years ago, since there were laws back then against Blacks marrying Whites, and those laws came from "religious beliefs."

It does bring up an interesting conundrum though - it's an elected position... what would happen if Mrs. Davis was booted from office, but won re-election?

Although unimportant to the stupidity and bigotry of Mrs. Davis, I do feel it's important to note for the purposes of this thread, Mrs. Davis is a Democrat.
What does that matter if she's a Democrat? Everyone knows that the Republicans get things done to their lockstep unity. Democrats don't due to their diversity. And plenty of "independents" don't actually vote independent.

She's acting like a bigot, and that is clear and simple.

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She's a southern democrat, there's a particular distinction there. Nevertheless, it really doesn't matter what her party affiliation is.
The party affiliation isn't a concern - just that this thread is about "Republicans", so it was funny to have a Democrat be the subject of conversation. ;)

And yes, she's a bigot and an idiot.  Very much so. ;)

We jail protestors so whats wrong with jailing her.  She is basically sitting in the office and PROTESTING against doing her job and impeding gov't services.  Thats sounds pretty jail-able to me.

Hey Uncle B, did you stick up for MLK or Occupy Wall St or all those MEDIA NEWSMEN who were thrown in jail in Ferguson for doing what the Bill of Rights actually protects?  They were not interfering with anyone except exercising their 1st amendment right, some thing Kim Davis is not doing but being a impediment to government. 

Well, I didn't stick up for King, since that was many years before I was born.  You can go back and read the Occupy threads to hear my thoughts on it.  I even sent some money to a few of the uStream "reporters" so they could get mobile batteries and such as they were broadcasting.  Not much, but it was something.

So, question - if we're going to jail government officials for blatantly disobeying the law and refusing to perform their duties as described by the law... when do we start processing every single Federal agent in Colorado, California, Illinois and any other state that has "legalized" marijuana in direct violation of the FDA and Federal Law?

Actually feds have raided states with legalized MJ

However the question you need to ask is who has more rights or whose rights take precedence over the other: the individual, the state gov't, or the federal gov't

And it goes down to the word "discretion" the gov't retains absolute discretion for the laws they can choose to enforce or not enforce.  Don't blame me blame the gov't.

This is why if the gov't sets its eyes on you, they will find hundreds if not thousands of ways to fark you over with their laws if they want.  Sodomy is against the law, in many states you don't see them arresting porn stars and knocking down doors anymore right?

However if you tend to go with someone who is younger than the say certain age, all of a sudden that "never really enforced" law is now used against you, even tho there are other laws that already cover against that.  So you are hit with 2 charges instead of one, when one of them is rarely to never ever enforced.

Same thing in Fugerson, the don't walk on the street law, never really enforced but see a "blackie" ( cop mentality ) all of a sudden that law is now enforceable.  In Arizona, maybe see a "spanish brownie", law become fully active.

Just like providing material support to terrorist is AGAINST the Law, yet the USA is the biggest ARMS DEALER in the world,  who funded Bin Laden, Saddam Hussien had loads of US bills, who fund our new ISIS allies, yup the US Gov't.   We are the biggest state sponsor of terrorism.  We want a nuke free world, well guess who supplied nukes to many of the countries that didn't have nukes in the first place.

Is that fair or a miscarriage/unfair/inappropriate/unconstitutional use of justice/punishment/application of law: That's something you can ponder on

There is a old saying man in itself are all capable of great evils, however when men becomes a group by formation of a "gov't/or authoritative body" they now can institutionalized/justify those evils

Which is why the biggest law breakers are the gov't itself, or ones who make their laws

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News is saying Kim Davis is free, and the Republicans are still flocking to this Democrat like a graven idol. They really ignore the fact that even the Westboro Church calls her a whore.


The top left corner of this picture is an amazing thing.

The "Eye of the Tiger" mess is amazing. I hope the artists refuse to settle and just keep it in court to tie this up. I don't feel like they're really concerned about the money...
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Wow, Ben Carson is like #2 to Trump's #1. And apparently his shtick is basically playing the calm guy compared to Trump's angry idiot. On one hand, he sounds like he's cribbing from Fuhrer Obama's manners in the media, on the other hand, he's the neurosurgeon who says: all ex-cons are gay people, evolution is a myth, the IRS is the gestapo, people taking college level history courses will become terrorists, etc. etc.

To tell the truth, between him and Ted Cruz, I'm rather worried about what he ISN'T saying, especially what is Carson's plan when he becomes the President.  These candidates are apparently rich-college educated men with flourishing careers, but they pander to the loudest idiots in the country. Well, it's not like anybody is going broke patronizing the intelligence of the American public.

How many of you are glad that Planned Parenthood is being shut down? The Louisiana State Government is, and they know that dentists can take care of most of the services PP provides. JindalCare not good enough for you?
Louisiana pulled their case at the last moment yesterday (when the judge was expected to make his ruling) knowing that they were going to lose it and are instead trying a different tack, saying that they are cutting off PP over a Medicare fraud settlement with Texas in which PP admitted no guilt.

It's still a load regardless. PP doesn't do abortions in Louisiana, plus most of its services involve keeping people STD free, especially in states with abstinence-only education. If abstinence really worked, we wouldn't need Planned Parenthood.

Wow, Ben Carson is like #2 to Trump's #1. And apparently his shtick is basically playing the calm guy compared to Trump's angry idiot. On one hand, he sounds like he's cribbing from Fuhrer Obama's manners in the media, on the other hand, he's the neurosurgeon who says: all ex-cons are gay people, evolution is a myth, the IRS is the gestapo, people taking college level history courses will become terrorists, etc. etc.

To tell the truth, between him and Ted Cruz, I'm rather worried about what he ISN'T saying, especially what is Carson's plan when he becomes the President. These candidates are apparently rich-college educated men with flourishing careers, but they pander to the loudest idiots in the country. Well, it's not like anybody is going broke patronizing the intelligence of the American public.
Never underestimate the general public's love for a religious man...

Carson comes across as a slightly more articulate George W. I mean we're not gettin any "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... Well just don't fool me twice" moments but if he got elected I guarantee you they'd have to have extended conversations with him about how the football isn't a actual football. And this guy is a doctor for god's sake...
Just watched the debate and for me another big plus for Rubio. He's got my vote and he comes across as one of the few sane republicans.

I agree that florina had a strong night. But I noticed that pretty much everything she said was bullshit. I guess if you don't know your facts but you state a lie like it's the word of god, people believe it anyway.

I'm serious. I literally don't think she stated a single fact tonight that was totally true. The planned parenthood videos, the navy military readiness, the statistics on mass incarceration and drugs, and on and on and on. But the red meat republicans ate it up.

I just can't vote for people who don't know what they're talking about.
I do think Rubio won the debate in terms of debate performance but the man is a complete rino. He along with almost every republican talked about being fiscally conservative and protecting state rights, yet each of them will violate it without any hesitation. 

Everyone besides Rand Paul was awful on foreign policy. Shoot first, ask questions later seems to be the republican approach. No wonder young people flock to third parties and the democrats. 

Fiorina (and others) seemed to have this weird delusion where Russia & Syria haven't been tight for decades and the US is squandering some relationship with Syria that never existed.  The idea that Putin would tell the Saudis "The US won't protect you, they didn't protect Syria!" and gain leverage in Saudi Arabia is ridiculous given that US-Saudi relations are light years different than US-Syrian relations.

Agreed that Fiorina seemed really good at saying total bullshit forcefully and in a way that appealed to the base.  HP is the major albatross for her but, around here, driving past the old Lucent campus is reminder enough to stay away from her business "credentials".

Oh yeah, how is the Republican Congress doing with the act to help those heroes and their health care? Is it this: or is it this:

I mean, Congress has to pass a budget in the next month, or at least an extension of it. But from what I hear, they're still hung up on one issue, willing to shutdown the government once again, Planned Parenthood:


Sure this is a 2009 chart, but it does one really think pregnancies increased soo much to warrant a HUUUUUGE jump in abortions that babies would have to be literally cut out of their mothers screaming and be sold for profit? What kind of country would allow such pregnancies to happen? If so, the issue isn't Planned Parenthood at all, but something even worse.

Forget all that. Republicans need to show America that abstinence education works 100%, because people have got to stop going to PP.

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It's certainly unquantifiable but just imagine how many unwanted pregnancies they've outright prevented vs how many they've terminated. But hey, I guess we might as well go back to the days where you can only have sex if you want to risk getting pregnant.
I think the CBO estimated a couple thousand new births over ten years without Planned Parenthood getting funding.

More to the politics side, something like 70% of Americans don't want to see the government shut down over PP funding.  But the other 30% are the ones voting in GOP primaries and who the Republicans feel the need to appease.  So do you shut down the government over PP and look stupid to 70% of the country going into the 2016 elections or do you leave it alone and get primaried out by a "real conservative"?

The organization who released those allegedly real videos of Planned Parenthood selling fetuses for profit, is refusing to release evidence to the courts, trying to plead the fifth. And it seems, Carly Fiorina was lying about the screaming babies, as any politician would.

Kim Davis may have altered the marriage licenses handed out by her office, which could send her back to prison.

Well, the Pope gave his speech today in front of Congress. Preached Christian- actually humanitarian values, especially the virtues of not being a dick. How will the GOP Congress respond, when it's only 5 days to pass a freakin' bill.

Well, the Pope gave his speech today in front of Congress. Preached Christian- actually humanitarian values, especially the virtues of not being a dick. How will the GOP Congress respond, when it's only 5 days to pass a freakin' bill.
Oh, you may not have heard. The Republicans are against religion in politics since the Pope has been speaking of liberal-leaning values.

Meanwhile in Kentucky, Kim Davis's religion is very important with regard to politics...

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Good thing the Republicans have made the silent majority able to take a joke to the point where it's too late to stop joking.

It is funny how we constantly complain about Obama "violating" the Constitution, when our loudest politicians are free to force their religious law on all Americans, secular or not. But we also gotta keep an eye out for Sharia Law tho.

Why do the Republicans the main thumpers of religion stands for everything OPPOSITE of what the Pope/religion actually preaches?

You think the republicans are actually the d" evil in "god" clothings?

I should remind y'all that "Catholicism isn't poison in American federal politics" is a relatively recent development. Like, you've gone from this to Kennedy having to give a speech about how he wouldn't take orders from the Vatican to now.

Not bad, ya Mary-worshipping papists.

I'm no particular fan of religion which is why it bothers me that much more when the republicans rely on it as a basis for their position. They do it for 2 reasons: because they know it plays to their base and because they think it somehow makes their position more legitimate (i.e. The bible says gay marriage isn't ok, among other things). It allows them to completely sidestep having to support and defend the position they take on certain issues.

But when it's inconvenient that their positions don't fall in line with religion, they simply ignore it. Greed, for instance. Helping the poor, as another example. Now the Pope, the single most prominent religious figure in the world, comes out supporting platforms that tend to have a more liberal-leaning stance and suddenly religion shouldn't be in politics? Bullshit, plain and simple. This pope's popularity has begun to transcend religious boundaries and they're suddenly going to take the stance that he shouldn't be involved in politics?
bread's done